Local Government TV

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Toomey Town Hall at PBS

US Senator Pat Toomey will conduct a televised town hall at the Steelstacks PBS Studios at 7 pm. This is open to ticketed members of the public only.

I'll be covering this for The Bethlehem Press. I received a telephone call from someone in Toomey's office yesterday, asking if I'd be there for the weekly newspaper or my blog. Since I was actually assigned to cover this, I answered I'd be there for the newspaper. But since Toomey's office said he'd answer questions from the media at the end, I thought I'd give you the opportunity to suggest questions. Then, when my story publishes, I'll link to it here.

Post your questions in the comments below. Let's try to be civil.

My chief question is why someone needs a ticket to see his US Senator.


  1. Great Question?

    What is his opinion of President Trump?

  2. what is his view on fixing healthcare--given the restraints from the majority party not interested in removing Obamacare.
    and if removing Obamacare is the goal what will replace it while improving it.
    what infrastructure projects would he consider the best value for the investment.
    past that his views on a so called border tax.

  3. Why does he think Washington politicians deserve better Healthcare than the rest of us?

  4. You need a ticket for security,crowd cohtrol..etc..asshole

  5. no question - just tell him I'd vote for Gengis Kahn before I'd vote for him

  6. How can this event be called a town hall if it doesn't occur in the open at a town setting? Ticketed guests present all the right questions.

    Civil okay?

  7. Gengis Baby. Never thought of him.

  8. Excellent question, but have you ever seen a Senator's official luxury suite?

    Robert Trotner said...
    Why does he think Washington politicians deserve better Healthcare than the rest of us?

    August 31, 2017 at 4:33 AM

  9. "You need a ticket for security,crowd cohtrol..etc..asshole"

    You didn't need a ticket for security crowd control at the fundraiser, asshole. All you needed was $200.

  10. "You need a ticket for security,crowd cohtrol..etc..asshole"

    You didn't need a ticket for security crowd control at the fundraiser, asshole. All you needed was $200.

  11. 7:17, This post is not for you to ask questions of Trotner. Send him an email. This is for questions to Toomey.

  12. Already capacity when I went to register. I submitted 2 questions with no guarantee they'll be asked. They are:

    Current federal policy automatically adds about one million new LEGAL immigrants each year, giving all of them lifetime work visas. A recent poll suggests Pennsylvanians, by a 3-1 margin, would like LEGAL immigration cut by about 50%. Perhaps through limiting chain migration and/or by ending the visa lottery. What number of lifetime immigrant work visas do you think the US government should be adding each year?

    According to the Federal Register, Vol. 78, No. 191, 60653-01 (Oct. 2, 2013)…
    Members of Congress, and their staffs, “the DC Health Link Small Business Market administered by the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority, is the appropriate SHOP from which Members of Congress and designated congressional staff will purchase health insurance in order to receive a Government contribution.” This a President Obama era regulation which deems congress a small business with less than 50 employees. This is a regulation which allows congress to be exempt from the full market effects of the Affordable Care Act and the health care market exchanges. Do you support this obvious fraudulent, and some would say illegal, regulation or do think that members of congress, such as yourself, and your staff should have to deal with the forces of the health care market exchanges as other taxpayers do?

  13. Senator Toomey: Why are you and your staff exempted from Obamacare ? Would you be in favor of replacing Obamacare with the same health plan you and all other government employees have?

  14. One would believe that Senator Toomey would rent enough space, such as possibly Agricultural Hall at the Fairgrounds, to allow adequate numbers of the general public to attend. But instead, he rents a closet so only a few pre-selected supporters can cheer him on.

  15. Town Halls involving Republican Congress members evolve into ugly protests and shouting matches, not civil discourse. So why should Toomey agree to an open Town Hall. They are just orchestrated Jerry Springer style mob scenes that satisfy the need of unhappy leftists to carry signs and go crazy. They can satisfy that need by marching in one of the many Soros-sponsored protests throughout the country.

  16. If Toomey were intelligent, he'd simply do a live facebook session where people can type in questions to his video feed. Then he can respond live on his cam. Not this public meeting format where he limits the seating and really limits his audience

  17. 9:44, Democracy is not pretty. This is not an oligarchy, or perhaps it is.

  18. What does Sen. Toomey believe the US should do in response to Russian meddling in our 2016 election?

    What steps will Sen. Toomey take to ensure that Mueller has all the resources needed to conduct a full investigation into Russian meddling? What would Toomey do if Trump fires Mueller?


  19. Many Republicans trying to cut off public funding for (PBS) the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- Public Broadcasting Service. We assume you think this town hall meeting is important for public & community discourse. Are you in support to cut funding PBS programs like tonight's Town Hall?

  20. Will he commit to opposing the national mandatory concealed carry reciprocity bill which will in effect nullify state's regulations and when will he reintroduce the Toomey - Manchin background check bill? Here's another question - why can't politicians answer a question with a straightforward, truthful answer instead of trying to weasel out of answering to the public?

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. You are not Senator Toomey. You are an anonymous coward. The questions are for Toomey, not Senator Anonymous Coward.

  23. Senator Toomey, the bureaucracy in Washington seems to be doing a pretty good job of going after President Trump while it ignores a dozen Democrat atrocities. When will the Democrats be put under the spotlight Congressional investigators for the crimes they committed under Obama ?

  24. There's no way this guy gets re-elected. Oh wait ...........

  25. anon 9:44, now that is not only funny, it is the perfect example of irony. When the tea partiers were screaming yelling and disrupting town halls back in 2010-2011, you were fine with democracy. So now it is a bad thing. Oh sweet, sweet irony.

    So poor, poor Pat Toomey can't take the heat given to ole Arlene Spector.

    The BS is especially pungent with this one!

  26. President Trump is planning on ending President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, which allows young illegal aliens protected status and work permits to remain in the United States. Do you support the President's desire to deport illegal aliens from the United States ?

  27. Some great questions. Will try to ask as man as I can. Printing out now.

  28. Mr. Toomey, will you support a limit of two terms [8 years] for the U.S. Congress and Senate?

    Mr. Toomey, do you believe politicians should be subject to the same laws and regulations they legislate to govern the Citizens they represent?

    Quentin C. kent, SR

  29. Jeff Fox 907...what is the source of the poll you quote.

    A Jan Quinnipiac poll suggested 59 percent of American voters believe illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and "eventually apply for U.S. citizenship.

    Majority of Americans do not want the Wall.

    Majority of Americans opposed Trumpcare.

  30. Term limits for Congress is a good question. I never thought much of the idea but with big money and gerrymandered districts, it is about time for both the Senate and House to be limited like the President.

  31. Mr Toomey will you support building a wall between the United States and Mexico to limit illgal border crossings, even if it causes a government shutdown by those who oppose it ?

  32. And even if that shutdown hurts federal relief efforts in Texas, as a shutdown would?

  33. Anonymous at August 31, 2017 at 6:11 PM

    The poll cited was from a survey conducted by Pulse Opinion Research of 1,000 Pennsylvanians likely to vote in next year's midterm congressional elections. The survey included nearly all demographic groups, including Pennsylvania's Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Union Households, Catholics, Evangelicals, Protestants and those of other religions, no religion, and residents of major cities, suburbs, and rural areas. The question asked about numbers of LEGAL immigrants. It had nothing to do with the "wall".

    The other question was specific to a regulation from Oct. 2, 2013, which is found in the federal register. It did not pertain to "Trumpcare", whatever that means.

  34. "Trumpcare", is the term that will be used to define the American healthcare policies that Pres. Trump wants to implement. He hates the ACA. Fine. Whatever comes now will be Trumpcare. When he ran he promised a better healthcare law than the ACA. He promised it would be cheaper, better, cover everyone regardless of their health and no one would be dropped from health coverage.

    Lets see how that works out.

  35. I never mentioned Trump or "Trumpcare". Someone else did, perhaps you. Do not know. Do not care. One may not like the President, good for whomever. My questions were about specifics and transparent. The information is available for all to see. One can read and decide what is right by themselves. I wish more people would base their thoughts and opinions on fact and truth instead of emotion and hype. Issues must prevail over politics.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.