Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Dent: Loyalty to Trump New Litmus Test For GOP

Back in August, Charlie Dent participated in a panel discussion of the food and beverage industry following a tour of Hanover Township's amazing Freshpet facility. He was very much a Republican. He favored a corporate tax cut from 35% to about 20% as well as "clearing out some of the regulatory underbrush" that can make life difficult for an expanding business.

At that time, I asked Dent him about NorCo GOP Chair Gloria "General" Lee Snover, who participated in an anti-Dent rally and basically attacked his personal integrity.

At that time, Dent told me that there's a new litmus test for Republicans in office. You are wither loyal to Authoritarian Donald Trump or you're not. If you support him, you can take whatever position you want. But if you oppose him for his disgusting style, his fear-mongering and thinly disguised racism, you're no good.

Dent has now said the same thing to ABC's "This Week." "Before Donald Trump became president, the litmus test for Republicans was— it was really about the ideological purity and conformity. Now the litmus test has changed. The issue is loyalty to the man.”

Thanks to General Lee and political opportunists like Justin "Absent" Simmons, the Pa. 15th Congressional District will go blue in 2018 when John Morganelli, another centrist, enters the race.


  1. Don't count your chickens on going blue just yet Bernie!

  2. Just what we need --- another Nancy Pelosi puppet.

  3. JM reached his Peter Principle years ago. Your blog is more entertaining than the Sunday funnies

  4. Dent was a poster boy for the establishment. Dent Wood! Another progressive would be in order.

  5. Apparently, O'Hare and Dent are unhappy Hillary Clinton is not President today. What else to make of this?

  6. Dent was and remains a poster boy for integrity and courage. He actually stood up to wealth and power, which is how I define establishment. He did not vote for Hillary, but stood up to an authoritarian who is little more than a banana republic dictator.

  7. 5:37, live in denial. That’s fine with me.

  8. Absolute loyalty is what trump demanded of James Comey. Trump is an opportunist divesting everything that is good about America. The Lawless and Disorder president. We are beginning to understand what he means when he repeatedly says "Know Collusion". His presidency is such a "Dark State". Thank God for the media that reveals his falsehood.

  9. What "small business" is non profit and has to rely on $2000 from the government for basic office expenses?

  10. I do suppose that the lockstep loyalty of the Democrats to Obama, Clinton, and now to Chuck Schumer is just a myth? Yes. The Democrats with their groupthink are like pack animals. Just look at their uniform vote of "no" to the new tax law. Schumer says "no", so they all vote "no".

  11. All one has to do is look at the voting pattern of Senator Casey to see the pack animal groupthink policy of the Democrats. The man never votes with the approval of either Harry Reid, and now Chuck Schumer. Bernie clearly wants a Nanci Pelosi clone representing us in Congress. Another non-thinking automaton soldier in the "Resistance"..

  12. Yeah, it is pretty much a myth if not flat out lie to posit that Dems have litmus tests demanding loyalty to specific individuals. Face it. It is no longer the Republican Party. It is the Authoritarian party,, and you better get jiggly with that goose step.

  13. The 15th is going to be represented in Congress by a woman after next year's election. Men have screwed it up for too long.

  14. 9:26,

    Bernie is running?

  15. Mr O'Hare is not alone in his beliefs. The prevailing wisdom among Democrats is that there is a "blue wave" coming in the 2018 midterm elections. There is a belief that they will clear the tables and get themselves a Trump impeachment. And maybe they are correct.

    On the other hand, by next November the Mueller investigation may be even more compromised than it is now by the counternarrative of an administration interfering with the opposition party’s campaign in a way that makes Watergate look like amateur hour. Oh, and the economy will be reaching into turbo mode from the tax cuts.

    And what will the Democrats do then, poor things?

    Merry Christmas Mr. O'Hare. I hope Santa was good to you and also hope 2018 will be prosperous for you.

  16. 851, while their may be disagreement, no one called for the ousting of Joe Manchin becuase he did not cast a partly line vote.

    Democrats were smart not to vote for this Tax Scam that undermines Medicare and Social Security. Some in the GOP are already calling for cuts to pay for the tax scam.

  17. 10:24 The federal budget is long in need of spending reductions. In every other entity of our society, when you spend more than you take in, you reduce your expenditures.

    All but the federal government. Progressives love to spend other people's money and constantly demand more of it for their social engineering.

  18. Keep dreaming the Mueller investigation will end. Trump has gone from nobody on his team colluding with Russia, to, "I" did not collude with Russia.
    The noose is tightening. Trump's demand of loyalty from his inner circle of minions won't hold. Likely, one has already flipped on him.

  19. 11:53 What else do the Democrats have other than the Mueller investigation ? A bunch of zeroes.

  20. What they don't have is Trump. He is a danger to democracy and our Constitution. Rational Republicans recognize this. Those who don't have no belief system other than blind loyalty to a fear-mongering demagogue.

  21. I'm so glad we have a Republic and not a Democracy of mob rule. And we have a President who is eliminating thousands of regulations not passed by Congress, and who believes in the Constitution, not executive proclamations such as allowing the Dreamers in via DACA which Obama did.

    Just look at how the national economy has taken off in the past year once President Trump unshackled it from the thousands of Obama Regulations that gave us a "new normal" of a 2% growth rate in our GDP. And also, if you're planning on retiring, the massive boost in stock prices has pumped up many people's 401Ks.. these are the working people of America who contribute from their paychecks so they can have a few years of retirement at the end of their working lives...

    And look at the hiring which is going on.. Job creation is soaring now that companies can invest their money in expanding and need additional people to keep up with the demand of consumers. Christmas was profitable for the first time in years thanks to the elimination of Obama's stifling restrictions...

    I'm sure Bernie was tone-deaf to the chicken littles who were screaming that the sky was falling when the FCC threw out the Obama "net neutrality" regulations that were a grab for government control of the internet .. and also the howling from the democrats that Republicans were ruining Medicare and Social Security with the new Tax Code, just signed by President Trump.

    When it comes to "Fear Mongering" and demagoguery, NO ONE can out fear-monger than the Democratic Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer mob in Washington...

  22. anon 4:22 and then he imposes his own regulations. Companies didn't expand hiring in the Reagan giveaway, lets see if they do now. Will it be more than service minimum wage jobs? Will it be fulltime jobs or more part-time? The narrative sounds great just doesn't match the reality.

    Also, Bernie, who the Hell is Hickey Murray Fleck?

  23. "Christmas was profitable for the first time in years thanks to the elimination of Obama's stifling restrictions..."

    Thank God for Fox Business channel or you folks would not know what to do with yourselves.lol.

  24. 4:58 Perhaps if you watched Lou Dobbs and not Rachel Maddow you wouldn't be eating that government cheese you get at the welfare office.

  25. 4:54, The person you mention is an alcoholic online troll who currently lives in New Jersey. He has been harassing a judge for the past two years, as well as the judge's family. He has even used Facebook to go after the daughter of this judge. He is a despicable piece of shit, and I delete anything he writes. He has posted a number of ethnic slurs and is obviously a racist. Little wonder he's a Trump supporter. His complaints stretch back to Little league. He has trashed the Asher family, but when one of them offered to meet him at the baseball diamond, he was a no show. He is a coward, like most trolls. I have deleted hundreds of his comments. It is a lot easier to delete than it is to post. He has not figured that out, and most of his comments have a shelf life of a few minutes.

  26. Rolling back regulations, stock market breaking records daily, tax cuts letting those of us that work keep more of our money, donating his salary to charities, taking millions back from countries that want to kill us, keeping illegal immigrants out and having ISIS on the run. MAGA! Yea, he needs to be impeached.... idiots.

  27. By all means keep the Foxian worldwide propaganda machine plugged into your brain. All things are great with Trump. He is the savior. You do know that if you repeat something to people often enough you can claim it as a fact.
    The alt-right first demonized those who do not "believe" as they do, then they identified who the enemy was and now they are presenting alternate facts to declare partial victory over the un-American enemy within, while continuing the war on those non-believers.

    You folks are the vanguard of the downfall of the Age of the Republic. All Hail T-rump!!

  28. President Trump[ has made it safe to say "Merry Christmas" again!

  29. Democrats' litmus test is unrestricted abortion and unrestricted free shit. Morganelli passes both tests. But he won't even get his own party's nomination. Outside of his small pond where he enjoys a degree of bipartisan support, Morganelli is roundly disliked by his own party statewide.

  30. Dent is a RINO's RINO. Always has been. Always will be.

  31. I have great respect for Dent but in my opinion he failed the litmus test when he voted for so called budget reform.Had he not he could run for the Presidency.

  32. 9;13 correction tax reform

  33. I say the issues of “blue “ will turn against Democratic Party by midterm . This tax bill IS going to be an advantage to blue collar workers and retired people. Most of the derogatory comments about this bill are from misinformation set by media. Educate yourself first then try to understand what is happening . We here in the US put too credibility with the media . Wait , you will see more cash in your pocket.to go on vacation and have family events

  34. I remember Charlie Roberts ,he was a bomber pilot,a hard driver. Guys like this are my hero’s . He had Mr.Dent at the YR club Easton . Charlie was as I said was a hard driver and he was a hell of a man. He would drive his Mustang hard and he would get from Easton’s YR club to Bangor in 20 minuets. Wow , he was a bomber pilot . I was always impressed the Charlie Dent would talk to me a neofigh,nobody . He was honest and was down to earth. I still like home .

  35. Trump tax cut supports his regulation reductions & cuts in bureaucracy at federal departments by not filling resignations. It’s about the economy!

  36. Totally disagree with 6:13 and Mr.Cocran and Patriot. They are drinking the Kool-Aid of hate.

  37. Pay raises for virtually all employees come February is far from drinking hate cool aid. It’s about letting hard working Americans keep more of their earnings to spend as they see fit & thereby creating more local jobs for more Americans. What about that is bad? Dems don’t like it that Trump is taking the government out of the living rooms of the American citizen & unleashing their potential to earn a decent life. Back to the founders & Adam Smith’s wealth of nations concepts—gotta love it.

  38. Eliminate ALL taxpayer subsidized bottle water from the Whitehouse and all Federal offices. This includes our local Congressman too. What is good for your family is good for theirs. When protecting our drinking water takes a back seat to dividends, lets ALL have the same faith as trumps EPA appoontments and non science based decision. No the world is not going to end, however, we will now have to share in faith based risk.

    BtW, why does the trump drink imported Fuji water....may as well take a knee.

  39. I am semi retired, I go to church every week, I have voted in every election like forever. I am married once with two kids and 3 grandchildren. I don't drink or smoke. I make under 6 digit income but it's a nice income. Last time I saw Charlie (9 months ago) I told hom how I felt about I his recent job performance. He was tired hearing this wherever he went, and everywhere he went This has been non stop with him, so he decided to pack it in. Fine, he was in too long. I think your read on our President is wrong and I support our President 100%. On everything. And I am not any of those adjectives you used.

  40. All Hail T-rump. The few dollars more you may get in a pay check will be wiped out by your inability to deduct your property taxes.

    Also I will believe higher wages and more jobs when they happen. Reagan promised the same thing and the opposite occurred.

    As the Pappa Johns owner said, he sees no reason to pass on increased profits to employees as raises. That is the new sentiment in the neo-greed is good American business model.

    Even Adam Smith is crying.

  41. " I support our President 100%. On everything. And I am not any of those adjectives you used." - Then you are, whether you know it or not. And must people who are intolerant or bigoted think they are just fine, so this is no surprise.

  42. I'm not the one who 100% supports a bigot and fear-monger who is trying to destroy the freedom of the press and suppress all dissent.

  43. Obamunism is and has been over for quite some time, so deal with it. Or don't, whatever. Truth be told, the latter is by far more entertaining.


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