Local Government TV

Monday, July 02, 2018

GPA Cancels July Meeting

At their June 21 meeting, Northampton County Council adopted a resolution seeking the resignations of General Purpose Authority (GPA) Chair Shawn Langen as well as that of its Solicitor, John Lushis.  The GPA has responded by canceling its July 10 meeting.


  1. They should resign. Maybe they are plotting to sue the county.

  2. I have interacted with Langden on another project. He came across to me as having an absolute sense of doing whatever he believed was right, without a sense of hearing other opinions. And when another opinion was forced to be heard he became angry and frustrated. John Lushis is an attorney from Scott Allinsons old firm. You may want to look at contributions to see how/why Lushis was appointed. Even though Allinson was not appointed, another attorney would be appointed, and I assume -but have no proof- that some of the credit would go to him. This is not the only Authority where this has happened.

    Langden needs to be removed. Now. I'm beyond thrilled that County Council is taking steps to do just that.

  3. Unless the state AG gets involved, this issue is dead.

  4. I heard sorrentino was shown the door at the firm and is now working fir lvhn

  5. True. Not sure he was shown the door.

  6. 12:05, if there is sufficient basis for a criminal investigation, the Feds are best equipped to handle it.

  7. TheZe parasitic lawyerz should be deported via catapultZ to the cisturnious waterz of the Hudson never to touch land again.

  8. So how does the county get the AG or the Feds to look into this. It is pretty clear Brown worked with someone to bypass the law and funnel money.

  9. They don’t. There are two parties: government and not government. They’re all in it together. Taxpayers have lied to and ripped off and nothing will be done. It’s just another day in government that ends in Y. And some wonder why we don’t trust our elected officials. They’ve richly earned our distrust and disdain.


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