Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

More LV NonProfit Salaries

On Monday, I published a story listing the salaries at some of the top Lehigh Valley nonprofits. I obtained my information from 990 Finder, an online compendium of nonprofit tax return. I was asked about Greater LV Chamber of Commerce and Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corp.(LVEDC), but 990 Finder had no data for these entities. Greater LV Chamber of Commerce is a 504c6 nonprofit, and I assumed incorrectly that LVEDC fell into some other category.

In a fairly good demonstration of what I like to call participatory journalism, readers have been unable to find some interesting information that I missed.  I am listing it below.

Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corp's (LVEDC) Don Cunningham - $147,702 salary plus $15,640 in other compensation on total revenue of $2,828.040. VP Lea Glembot was also paid $101,253 plus $7,999 in other compensation. Cunningham's compensation package is 5.8% of the total revenue raised. Source - 2015 990 for calendar year 1995.

Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce's Tony Iannelli - $199,539 salary plus $19,019 in other compensation on total revenue of $3,804,639. Exec VP Frank Facchiano was paid a $134,400 salary plus $2,088 in other compensation. Iannelli's compensation is 5.7% of the total revenue raised. Source - 2014 990 for the period 7/1/14 thru 6/30/15.

Allentown Economic Development Corp's Scott Unger -$114,885 salary and $14,695 in other compensation  Unger's compensation is 7% of the total revenue raised. Source - 2015 990 for period 7/1/15 thru 6/30/16.

St.Luke's Health Network's Richard A Anderson - $3,560,530 salary and $286,505 in other compensation on what is being portrayed as negative revenue of $32 million. Source - 2015 990 for period from 7/1/15 thru 6/30/16.

Lehigh Valley Health Network's Ronald Swinfard - $2,364,927 salary plus $33,636 in other income. The revenue figures make no sense to me. Treasurer and CEO Brian Nestor has a salary of $1,002,894 plus $31,340 in other income. Fifteen people are paid over $100,000. Source - 2015 990 from 7/1/14 thru 6/30/15.

The tax bill under consideration by Congress would impose a 20 tax on remuneration over $1 million for the five highest paid employees at nonprofits.


  1. Great follow up to your earlier post. I liked the comment about calling out this abuse of insider connections. I hope local government officials take notice and plan policy accordingly. Just wrong to plead great need while selfishly picking the taxpayers pockets. Just wrong and save the BS for someone who cares.

  2. Sad, very sad. Local officials must protect the taxpayers form these salary scams.

  3. It's is not so much the salaries that piss me off it's the tax part. ST LUKES LVHN LEHIGH LAFAYETTE MORAVIAN are pillaging the real estate in the valley and the PRESIDENTS and CEOS are laughing all the way to the bank. Spending billions on capital expenses meanwhile school districts are taxing the middle class to death to update schools that still have asbestos floors. When is this nonsence going to end? A study needs to happen on act 319, non profits, and all of the corporate give aways in the Lehigh Valley. I will file the RTK

  4. This is why i never post to those shakedown (100% contribution) con artists called the United Way

  5. After 20 years of continuous, loyal service I was acruing 25 comp leave days (sick and vacation). This fortune 500 company is at 52 week high on stocl price, and strong revenue. Last year they gave an out going exec a $3.1M severence. This year they took 4 comp leave days away from employees with 10+ years of service. While I will never kneel for the anthem, I will take a kneew for Donald Trumps grabbing America. They surely wont invest in people with Corporate tax cuts.

    I sute like to know if this is a trend with others. I seems to be a race to the bottom in trumps america.

  6. 540 correction...24 days take away 4. That is 20 days of both sick and vacation.

  7. Fat cats pure and simple, especially at St. Luke's hospital network. Too many chiefs not enough Indians! Doctors run their tails off short staffed while top heavy management reaps rewards. Politicians are in their hip pocket so nothing gets done about it.

  8. Non-Profit hospitals are eating up everything. Even worse, executive management's remuneration is out of sight. No wonder when my doctor joined LVHN his office visits increased by 100%. Now he demands blood work twice a year instead of once. Of course, it is at a LVHN blood test facility. Greed trickles down to patients, from these so called non-profits to the insurance companies, we are paying for the freight.

  9. Don't forget all the freebies Iannelli squeezes from people. The guy asks everyone for free stuff (concerts, meals, events, hockey games, etc.).

  10. Did you read Cunningham's column in the Call today?

    Here is a direct excerpt: "I thought I’d Rip Van Winkled and woke up in December. It would have been nice if I’d Pappy Van Winkled but that’s a bourbon I can neither find nor afford." (link to full column:

    Pappy Van Winkle runs from $99.99 to $399.99 a bottle - and he can't afford that on $162K?! This guy is always trying to portray himself as the poor, common man. Pfft! And I wonder how much his wife makes as a VP at the Chamber to add to their "poorness?!"

  11. The fact that LVHN only has 15 people making over $100,000 supports my position that 50/70k is middle class. Those over $100k are upper middle class in the Lehigh Valley. In NYC they would virtually need to be on welfare!!

    Hence why a $15 national minimum wage is totally unrealistic. $15/hr in NY or SF may be appropriate but don’t try to argue it is necessary in the Lehigh Valley or middle America. Minimum wage is how high school kids get started working & good companies pay workers well above for full time workers. Less illegals working under the table in restaurants & construction would drive the labor rate up in the Lehigh Valley & everywhere else as the marketplace automatically adjusts to the reduced availability of good labor. Adam Smith’s “invisible hand”!is much more powerful than government legislators tinkering with minimum wage laws. Legislators need to focus on companies & individuals breaking the law with untaxed under the table labor like Morganelli tried to enforce.

  12. The real estate exemption for “charitable “ “private educational “and “religious “ institutions arose in an earlier age. I think the legislature should also address the root of many problems, amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to eliminate the real estate exemptions of all private colleges and hospitals and other such institutions that have grown with vast wealth .Currantly many of these exempt entities place the burden on the people that are not exempt . Anyone that reads this now ,understands ,

  13. Better yet is the roughly $450,000 Cunningham had in his campaign chest that has dwindled paying for credit card debt, car battery and car inspections.

  14. non-profit=profit for the administrators of there own appointments.

  15. Why are nonprofits held to a different standard than for profit corporations? No one bats an eye at the disproportionate salaries paid to CEO's of large corporations. In fact, they are the ones likely to benefit most from the tax cuts being proposed. But at the same time when good people run nonprofits that serve the community well, and solve real human problems, they are crucified, and calls are made to tax them - even though their salaries are proportionally much smaller than their for-profit counterparts. Don't we want the companies that meet our human service needs to be well run? Why can't we compensate them fairly, and allow them the overhead, to do just that? Overhead percentages are a poor standard by which to judge a nonprofit. Ask instead about how well they accomplish their mission, and whether people's lives are being changed by what they do. By the way, these same organizations are keeping your taxes LOWER, because they take the burden off of governments by serving people governments would otherwise have to care for. It's so easy to blame and cast aspersions. Its harder to understand what these organizations really do, and what they really accomplish. We would all be much worse off without them.

  16. I am crucifying no one, although some readers are turned off. I am pointing to what the leaders at these organizations earn, something that the public is entitled to know. In many cases, these nonprofits are subsidized by the public. Also, in most instances, these nonprofits pay no real estate taxes. I do think some of the salaries are excessive, but most are fine.

  17. Please, let's not delineate between "profits" and "surplus" with respect to certain Non-profits where insultingly decadent salaries, generous business expenses, and extraordinary benefits exist for a few executives. - they profit, alright ! Their accounting will show that Non-profits look to balance books and retain some surplus for capital needs and rainy day funds. The annual report and the books will show either a loss or little surplus but the devil is in the details as the "profits" have already been distributed to those execs at the taxpayers expense. Non-profits are intended for community good works and should follow different rules than For-profits who pay full taxes - a special tax at a prescribed level on Non-profit executive compensation. The government gives and the government takes away - that's fair isn't it, for those execs and for the taxpayers?

  18. You should list the CEO salaries of non-profit D/A treatment facilities in the area and then compare that to all the sexual harassment claims made about them over the years.

  19. 5:40 AM

    You blame that on Trump?

    I don't know if it's the same company, but in "Obama's America", I was given permanent 365 day unpaid Holidays.

    It came after an "activist investor" who has donated big to the Democratic party demanded changes.

  20. Great back to back pieces Bernie. I am sure the LV illuminati and their hanger-on's are not happy, that is great.

    Your first piece was a great educational piece for the public. Some of us have been aware of this for years. The big offenders are the ones that approach government with their hands out. They claim they are a public necessity and they lift up the community, etc. The problem is while they come and preach poverty, they are taking huge chunks of the money as personal graft. Every year Peg Ferraro will cry over the state theater and the desperate need for county taxpayer money, yet look at the salary. If it is that necessary to pay that much, let the LV illuminati business class chip in more. Ms. Long is a nice person but like every other individual you cited not indispensable. Also all these folks are charging back every little personal expense they can to their respective organizations, another form of 'soft' compensation

    Another poster on your last entry had an excellent post on how the Boards of these 501,s are also to blame. I agree, they are generally handpicked and used as resume paders.

    I urge our local officials to take copies of Bernie's posts to your meeting when the State, Discover, Arsquest, etc, come a knocking on the door at grant time with their hands out. Explain the con is over and they should be proud for pulling it off for so long but the bank is closed. If the services are that important the public will respond.

    I agree that the human service type organizations provide a great service fill in and actually accomplish things. They get paid the least. Time to take your job seriously or step down.

  21. agree! If business wants to give tony the cheerleader that much money, good for them. Tony and his team preach the corporate virtues of low pay and no benefits well.
    As to Slick Donnie there is a reason he was nicknamed," the Don of the Valley", he knows who to bs with the best foo them and as a at the moment back slapper personality that helps him wet hos beak everywhere he goes.
    If their money is private in origin, good for them. The have figured out how to get rich without breaking a sweat.

  22. Ya Anon 12:24 is correct . How does a private college with near a Billion Dollars get a grant from state and more than one - how .?Yet the salary of the college President is reported at 800,000 that’s thousand and housing (not seen 1099) for this. But how are tax free properties to get this away from the good of the taxpayers whom work more than 180 days a year ,I don’t care but for public grants otherwise than that they should pay her 8 mm a year I don’t care, I would hang up a politician that gave this kind of state cash away - but that’s why I won’t be elected soon to anything because I say - Earn It first !

  23. The fact that LVHN only has 15 people making over $100,000 supports my position that 50/70k is middle class. Those over $100k are upper middle class in the Lehigh Valley. In NYC they would virtually need to be on welfare!!


    I think this is a misleading statement. The tax documents in question cover a small and specific part of the hospital's structure. There are no doubt hundreds of doctors, physician's assistants, and nursing staff that make over 100k. They are handled thru different organizations and their salaries would come from those other groups. As far as I can tell, this only outlined the salaries of the executive board of the non-profit umbrella organization of LVHN.

  24. The salary of Tony Iannelli is obscene.This is the guy who wrote in the Morning Call the day after the election that he was "giddy" over the election of Donald Trump. Of course he was happy, the chamber loves to shove it up the ass of the common worker.

  25. What are AEDC's funding sources?

  26. Noti8cw how the main stream Lehigh valley media never did a story about any of this. Some real self-important people here sucking up the publics money while smoozing each other.

    Bernie, has the county council already covered grants to these places in their budget meetings?

  27. Some of these nonprofits receive funding from the county.

  28. St Lukes and LVHN CEO salaries are disgusting. Revolting.

  29. You blame that on Trump?

    I don't know if it's the same company, but in "Obama's America", I was given permanent 365 day unpaid Holidays.

    It came after an "activist investor" who has donated big to the Democratic party demanded changes.

    Ah, Trumpkins.

    President Obama's Presidency ended with a net gain of 11 million new jobs with 2 million new jobs added in EACH of the last 6 years of his presidency. The unemployment rate went from 10% to 4.7% in that time span.

    Try again.

  30. I would like to know where all the money is coming from to keep building new facilities constantly all over eastern Pennsylvania?
    Some are even across the street from each other if they don't have enough space in one building.
    My bet is someday many of these building will be abandon.
    Certainly they all have to be staffed.
    That's a lot of people!


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