Local Government TV

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Morganelli Consoles Defeated Republicans

Tuesday's election changed everything in Northampton County. Starting in January, a Democratic Executive and 6-3 Democratic majority on Council will replace a Republican Executive and 7-2 GOP-controlled Council. But business still went on as usual yesterday afternoon with a budget hearing to review next year's budget. Although two participated by phone, and called in while the meeting was in progress, all seven Council members were there. This includes three members who were just defeated yesterday. Executive John Brown was there, too. He lasted through half of the meeting before getting up and walking out.

Another person who came is DA John Morganelli. Either he or his friend, State Senator Lisa Boscola, is Northampton County's most powerful Democrat. Right before the election, Morganelli made a robocall for McClure that helped put the nails in John Brown's coffin.

You might think that Morganelli would take a few cheap shots. After all, that is what authoritarian Donald Trump has taught us to expect. But instead of gloating, Morganelli extended the olive branch to the defeated GOP.

"I always felt that you guys had the interest of the County at heart," Morganelli told Council members who will be leaving office in January. "Elections come and go. I've lost a few myself. So I know it's not an easy thing ... ." He thanked them for their service to Northampton County and cooperation with his office.

Morganelli also complimented Brown. "Overall, he was always a class act and a professional," said Morganelli.


  1. So what so the take on the new county council? Will they suck as bad as this one? Will Cusisck still be President? Any major attitude or policy changes? What about Werner Kraft?

  2. Wonder how the new people will handle the Kraft-Werner feud? Do you think they will get sucked into it. No secret that insiders say they are not on great terms. Maybe something to do with Werner helping Phillips.

  3. 12:58,Too early to have a take on a Council that has not started yet. Cusick will be out as president. The new President will likely be Kraft.

  4. Word on the street is Zirinski is already planning her congressional bid based on her results.

  5. Now that is funny.

  6. There is no Kraft Werner fued, there are only differences of opinions. They will be getting along just fine in the new year. Kraft wears his feelings on his sleeve and Werner wears them on the inside, two different personalities. They are friendly to one another and like all friends they sometimes have different ideas or opinions, but In the end you work it out and I believe they will be working together as if it was their first year again.

  7. powerful dem - that's funny. the boy reached his Peter Principle decades ago, but you just keep you fantasy going bo

  8. Eloquent, but un-factual. Brown is not classy, he is a sneak, non-transparent and a liar. The rest of the useless R's deserved their fate. Ken Kraft as President of the new council will be the first major mistake of this new body. He was so wrapped up with Brown, got his wife a job through Brown/Trapp and is so controlled by the unions; this would be a step backwords. Ron Heckman, with all his institutional knowledge, would be a great choice.

  9. Still had to comment on Trump in an article like this. You really are a snowflake

  10. Your man-crush Angle came in dead last. Any comments?

  11. What about the Ten Commandments? Who will guard and protect them now?

  12. "Class act and professional"? Although the gesture of complimenting the losing candidate is generally to be lauded, Morganelli's choice of phrase places his judgment in doubt. This is a small matter will perhaps litte thought given to the words chosen, but it is evident for reasons previously stated at length, Brown was neither a class act nor was he a professional. His corporate speak masking a non-existent business background lead to blunder after blunder to the detriment of taxpayers and county employees alike.

  13. We need more people in the government like John Morganelli.

  14. "Your man-crush Angle came in dead last. Any comments?"

    It was as expected.

  15. "Still had to comment on Trump in an article like this. You really are a snowflake"

    Trump routinely engages in the politics of personal destruction, and has emboldened racists and just plain nasty people like you. This should be called out often because I expect better from people who are supposed to represent my government.

  16. Word on street is Kraft and Barron both heading to the McClure Cabinet.

  17. I believe Barron might be headed there. Not sure about Kraft, but he is a prick and you need people like that as Directors of Administration.

  18. Kraft for council President!!! Heckman for VP. Good 1-2 punch to keep all on their toes.

  19. Sounds good. Kraft will have to harness his in your face attitude a bit to be successful.

  20. Now the Democrats need a candidate for the State Senate.

  21. 8:54 am is spot on. Innocuous words from John being a gentleman speaks to his parents raising someone with good manners. His characterization of John Brown as a professional is a professional joke. This NEVER-READY-FOR-PRIME-TIME-GOVERNANCE AND his motley gang of incompetence make Bill Brackbill's tenure look like a golden age. John Brown will undoubtedly be seen as the worse County Executive in the 2 county history of the Home Rule Charter. Devoid of county policy knowledge; ignorant of any public affairs/governing strategy and unable to assemble a team to move government coupled with the joke a campaign shadowed by 185 million dollar prison expansion--he is a joke! Helluva a notch on his professional record. Though, Mr. Brackbill must be happy dancing somewhere....

  22. If Clinton would have won, Brown would have won. Say what you want about Trump he IS Making America Great Again.

    Look what he has inspired right here in Northampton. If democrats were at all honest they'd admit it. And Trump's influence won't stop here.

    It is proven over and over again, in politics, the best way to hurt a republican, or a democrat, is to be one.

    Like Trump with his spotty history, unless your reputation is spotless, join the other party and do what you do, there's a curtain on the booth.

  23. Trump is a disgusting person who is ruining our democracy and making us a laughing stock internationally.

  24. Trump is political chemotherapy...so yea he might make you puke.


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