Local Government TV

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Lisa Pawlowski Wants Guesses on When Jury Will Reach Verdict

On Tuesday night, Allentown First Lady Lisa Pawlowski, as she likes to be called, groused on Facebook that she "hated" the closing argument made by the US Attorney, but that the one given by defense attorney Jack McMahon "was really good." She goes on to say that following the rebuttal of the US Attorney ("I'm sure I will hate that too"), the judge would instruct the jury on "applicable laws, and how to apply them to see if each count against [my husband] met the standard of breaking that law BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT." So far, so good. Then she says this: "Just for fun and bragging rights let's see who can guess which day and closest hour that the jury will deliver its verdict. Not the verdict, just the day and hour."

Let me get this straight. Her husband faces hundreds of years behind bars. He frickin' admitted that he lied to the FBI, and faces seven counts for that alone. And she reduces this to a game with bragging rights? I have accused her and her husband of hubris, and this certainly is yet another indication that they consider themselves above the law.

A tad delusional, too. Despite the contention of AUSA Michelle Morgan that he's no King, I think he and his wife look at it differently.

When her Facebook message was sent to me, there were already quite a few comments. Jessica Lee Ortiz, who failed in a bid for City Council, predicts "not guilty on all counts, in Jesus' name."


  1. Either way, Lady MacBeth wins. Either she will rid herself of a penguin sleeping partner for a long time, or she will continue to be queen of the castle.

  2. That is REALLY funny Bernie. Actually it is really PATHETIC. Her husband is about to be sent off to prison and she's biding time playing with a game of when the verdict will come in. I can't wait to see this menace's wings clipped and he's sent off to white-collar federal prison heaven. And I lean Democrat. The guy is totally corrupt, and we have laws.

  3. Canary_In_CoalmineMarch 1, 2018 at 1:11 AM

    When you're walkin on thin ice... you might as well dance.

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  6. Ortiz is a Guilty of being one of his sycophants on all counts

  7. We are discussing deeply disturbed individuals.

  8. She's probably counting down the days he goes to jail. Thereto, she will be free of him, [as Allentown], and on the bar trail she will be.

    As the one who signed the checks for her husband's campaigns, she knows what went on and was complicit with his schemes. She should be going to jail with him, however, she should be very thankful for the compassion of the prosecution attorneys. This will allow her to enjoy her refurbished home, [at the expense of Stellar Construction], and enjoy it with an honest and forthright male.

  9. I'll Play: Monday, March 5th, 2:00 p.m.

  10. I'm no Pawlowski supporter, but I am tempted to give Lisa a break on this one. I cannot imagine the stress she's under right now. All she's probably thinking about is "when is this gonna be over??" So, a game of guessing said date is one way of handling an obsession, I'd suppose.I can relate to her trying to use humor during the worst of situations. What many take for bad taste and tone-deafness is really just a coping mechanism for her, I'm sure. As far as her Facebook comments are concerned, her FB page is going to have her friends, of course. So, none of this is really a surprise, nor is it concerning. It is interesting to see her put herself out there like this, but Pawlowski himself continues to post on Facebook, too, so I guess they think it's the right thing to do.

    Do convicts in Club Fed have internet access?

  11. The King is dead! Long live the next King...of Allentown!

  12. The First Lady of Allentown is as cold and calculating as they come.
    She is a flat-out sociopath.

  13. Deep state???? This is an all-too-common type of political corruption trial that should have occurred regardless of who is in charge of the US Dept. of Justice. The evidence is much stronger in this case than in the trials of Sen. Menedez and the Gov of Virginia.

  14. The deep state reference has been deleted and is so kooky I am deleting them whenever I see them.

  15. Monkey Momma, I don’t view it as humor, but hubris.

  16. I am entertaining myself listening to The Pawloski recordings on the M.C. homepage.I had no idea the case was this solid.

  17. I've said this elsewhere too, but I feel *so* sorry for their daughter.

    I've never met her, but my wife and I saw her and her mother on the OAPA house tour last year, and that young lady looked so dazed and so very sad -- wounded is not too strong a word -- it really broke my heart. And I'm not known to be the most sensitive guy in the world. I hate to think how cruel kids might be to her in school.

    His poor daughter may be the most aggrieved innocent victim in all of this.

  18. Why would any sane, sober person believe that "Deep State" players have any idea whatsoever who Ed "Chicago Eddy" Pawlowski even is?

    This is public square amusement for the ABE area, but drive 50 miles and it's certainly not going to be big news.

    What is it about Ed Pawlowski that draws nuts?

  19. Villa, I realize you and Fed Ed don't believe in honesty, but you should keep your word to Judge Reibman and stay off this blog.

  20. Bernie, I had thought hubris was something fed Ed would be enjoying in his prison stay. I had to goggle it and there was a picture of fed Ed before the definition. Looks like this very charter trait was a design of his OWN demise. This trait will not be fairing well in his nue mancave cage.

  21. 6:00 PM Pawlowski guilty on 47 charges!!!

  22. Dear Mrs. Convicted Felon Disgraced Former Mayor,

    I’m going with guilty on 47 charges at around 6PM. Do I win Eagles tickets!!!!????!!!!

  23. GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Down goes the Penguin!

  25. You all got a pretty mouth! Or, squeal like a pig!

  26. Lady Lisa fainted. Oh the pathos and the tangled web we weave, when we do deceive.

  27. Guilty on 47 counts, in Jesus name.


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