Local Government TV

Monday, April 02, 2018

The Grey Gods and Exploding Targets

Last week, I told you that a Pennsylvania State Trooper is the person who was responsible for a series of three explosions in Upper Mount Bethel Township on March 18. He confessed that he was responsible the next day, and said it would never happen again. Upper Mount Bethel Chair John Bermingham has acknowledged on his Facebook page that someone confessed, and that someone is a state trooper. I reached out to this trooper, but he never returned my call. Instead, I received comments that attempt to trivialize what had happened, like "He didn't break any laws, moron." This matter was initially reported to the state police. They had "no information" concerning it. Yet across the river, in New Jersey, the Blairstown Police Department strangely knew all about it, calling it a series of "three controlled explosions" in Upper Mount Bethel. Nothing to see here. Move along.

A Northampton County Grand Jury has condemned a state police policy that allows it to investigate itself. Its 4,000 troopers are "not above the law," at least in Northampton County. The grey gods, as they are sometimes called, even attempted unsuccessfully to shut down a grand jury that criticized their arrogance. This opinion is shared by numerous local officers. They do acknowledge that the state police have superior resources.

What happened in Upper Mount Bethel on March 18 was three uncontrolled explosions that scared people to death and did shatter a few windows. Things could have turned out far worse.

"It was like nothing I ever heard," one resident tells me. The first explosion rattled resident's windows and popped ears. The third, and biggest explosion "sounded like a 747 landing on the house. We thought something hit our house."

This was all the handiwork of Trooper Daniel Jones, who admitted his involvement to township officials. He is described by some as arrogant. It is said that when he starts drinking, he likes to shoot. Nice combination. I gave him ample opportunity to respond to me and give me his side of the story. He never did. But he apparently is telling others that he was training.

I am aware of no law enforcement agency that uses exploding targets.

Under Pennsylvania law, a person is guilty of the third degree felony of risking a catastrophe if he creates a risk of catastrophe through the use of explosives. Given that 30 pounds of tannerite (a binary explosive) ere used, this person created the risk of setting off a fire that could have spread to people's homes.

Wildfire Today has documented several instances in which exploding targets have caused fires and injured or killed firefighters and others.

In Pennsylvania, State Rep. Dom Costa, Pittsburgh's former police chief, has authored a bill to ban the possession, transportation, and sale of exploding targets. He notes that the residue of binary explosives has been found at terrorist bomb sites. An FBI memo warns that "…exploding targets can easily be converted into improvised explosive devices (known as IED's)."

They've been banned in Maryland.

The NRA lists exploding targets as one of the seven ways children can have fun at the firing range. "These are on the top of the 'fun' list. The resounding 'BOOM' and puff of smoke is fun to see, hear and smell.


  1. This man should be prosecuted by the DAS. If not the old adage of if you are a cop you can get away with murder, still holds true. Maybe not murder but they have a fair amount of "perks" in the job. The NRA of which I am a former member continues it headlong rush into oblivion. Instead of being a positive advocate it will be the cause of gun owners losing more rights than they have to. As long as some old pig headed members continue to support the current insane leadership the end result is inevitable.

  2. Doesnt surprise me that Dan Jones never responded to you Bernie. Dan Jones is an arrogant SOB- he should be prosecuted.

  3. Bla, bla bla, you can make explosives from hundreds of things, no one hurt,just mind your own business.

  4. Trooper Daniel Jones is quite frankly a punk and was same in High School. How he ever got into the State Police is beyond. His father used to work at UMBT.

    717-657-4200 Call this number and let them know your disgust with this Trooper's Jones Actions!

    Its called "BPR" which stand for Bureau of Integrity & Professional Responsibility.

    Our twp. Supevisor's, No integrity, just entertainer's like "the voice of the people" (remember Hitler was the "voice of the people" in self grandstanding himself too). What a mess this clown is. Fools did nothing but gonna have a new ordinance...lets put that on the list with solving a world hunger or something too.

    Hopefully District Attorney John Morganelli will assign a detective and charge this immature man/child and get him out of that uniform as he is not mentally fit to have the responsibility or maturity to be a member of the Pa State Police!

    The PA State Police is NO Place for this kind of individual and I let BPR know and so should you- 717-657-4200 and rid ourselves of the "UMBT Bomber" PA State Police Trooper Dan Jones!

  5. Another big deal over nothing!

  6. Disgraced, long time disbarred homeless alcoholic PICS/NICS flunk expects a state trooper to grovel/ cower/ answer to lord God Ohare

    no answer

    hair trigger

    foam at mouth, spews venom, defame, ridicule


  7. Interesting Bernie.

    Perhaps the new slogan should be the "shady grey line"?

  8. Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips, did you record the deed you claim to have from your mommy?

  9. Much to do about nothing... anyone remember Robert Leone?

    The Robert Leone Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5eOknaXgYU

  10. Bernie , that’s nothing. Unless things have changed in the last decade ,the largest commercial blast in free world was done with sugar .,not ammoniam nitrate, nor RDX that right ,you put it in your coffee and on your kids cereal. . People are over reacting to a sound ,what would they do if something was really wrong. Kind of like living at Camp LeJeune

  11. Alcohol and guns are never a good combination.

  12. Not just st the sound, Peter. The sound waves broke a few windows. This reckless behavior could easily have started a fire.

  13. 717-657-4200 Trooper Dan Jones aka the UMBT Bomber who scares our kids, senior citizens, farm animals and wrecks havoc upon a 10 miles area. How about the douches at PSP Belfast for we know Nothing! we heard Nothing! We saw NOTHING?

    How about The Town Manager saying dont believe what you read in a blog? Hey Bernie? You lying? Ricky Fischer says you are!

  14. "How about The Town Manager saying dont believe what you read in a blog? Hey Bernie? You lying? Ricky Fischer says you are!"

    I don't believe Rick Fischer would accuse me of lying and what I have reported is accurate. In fact, UMBT Chair John Bermingham has admitted to the confession, although he declined to publicly name the bomber, probably bc he is a trooper. Here is an excerpt.

    "On Monday Night, we had a packed meeting to discuss the Ordinance on Exploding Targets. Prior to that meeting we had an individual come in and confess to shooting that night. He said he was the one who caused the explosion. However, as Due Process requires all avenues and reports need to be investigated and explored and we cannot comment publicly until an investigation is complete."

  15. Broke window s ,I highly dought that . . I was in aviation ordanance during the biggest bombing of Hanoi Christmas of 72 . There is no way anybody had windows break with any blast this man produced on his property , if he lives in a area you said he lives in . I strongly dought it. E= Mc 2 you would have to have the stuff I played with back then to do that . 2,000 Lbs Bomb only mounted on centerline of an F- 4 Phantom . Somebody is over stating a claim and I got C- Note that says they can’t prove it. . To produce that kind of energy you would need a 55 gallon drum and hit it with an Ap ,incendiary tied To to 3 others. Just like it’s How much would that cost anybody? Cost is obsorbanat. You need 4 times the power to get 2 times the blast. Window probably already broken in that area accross the boarder in N.J. And they probably never fixes them because they are disfuctional types over there. In trailers and hooches. Debate me ,nobody has no evidence that he was under the influence of any booze ,yet in here some body said that. - well horse crap. This condemnation of this man is strictly out of line , Bernie.

  16. Canary_In_CoalmineApril 2, 2018 at 6:52 PM

    Reading LVR is at the top of my fun list. Much safer.

  17. Peter, several people did complain on Facebook that the large explosion broke windows.

  18. Ya but who had said this . 5 people who live on same area that drink beer together will all complain about same issue no matter what it was . Sociology of human relationship and common complaint! Well I got a C - note to bet there is no evidence.anybodyi s windows broken as result . And just for other poster - just because I was dumb enough to get into Marine Corps as many of you were politically avoiding military service during A war , does not mean I can’t draw on it now and that probably suck personally .


  19. " I was dumb enough to get into Marine Corps as many of you were politically avoiding military service during A war , does not mean I can’t draw on it now and that probably suck personally ."

    Do "bone spurs" count?

  20. How is it that if people have a problem with crazy explosions they are not patriotic. What is with this crazy talk.

  21. Vietnam was not a war. like Korea it was a "conflict". Only the Congress can sanction a war.

  22. try

    1.34 lbs of TNT = 1 lb of C4 = 2.45 lbs of Tannerite

    it is also common to increase the blast effect with the tannerite being used as an detonator for a secondary charge.
    for example a plastic bag(several large garbage bags) holding an oxygen acetylene mixture as the secondary charge.

    dangerous but if the boom is what you want it is possible.

  23. Why oi9s DA Morganelli not going after this? Is he soft on police?

  24. This whole discussion is really stupid.

  25. Why don't all you p$&&y's that go under anonymous state your names. What are we scared of. What he did is not illegal and I'm with Peter in saying I find it very hard to believe that it broke windows across the river. At least he came foward to the township and admitted it, Which I'm sure half of you wouldn't do, by the amount of ANONYMOUS that I see on here. Peolpe have nothing better to do than gripe about someone who puts their life on the line everyday of the week to make sure you idiots are safe. Also what he does or how he acts during his free and personel time has no reflection on he carries himself as a trooper. Find something that will make a difference to complain about. You should all be thanking him for putting that uniform on everday.

  26. anon 9:14 The Vietnam War ,was a War without congress, true. But the United States of America is not the only criteria to any situation. We lost over 58,ooo people there . The 1st Americans where in Country about 1956 - The U.S.Air Force was in early ,before officially recognized. The Americal Division had troops that were the last “combat” troops to leave 29 March 1973 . This is Vietnam Veterans Day The problem with history ,is it repeats itself and elected officials keep falling into same hole . “ I walk down the street ,and I falll in a hole ,it’s not my fault ,I can’t get out. I walk down the street , I see the hole ,I still fall in , it’s not my fault. Who composed this ? I know do you ? Good by for awhile ,I out of here ,you deal with it ,till further notice . Your Patriot, Peter J.Cochran . I love you all really here because you must care or you would not comment . But I’m gone shortly .

  27. Nick,I am not talking about broken windows across the river, but in Upper Mount Bethel. I should say window. One woman claimed on Facebook that her windows were shattered, and she stated her name.

    What a trooper does on his own time is his own business? Really? If he beats his wife, is that his own business? Of course not. In this case, I believe Jones may have risked a catastrophe by setting off 30 pounds of tannerite. A friend pointed out to me yesterday that the risk is probably very low bc the ground is so wet right now, but this was still extremely reckless and may be criminal. The troopers who were with him should all be ashamed of themselves. Having a badge is no excuse for irresponsible behavior.

    These troopers also know that Jones routinely four-wheels on township roads with no license, and have declined to do anything to reel him in.

    Jones is making them all look bad.

    1. See now your putting words in my mouth I said what he does on his own time has no reflection on how he carries himself as a trooper. You should read a little more carefully next time. You could do a survey in the slatebelt and my guess would be more than fifty percent like to drink beer and shoot guns and as far as driving four wheelers on the road I live in the middle of town and have four wheelers going up and down my road all the time I don't see cops chasing them. Bottom line is he's a trooper and that's the only reason everyone's bitching if it was a teacher I don't think it'd be the same or your delivery man or your mailman or any regular Joe. The only catastrophe here Bernie is your rambling.

  28. One addendum before I drive off on vacation ,Bernie, see by the admission of your last post , this man has NOT done anything that is what originally thought to be. All your information was apparently exuberantated as had posted . So - a window cracked ,unproven that he cracked it after “several interment claimes” well -Not several windows now ,why is that? etc — Horse Shit ! He’s on his property and for all you know the State Police ,Just might be doing some training on his wooded area since he is local .So my summation about the amount of power might be correct - What do you say now, Bernie? I figured that “ somebody ,an ass hole type that didn’t like his father ,is holding that against this man .somebody jealous. Up there . I ‘ m only a street psychologist of sorts that placed over a Thousand warrant holders in HAnD CuFFS , in last 6 years and didnt get killed in the process, and I’m going to guess somebody need to APOLOGIZE to this man . - Will it be you?

  29. The idea that police are above the law is more concerning than any other regular people. Police are given the authority to detain your freedom and shoot AND kill you if they deem necessary. They have access to multiple sources of your personal information.
    Does all this mean people are fearful of giving their names or letting "rogue players" be cops, you bet. Also no one is twisting anyone's arm to put on any uniform but prison coveralls. So spare us the crap that we automatically have to bow to someone in a uniform, or give them a pass. I am an American citizen And I am free from the tyranny of the uniforms. Good day sirs!

  30. "I said what he does on his own time has no reflection on how he carries himself as a trooper."

    It most certainly does. The two are inextricably linked. I know troopers who have been fired for unprofessional behavior while off he clock. I understood you perfectly, even though you have trouble distinguishing between "your" and "you're.".

    "I live in the middle of town and have four wheelers going up and down my road all the time I don't see cops chasing them"

    They will if they have no license plates.

    "Bottom line is he's a trooper and that's the only reason everyone's bitching if it was a teacher I don't think it'd be the same or your delivery man or your mailman or any regular Joe."

    That's true.If he were a teacher or a "regular Joe," he'd be in jail. That's the point. Jones thinks he's above the law. He's not.

    "The only catastrophe here Bernie is your rambling."

    No one is forcing you to read or respond here. You could go out and blow shit up, for all i care. But when you start endangering the lives and property of others, expect consequences.

  31. Peter, I have no intention of apologizing for accurately reporting what this guy did, and suggesting it might even be criminal. It's too bad you are going on vacation. If you were not, and especially bc you disagree with me, I'd challenge you to go up to the slate belt, talk to people and report back.

  32. Do they speak English? You challenge me me but know I can’t investigate the issue . I m not a journalist and not law enforcement so I would be a wack job ,asking questions.so I’m not going,. Send the press . Let them find ,this man has a legitimate venue on his personal property and the Maxist from the the press can’t find a dame thing to report to “ get this guy” so your dead in the water., no ores . No sails ,no prop on the diesel. Apologies are in order . And I think somebody that posted his employment phone number should stand up and do so first and get it over with . Now you know I’m not a lawyer , but I do have DNA from CLARENCE DARROW . Done - End

  33. Peter, I would submit to you that criminal charges might be in order, reprimands might be in order, but no apologies. The phone number that was posted by someone was for complaints about precisely this kind of situation. He set off 30 pounds of binary explosives. That is reckless.

  34. Peter, you have to stop blindly defending cops and military. They must obey the same laws as everyone else. Please consider this.

    Bill Murdock


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