Local Government TV

Monday, November 13, 2017

Att'n NorCo Employees! Big Sister is Watching You!

This is a message for Northampton County employees. As you are aware, the County has the right to monitor your computer use.  I have reliable information that someone is snooping. So be careful.


  1. Looking for the disloyal and the leakers. They will be targeted for removal before Big Sister is shown the door.

  2. Uh, every employer has this right. Welcome to having a job.

  3. That is so sad that they have to stoop so low because they were caught doing things THEY should be fired for. (Ex. riding a hoover board, wasting taxpayers money and probably pocketing gift cards, running for office while being paid by the taxpayers, and on and on.) They are also stooping so low because they lost and their ego has been deflated by the employees.

    Can't wait to see the moving truck come to take them away. Oh, they better not use employees to move them.

  4. A last gasp by a dying boss. You earned your departure, now live with it. I hope your attitude carries with you in the unemployment line.

  5. Lehigh County also does it. It happened to me.

  6. They have the right to snoop but I am talking about a concerted effort.

  7. I see you. But not for long ! lol

  8. So what you’re telling employees is that they should do their jobs and not do anything they shouldn’t? Good advice. I don’t think good employees would have to be told that.

  9. I'm warning good employees to watch their backs.

  10. Why, though? To what end? I know they do it, but what are they hoping to find and what will they do with it?

  11. What happened to Collis the guard is he now Fired because the election is over?

  12. His name is Captain David Collins. Trapp suspended him in July, was obviously waiting for the election, and now i consider it highly unlikely that anything she does will last beyond Dec 31

  13. There should be a fazing of the lines here. The new Dem should have the courtesy of review of the troops and start a intro for row officers . The outgoing admin has to suck it up ,and act professionally,and not snivel ,its political in its political out . With two or three holiday periods that reduces time to get anything done . Evan without changes in front office ,nothing gets done during this last few weeks of year anywhere.

  14. A number of years ago during a meeting with management it was requested that I, as shop steward, remind my fellow employees that computers were to be used for county business and that an employee should be prepared to explain what was on their computer. When I passed this on to my fellow workers I was greeted with sarcastic remarks. At that time I was aware that a number of employees including supervisors freely passed around filthy, racist, sexist jokes. This was a frequent occurrence over my 25 years with the County. The employees that disliked these e-mails would simply quietly delete them. Because some supervisors also passed these around nothing was said. I am ashamed to this day that I did not speak up about the content of these postings. I am sure it continues to this day.

    1. You don’t know the half of it. You’d be amazed by what is on those computers now.

  15. I think those days are over. I cannot remember the last time I got one of those mass emails containing a joke that's not very funny anyway. My take on it is you treat employees like adults, not children. Everyone should be allowed to make incidental use of his computer for personal matters. In some departments, I'd like to see the workers very well read. Without question, there will always be those who test things. But I hate to see an employer use his position vindictively.

  16. Most do, and of you spent 25 years at the county, you know that.

  17. Don't use the computers for anything but work, same goes for work phones. You have your personal phone to surf. IMO the county should block restricted sites that aren't for work. LVHN figured it out why can't the county, then you wouldn't have to issue "heads up" memos.

  18. She should spend more time packing instead of making more enemies. She will be the one that needs our help for county services. Without any weight to throw around she might cause enough resentment to consistently put her on the bottom of the pile till the legal deadline. May not be right in my book but it's what she consistently teaches us to do. Don't get mad... well get mad but still get even.

  19. " IMO the county should block restricted sites that aren't for work. LVHN figured it out why can't the county, then you wouldn't have to issue "heads up" memos."

    The County thankfully is not LVHN. And what works there does not work for the county. You say sits should be blocked, but much of what a county worker does requires that he or she be informed and on top of things. There are already a large number of blocked sites, including this blog. But that is ridiculous for government, which should have unfettered access to information.

  20. @9:57: Agreed.

    In the C&Y CPS division, reports would constantly come in about inappropriate postings on Facebook and such. It's difficult to investigate when you don't have access.

  21. You obviously dislike her, but find a legitimate reason other than the petty b.s. Good Lord Almighty, she's trying to do her job. Is it that she's a strong woman that bothers you?

  22. Maybe she should actually do some work? HR now has more staff than they have ever had in the history of the COUNTY! And they still need to hire a contractor to help with employee benefit issues. Really? Somehow a staff of 5 handled it. TRY WORKING.


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