Local Government TV

Thursday, May 10, 2018

A Mother's Story About John Morganelli

This is the John Morganelli I have been privileged to know for nearly 40 years. He has a proven record of listening to those who are ignored everywhere else. He stands up for what's right. He represents the best ideals, not just of the Democratic party, but the people of the Lehigh Valley.

He inspires us to be better.

I can think of no better person to succeed Charlie Dent as our representative in Congress.

We make that choice, not outside money from California.

There are those who say Democrats have lost their way. It's true that the party is splintered. There are the NextGen millennials, who shout down anyone who disagrees with them. They think freedom is the right to smoke weed. There are the "Lehigh Valley For All" Birkenstocks, who really are only for ALL elitists. They are much more concerned about being politically correct than actually helping people, although they will watch documentaries and drive Hybrids.

Morganelli is far more radical. His has always been a fight against the economic tyranny of a growing new international dictatorship. Corporate CEOs, our new economic royalists, dig themselves in with the savings of the average family, the capital of the small business man, the investments set aside for medical care and old age.

One of Morganelli's fellow radicals once said,
These economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of America. What they really complain of is that we seek to take away their power. Our allegiance to American institutions requires the overthrow of this kind of power. In vain they seek to hide behind the Flag and the Constitution. In their blindness they forget what the Flag and the Constitution stand for. Now, as always, they stand for democracy, not tyranny; for freedom, not subjection; and against a dictatorship by mob rule and the over-privileged alike. ...

We do not see faith, hope and charity as unattainable ideals, but we use them as stout supports of a Nation fighting the fight for freedom in a modern civilization.

Faith — in the soundness of democracy in the midst of dictatorships.

Hope — renewed because we know so well the progress we have made.

Charity — in the true spirit of that grand old word. For charity literally translated from the original means love, the love that understands, that does not merely share the wealth of the giver, but in true sympathy and wisdom helps men to help themselves.
This radical was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Morganelli, like Roosevelt, understands that government exists to help people. That's the real litmus test of a Democrat. John gets an A.


  1. You forgot to liken him to Albert Schweitzer.

  2. I don’t need to bc this mother clearly demonstrated why Morganelli belongs in Congress. He cares.

  3. The man is a miniature MLK.Jr., who knew.

  4. You know, if you actually want to convince people to vote for your preferred candidate, it's probably best not to dismiss the entire generation of voters under 35 as petulant crybabies who just want to smoke weed. It's almost like you haven't actually talked with any young people about politics and instead kind of just assume that a) you know what they want, and b) what they want is ridiculous.

  5. God Bless John Morganelli!

  6. 1:38, I haven’t. My criticism is aimed at a specific subset within NextGen America who acted like idiots. I am not the candidate. I am a blogger, and those people may not even vote from what I saw.

  7. Oh please Bernie. Morganelli is a politician, not the next coming of Christ.

  8. Stop the presses! JM walks on water!

  9. FDR interred an entire race. Aim high, Bernie.

  10. To Hell with political correctness and the pandering political parasites using catch line phrases for campaign slogans!
    republican redd
    humanist by design
    not a party favor

  11. It is really getting pathetically desperate, only problem is most people today don't even know who FDR is. It shows how old and out of touch you are Bernie.

  12. Wow, what a puff piece.

  13. Man Crush Alert

  14. Morganelli, like Roosevelt, understands that government exists to help people.

    Yeah, sure, that's why he embraces Trumpism and begged for a job with him and then when he started running, whitewashed the public record so no one would find out. Real trustworthy and his Trumpism screams "for the people".

    The number one objective in this election is to rid ourselves of Trump acolytes. To see this blog favor Trumpism is eye-opening.

  15. Break out the violins !!!

  16. This is the generation of Americans that you and your idols have cultivated, pampered and created. Now for some reason you cant convince them to be more reasonable. You reap what you sow.

  17. How can one possibly vote for a candidate who openly sought a position in authoritarian Donald Trump's administration? I just can't get past this. I don't like the purist zealots at all.
    This is a lesser of all evils choice, but the Trump thing is seriously evil. Anyone have a dartboard?

  18. Wow! The Wild folk are really getting fired up here. So sad they have to slum it with their negativity. Got three mailers in the past two days that were in horrible taste.

  19. Yes, these so-called progressives hate any message that diverges from their own. They are as intolerant as the extremists on the right and I would argue they are not really progressives, but bullies. I was very moved by that video.

    1. Agreed, so sad so many no longer pay attention to the messages, only the messengers.

  20. Yes, it made me go to, better than xlax.


  22. "How can one possibly vote for a candidate who openly sought a position in authoritarian Donald Trump's administration? I just can't get past this. I don't like the purist zealots at all."

    That's bc it'snot really true. John did congratulate Trump on his victory.There is no denying that. But the so-called job was actually humor on John's part. It was failed humor, but that's what it was.

    As this mother's story makes clear, John represents the best ideals of the Democratic party.

  23. "FDR interred an entire race. Aim high, Bernie."

    And he sent many people from other races to their deaths and was behind the development of the nuclear bomb. He was a wartime President who turned this nation around during a time of despair. Many of you smug assholes know very little about history and are oblivious to the very real concern that we would lose. Did FDR make mistakes along the way? Yes. But he did many more things right.

  24. It was failed humor, but that's what it was.

    That's his excuse. The tweets (now deleted) don't read that way. Why did he delete the "jokes"?

  25. I would delete a tweet I meant as humor if I saw it was being taken the wrong way. Also, there was no adoration. Although I never liked Trump, and have even more reasons for feeling that way now, I am aware that a significant number if Americans at least at one point did. I see nothing wrong with wishing him well. Your intolerance is showing.

  26. Remember, a vote for Morganelli is a vote to Impeach Trump once the Blue Wave rolls over the Trumpsters

  27. I see nothing wrong with wishing him well.

    Really? We've obviously become desensitized to who this man is and what he represents. A refresher of things Trump said BEFORE Morgnelli "wished him well".

    "When Mexico is sending its people, they're not sending their best. They're bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. And some, I assume are good people."

    "He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

    "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her whatever."

    "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next President."

    "I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, NJ, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down."

    "Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the US."

    "Putin is a strong leader. He's making mincemeat out of our President."

    "Although the Second Amendment people - maybe there is, I don't know."

  28. Yeah, call me intolerant of Trump as well.

  29. J Morganelli a new FDR for a new century.

  30. Relax..nobody reads this drivel anyway! JM has been exposed by his own words and deeds in the legit press. What Bernie says means squat.

  31. I'm still digesting the idea that a public official can delete his statements as if they never existed and then his sycophants are ok with it. Sounds like Trumpism.

  32. Which head on Mt. Rushmore is being replaced with John Morganelli's?

  33. Wow 2.43 thanks for refreshing Trumps great clarity and wisdom.

  34. What Morganelli and Dent have in common is that they are politicians through and through. They have both embraced you Bernie because, to be honest, they can take advantage of your praise here on the blog. I believe Dent bought you off with some coffee at Wegmans if I remember the story correctly. Anyway, like Dent JM has always given me the impression that he will go whichever way the wind blows. More so when he is running for an office which isn't DA. I get that he wants to be known for more than just being the DA, but ... grow a spine and have some resolve.

    Honestly if JM wins the Dem primary I might not vote for either him or the R in the general. Neither Nothstein or Browning are worthy of a vote. But I would rather have a R that can be run against in 2 years than a Dem I do not believe has a true belief of his or her convictions. Too many years of Dent I guess.

  35. Hamburgers work too.

  36. I find Bernie O'Hare getting taken to task for his open support and unwavering support for an open Trump supporter to be most entertaining, especially considering all the trash talking BO did prior to the unfortunate cancellation of Obama's hand-picked successor's long-awaited Grand Coronation.

    Time to hit your precious little delete button, Morganelli Man.

  37. Don't worry the O'Hare endorsement is the kiss of death. Remember county executive Callahan.

  38. 3:09, that is his personal twitter feed and he can do as he pleases there, especially if he sees that something he said in jest is being treated seriously. You have trouble wrapping your head around that but have no problem supporting a person who point blank lied when she promised Morganelli to stay positive.

  39. 2:43, the fact is that Trump won the election.it is completely understandable that John would be complimentary bc if Trump succeeds, so does the nation. Only the most intolerant among us fail to understand this.

  40. I'm having a problem with you people, don't you understand that Morganelli wants to pensions, one for being the DA and the other ones for being in Washington. Help John with your taxpayer dollars in his retirement years.

  41. He's pro-life. Which means he's not getting my vote

  42. He’s sincerely pro-life (wink).

  43. What's that supposed to mean? Is Wild the pro-death candidate?

  44. "If Trump succeeds, so does the nation." Gag me with a spoon! You cannot stand Trump. You trash him every chance you get. And yet to defend your mancrush Morganelli you think we should support Trump? You are a master of talking out both sides of your mouth.

  45. I despise Trump, but even I said after his election that we should want him to succeed because we as a nation succeed then as well. Are you so extreme that you would rather see this nation fail? Hopefully, the sensible center rejects your extremism.

  46. As I predicted that scummy group United Together was a Tom Severson scam. They just came out and endorsed Morganelli on tv in an Ad. Morganelli has lost all credibility

  47. Neither Severson nor Morganelli has a thing to do with this group. Who they endorse is their business. Just as NextGen and Emily’s List.

  48. If United Together endorsed Moragnelli, that is troubling. It would appear there is a connection.

  49. This is a free country, at least it will be unless Wild is elected. Morganelli has no more control over an endorsement by United Together, assuming there is one, than he has over you or me. I see nothing on that PAC's website indicating it supports John. I see nothing in print stating that it supports John. I don't watch TV. Are you lying for Wild?

  50. 2:43, the fact is that Trump won the election.it is completely understandable that John would be complimentary bc if Trump succeeds, so does the nation. Only the most intolerant among us fail to understand this.

    Yes, this works when you are talking about George W. Bush, someone with a modicum of integrity. I'm sorry, but the old norms don't apply any more when you are talking about this emotionally and intellectually incompetent man. You apparently disagree as does John Morganelli.

    You and John Morganelli support a President that openly mocked a physically disabled man and disgraced John McCain's service. A lot of us cannot and we do not see that as intolerant. We see you as overly tolerant of hate.

  51. This is a free country, at least it will be unless Wild is elected.

    Really? This statement is absurd.

  52. Nothing absurd at all, although I put it inartfully. I was referring to her election as the D nominee. If she is elected as the Dem nominee, that guarantees a GOP victory in the Fall and a growing trend towards authoritarianism.

  53. "You and John Morganelli support a President that openly mocked a physically disabled man and disgraced John McCain's service. A lot of us cannot and we do not see that as intolerant. We see you as overly tolerant of hate."

    Anyone who reads this blog knows I despise Trump, opposed him during the campaign, and have remained critical. On the day he was elected, I called him "a self-promoting con artist and who has historically been one of those establishment insiders. I do think the country will survive, but only barely."

    But I do want him to succeed bc if he does, so do we. I am disgusted by him, but want him to do well because he is the President. He has not done well.

  54. You support Trump by supporting Morganelli. This isn't difficult.

    I supported Morganelli in his past elections before he bowed to Trump. It's VERY disappointing. And enough with the old trope about supporting a President because if he does well, the country does well. This is exactly opposite. Trump doing well is pulling out of the Paris accord, pulling out of the JCPOA, breaking up families of illegal immigrants. I don't see that as the country doing well. The exact opposite in fact.

  55. It also implies that making fun of disabled people or tortured Vietnam vets or the Pope is ok.

    Like the famous photo of the Trump rally participants with matching "Fuck Your Feelings" shirts.

    JM has hooked his wagon to these clowns. And now you do too. As an old white guy myself, I can understand the ease at which we can make that transition. It says more about those who do not.

  56. "It also implies that making fun of disabled people or tortured Vietnam vets or the Pope is ok."

    It implies nothing of the sort. That is your own distortion.

  57. Of course it does, the moment JM wrote those glad-hand tweets Trump, he endorsed those things. And now they're accepted and normalized because not enough people are outraged at this behavior. Even you wish the President well in his endeavors which you somehow ascribe to being good for the country. Sad!

  58. Morganelli's complimentary remarks were far from an endorsement of the Donald's many flaws. You are over reaching, attempting to pound a square peg into a round hole so you can elect an admitted liar. You even now try to assert I am pro-Trump, which any person who reads this blog knows to be false. That's because you are an extremist and intolerant of any view that differs from yours. You are a big part of the problem.

    The best hope for the Lehigh Valley is John Morganelli, a man who follows his own conscience and who is decent and fair-minded. I can respect a person who supports Edwards bc he is a real progressive. Susan Wild is an elitist, just like you.

  59. Morganelli should pay for her next haircut

  60. " try to assert I am pro-Trump, which any person who reads this blog knows to be false."

    Listen, this isn't that difficult. Morganelli supports Trump, you support Morganelli. You implicitly support Trump by supporting Morganelli. I'm assuming you had math class or some other form of training in logic in Law school.

    And you finish off with the nightly Trumpian slur of "elitist". Congratulations.

  61. I can't cal you elitist. I'll call you stupid. Your argument is both false and illogical. It is false bc Morganelli never supported Trump. He may have supported some things that Trump supports. that does not translate into support of Trump.Also, your argument is illogical. If A supports B, and B supports C, it does not mean that A supports C.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.