Local Government TV

Monday, November 06, 2017

NorCo: Why Brown Must Go, in 40 Seconds

This startlingly effective video message, released early on Sunday, has had 10,500 views in one day. A similar NorCo GOP ad, posted to Facebook on October 27, has had just 5,700 views over nine days.

Win or lose, Democratic messaging has been better this election cycle.

Updated 7:00 pm: As of  7 pm today, this video is up to 18,808 hits on Facebook. The GOP video, which has been up ten times as long, has just 6,300 hits. . 


  1. You really believe that? Or are we talking fake news?

  2. Everything that authoritarians disagree with is now "fake news." Go blather about your fake polls.

  3. Oh please! President Trump took the county by almost 5% last year. This race is over before it starts. Put another sweep in the books.

  4. I think it is possible for a couple of democrats to win on Tuesday.

  5. I think that it will be 3 and just about 4 Democratic Council wins and McClure wins Exec

    I don’t think Northampton County people are blind deaf nor stupid and I think they can see through
    the fake news John Brown Adds that were thrown together by a 13year old on a computer.

  6. The race is going to be very close, and it all boils down to turnout. If 20% of the Dems vote, compared to 25% of the Rs four years ago, expect history to repeat itself.

  7. O'Hare How on God's green earth are you claiming 10,500 views?

    I did a copy paste of the URL and it shows the number of views as 138 and three of those are me checking the number.

    I understand your need to believe in your candidates and their efforts but 10,500 - please!

  8. You are looking at the Yiutube views.iam looking at the Facebook views.

  9. 10,500 as of last night on Facebook and 73 shares.

  10. Facebook ads bought and paid for. Autoplay. No one is volunteering to watching it. Facebook views are counted after 3 seconds of viewing. People just can't click fast enough to turn it off.

  11. Facebook ads do not create the hits. People watching do. Just think. In one day, twice as many views as the GOP ad in nine days. But you don't have to worry. Your polls show a sweep.

    1. Bernie, are there any polls that reflect the NorCo races?

  12. Bernie, you are wrong.

    "Facebook: Facebook videos automatically play without audio on users’ News Feeds. Views, which are displayed publicly, are triggered when someone watches for at least 3 seconds."

  13. Bernie, so who do you think? McClure or Brown? How about county council?


  15. Professional polls indicate a Republican sweep countywide.

  16. Professional polls???

  17. Great video, not going to happen. R’s in a landslide!

  18. Agreed with 1:16's link and analysis. The disparity between the D's ad and the R's ad is most likely about more dollars invested in ad buying vs organic clicks. The key is the target demographic.

  19. Where do you find these polls???


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