Local Government TV

Friday, December 01, 2017

Chief DiLuzio Rules Out NorCo Sheriff Job

In response to rumors circulating on this blog yesterday, Bethlehem Police Chief Mark DiLuzio posted a comment that rules him out as NorCo's next Sheriff.

"I have a job serving the citizens of Bethlehem, the Mayor of Bethlehem and City Council of Bethlehem. Any questions Bernie call me. You know I tell it like it is."

And he does. In fact, Chief DiLuzio is so good at public speaking that Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez hates to follow him. Whoever wants to be Mayor there next better hope Chief DiLuzio stays in Hanover Township.

One person who may be in the running for Sheriff is Randy Miller. He served under John Stoffa and is currently Nazareth's Police Chief. My secret agents have spotted him twice over the past two days at the courthouse. He was also reportedly seen talking to President Judge Steve Baratta.

While we're at it, I might as well quell another rumor. No one has asked and I am a disbarred lawyer. But I better stop what I'm sure will be a big push for me as County Solicitor. I must say No. I have a job abusing the citizens of the Lehigh Valley and all elected officials. Any questions call me. You know I tell it like it is.


  1. So if being seen at the Courthouse is an indicator that you're up for the Sheriff's job, does this mean that Seyfried is also being considered for Sheriff. He's seen talking with the deputies at the Courthouse almost everyday.

  2. The Sheriff's Department would do well with Miller coming back. The current situation is embarrassing.

  3. Bernie, I just want the popcorn machine

  4. Good! The poor deputies need some real leadership.

  5. I'm sure you can afford to buy one Jim.

  6. Yeah, but he wants the $800 monstrosity that Trapp bought. I love it! I'd sell it to him.

  7. "So if being seen at the Courthouse is an indicator that you're up for the Sheriff's job, does this mean that Seyfried is also being considered for Sheriff. He's seen talking with the deputies at the Courthouse almost everyday."

    I know why Jerry has been there. He is helping Lamont with the transition. The reason I mention Miller is bc it is unusual, especially talking to Baratta.

  8. Why would he take a payout?

  9. Off topic, but I'm hearing that Council is working on a new funding mechanism for the fish bowl in Easton. Apparently the outgoing administration wants to make it more difficult for future councils (like the one that was just elected) to undo.

    Apparently it wasn't as big of a "change election" as the incoming Executive believes.

  10. Lamont is all for the stupid fish tank. He’s being done a favor. And can blame the last guy. Repeat: we’re getting a stupid fish tank under Lamont. He’s as mentally disturbed as every other fish tank supporter. There’s only one political party and it views taxpayers with contempt. Lamont represents that party quite well.

  11. You are OT and I will delete additional comments. This will be discussed at the next Council meeting and I will report fully on it, and not anonymously. You will have the opportunity to comment then. For now.let me state that McClure and Brown both said at the Exec debate that they support the aquarium. The only question was how much money. Several candidates expressed reservation, most notably Angle, Heckman, Heffner and Zrinski. Kraft also has raised concerns,as has Cusick. The question of how this should be funded should be made by the new council, not lame ducks.

    It is extremely rude to hijack a blog thread to comment on another topic.

  12. 9;03 Randy used to be a good cop, then he became a political whore

  13. Chief Diluzio is the only breath offresh air in the donchez failed experiment

  14. And I’d buy it..... just want to right a wrong

  15. Bernie have you spoke to McClure or anyone on his team about bringing Miller back on?

  16. No, I have not spoken to him about any of these slots, nor has he asked. I am sure he is getting inundated from all sides by people who are lobbying for themselves or their buddies. From his time on Council, he is already well-informed on each of these cabinet officials. I believe he is considering bringing back some recently retired workers as acting heads so he can hit the ground running. He is an experienced attorney, so there is no doubt in my mind that he will make good picks in the Solicitor and PD offices.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.