Local Government TV

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Fed Ed Seeks Your Help

From Fed Ed: So many have written expressing their support, encouragement and prayers for me and my family. 

To all I say thank you — words are not adequate to express my appreciation for your sincere caring during this difficult time. 

Many have also asked what they can do to help. 

What we truly need right now is for people to write a letter to the judge on my behalf. I would like to get as many as possible (hopefully thousands) to him over the next several weeks. 

I have attached a link that provides step by step instructions on how to write the letter.


In short, keep the letter brief (one to two pages).  Express in your own words: how you know me, state your support for me and my family, talk about my character, ask for his leniency in sentencing and that he would allow me to be free on bail while appeals are pending. Finally avoid any improper remarks or disparaging comments about the judge, prosecution, jury or other parties involved in the case. 

Address the letter to the following:

The Honorable Juan R. Sánchez 
United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania 
James A. Byrne United States Courthouse 
Room 11614
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106-1797

Then please send or email the letter to my attorney at:

Jack McMahon
139 N Croskey St.
Philadelphia PA 19103

DO NOT SEND THE LETTER DIRECTLY TO THE JUDGE.  My attorney will compile all the letters and hand deliver them to the judge personally.

Please try to get as many people to write a letter as possible.  You do not have to be an Allentown resident to write a letter of support.

Thank you so much in advance for all your help.


Ed Pawlowski

Earth to Fed Ed: This is not an election in which a judge will be swayed by the scant minority who voted for you. The only votes Judge Sánchez cares about are the ones cast by the 12 jurors who unanimously concluded you are corrupt. Step down.


  1. Just when you think it cant't be made more obvious, it's made more obvious that he's riding The Disorient Express.

    Ya know, maybe Chicago Eddy is actually innocent after all -- by reason of insanity.

  2. Dear Judge,
    God Bless Mayor Pawlowski!

  3. How utterly pathetic. He's been clueless the entire time, from his terrible decision to go to trial, to his statements in testimony. Now this. I'd write a letter asking for this corrupt politician to be given the maximum sentence.

  4. What we "truly" needed Ed, was an honest mayor. Not a crook and liar, willing to do anything no matter how illegal, to get ahead. Please resign.

  5. I wonder if it was the felon or the attorney that came up with this ridiculous idea?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Bill villa, please keep your word to
    Judge Reibman and stop posting here. Nobody is interested, anyway.

  8. Seriously, is there anything IMPROPER about me writing to the judge DIRECTLY - I mean is this something that people can do generally in these cases...pro & con?; I have a small inkling that what I’d like to write would somehow end up in McMahon’s shredder.

    Where’d this originally appear anyhow? I didn’t see it on FB!

    1. If you want to express your disgust with the mayor's latest ploy, sign the petition here...

  9. "You don't have to be from Allentown to write a letter to Judge Sanchez". Kind of like you didn't need to be from Allentown to donate to his campaign. I've actually been feeling bad for him and then this? If anything this effort should show the judge that Pawlowski simply cannot admit guilt and apologize. Truly sad and pathetic response.

  10. The man is guilty and as a criminal he must pay the price.If he gets off with less than a 20 year sentence justice will have been compromised.

  11. Who could possibly be surprised by this pathetic ploy?
    The Life Church cabal will be all over this shit.

  12. Let's hope they don't screw around, rescind Chicago Eddy's bail, and start his decent into a forgotten non-entity as soon as possible. It seems he's playing one last game with citizens and creating the pathetic spectacle of riling-up the mentally ill who believe he is innocent.

  13. He's still at it!! He does not know when to stop. Maybe prison for life would be the best thing for him.

  14. The Church on the Run dopes and low information boot kickers will line up for this stunt.


  16. 7:54, it’s a message that went out to his supporters, one of whom kicked it over to me. It is one thing to write a letter of support. It is another to be one of thousands who is doing so as part of a pressure campaign. To me, it’s another indication that Fed Ed is still trying to game the system. It also indicates he is still unwilling to accept responsibility.


  17. Man needs a wheelbarrow to haul his balls around in.


  18. Just in case the criminal Pawlowski family didn’t look shameless enough!

  19. “Include a small free will offering of your choice. Credit cards are acceptable.”

  20. Pathetic, shameless liar. Accept responsibility, do the time,and think about the people you hurt along the way.

  21. He is out of his mind!!!!

  22. He can’t control himself.
    The man shouldn’t be on the street.

  23. have to start calling him Mayor Dracula, the Mayor you just can't get rid of! The political beast you just can't kill! What is it going to take, Holy water from the Pope?!

  24. I'm shocked he didn't put together a PowerPoint with step-by-step instructions.

  25. If the Mayor does not resign, will City Council at least demand that the Mayor attend City Council meetings?

    I don't believe that City Council has ever demanded that the Mayor to show his face at City Council. They have asked the Mayor to step down in the past, but they have never demanded that he show up to City Council meetings.

    City Council has allowed the Mayor to do things his way for 12 years now. Only Jeanette Eichenwald ever asked the Mayor to show his face in Council chambers.

    Pawlowski has been convicted. Nothing has changed with City Council. They accused Pawlowski of harassing and threatening Councilwoman Mota but they never reported anything to the police or authorities.

    Council has known that the Mayor is a bald faced liar. Council, like many of the public, have accepted this as standard political behavior. The FBI sees things differently. People need to go to jail now.

  26. Ed's chance for sentencing leniency would have come in the form of a guilty plea! Unfortunately for him, that ship has sailed! All the letters in the world won't change the mind of Judge Sanchez! The judge was less than impressed with Ed's demeanor on the witness stand, in which he thought he was preaching from the pulpit. That was quashed rather bluntly in one of the most notable quotes of the trial from Judge Sanchez when he stated "the witness is not entitled to filibuster from the stand"!

    A very selfish man! I truly feel sorry for his children! Many a Holiday will be spent visiting Dad in jail! And for what?

  27. You can write directly to the judge. I will. Everyone else who feels this criminal should face a harsh sentence should do so as well. He fleeced millions of dollars of Allentown taxpayer dollars - while claiming the city had a "revenue problem" - to award in useless pay to play contracts. Remember the incinerator scam? Wasn't the almost $5 million that went to a major state-wide donor? WRITE LETTER TO THE JUDGE! Notice how they insinuate that you can't and can only send to his lawyer? You can write directly to the judge.

  28. What? Thoughts and prayers not enough?

  29. This criminal didn’t just fleece money, he destroyed the lives of good, decent people with his lying cheating and gang of City Hall goons who “loved to smack people around”.
    This con-artist is a thug in a suit.

  30. The pre-sentencing team will need an official Vampire Kit. Drive a wooden stake in his heartless heart.
    This creep gives corrupt Chicago politicians a bad name.

  31. Prediction as seen through my crystal ball:
    12 yrs total. Mandatory 85 percent of time to be served, due to Federal conviction: 10 yrs 2 mos behind bars.

  32. Two can play this "game", so here's my letter:
    Your Honor:

    I have learned recently that Mayor Ed Pawlowski has encouraged his supporters to write letters to you, urging you to show leniency toward him as you consider sentencing him for his recent conviction on 47 federal charges.
    I strongly disagree that leniency should be shown on the following basis:
    1) The mayor has shown no remorse for crimes he was convicted for.
    2) The mayor has shown a propensity to lie and to concern him more about himself than those around him, including the voters.
    3) The mayor will likely never learn the lesson he needs to learn if he is treated with leniency.
    4) Other politicians as well as other citizens will be watching your sentencing closely to see whether due justice is meted out, or if a guilty politician skates.
    I cannot overemphasize point number four; we the people have become jaded and disillusioned by recent events. In addition to the fact that the mayor’s acts have eroded public trust, high levels of corruption act like an additional tax on businesses and so tend to increase the cost of doing business. This has implications for consumer welfare as these costs are typically passed on to consumers, especially if demand for the associated products or services are less sensitive to changes in prices.

    Sir, I urge you to impose the maximum sentence to among other things, send a strong message to Mr. Pawlowski, but also to other would-be shakedown artists that their heinous behaviors will no longer be tolerated.

    Thank you.

  33. That prediction is based on Fed Ed taking responsibility. If he continues with this insane letter campaign he will piss off the judge and you can double that sentence.

  34. Where is the remorse? Nowhere! This scam artist is still at it. Judge Sanchez is not an idiot. This will only enrage him, increasing the sentence. Mr. Delusional is setting himself up for more years. Don't forget he is the same simpleton who took the stand and took a trial and screwed himself! He deserves a long, lengthy sentence to contemplate his wrong doings and hopefully learn remorse. Twenty years might accomplish this!

  35. Bernie,

    Is the pre-sentence investigation report available to right-to-know laws? If so, I would pay big bucks to get me hands on that report. That would make a most interesting read.

  36. I saw mobsters with the same plan of attack and get nowhere. Jack McMahon represented these wholesome characters and knows this is a failing futile effort. But the hubris convicted mayor still wants to game people.

    This arrogant POS still believes he can scam people. The judge will see through this scam and properly respond. We'll know next Friday how well Judge Sanchez took to this scheme and he will free the people of Allentown from this scourge's clutches.

    The next mayor needs to purge the government of all Pawlowski appointments and start anew. This should go to the attention of the judge!

    Carson S. Gable II

  37. I suspect McMahon put Ed on this letter writing campaign to keep him busy. Busy hands are happy hands! Perhaps Ed has been advised to NOT express remorse, as it may be seen as an admission of guilt. Obviously, anyone who listens to the recordings presented in court KNOWS that Ed is guilty. It's not even up for debate, which why the jury had no problem agreeing to convict him on 47 counts. I personally think this lack of remorse will result in Ed serving even more time behind bars than he otherwise would have, had he simply said, "I'm sorry."

    Chris Casey reports that Ed will appear in court Friday to hear his sentencing date. Is that correct? Is it possible the judge will, at that time, demand Ed's immediate resignation?

    I was also under the impression that Council was, indeed, looking at ways to force Ed out under the city charter's guidelines, and that looked very promising. Council needs to take a good hard look at itself. If a jury can unanimously agree on 47 counts of guilt in a 2.5 day timespan, then what the hell has Council been doing for the last 12 years? Honestly, it's embarrassing, and they should all either resign, or apologize to the citizens and workers in Allentown, or both. They are totally and completely complicit.

  38. The worm Ed Pawlowski has left a slime trail of damaged and destroyed lives in his wake. He isn’t a simple pol gone too far - - “ “they all do it” - - this isn’t unfourtunate “White Collar” crime.
    Pawlowski is a remorseless gangster.

  39. State Representative Michael Schlossburg is going to send the Honorable Judge Sanchez two letters requesting leniency for his former mentor.
    (Schloss is now rubber stamping for Jen Mann.)

  40. "To all I say thank you — words are not adequate to express my appreciation for your sincere caring during this difficult time."

    This is so true. Yes Ed even the FBI and Federal Prosecutor and community care so much. They like most want to see your sorry selfish butt in prison and those that you deeply hurt in business by your directing the thugs you controlled also gone along with you.

    So as the sun sets on you was it all worth it? "Lady First Hag McBeth" wife now can be with the Manslab (now that he just got out of prison) and you have destroyed your own life and along with your family and the countless you effected with your insanity. I am sure when the divorce papers hit you served to you in prison you might wake up as the "First Hag" as we call all her will be off for a new money ticket.

    I heard there is a rumor that bets are in that with the pressure you will take the R. Budd Dywer way out. I hope not cause I want to see you sit in prison. It will be nice to know you have a new suit to wear as prison orange goes so well with your baldy head and your new friends to whisper to in the potty will be your BFF's.

    Sincerely I want to Thank you and your Attorney with providing me and my friends and others you have hurt with the address to correspond directly to the Judge to let him know your effects of being a felon criminal and how much it hurt innocent people.

    Again THANK YOU for the address to write and Thank You to Mr. Bernie for providing me with it here so I can write in to the Judge.

    Yours In Christ-

    A sincere taxpayer who wants Justice


    JIM S

  42. Sadly, I know it’s wishful thinking, but wouldn’t it be just grand if Ed and Fran could be cell mates for a stretch.
    Of cource Fran would get the “top” bunk.
    The mind reels!
    Oh the images!!!

  43. I have to believe that the "letter writing campaign" idea is as much a roll of the dice as deciding to take the stand and allow the prosecution to question him. In each case, there is a slight upside and a HUGE downside.

    Guessing the latter; I see the judge asking the prosecution how they crafted the plea deal that was offered to Pawlowski, then start from there as he considers the sentence.

    Eddie won't get 20 years per count, but safe to say he will neither receive anywhere near the plea deal. That horse left the barn.

    Consider this- Even a single year per conviction would be "up to 47 years".



  44. Ymonkey momma, I don’t know how many times I have to say this, but the provisions of any home rule charter concerning the removal of an elected official, are unconstitutional. An elected official may be removed only in accord with the state constitution. The charter provisions are irrelevant. There is case law on this point. Fortunately, the state constitution permits a judge to remove an elected official on conviction of an infamous crime. Unfortunately, conviction does not occur until sentencing.

    As for McMahon, I have seen him in action several times. He is a true barrister with extraordinary courtroom skills. But he’s not well suited to standing by your side at sentencing time. I am sure he did instruct Fed Ed to get letters, but not to send a mass email to supporters, asking for thousands. It is yet another amazing display of the hubris that is Fed Ed’s fatal flaw.

    As for what. Chris wrote, I have been without power since Friday morning. My ability to get on pacer, from where I can confirm that a hearing has been set, is limited. But if there is a hearing on Friday, and he has failed to resign by then, expect to see him taken away in handcuffs.

  45. What a Shmoo! He even looks like one. He thinks he is running a write-in campaign for leniency! Ever the political animal. His next office will be boss of cell block C at Lewisburg. That is if he can round up votes from his girlfriends there.

  46. Thanks for the clarification & info. I appreciate it. This case is fascinating for many reasons, and it's hard to keep track of all the details. You're doing a fabulous job of informing the public about everything.

  47. The one we have to blame for all of this is Ray O'Connell . Everyone knows that Nat Hyman would have handily beat Fed Ed in the general election if not for O'Connel's selfish write-in effort. He knew he couldn't win a write-in campaign. He just wanted to take enough votes from Hyman to get Ed re-elected so he could take his place after Ed went to jail. Let's hope that City Council doesn't pull a Fed Ed tactic and try to find a way around the provision that doesn't allow a City Council member to be appointed within a year of their term. The last thing we need now is another sneaky attempt to make the rules not to apply to them! And I would HATE to see O'Connell be rewarded for such a selfish dirty tactic.

  48. 10:55, the one t blame for all this is Fed Ed, not Ray O’Connell. Also, in a democratic republuc, you have no right to force someone ro sitbon the sidelines. Ray had every right to run, and I know he was running to win. He would have. Been a great Mayor, an$ despite the
    Awloski-inditred political opinion of Dan McCarthy, could still be a great mayor. He is one of the few who realizes there is a symbiotic relation between the city and school.

    As for Nat, I am sure he does not appreciate the divisive comments you are posting in his name.

    Nat and Ray both have very high regard for each other.

    No matter who is selected it is time to stop the hate that Pawlowski fostered as mayor.

  49. Only our Lord and Savior can stand in judgement of his pious servant.

  50. ”you will take the R. Budd Dywer way out. ”

    This is a very legitimate concern, and was certainly something Judge Sanchez considered before letting Fed Ed go home Thursday night.

    I would certainly rather see Fed Ed engage in this kind of nonsense than hurt himself physically.

  51. Any elected or appointed public official needs to send a letter urging him to follow federal sentencing guidelines. The message needs to be clear, this type of behavior in unacceptable. Anything less condones corruption.

  52. 7:55, no, those are not public, nor should they be.

  53. I agree with Anonymous 10:55 100%. If Ray O'Connell tries to find some loophole around the City Charter, we will be stuck with yet more political tricks and selfish acts in City Hall. I think Hyman deserves the nod since he gained the second most votes and would have won easily if not for the O'Connelll write-in effort. I know Hyman can bring back competant management ans well as decency and respect to City Hall.

  54. “40 Days
    40 Nights
    40 Years with a ball in stripes.”

  55. 2:42, this post is not about who succeeds Fed Ed, or McCarthy's political opinion, disguised as a legal opinion.

  56. I would write a letter encouraging compassion and mercy if he resigns by 9 AM Monday.

  57. I was wrong in my judgement. I had stated here on Bernie s blog that Ed. Would be “walked “ . Well I’m wrong and admire Bernie for the coverage and Evan though he probably hates me ,I will take him in if the shit hits fan or he gets old a has to go to Gracedale and nobody viisites him ,I will go see him.

  58. Get Pawlowski off the street.

  59. Peter, you and I may be on different sides of the fence, but you have to know how much I admire you for your service to the country and community. Also you never know what a jury will do. Your opinion was just as valid as mine.

  60. Words of encouragement for fed Ed Pawloski and Scotty boy Allinson instead of the 700 years on 54 charges they should split the difference and oh don't forget to give them a basket to not drop the soap in the shower.Man up do your time like Ramzi,We all need new license plates.Kudos to Scott Curtis great job.

  61. Bernie, as of 8 PM 332 people have signed the petition to give Ed the Max sentence. I thought we would be lucky to get 50

  62. Life without parole!

  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. Bernie do you think the people who pled like fleck and cooperated will go to jail?

  65. Mike Fleck is going to jail. My guess is somewhere around 4 or 6 years. McTish, who should have been indicted in connection with the turnpike, will go to jail. He should have known better. I doubt that the other business types will do much time. I doubt Mary Ellen Koval will do any time. She was a victim as much as a criminal. Garrett Strathearn and Dale Wiles will go away. Probably not long. Since Dougherty was a good witness and cooperated well, I expect to see him get off lightly. As for Ramzi, I see no reason for jail time. The hammer will fall mostly where it should, on Fed Ed.

  66. Bernie what about Fed Ed and Allinson. What’s your prediction?

  67. BO any idea how much time FedEd gets?

  68. They will both be hammered. Fed Ed gets double digits. Scott is losing his license, was only convicted of two felonies and has health issues. He did not take the stand and lie. But his refusal to accept responsibility and his ability to influence public dollars will hurt him. I would say he gets some time. The judge will have the benefit of a presentence report and will be able to hand down a sentence that is fair.

  69. And what is the benefit of McMahon wanting FedEd to collect letters from supporters to send to Judge? Even good guys go to jail for criminal acts. It seems like spitting in the wind. I believe not a FedEd not resigning makes him look worse to Judge. FedEd can’t see this?

  70. I got 33 years in the pool.

  71. After sentencing, I have a feeling Pawlowski will be referring to the judge as dirty Sanchez.

  72. Bernie,
    I will put my letter to the honorable judge Sanchez out on your blog, Please your honor impose the maximum for every last one of the 47 guilty vertics from a jury of his peers. There are most likely 247 crimes that he is guilty of but not charged and the 47 that he has been charged with have teeth as well as the 3rd party documentation that has made it a slam dunk!
    Thank you
    republican redd not a party favor
    humanist by design

  73. Julio must go, 100 percent EP supporter all the past 10 years before charges - now bucking for sainthood

    Bernie Question - who is the only Citizen who has consistently called out EP the past 12 years🤔

  74. There is more than one. Lou Hershman is one of the more prominent.


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