Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Fed Ed Just Convicted Himself

Those of you following the Fed Ed trial know that the U.S. Attorney has rested, and without calling Mike Fleck. I consider that a mistake, but it might be harmless error. FBI agents today played their taped interview with Fed Ed, in which he told numerous very obvious lies. His fatal flaw? Hubris. This Chicago transplant underestimated the FBI and guaranteed his own conviction. You can read Emily Opilo's tweets to see the hole he's dug for himself. If he does testify in his own defense, as his attorney promised, he's going to be torn apart with his taped display of arrogance. There's even a possibility that the feds will call Fleck in rebuttal.

This case is over.


  1. Fleck will be torn apart like the weasel he is when Ed's attorney calls him and rips him a new one. Seeing Fleck sobbing on the stand will be sweet.

  2. How to Survive in Prison by The Mediterranean Manslab.

  3. “Lying is in Ed’s DNA”, said Ed’s longtime managing director, Fran.

  4. "[Ed Pawlowski] is as straight as they come". -Mike Fleck.

    'nuff said.

  5. Did Fed Ed actually talk to the FBI without his lawyer present? If so he should be convicted of stupidity.

  6. Wrapping up with the tape of FedEd lying repeatedly was strong and the charges of lying to the FBI look like a slam dunk. This on top of prior recordings of FedEd acting sneaky.

    Honest services fraud looks likely too, assuming the jury accepts Dougherty's testimony linking Pawlowski to rewritten streetlight bid specs and other shenanigans to steer contracts. Last week I looked again at the Morning Call coverage of McMahon's cross examination of Dougherty, which lasted EIGHT HOURS - clearly a witness that McMahon cared about impeaching.

    The evidence doesn't seem as clear cut to me regarding bribery.

    Whatever the outcome I do hope Allentown has a new mayor ASAP, with reforms to campaign financing and contracting.

  7. Remember... "Whisper's" is innocent even if he has to lie to do it-

    I hope he gets the detail of cleaning the poty right of when he gets to his new home... he is so well versed in potty chat... maybe a New Mayor's Radio Show called "potty Chat with your host FedED?

  8. I have been following the case since it's inception. At no time did I read any indication that Mr.Pawloski converted any campaign donations to His personnel use.

  9. Absolutely true Mr Sherman. No case here

  10. @William Sherman...And? What's your point? There is more to corruption than converting campaign donations to personal (not personnel) use.

  11. Actually, he did forcer developers to get him Eagles tix, buy his meals, etc. He does not have to benefit personally to be guilty of bribery or extortion. .

  12. I am curious regarding the last few entries. There had been much talk (gossip) on this blog and elsewhere that Ed Pawlowski got free work done to his home (a man cave, I believe) as part of his corruption. Does anyone know why this was never brought up or was it, actually, a viscous rumor?

  13. The Feds have put on a masterful case. Fed Ed will go to prison for a long stretch, as he should. I think Fleck violated the terms of his plea deal by using his wire to defend Pawlowski's crooked actions and will be sentenced severely.

    1. They have? Have you been in the court room at all? You are either one of the feds or just an ordinary lame sheeple!

  14. Pawlowski's FBI interview and the Eagles tickets raise a question that I haven't seen addressed. If the City ethics code forbids accepting gifts, what happens if the code is violated as appears to have been the case here?

  15. The last innocent man.

  16. 3:03, it is clear Fed Ed had the work done without a permit and only gitbone after I raised the issue. Whether he paid for this work is unknown to me and whether the feds included this as part of their investigation is unknown to me.

  17. This dude appears to be fried well done, based on reports of court proceedings. He was quite full of himself to run for re-election. He didn't give any thought to what happens when he is found guilty.

  18. Bernie, the time line of the man cave remodel also coincided with a mere $500.00 campaign contribution. The particulars are blurry and seem to overlapp like many things surrounding fed ed, covered over by more paperwork flurry's and threats, that's why all the snow predictions by our home brewed weather channel up there on the mountain.

  19. How is the Penguin able to afford Starbucks? Every day he walks into the courthouse holding a Starbucks coffee in his flipper. That's at least $3-$5 a day. You'd think Feddie would be trying to save his money to pay his legal bills!


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