Local Government TV

Monday, November 13, 2017

McClure Names Transition Team

Six days after his upset victory, Northampton County Executive-elect Lamont G. McClure has announced his Transition Team. "The People of Northampton County expect a smooth and seamless transition, and it's our job to provide that," said McClure. Two former county executives are among those who have agreed to help.

Hon. Ann McHale - Former County Council President & Vice-President. Her Council district included Bethlehem, Hellertown Borough and Hanover Twp).

Frank Flisser - Clerk to Northampton County Council for 37 years, regarded as one of the two people most knowledgeable about NorCo government.

Hon. Robert Donchez - Bethlehem's Mayor.

Melissa Rudas, Esquire - prominent local attorney whose association with Northampton County began in her college years, when she worked as a title searcher.

Hon. Gerald "Jerry" E. Seyfried - Former County Executive, former Director of Court Services and twice a Member of County Council. Jerry is the second of the two people most knowledgeable about county government, and carries a dog-eared copy of the Home Rule Charter with him wherever he goes, even when he's hunting! If he can't shoot 'em, he'll bore them to death. Jerry was heavily involved in the drafting of the Administrative Code and Career Service Regulations.

Nuria Diluzio, Esquire - a prominent local attorney whose husband just happens to be Bethlehem's Chief of Police.

Hon. Glenn Reibman - a former two-term County Executive and former President of County Council.

Stephen J. Barron, Jr. - Controller, County of Northampton. His audits revealed that John Brown and Cathy Allen were abusing their expense accounts, and he has also flagged excessive travel and the abuse of gift cards under Amy Trapp.

Kenneth M. Kraft - Member of Northampton County Council representing District 1. He is also a former Chairman of the Northampton County Elections Commission.

Charles Dertinger - Former member of Northampton County Council. Former Chairman of the Northampton County Elections Commission. Current Chairman of Washington Twp. Planning Commission.

Kenneth Brown - Easton City Council member.

Richard Wilkins of Palmer Twp. - Wilkins has worked as a volunteer for numerous Democratic campaigns, and has agreed to serve as the Team's Executive Director.


  1. say it ain't so ... Glenn Reibman. We are in trouble again

  2. I was just thinking the same thing. McClure made some wonderful selections (i.e., Jerry Seyfried), then follows it with Riebman?

  3. No matter what you may think of him, Glenn Reibman is a former county exec who has quite a bit of institutional knowledge to share. I think John Stoffa, who supported McClure, would also be on that list were it not for some of his health issues. UI like seeing Jerry's name and Frank's name. With those two on board, I am sure things will go well.

  4. Don't you mean Cathy Allen was abusing her expense account. When did Trapp come into that?

  5. Wilkins? Just a political run around kid. McClure should be embarrassed..

  6. 3:23, You are correct. It is Cathy Allen who abused her expense accounts. Trapp abused the P-Card policy by ordering meals at the courthouse, which is improper. She has failed to account properly for several thousand dollars worth of gift cards. She wasted $800 in public funds on, of all things, a popcorn machine. She spent thousands for new furniture and sent employees to Vegas and New Orleans. Her abuse was different ... and worse.

    1. Do you know what the meal at the courthouse was for? How is that any different than the tax payer paid meals the judges get daily?

      According to the Controller proper measures prevented less than $200 I’m unaccounted for gift cards. Have you been drinking again?

    2. Judges are like royalty in Northampton County...they make all the hiring decisions, they can come and go as they please (no matter the expense to the tax-payers), and they can just generally do as they please.

      The REST of us (including HR) have to follow the rules or face the consequences. County policy and union contracts specifically outline circumstances under which employees' meals are eligible for reimbursement. HR should know that.

    3. bs Ms Trapp is the lowest form of trash. She is first to tell others what should be done while breaking all those same rules. Please jump on that broom and fly away. Take your monkeys with you

  7. What is the actual function of the transition team? Are they his new cabinet? Or do they help transition from one cabinet to another?

  8. Sorry Bernie,
    Glenn ran the county into debt and put much of that on the families of the employees. He is the reason why many non union people went to union or retired. The man is a jerk and not a manager to be trusting. He was only elected because of his Aunt Jeanette.

  9. There's nothing honorable about Glenn Reibman. His selection betrays a complete lack of seriousness on McClure's part - unless he's gearing up for taking on more breathtaking debt for the next 20 years. That was Glenn's specialty. This administration is off to a stunningly shitty start. We'll be better off if Lamont plays to type and just doesn't show up for the job.

  10. @ 4:21 says the anon coward who won't sign his name and probably did nothing for anybody but herself for the better part of her life

  11. 5:37, the judges do not get taxpayer meals. You just lie and lie don’t you? The controller report indicates that Trapp is completely unable to account for about $200. On top of that,she is unable to account for about $1,500 of cards for which she signed.

  12. Sometimes when people have absolute power (Brown, Allen, Trapp, Keen) look out for corruption, especially when there is no accountability. Can't wait until January 2018.

  13. anon 4:14,4;21; Same person. Obviously a Stoffa acolyte and hanger ons that were taught to hate all things Reibman. It was their eight year strategy for failure. Reibman did leave a massive county cash surplus so Stoffa could spend it all down in his terms. Also the swaption was super low but Mr. Indecisive Stoffa could not make up his mind and the county paid big time. Add unnecessary buildings and a stupid lease and you have to reconsider throwing stones at others.

    Any county executive would be a good fit if they can distinguish their own success and failures and relate those life lessons to McClure.

    Any job seeker should not be on the team as it will look real bad for them to be recommending themselves.

  14. "Judges are like royalty in Northampton County...they make all the hiring decisions, they can come and go as they please (no matter the expense to the tax-payers), and they can just generally do as they please.

    The REST of us (including HR) have to follow the rules or face the consequences. County policy and union contracts specifically outline circumstances under which employees' meals are eligible for reimbursement. HR should know that."

    Another lie. Judges' meals are NOT subsidized by taxpayers, and NO, they do not make all the hiring decisions. In fact, they make very few. They do appoint within their own department, as they very well should. But even here they must ask Council to approve wage increases. Also, I have found they have always produced a lean budget.

    If you want to criticize the courts, it's more effective if you are honest.

  15. "anon 4:14,4;21; Same person. Obviously a Stoffa acolyte and hanger ons that were taught to hate all things Reibman."

    Excuse me, but why do you assume this comes from a Stoffa admirer? Isn't it just a teensy weensy bit possible that this criticism was made by a Republican?

    As for John Stoffa, he went through eight years in office without once criticizing his predecessor, and he could have. Also, the huge pile of cash you mention was the result of 64% in increased taxes over two years, which resulted in layoffs for the first time in county history.

    Having said that, Reibman was visionary and a consummate gentleman. He and Jerry can both talk candidly to McClure about what worked and what didn't, making him a better exec in the process.

    As for who should be on this team, it is obviously people with whom McClure can feel comfortable. Some of them are under consideration for positions.

  16. What no Boscola, Brennan or Browne on the dui transition team?

  17. I just hope Mr. McClure chooses individuals with management and leadership experience for DOA and DDOA. He should look at the bench of retired and current municipal managers in Lehigh & Northampton Counties. Someone like Alicia Karner should be brought back for DCED if Donchez will let her go. Maybe even Reidman can suggest Jim Hickey for DOA (only kidding. There are qualified individuals in Panto's administration that could help the county. What is not needed is a bunch of recycled political hacks. Good government needs fresh faces.

  18. DOA = Director of Administration. DDOA = Deputy Director of Admin. My guess is that your comment, by itself, would confuse people. Administrator is going to be an important pick. He needs a prick who can play the bad cop to his good cop.

    Alicia Karner likes it in Bethlehem, but I would bring her on as Administrator. I would abolish Dep't of Community and Economic Development as it exists since Lehigh Valley's Economic Development Corp is doing most of the business recruiting. I would change the department's name to Dep't of Community Development, and my top priority there would be a grants administrator who would constantly be on the prowl for grants from any source, even the Russians. Affordable housing for working families should be that department's top priority. Much of what that department does is very good, but it should focus on community development. Let Cunningham bring in the bears.

  19. Reibman was salt of the earth. Hired a political hack, who is now under indictment, as his DoA. And Karner is an even more miserable political hack. McClure's selection of his "transition team" reflects his commitment to the return of corrupt Democrat rule if the county. If you think Brown has no integrity, wait until an asbestos lawyer takes over. Patronage and payoffs will swarm the courthouse.

  20. Your description of these people reveals what you must be. Last time I checked, the one person who ignored our merit selection process was John Brown.

    1. Based upon the poor and costly legal advice of prominent (to use your pet term) attorney and lurking repeat judicial wannabe scomillio.

  21. Judge Moran had it right, when he assisted in writing the Home Rule Charter and there was allocated a Department of Community Services.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. I am fairly lenient about anonymous carrack s on elected officials. But I am not going to allow anonymous personal attacks at public employees who are appointed. Also, since every person in this role is a volunteer, I am not going to allow any anonymous personal attacks at all.

  24. Half the people on the team want jobs. How does that look? he wants to get off on the right foot he may want to reconsider.

  25. 4:38am. How do you know that most are retired or have great jobs on their own

  26. First, the transition team in to big. Second, possible cabinet members should not be apart of it. Third, institutional knowledge is great, however, a failed executive cannot bring any redeeming qualities to the table. Fresh faces are needed, and this list doesn't reflect this. Hopefully, McClure will kick out the bad ones, [we know who they are], and bring in entirely new blood in the government team.

  27. A county controller should NOT be buddies or involved with the County Executive. I don't think I have to tell you why. His relationship with McClure could be very bad for the county. Morganelli also shouldn't be buddies with the County Executive, it will make his job harder or turn the blind eye should corruption happen within.

  28. Elections are not always about a flawed candidate. This election is a backlash against Trump and would have been a lot closer if not for the garbage coming out of Washington. People lose elections for various reasons, so, just because someone loses an election doesn't necessarily mean they were bad public officials. Did you ever hear of the coat tail effect.

  29. "a failed executive cannot bring any redeeming qualities to the table. Fresh faces are needed,"

    Really?? We've tried fresh faces that included a man who lied about his business acumen and a tax cheat with no education or experience.We tried a fresh face that included an unhinged HR director who immediately began spending like a drunken sailor and is unable to account for thousands of dollars in gift cards. If nothing else, the last four years have taught is that we need people with institutional knowledge. Former executives can tell McClure what worked and what did not.

  30. "A county controller should NOT be buddies or involved with the County Executive. I don't think I have to tell you why. His relationship with McClure could be very bad for the county. Morganelli also shouldn't be buddies with the County Executive, it will make his job harder or turn the blind eye should corruption happen within."

    In the event of county corruption,it is highly unlikely that Morganelli would be the one conducting an investigation. He would likely refer the matter out to the state AG under any circumstances excepting the most minor matters. As for the Controller, the HRC makes his position political. He can't help that. If you want that to change, you need to change the charter. But Brown vetoed an effort to do just that.

    As things stand, he has been a pain to both Democrats and Republicans. Besides, I doubt Barron will be controller much longer.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. See my comment above. I am not going to allow anonymous insults at volunteers.

  33. ," a failed executive cannot bring any redeeming qualities to the table"

    Anon7:49, Neither Brown nor Brackbill are at the table. Also he did not ask Stoffa to attend.

  34. Enough with the "fresh faces" argument.
    We got that as well as an unnecessary tax increase and massive spending. Give me some experience. We need a few people that know what the hell is going on.

  35. 12:45, How do you know who he asked? John Stoffa supported McClure. He is also suffering from Parkinson's and would be unable to serve on any transition committee. He even had to resign from the retirement board. Nice to see you slam someone who is ill.

  36. The lawyers on his "team" are said to be looking for some county work. Is this true? If so should they be part of this team?

    Is this a fresh start?

  37. Mancini will be back as a FT solicitor. Guaranteed. She will milk the county for anything she can get.

  38. Isn't Wilkens a political operative in the vein of Mike Fleck? That should work out well.

  39. Far from it. Wilkins is usually a volunteer in local races and has wirked on some congressional efforts. So far as I know, he does no business consulting

  40. "The lawyers on his "team" are said to be looking for some county work. Is this true? If so should they be part of this team?

    Is this a fresh start?"

    I have no idea whether either Missy or Nuria are looking for a job, but if they are, the county is fortunate. i hope you are right. Both of them are excellent attorneys skilled at litigation. I'd say that yes, that would be a fresh start. So is announcing the transition team. That's a far cry from the boys in the back room at Michael Snover's law office or the private lunches with GOP donor Andy Daub.

    McClure is doing what Brown should have done.

  41. This is all a smokescreen to give an air of legitimacy to pre-ordained decisions. Just ne honest and say I know who I want to hire. Why the pretense of some committee? Seriously, the guy knows who he wants.

  42. I read on the "winners and losers" thread how "women" were among the winners, I though that was....interesting.

    Anyone know if there are any duel-nationals among the transition team?

  43. They all want jobs? Seriously?


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