Local Government TV

Friday, February 23, 2018

Morganelli Proposes Common Sense Approach to Gun Violence

John Morganelli may be a candidate for Congress, but he's also Pennsylvania's most senior District Attorney. He sees first hand what guns can do. The most recent mass shooting of students at a Florida has prompted him to once again propose the reintroduction of legislation he advocate back in the 1990s. It's part of a nine-step common sense agenda that he wants the law enforcement community to consider and advocate in Harrisburg and, if necessary, in Washington. He is also requesting that immediate steps be taken in Northampton County to reduce gun violence.

Morganellli's nine-step common sense plan to reduce gun violence.

1) Pass "The parents responsible Gun Ownership Act." - This would require gun owners to secure their firearms if they live with minors, violent criminals or the mentally ill. He noted that one of every three firearms is loaded and unsecured, and that most kids know where their parents keep their guns.

2) Ban Bump Stocks, which make it easy to turn a semi-automatic weapon into one that fires continuously.

3) Require background checks on all sales of long guns.

4) Ban assault weapons to general public.

5) Expand background checks to firearms sales at gun shows and online.

6) Ban firearms to anyone on a terror watch list.

7) Require that lost or stolen guns be reported.

8) Enter mental health records into national databases for background checks.

9) "Red Flag" laws that allow family members or police to petition judges to remove guns from people who pose a danger to themselves or others.

"A majority of people want a balanced approach," he explained. "They want o know what can be done to make our schools and communities more secure; they want to know what can be done to assure that the mentally disturbed and children do not possess firearms; and they want to know what strategies can be employed to reduce death by gunfire. They also want to know that the law will punish criminals and those individuals who have demonstrated they are incapable of owning and operating firearms responsibly. And they want to know this can all be done without trampling in the Second Amendment."

In addition to consideration of this common-sense agenda, Morganelli is requesting the community to help in the following:

1) A law enforcement security review of every school, including emergency plans like active shooter drills.

2) A law enforcement identification and investigation of every school threat.

3) An appeal to parents and children to report all threats of violence.

4) An appeal to gun owners to secure firearms in homes.


  1. What law will prevent this tragedy from happening again ?

  2. Hey, I might as well vote for Susan Wild.

  3. Why does Morganelli insist on punishing law-abiding people for the actions of lunatics ?

  4. So John is a liberal Dem after all.

  5. If Morganelli actually wanted to protect students, he would propose methods of protecting our schools as well as the government building he works in every day.

  6. Typical democratic wish list, policies that will lead to registration and confiscation. Policies that will penalize the law-a bidding. This guy is as far left as shumer and polosi, no thanks.

  7. How would anything on this list have prevented the FL massacre? The shooter was crazy, and everyone knew it. He had something like 60 police/sheriff encounters. What about the school resource officer who remained outside the building for four minutes (the episode lasted six) while teachers were using their bodies as shields for the kids? The FBI did nothing but apologize. I get everyone's frustration. And I get that John is running for office. But none of this would have prevented the FL killings. All of our societal and institutional safeguards failed here. Yet, the FBI agents, and sheriff, and and sheriff's deputies remain on the job. Unbelievable.

  8. Morganelli with a Nancy Pelosi gun control wish list.

    No thank you.

  9. As Morganelli made this up in response to the Parkland school massacre, lets see what Morganelli did NOT address.

    The Parkland school system hid the shooter's problematic and illegal behavior for the sake of ginning up good numbers to make their school system look better than it was, they refused to take out a restraining order when events called for it, and they refused to get the police involved - instead using deferral programs to try and defuse/hide the problem.

    Had the school taken any one of these usual steps, then the gunman would not have been able to legally buy a gun. Additional steps were missed by the gunman's family who shirked their responsibilities as well.

    It's also been reported that the school resource officer, instead of running towards the students to protect them, took up a "defensive position" while the students were being murdered by this killer. In other words, he hid and did not do his job and remained outside while he listened to the students being shot and never entered, even refused, to engage the shooter.

    Nothing I see here by Morganelli addresses any of these facts. The bottom line is simple. Morganelli can legislate guns all he wants to and it will not fix the issue for it does not address the root cause of these school slaughterings.

    Consider how in America drugs are clearly banned and illegal and yet drugs are common most everywhere so what makes us think that regulating more or banning guns outright will keep the guns out of bad people's hands? It won't and Gun-Grabbers like Morganelli don't have the answer. Plain and simple.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. This is disappointing, really disappointing. And scary. I thought more of and expected better from Morganelli.

    How about something that holds those in government accountable for their actions? So that deputies who stand outside a building while kids get slaughtered can't just retire and collect their pension. Or that FBI agents who fail to pass along tips face some sort of consequence.

    I'm now reading that despite a history of making threats, the shooter was NOT expelled. Instead, he was bounced between traditional schools and those for kids with behavioral and emotional issues because federal law makes it impossible to expel anyone (even those who are dangerous). How about getting rid of that bad federal law, and requiring that those students who are expelled for violence or threats also be referred to law enforcement?

    Morganelli's "solutions" are the list of someone who has been in government for too long. Government at all levels failed the kids in Florida. Taking away the rights of others and giving Government even more power isn't the answer.

  12. I am not convinced John. You're constantly running for other offices and have never been elected and for good reason. Your politics are all over the place and no one knows what you really are..except a media seeker. Do your job as DA and leave the politics to others who at least have a track record of core beliefs. Make up your mind what you want to be..when you grow up.

  13. JM just picked up a few votes ..... and lost thousands.

  14. Maybe just a law prohibiting foster parents for taking in kids who arrive with their own weapons cache and gun safe?

  15. Liberals like Morganelli who expect any gun law will in any way effect a criminals path to destruction is like you getting a vasectomy because your neighbor has too many kids.

    You simply cannot legislate away mental instability

  16. What a joke! This still wouldn't have stopped the Florida killings. This psycho was bent on killing kids and if he couldn't get a gun, he would have done it another way.

    On the school resource officer: Most of these positions are taken by senior officers who want a free ticket to pension. They don't have to work the arduous and dangerous shifts, intervene in direct conflict and are off weekends. Put people in these positions who want to do their jobs and do it well. Not some loser riding out his career!

  17. What is needed are real mental heath treatments for children. Changevthe laws and make the parents get the children the help they need. Change the laws and require teens to get treatment. Stop treating Mental Illness differently than any other disease.

  18. That whole "Gun Free Zone" idea didn't work, did it? Next . . .

  19. John wouldn't accept in NorCo the kind of utterly incompetent performance displayed by Broward County's Keystone Kops. He stood up to PSP on the Slate Belt suicide by cop investigation. It's depressing to see him flail politically, when his local record is one of holding individuals responsible. He looks like just another opportunistic political whore when he does stuff like this. I can't decide whether to wretch as I vote for him, or not support him at all. I'm leaning toward the latter.

  20. 1 gun, the AR15 has been used in multiple tragedies, can't we all agree that by eliminating this 1 gun, lives will not be lost? There are many more guns to hunt with or provide personal protection.

  21. John just lost another bid for higher office.

  22. Instead of real solutions to keep kids safe, all we see is the usual partisan political posturing, gore the oppositions supporters. Make laws that will not make anyone safer, just burden the law a bidding and force them into being lawbreakers for resisting onerous and unconstitutional laws that make them less safe from criminals and an overstepping government.

  23. You want to know what the most devastating weapon is to kill and maim as many people as possible in close range it is a shotgun with buckshot. Legislating types of weapons is an ignorant and emotional reaction.

  24. Why doesn't John Morganelli.. The "Number 1 Grandstanding Politician in PA", a true media professional pull a grand jury together to fight the corruption in the GPA Authority for one? Is the reason why he sits and watches this blog and fails to act is because some of his weighted checks with ink will come from fellow lawyers? and he wont touch them even when Bernie has shown the way the taxpayers are being fleeced?

    I fully expect his antics of grandstanding will become a major part of his oppositions campaign to show what a pro

  25. How about a "NO grandstanding Zone" in the District Attorney's Office?

  26. @8:16 We eliminated AR-15s during the late 90s, early 20000s, and we had Columbine.

  27. While everyone is misdirected to watch the gun in this scene, they completely miss the car wreck that is the children in the education system. How about John bucking the unions and back a meaningful anti-bullying statute. That one thing would do more than machine-gunning anti-gun bullet points.

  28. Anon 8:16 said:

    "1 gun, the AR15 has been used in multiple tragedies, can't we all agree that by eliminating this 1 gun, lives will not be lost? There are many more guns to hunt with or provide personal protection."

    Off-topic, but your comment shows an appalling ignorance of guns, what they are legitimately used for, the Constitution, and mass shootings across the world. Additionally, the AR-15 (among many others) was previously banned in this country, and had no effect on decreasing crime.

    Back on topic, which is John Morganelli's bogusly-termed "common sense approach to gun violence". Morganelli is not proposing to ban just "this one gun". He's proposing a ban on "assault weapons" which, as previously noted, was tried and failed in this country.

  29. 8.39
    and no ar-15 was used at Columbine.
    the ar was not eliminated during the 90s.

  30. "1 gun, the AR15 has been used in multiple tragedies, can't we all agree that by eliminating this 1 gun, lives will not be lost? There are many more guns to hunt with or provide personal protection."

    You've answered your own question. There are lots of box-fed semi-automatics available. 99.99% of them are used responsibly by the law-abiding. If AR-15s are outlawed, another weapon of choice will be used. The worst school tragedy in US history involved explosives. Crazy law-breakers aren't restrained by laws. Even at that, law enforcement missed about a hundred red flags on the FL murderer.

  31. your man crush continues to lose more votes every time he opens his mouth - too funny

  32. try

    "o, in crafting the 1994 ban, lawmakers mainly focused on 18 specific firearms, as well as certain military-type features on guns. Complicated flow charts laid it all out. Certain models of AR-15s and AK-47s were banned. Any semiautomatic rifle with a pistol grip and a bayonet mount was an "assault weapon." But a semiautomatic rifle with just a pistol grip might be okay. It was complicated. And its complexity made it easy to evade."

    "Any assault weapon or magazine that was manufactured before the law went into effect in 1994 was perfectly legal to own or resell. That was a huge exception: At the time, there were roughly 1.5 million assault weapons and more than 24 million high-capacity magazines in private hands."

    "For starters, only 18 firearm models were explicitly banned. But it was easy for gun manufacturers to modify weapons slightly so that they didn't fall under the ban. One example: the Colt AR-15 that James Holmes used to shoot up a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., last summer would have been outlawed. Yet it would have been perfectly legal for Holmes to have purchased a very similar Colt Match Target rifle, which didn't fall under the ban."

    so the NRA managed to keep assault rifles in the hands of lunatics

  33. @8:52 ""For starters, only 18 firearm models were explicitly banned. But it was easy for gun manufacturers to modify weapons slightly so that they didn't fall under the ban. One example: the Colt AR-15 that James Holmes used to shoot up a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., last summer would have been outlawed. Yet it would have been perfectly legal for Holmes to have purchased a very similar Colt Match Target rifle, which didn't fall under the ban.""

    So we can agree it is useless to ban firearms. The problem are nuts like James Holmes and this latest killer who uses these weapons to slaughter innocent people.

  34. 8.48

    "There are lots of box-fed semi-automatics available."
    so there should be no problem removing that option for a weapon.
    so if a NRA snowflake has to reload his assault weapon one round at as time at the gun range he can get over it.
    as to weapons in circulation they can not be resold without modification to the new standard.
    as to the cries of home defense-- if your 15 rounds does not kill or deter the problem you are dead anyway.
    so target shooting and defense are covered.
    not a problem

  35. ha, ha Only in Pa the left doesn't know what the left is doing

    On Monday, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed a bill permitting the use of semi-automatic rifles and handguns for hunting. The new law will not be available for hunters in the upcoming gun deer season beginning November 28, 2016.

    Current state law only allows hunters to use single-shot firearms, requiring hunters who miss on their first shot to manually move an additional cartridge into the chamber to hit their target. Using a semi-automatic rifles gives hunters a much greater ability to fire a timely and accurate follow-up shot, which can be the difference between wounding or quickly taking a game animal.

  36. Morganelli revealed more about himself in this statement. This is what he should be doing. be honest, let the voters know your political philosophy, they will make the right choice.

  37. The democrats have again revealed themselves, as to their intentions, their disregard for the constitution, their disregard for a large segment of the law a bidding population. Their real agenda. They should keep it up.

  38. 9.03
    "So we can agree it is useless to ban firearms"
    not a chance.
    banning assault rifles are not a problem.
    if the NRA snowflakes want an assault rifle they can load it one bullet at a time.
    and if the cyclic rate is one round every two seconds they can get over it.

    unless those snowflakes are ok with children dying for "freedom"

  39. Now that some time has passed, the reporting on this trajedy is showing there was a systematic failure of law enforcement which could have prevented all of this.

    This is not unusual, as in nearly all of these mass killings, the causes of it can be traced to failures in our law enforcement or criminal justice system or a lack of proper parenting, or another issue related to the gunman.

    It should also be noted that in the Las Vegas shooting a few months ago, the police department is covering up much about the crime and the killer, which means a systematic failure occurred which likely led to the killer being able to murder so many innocent people which could have been prevented.

    Mr Morganelli is ignoring all of this, and reflexively recommending the same tired "ban the gun" rhetoric which has been proposed by the progressives for years. As well as being fully tied in with unions, his candidacy is nothing new and his proposals are unimaginative ones made by politicians.

  40. 9.19
    " their disregard for the constitution"
    not at all.
    why not view the Constitution as it was written at the time,
    you can have all the muskets you want.
    the right wing often likes to view the Constitution as it was written.
    so lets make muskets the standard available weapon.
    after all it worked for them.

  41. Trumpster @6:41

    "It's also been reported that the school resource officer, instead of running towards the students to protect them, took up a "defensive position" while the students were being murdered by this killer. In other words, he hid and did not do his job and remained outside while he listened to the students being shot and never entered, even refused, to engage the shooter"

    If true, this is absolutely damning of the Police Department. I understand that the local police chief put this officer on suspension, and the officer in question put in for retirement.

  42. 9.21
    " Las Vegas shooting a few months ago"
    so exactly how did the shooter evade the law?
    his weapons were purchased legally.
    claiming mistakes after he opened up on the crowd does address the problem.
    deflecting to everything except the assault rifle is just smoke and mirrors.

  43. 9.30
    "If true, this is absolutely damning of the Police Department"
    without being there that is easy to say.
    perhaps the officer sans vest thought going after a lunatic with an assault rifle with a small handgun was a no win scenario.
    for all he knew the shooter was wearing body armor and about all he could do is die.
    while it is true he has to live with his decisions.
    again another deflection from the NRA talking points.
    blame has to be found for anything except the assault rifle and the ease in which people can cause carnage with it

  44. 9.19
    "The democrats have again revealed themselves"
    well try the patron saint of right wingers
    " Ronald Reagan was present when the protesters arrived and later commented that he saw "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons"


    so ronnie either hated guns or black people with guns take your pick.

  45. 9.10

    "The legislation gives the state Game Commission authority to regulate the use of semi-auto guns for hunting and the board of game commissioners is expected to adopt regulations in 2017, including the calibers, seasons and the type of game that can be hunted."

    my god the nra should be upset-- a game commission is restricting their "freedom"

  46. Johnny M has just taken a small step to win the dem. nomination and a giant step to lose the real election.

  47. He is a district attorney who sees firsthand the results of gun violence every day. It's time we start listening to DAs and cops who want slightly tighter controls and not the gn nuts. I remember when the NRA was a responsibe organization that promoted gun safety. I also remember when people were reasonable. What Johnhasproposed is simply common sense.If it costs him an election - well - he's lost before . he'sdoing his job in spite of anonymous political threats.

  48. "If Morganelli actually wanted to protect students, he would propose methods of protecting our schools as well as the government building he works in every day."

    He has proposed doing that as well. Can't you read?

  49. the majority of NRA members approve of tighter controls.
    the problem is the NRA supports gun dealers over their members.
    the constant fear mongering over "your guns are going to be taken away" with the push to buy them now so you can avoid the elimination of all your rights.
    assault rifles are high profit items for gun dealers.
    if a bunch of kids have to die so the money keeps rolling in then too bad.
    the NRA leader spoke recently and what a bunch of garbage.
    socialists were coming for your guns and everything else causes mass shootings except the assault rifle or their ilk.
    he also stated

    "LaPierre dedicated a section of his speech to condemning an Obama administration rule repealed by Trump that put Social Security recipients who had their finances managed by others due to mental illness into the background check system. “Good, law-abiding people were automatically and unjustly declared mentally incompetent and put on a new government list,” he said. “And oh how socialists love to make lists. Especially lists that can be used to deny citizens their basic freedoms.” Yet, minutes later, LaPierre was stressing that “anyone adjudicated as mentally incompetent or a danger to society should be added to the check system and prevented from getting their hands on a gun.”

    so people determined to be suffering mental illness should have their guns.

  50. It's interesting how gun control measures being proposed are continually labeled as common sense gun control. All that does is look to stifle any debate about it. How can anyone be against common sense??

  51. How does Morganelli explain his past comments that he deserves a "B" rating from the NRA? I'd like to know if he supports the latest proposals being floated to arm our teachers with guns.

  52. 11.38
    "All that does is look to stifle any debate about it."
    people can welcome the debate whether people who have their finances managed by others due to mental illness should be on the background check system.
    seems the nra snowflakes deem that unacceptable.
    most people would consider that "common sense"

  53. 11.59

    the nra gave him an f

    "Two factors considered by the NRA were deal breakers for Morganelli, Hohenwarter said:

    Morganelli supports a measure, backed by the mayors of Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and Reading, that would require gun owners to report to authorities if their weapon is lost or stolen.

    my god what a crushing burden for the nra snowflakes.

    "Hohenwarter cited Corbett's support for "reciprocity agreements" as a key factor in his receiving high marks. Those agreements allow someone with a permit to carry a concealed weapon in Pennsylvania to do the same thing in a participating state."

    translated Morganelli thinks the nra attempt to end run States that require responsibility from gun owners who want to conceal carry is a bad idea.

    again those snowflakes at the nra are just so oppressed.
    if you conceal carry you might have so show some responsibility to do so.

  54. Is the 9-point plan really his proposal?

    I don't see anything on his campaign website about it.

  55. Why don't they just pass a law against bringing a gun to school? Or against killing someone?

  56. @ 6:17 & 6:41 So a good guy with a gun didn't stop a bad guy with a gun! So much for that NRA plan.

  57. 12:37 Why don't they just pass a law against killing more than one person ?

  58. President Trump: “They will take away those massive tax cuts and they will take away your Second Amendment.”

    He's right, you know...

  59. 1.02
    shame on Comrade trump--he values a tax cut as more important than gun humpers.
    otherwise he would have had the two amendment in the lead position.

  60. sorry that was two Corinthians my mistake.
    Comtrade trump values guns over religion as he did call it the second amendment.

  61. I enjoy comments from lefties who don't know a shotgun from a shot glass. Then, many of these sniveling cowards go to work in buildings with metal detectors and guards carrying big bad scary weapons. Security is a must for them. But the kids can go to hell. Remove all security from county buildings until the same level of security is made available to school kids.

  62. "How can anyone be against common sense?? "

    Read the comments and you'll see that the NRA has banished common sense from any gun debate. We should all agree that guns need to be kept out of the hands of children and those who are mentally disturbed with violent tendencies. But they will fight any measure designed to prevent that possibility. And anyone who dares suggest a modest measure like a ban on bump stocks or mandatory reporting of lost or stolen guns is a "European elitist." It's silly.

    I remember back when the NRA was all about gun safety and teaching the responsible use of firearms. Now it has gone over the edge. I agree that some of the gun control advocates are just as extreme. So far we've done nothing and the mass shootings continue.Time to find some middle ground.

    I agree that all schools need to be hardened and should be subject to intensive police patrol. All threats made at a school or about a school need top be thoroughly investigated. If teachers want to be armed at a school, they should be.

    But what is unreasonable about requiring, as a matter of law, that guns be secured in homes with children? I think even the NRA goes along with a ban on bumpstocks. Although the weapons being used for these mass shootings are not really assault rifles, they are similar and should be banned. They are not used for hunting, and have been used in a lot of these mass shootings. This is all just common sense, and that is the right way to phrase this.

    I don't want to take your guns away from you.

  63. Not many people believe that the socialists dont want to disarm the american people.

  64. Looks like John just shot himself — in the foot.
    Hell, might as well just vote for Susan Wild.

  65. "policies that will lead to registration and confiscation"

    This is the kind of stupid paranoid thinking the modern NRA deals in. Because of this way of thinking the newer generations will make that a self-fulfilling wish. The dirty deal between the new NRA and the gun industry will one day backfire.
    Especially because idiots like you listen to the dog whistles of the far right.

  66. "back when the NRA was all about gun safety and teaching the responsible use of firearms"

    Bernie, I remember that as well. The NRA was a great organization dedicated to gun safety, education and youth education and conservation of our natural resources for sportsmen and others. In the 80's it served hard right in an over-reaction to some minor gun control laws. The real downfall was the ascendance of
    Wayne "stinky Pepe" LaPierre. He is a nut case, a draft dodger who got out of the draft by claiming "bad nerves". The guy is taking the NRA over the cliff with his agenda of ignorance and fear. I was a lifetime member of the NRA but gave it up when this guy took the organization into lala land.

    Fact is there is no real reason for any domestic weapon based on the AR or AK platform. That includes rifles and handgun variants. The gun laws of 1934 that outlawed automatics like machine guns did not "take away" our guns, neither will common sense moves.

    As long as Pepe is in charge I will not e a member of the NRA. His actions will in fact do more harm than good to all of us who own guns for whatever reason.

  67. We in America have the rights to take up arms against tyranny, local case in point. One of the better public servants that worked under fed eds rule of thuggery in city hall should have ended this episiode for Allentown pa a long time ago. This didn't happen because we are civilized and believe what comes around goes around, also some still believe in government representatives.

    That said I do believe in public hangings, drawn and quartered on center squares and all sorts of corprol punishments for criminals.

  68. Most of what John is proposing is already law in PA. The point is that PA has some common sense laws that have not hurt gun owners. In other parts of the country it is the wild west.
    The time has cone for common sense and adopting nationwide gun policies. The idea that this is just the way it is and cure mental illness is just a straw dog and will not hold up as time goes on.
    Work it out now using our brains or get very, very restrictive laws in years to come.

    We can now decide who is in charge of any change. Rational clear thinking adults or paranoid nuts on both sides of the issue.

  69. John's a reasonable guy, although he seems to like to run for things. He's also a sharp guy who knows weapons and is treading along a fence line. Difficult to say if that will work in a much bluer district than the one Gerrymandered for Charlie Dent. His statement talks down to potential voters, though, because they must be addressed in language they can understand. It's unfortunate that most people debating guns don't understand the terminology. This is no small thing. Are we talking about banning, banning and confiscating, or perhaps banning that which is already banned? Every newly passed law creates a new class of criminals - including those who were law-abiding all along. This shouldn't be taken lightly. I support an honest conversation about reasonable steps. But the nomenclature is as important in this debate as any other legal policy debate. A survey once asked US respondents to provide a word association with "radiation." The overwhelming most popular response was "bad." A similar survey of French respondents showed "what kind?" as the most common response. I don't want to believe we're lazy and stupid. But there is a good deal of evidence to support this. I don't think we're ever going to have a reasonable, honest debate. And that's as American as apple pie, sadly.

  70. “Common sense gun control” is the spineless political patter served up by the pandering vacuous hacks of the world.

  71. You can't buy a gun ONLINE without it going to a Licensed Dealer and a Background Check being performed.

  72. 5.25

    "Chicago offers perhaps the starkest example of trafficking. There are no retail gun dealers within city limits, because Chicago has some of the tightest municipal gun regulations. Yet bringing a gun into Chicago can be as simple as driving less than an hour to a gun show in Indiana, where private sales are not recorded and do not require a background check."

    "According to an anonymous survey of inmates in Cook County, Ill., covering 135 guns they had access to, only two had been purchased directly from a gun store. Many inmates reported obtaining guns from friends who had bought them legally and then reported them stolen, or from locals who had brought the guns from out of state."


    from their tip section
    "It is up to the buyer and seller to determine if transfering the gun through an FFL is required by law.
    If you choose to conduct a transaction privately always meet in a public place!"

    so gaming the system is quite easy

  73. “Common sence bla bla bla...”
    What absolute bullshit.

  74. No longer legal to manufacture or sell weapons based on the AR or AK platform or their variant ammunition. Simple really. No confiscation, no hassles. Yes the existing guns are out there and eventually the availability will slack off. If you own on congratulations, you have a collectors item.

    Formerly of the sane NRA

  75. or
    every semi-auto rifle is limited to ten bullets and the design would require a reload option of only one bullet at a time.
    no detachable magazines.
    any existing rifle when sold or transferred must meet the standard.

  76. NEVER thought I see John turn weenie liberal on us. This freaks me out .

  77. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  78. If you want to be vulgar, do it with Trump

  79. 7:14, :45, reasonable smart suggestions. Common sense.

  80. Kudos 7:14, former sane NRA member. Hard to believe that the NRA was once sane. But it was. I was even a Junior NRA member back then. Never did bump up to full-fledged adult NRA member, like my dad. Even by the 1980s, I could sense the NRA was going off the rails. Their views on gun rights over all other rights was alarmingly weird. As a gun guy and hunter to this day, I have no fear my government will ever infringe on my law-abiding right to bear arms in that way. So happy to see the NRA getting brought to its knees, with corporate affiliates dropping like flies.

  81. 8.24

    "It is generally translated as, "Come and get them." And here is where the irony raises its head. See, in choosing this quote and this situation, the "freedom lovers" are quoting the absolute ruler of the most rigidly controlled military state in the ancient world. Leonidas was the co-king of Sparta, a state in which the individual had almost no rights, which held a massive population (the "Helots") in subjugation and slavery, and where all able-bodied men were completely subject to the will of the leaders. In other words, the exact opposite of freedom."

  82. I think these suggestions will work. Just look how banning drugs solved the drug problem. This public policy stuff is easy. No black market will spring up. Prohibition proved that, right? Our shared frustration is that nothing is going to prevent these things. The good news is that gun deaths continue a 30+ year decline. I don't think we've seen anything, yet. Biological agents and dirty bombs are out there and can cause for more deaths. Are there contingency plans for these kinds of attacks? Can there be? We have more of a people problem than a weapon problem.

  83. It kills me that no one can even talk about the problem without being personally attacked and ridiculed. Tell me just what is so wrong about suggesting that security plans be in place ar every school. Please educate us, since you seem to know wvwerything. What exactly is wrong with investigating thoroughly every complaint or conducting active shooter drills. Would a ban on bump stocks fail to save lives? Ask the families of those killed in Vegas. Are you telling us that parents should allow their children to carry loaded and unsecured firearms? What Morganelli proposes is reasonable and what’s more, he’s willing to discuss them. But for that to occur, you have to be reasonable, too. You’re not.

  84. Talking registration
    Talking BANS
    Peeps done fuck around out in the back country,

  85. Come on out and get um.
    We’ll be expecting ya’.

  86. Bernie, I think the Russian Trolls got to this site. Then the bots started and generated all these replies and flooded them with right wing commentary. So this happened for one of two reasons. One - Donald Trump is mad at you and told his comerads in Russia to target your site or "you are colluding with the Russians" and this is just a diversion of some kind. I can find a plot. Give me time.

  87. People are so stupid. Yeah,if the military wanted to confiscate your weapons they would take your piss-ant Armory in a matter of hours at most. Stop playing frontier rebel and live in the real world. No American is having guns confiscated but there should and will be strict regulation on the types of weapons available to the public. This is most definitely allowed within the second amendment as stated by right wing hero the late Supreme Court judge Scalia.

    You are letting the NRA take you down faster than Hitler took down Germany.

  88. Its time to fence off properties containing schools like airports. One way in and out that is a manned checkpoint at a gated driveway. All staff to have security clearance. TSA style security at any entrance, preferably one. One or two armed cops at the gate and checkpoint. Teachers responsible for door checks throughout the day. Gun laws won't stop the violence. Enhanced defensive security is the best option. Time to build and maintain a "perimeter".

  89. Angry, old, inadequate men love to bellow about their guns. Makes them feel young again. Guys, here's a clue for you: you are getting older -- and dying off quicker -- every day. The great gun debate will end when younger people, women and minorities outnumber you at the ballot box. You matter very little now. You won't matter at all then. Carry on. I'll continue laughing at you -- and wait.

  90. The flip flopping by John on this issue is getting a pass? I know you like him, Bernie, but this is the type of position shift that you have strongly criticized in other candidates. Where was this type of position when he was running in the past? Way too late for Dems to see this as anything but Johnny come lately

  91. Sighs... and Bernie's "BROMANCE" with John Boy goes onward.. If he only wore a skirt...

  92. http://www.poconorecord.com/news/20180222/teachers-in-12-states-have-pension-funds-invested-in-gun-stocks

  93. "The flip flopping by John on this issue is getting a pass?"

    Do you know how to read? He first advocated for a parental responsibility act back in the '90s. He still think no changes are needed to our "shall issue" LTCF law bc most license holders are law abiding. So he is not a gun control nut or a gun nut. He is middle of the road and is only urging measures that his experience as DA tells him will be effective. Are you a DA? You have already established you can't read, so I doubt it.

  94. I was planning on working long hours for John. Not now.

  95. "Murder is against the law and it hasn't stopped criminals from committing murder."
    You can apply that to anything.

    So why have any laws at all? Sorry but that is just dumb. It is echo chamber nonsense.

  96. You are right. Since criminals don't obey laws but good people obey laws, we do not need any laws. The logic is inescapable.

    This is Trump's America.

  97. Can I shoot idiots who find it necessary to add a large amount of space after their comment?

  98. "The [at the time] five-term Northampton County district attorney said he deserves at least a 'B.'... How can I get an 'F' rating when I'm on their side of the issues 85 percent of the time?"


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