Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Dent: Raise Age Requirement to Buy Semi-Automatics Like AR-15


WASHINGTON, D.C.  – Representative Charlie Dent (PA-15) has announced his co-sponsorship of legislation raising the age requirement for those seeking to purchase semiautomatic rifles, such as AR-15s, from 18 to 21 years of age. This bipartisan bill is being led by Representatives Anthony G. Brown (MD-4) and Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-8).


“I am pleased to join my Pennsylvania colleague to support common sense policy that would raise the legal age to purchase semiautomatic rifles to 21, the same age for pistols,” said Dent. “This bipartisan legislation would be an important first step in response to the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Congress must come together in the wake of such a tragedy and work to find solutions that will help to keep our students, teachers, and schools safe from gun violence,” Dent added.


Currently, gun-buyers are prohibited from purchasing handguns prior to their 21st birthday, but that is not the case with semiautomatic centerfire rifles that can accept magazines of five rounds or greater. It also provides an exemption for active duty military and full time law enforcement personnel.


In addition, Dent recently signed a letter circulated by Representative Leonard Lance (NJ-7) calling on House Speaker Ryan to bring a “Fix NICS” bill to the floor to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of our nation’s firearm background check system.


“Guaranteeing that complete and accurate information is entered into the National Instant Check System (NICS) is also a commonsense item that Congress should address quickly,” Dent concluded


  1. If that is the case then raise the requirement to sign up for selective service and serve in the military to the same age. Do it in the same bill.

  2. Can't we just stop selling 1 gun, the AR-15? Let's try and see what happens!

  3. I absolutely agree. The puppets in Congress need to do their elected duties and listen to the constituents! Middle America is done with their games and nonsense. If your want to raise the age to 21 then do it for everything! Selected service, voting,and ownership of any gun to match the age of legal alcohol consumption. It should be either 18 for all those or 21! Not one for some.

    Washington continues to play politics while common sense tax payers get screwed over.

    Big League changes are coming. One way or another.

    Study the 2016 election map by county. This should tell you it’s not about Rs or Ds. It’s about Nationalism and doing what is right for our society.

  4. How about only military personnel can have assault rifles in war zones:

    Also, kudos to Dick Sporting Goods for taking this courageous stance:


    F*ck the NRA. It takes one business at a time. It's called free enterprise.

    Same thing when CVS stopped selling tobacco. It's why I shop there instead of Rite-Aid.


  5. The second amendment will stand as will all the Bill of Rights. You can shop where you please and for the reasons why that suit you. Enough of the politics behind this non sense. Hopefully you can purge your blue Kool-Aid you drank and can discover the true meaning behind these bills and why they are so invaluable to us citizens. Always love your country not your government!

  6. 11:28: go ahead...call me a snowflake and a libtard, too. I'm sure those words are in your lexicon.

  7. Please don't let it be said that I want nothing to be done, but:

    They will pass a law to make bump stocks illegal;
    They will pass a law raising the age to purchase certain weapons;
    They will pass a law banning or limiting the sale of certain weapons;
    They will pass a law to centralize and tighten the loose system of registering weapons;
    They will pass a law making selling these weapons on a private basis a crime to deter private sales;
    They will pass a law making certain ammunition illegal;
    They will pass a law that killing school children will have a minimum sentence of life in prison or death;
    They will pass a law to provide mental health support in a healthcare system akin to the VA;
    They will pass a law requiring doctors and psychiatrists to report on their patients (oaths be damned) with people who have suspicions about their behaviors;
    They will pass a law that attorneys who have knowledge of their clients owning guns report their clients (privileges be damned);
    They will pass a law to make schools less accessible targets, with more exterior and interior deterrents, to prevent someone to have free access in the building;
    They will pass a law requiring schools to have metal detectors and armed security personnel on school campuses.

    The states will follow suit.

    There will be much rejoicing, and hand wringing, and debate and tv ratings and finger pointing and such.

    And yet, a kid on psychotropic drugs who should be in treatment but isn't being raised by a single mom who works two jobs and is never home and spends all his free time watching youtube videos and horror movies, playing video games like Call of Duty and posting selfies on Snapchat with guns and bandannas will somehow walk into a school a few months after and still kill a bunch of students and teachers.

  8. I heard that I guy in new york rented a pickup and intentionally drove over and killed and maimed a lot of folks, it is obvious we need to ban trucks and require background checks for car rentals.

  9. 2:28: at least a person needs to past a written and driving test, as well as have a Physician sign off that s/he is appropriate and responsible to drive.

  10. Absolutely no logical reason for civilian weapons sold based on the AR or AK platform. Also as you should well know the caliber and makeup of the ammunition is important. The projectile of the AR's are designed to do maximum internal damage when they enter the body. Again stop the wet dream fantasy of owning a "military" type weapon. Yes I am a long time gun owner and former member of the NRA, before Wayne 'Pepe' LaPieerre took it into cuckoo land.

  11. One store at a time. Walmart just announced that they will stop selling these assault weapons!


  12. 3.20 you are as ignorant as a person can be. you have no idea what you are talking about, A fool.


  14. a fine example of the nra worrying more about gun dealers than owners

    "For Brown, none of that explains why he hadn’t heard that Taurus had sold bad guns. It’s one thing if the government didn’t do anything, but he reads every issue of American Rifleman, the NRA’s official magazine, and he never saw a warning about Taurus guns. “Why didn’t the NRA warn us? I guess there’s too much money and politics going into the NRA, so they had reason not to tell us,” he says."

    "Taurus and the NRA have had a mutually beneficial relationship for years. A lot of that was the work of Robert Morrison, president of Miami Lakes-based Taurus International Manufacturing Inc., until 2011. Morrison is a close friend of Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s executive vice president."

  15. I need an Ar and 5000 rounds ammo to protect myself, from this bunch of lunatics.

  16. Well Bernie ,what a web we weive . The Armilte is dirvitive of the M-16 I see them at my range every day I’m there. Most people , including LEs are at best lousy shots with them . The .223 Remington or 5.56 mm NATO round feed into the same chamber although that are not the same round. Magazine capacity are various . Most have a 30 round capacity . Thus ,is what presents a problem with anti- gun people . Your grandads 30-30 Marlin or a model 94. Winchester ,has substantially more killing effect if hit by a round . Issue is - number of rounds able to feed , chamber in short time ,only. The same perpetrator with a shotgun would have a lower feed rate but much higher casualtie rate in close quarters. Or a crazy with gasoline and ivory snow diaper powder . What I’m going to say now will draw a lot of steam . A compatate handgunner that is trained and understands the dynamics of a novic shooter would have walked up and excludied this character - just like if most of us me included , were to pay basketball against a pro NBA member - FOR YOUR LIFE. Think how long you would last — Presently , it is my opinion ,school districts fail to drill this maneuver properly because they have no combatants that can think like the bad guys. They are and have been reasonably comfortable. You will see new evaluations of who is guarding your child shortly . ,and they aren’t combat Marines from infantry . So , you get what you have for now unless stuff cools down .

  17. This should definitely work. Since the drinking age was changed, no kids under 21 ever drink alcohol. Amirite?

  18. The NRA owns the Republican party. The only thing that republicans worry about is the unborn.
    The Republicans don't care about school kids being mowed down, all they worry about is abortion.

  19. Right you are . Age may have nothing to do with anything . I don’t like ARs myself because they were rifles made for draftees to carry during Vietnam War .much has improved with them but they are not high powered rifles . A Remington nylon 66 / 22 cal long rifle would be about as dangerous part way .only about 2 % of all shot are shoot with a rifle here. More kids drown in pools during summer months,more high school kids die in auto crashes right after graduation - it’s perceptive . Unfortunately for some ,but my grand kid will have a Kevlar book bag insert when he goes in . Don’t throw out old phone books they are field expededant body armor. Does any school district know that ?ask. Get the truth.

  20. 2.5Mm NRA members do not own any party. .get out of you grandmas basement and get a JOB. We have 320 million people here And if the general public were to have the same criminal records ,the same tax evasion record ,the same domestic violations or lack of occupation as the NRA constitutes there would be no open prisons ,no SNAP ,no domestic relations office and fewer districts judges. Cost would go down , wouldn’t need an many cops ,no car hackers. Anon 7:21 your a loss. And know it. Good night.

  21. 7.51
    so why?


    "According to an 18 January 2018 McClatchy D.C. Bureau report, the FBI is investigating allegations that Alexander Torshin, an official at the Central Bank of the Russia and life member of the NRA, funneled money through the gun lobby group to the Trump campaign."

    "However, the NRA reported spending a record $55 million on the 2016 elections, including $30 million to support Trump – triple what the group devoted to backing Republican Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential race. Most of that was money was spent by an arm of the NRA that is not required to disclose its donors."

    listen to the last speech at cpac by the nra leader.
    he was so far around the bend he cannot see the curve.

  22. 7035
    " with them but they are not high powered rifles . A Remington nylon 66 / 22 cal long rifle would be about as dangerous part way

    22 lr

    "30 gr. (1.9 g) Copper-plated HP[3] 1,640 ft/s (500 m/s) 191 ft⋅lbf (259 J)


    "36 gr (2 g) JHP 3,750 ft/s (1,140 m/s) 1,124 ft⋅lbf (1,524 J)

    are about the same?
    not a chance.
    as the teens would say "BS".

  23. anon 3:20 makes perfect sense. The AR platform is based on military version. It has a soft projectile that will tumble and do maximum damage. It is a spray and pray type weapon. The AK is just as bad but was a much more sturdy and durable military weapon.

    There is no earthly reason for such a weapon to be in the hands of civilians. It has nothing to do with the second amendment which I support wholeheartedly. The weapons act of 1934 banned civilian automatic weapons fro the general public. The process of getting one is very involved and practically impossible. We have survived. The time to stop having pretend military wet dreams is over.

    If you want to play soldier get out of your sporting goods cammo and join the vol Ar.

  24. Why not carry "street cleaner" Uzis, the gangbanger weapon of choice?

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. try an older article

    "The NRA also made $20.9 million — about 10 percent of its revenue — from selling advertising to industry companies marketing products in its many publications in 2010, according to the IRS Form 990.

    Additionally, some companies donate portions of sales directly to the NRA. Crimson Trace, which makes laser sights, donates 10 percent of each sale to the NRA. Taurus buys an NRA membership for everyone who buys one of their guns. Sturm Rugar gives $1 to the NRA for each gun sold, which amounts to millions. The NRA's revenues are intrinsically linked to the success of the gun business."

    " "While the NRA portrays itself as protecting the 'freedom' of individual gun owners, it's actually working to protect the freedom of the gun industry to manufacture and sell virtually any weapon or accessory."

    There are two reasons for the industry support for the NRA. The first is that the organization develops and maintains a market for their products. The second, less direct function, is to absorb criticism in the event of PR crises for the gun industry.

    It's possible that without the NRA, people would be protesting outside of Glock, SIG Sauer and Freedom Group — the makers of the guns used in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre — and dragging the CEOs in front of cameras and Congress. That is certainly what happened to tobacco executives when their products continued killing people"

  27. Here's hoping the NRA crashes and burns even sooner than the Orange Menace in the White House. But not much sooner.

  28. Feelgood legislation. Nothing more.

  29. Anon 8:20 you are correct with with Foot lbs .of energy ,I understand this issue it’s the end results that is my point . the number of unfortunate fatalities against number of hits total and then again number of total round fired . If projectile passes throw object it does not expand and does not exert that energy . None of us like this . This wave of getting Evan is terrible . Go back to load data book now and tell us what no2 s high brass 12 gauge is worth . Hope it never comes to that.

  30. Pass all the laws you want. As a father or mother, they can purchase the weapon in their name and transfer ownership when the child reaches age 21. In addition, what will the PA Game Commission do as they now allow these weapons for hunting deer and bear. Legal age for Pa hunters is less than age 21.

  31. Ban cell phones:


    Because we already have laws banning texting while driving. But if the kids couldn't get their hands on a cell phone in the first place, the death and injuries would never happen.

    Lefty logic, equally applied.


  32. "There is no earthly reason for such a weapon to be in the hands of civilians. It has nothing to do with the second amendment which I support wholeheartedly."

    February 28, 2018 at 8:36 PM"


    Could you post the part of the 2nd that talks about hunting and fending off muggers or home invaders, please?

    You haven't a clue about the 2nd Amendment.


  33. Clem, you speak of logic and then make the illogical false equivalency argument.

  34. 5.23

    "I understand this issue it’s the end results that is my point"

    so a call to ban detachable magazines and a requirement that reloading a semi can only be done one bullet at a time has merit.
    if the person mowing down school children is limited in magazine capacity and reloading is a much longer process then less kids are killed.

  35. 9.48

    hunting is a privilege.
    PA regulates it pretty well.
    as to getting mugged most people get hit with no warning and could not play "deathwish" even if they wanted to do so.
    as to home invasion--unless you are sitting on your couch fondling your assault rifle when 4 folks run up and use a sledgehammer to open your door and attack you--you will lose.
    the home invaders will walk away with your "precious".

    get a better door.
    and take a tip from the schools-buy a big wedge to put under the door to keep people from just pushing in.
    lastly nearly everyone knows the sound of a shotgun being racked.
    for close quarters it is better than a AR.

  36. This Clem cat thinks he is brilliant but sounds kind of dumb.

  37. You see false equivalency, I see hypocrisy.

    And by the way, congrats on your FedEd work, from start to finish. You done good. Almost restores my faith in the press, that it can do its job no matter the letter behind the name of the bad guy.



  38. 11:43 am -

    No, I'm don't think I'm brilliant, but certainly smart enough to call out a bullshit artist when I see one.

    I didn't ask you whether hunting is regulated, or about my chances of success in defending my home against invasion, or for your tutelage on how I ought to go about it.

    You said you support the 2nd. I said you haven't a clue about the reason the 2nd Amendment exists. It has nothing to do with hunting or self defense. As you argue the contrary, I asked you to show me the text of the 2nd that supports both your views and your arrogant insistence that "There is no earthly reason for such a weapon to be in the hands of civilians."



You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.