Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

BT Firefighter Recommends No Use of Aerial Fireworks

C. J. Kuronya, Assistant Chief with Bethlehem Township Volunteer Fire Co.,has some good advice about new fireworks laws guaranteed to keep firefighters, police and other first responders busy on Independence Day.

Do Not Use Aerial Fireworks

Stay 150' Away From Residences

Be Aware That Township Ordinances Might Be Stricter Than State Law.


  1. I don't touch them and it bothers me when neighbors do use them. Go see a real fireworks show in Bethlehem or Allentown or the baseball stadium. Someone always gets hurt or property is damaged. Stay safe and Happy 4th!!!!

  2. Cops and fire guys love to preach but they are the ones with the best stuff. The state law allows fireworks. The local laws are not the state and do not supersede the state law.

  3. Doesn't state law trump township?

  4. So how many people will listen to the "stay 150 feet away?" I fear a house or brush fire.

  5. These fire fighters are worse than most that they are preaching to....just saturday nite I was a quest at a prty where 6 beth twps vol. were there and they were setting off some serious aerials,,,but I quess its ok to have a double standard as a fireman after all ..the cops preach don't drink and drive and they are the worst offenders at that!!!! come catch me if you can i'll be setting off fireworkas all week!!!BIG AND DANGEROUS TOO!!!

  6. State law does not trump local ordinances forbidding fireworks. State law allows you to buy them, but not to set them off in a municipality that forbids their use.

  7. Fireworks on the fourth of July are fine. But when you set them off next to my house and you cause my infant children to wake up screaming and half scared to death, then you are an irresponsible infantile mental case. You also don't need to set them off one week before and one week after the holiday. I have a dog that I will tranquilize this fourth of July. The vet gave me a mild sedative for my dog. She goes into a frenzy and can't find a way to escape the loud noises. She shakes and runs around the house trying to find a place to hide. The idiot who causes most of this grief for us residents is a volunteer at our local fire department. Talking to this idiot didn't do no good. Believe me, we tried. I'll wake up on July the fifth with bare spots in my yard from small dynamite sticks and fireworks remnants on my roof. Thank God this nut job doesn't burn down my house.
    Not all neighbors are like this nut job and we thank our local firefighters for the great job that they do in our community. you are respected by most who live here. But there always seem to be one in every crowd. Celebrate the fourth for what it is and most of all be safe and respect your neighbors

  8. 840 put the dog to sleep end its misery...cause the 4th is coming!!!!!!

  9. Let’s hope Bernie starts the 4th with a bang !

  10. "State law does not trump local ordinances forbidding fireworks. State law allows you to buy them, but not to set them off in a municipality that forbids their use."

    You are correct. Local government can adopt tighter restrictions or even ban them.

    "840 put the dog to sleep end its misery...cause the 4th is coming!!!!!!"

    Another selfish and ugly American. In addition to upsetting pets, firework soften are a trigger to vets who suffer from PTSD. Should we put them to sleep, too?

  11. Evan fireworks places are dangerous. I spent days with Albert Oppermann,a DuPont explosive mining engineer . He “shot “ the largestest commercial blast in the free world . He used sugar . He went with the “product “ that was sold so the contractor s in places like Atlantic City that brought down the old hotels wouldn’t kill themselfs,thus no client . He was there when Col.Sanders had his windows blown out in Ky.and the snake farm in Marshals Creek ,PA. After firemen were evaporated because they didn’t listen. So ,I’m riding down 95 with him in his Buick Riv. Factory Convertible and I say to him -“ let’s get some stuff for the 4th” . He said when those tent blow up nobody gets out alive. NO ! Now here is a guy that knew stuff and he says the public are dangerously purchasing by the unknowing risk. So don’t buy this crap.

  12. This is the problem with our country today. Pour constant sate of war with the world in order to prop up our military industrial complex means we must glorify war and warriors. So now everything is somehow connected to the flag and soldiers. Hell until the Defense Department paid pro sports to play up the flag and have soldiers at every event public protest at a game was nonexistent. The fireworks are constant. We have been conditioned to believe that all of this nonsense is somehow patriotic and American and if you disagree you are some sort of evil unpatriotic, un-American scumbag.

    We have a problem and constant fireworks and guns are symptoms, this is 'MERICA' in the 21st century!

  13. My back door neighbor is an Allentown cop. We don't live in Allentown. He was setting off fireworks all night last night. My dog was frightened to death and there is no way he was 150ft away from any of his neighbors homes.

  14. Anon 9:34 the post you made is out of context. DOD was playing PsyOps to an audience that their market people they pay for thought would be good prospecting . Well they failed ,and got caught. This issue is absolutely no reflection on any military personal, the average guy or gal has nothing to do with it. So, your issue Of Prop Up our military is because you are most likely a leftist and you see things in terms of propaganda that might be pro- American . Ok you have this right . Had the Third Riecht won us over ,you sir might be somebody’s lampshade. I say you are with us or your not. What s the story. The Greek democracy didn’t work and we are suspect now.


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