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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Friday, September 01, 2017

A Magnanimous Gesture

The New York Times is reporting that Authoritarian Donald Trump has pledged $1 million to the victims of Hurricane Harvey. If true, that is a very magnanimous gesture. Possibly even Presidential.


Anonymous said...

Like the money he promised to donate to military veteran organizations during his campaign?

Anonymous said...

I challenge Obama, the Clintons, the Bush gang, McCain, John Kerry, etc. to step up and match Trump's gesture.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I call political stunt, just like veterans money he promised and never delivered, but it's working, you printed it

Anonymous said...

Actually, the NYT printed it.

Anonymous said...

Just recently I formed a relationship with a person who represents vets, who have some type of disability, in obtaining housing for them after their service and we talked about Trump and funding. I was told that the vets have never been treated better and her funding for vets has expanded in the last six months. The vets that I have rented apartments to through this service appreciate and support this president more than recent past presidents.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a DRAFT DODGER! We don't appreciate cowards! He is probably taking money from the people or it is a fake promise. Like his many fake words.

Anonymous said...

7:57 President Clinton wrote to his draft board that he refused to report for service.

Anonymous said...

He has the money because he didn't pay his contractors.

Anonymous said...

President Trump is setting a fantastic example here and the media will find a way to either not cover this or make up something wrong with it while they themselves donate nothing but their negativity. I want to see how others will follow here, the pressure is on for the big money makers to make some serious donations. My family will donate, most likely to multiple organizations. God bless you all in Texas!

Anonymous said...

Mueller will discover that a Russian oligarch funded this generosity with a $2 million donation to Trump's foundation, half of which was spent on "overhead."

Anonymous said...

While I can't stand Trump, it's hilarious to see how he's living rent free in so many liberals' heads. He's made a lot of dumb statements. But he hasn't gotten a thing done, outside the Gorsuch appointment, which was more the McConnell's and Senate's doing. There's no tax cut, no wall, no meaningful crackdown on immigration, a continuation of the H 2b visa program. His is an interesting cult of personality. He can't get any initiatives past his own party, though, despite having the numbers to presumably do so. The system is built to stall in controversy or when weird things happen. Trump is the weirdest thing to happen in US politics in our lifetimes. The system has stalled - just as it was designed; just as it did for six years in response to the 100% partisan ACA enactment. God bless The Constitution. We'll all survive.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi is worth $750 Million, and hasn't donated one red cent.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I would not use Trump's generosity as an excuse to bash others who lack his resources. Also,I would not bash Trump on this gesture, which was quite thoughtful. If he fails to follow through, that will be apparent very quickly and I will note it. But this move does set an example for the rest of us. Not just Trump's enemies.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"God bless The Constitution. We'll all survive."

So long as it is followed.What happens when Trump loses an election,cries voter fraud and refuses to leave office? He will label news accounts that rebut him as "fake news." We are in a crisis.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a draft dodger and a check bouncer! hahaha

Anonymous said...

Report: Comey Moved to Exonerate Clinton Before FBI Interviewed Her, 12+ Other Key Witnesses… Fix was in while investigation was "ongoing"

Anonymous said...

Now change the words to "Mueller" Moved to Exonerate Trump Before FBI Interviewed him, 12+ Other Key Witnesses. Fix was in while investigation was "ongoing"

Democrats would howl

Anonymous said...

Agree with Bernie's 11:40 comment. I will wait and see if the money is actually sent. Over the years many people announce some wonderful thing, only to not follow through. So for now, "The check is in the email", is the way I see it. Will wait until the money is in the hands of whomever it is intended for. If that happens I would agree it was a magnanimous gesture on Trumps part.

Anonymous said...

The United States was settled and built by draft dodgers fleeing European wars.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised that Hillary Clinton Inc. didn't donate a couple of million donated by others to the residents of Flint Michigan. That could only have helped Her campaign

Anonymous said...

What could Texas do with the $150 Billion that Obama gave Iran?

Anonymous said...

Plenty !