Local Government TV

Friday, August 18, 2017

Romney: Authoritarian Donald Trump Needs to Apologize

From Mitt Romney's Facebook page: I will dispense for now from discussion of the moral character of the president's Charlottesville statements. Whether he intended to or not, what he communicated caused racists to rejoice, minorities to weep, and the vast heart of America to mourn. His apologists strain to explain that he didn't mean what we heard. But what we heard is now the reality, and unless it is addressed by the president as such, with unprecedented candor and strength, there may commence an unraveling of our national fabric.

The leaders of our branches of military service have spoken immediately and forcefully, repudiating the implications of the president's words. Why? In part because the morale and commitment of our forces--made up and sustained by men and women of all races--could be in the balance. Our allies around the world are stunned and our enemies celebrate; America's ability to help secure a peaceful and prosperous world is diminished. And who would want to come to the aid of a country they perceive as racist if ever the need were to arise, as it did after 9/11?

In homes across the nation, children are asking their parents what this means. Jews, blacks, Hispanics, Muslims are as much a part of America as whites and Protestants. But today they wonder. Where might this lead? To bitterness and tears, or perhaps to anger and violence?

The potential consequences are severe in the extreme. Accordingly, the president must take remedial action in the extreme. He should address the American people, acknowledge that he was wrong, apologize. State forcefully and unequivocally that racists are 100% to blame for the murder and violence in Charlottesville. Testify that there is no conceivable comparison or moral equivalency between the Nazis--who brutally murdered millions of Jews and who hundreds of thousands of Americans gave their lives to defeat--and the counter-protestors who were outraged to see fools parading the Nazi flag, Nazi armband and Nazi salute. And once and for all, he must definitively repudiate the support of David Duke and his ilk and call for every American to banish racists and haters from any and every association.

This is a defining moment for President Trump. But much more than that, it is a moment that will define America in the hearts of our children. They are watching, our soldiers are watching, the world is watching. Mr. President, act now for the good of the country.


  1. You know, I don't look to Mitt Romney for guidance. He can say whatever he wants. This is STILL America, isn't it?

  2. Is Mitt Romney somebody?

  3. Mitt Romney, you got to be kidding, this is what he said May17,2012, "I'm not familiar precisely with what I said, but I'll stand by what I said whatever it was".

  4. Well, Trump hates being told what to do, so I am not going to hold my breath.

    "...the Nazis--who brutally murdered millions of Jews and who hundreds of thousands of Americans gave their lives to defeat ... fools parading the Nazi flag, Nazi armband and Nazi salute" should so offend any patriotic American, especially the Commander of the US Armed Forces. Re the Confederate battle flag, I've known people for whom it was a somewhat innocent "southern"/"country boy or girl"/"redneck" identity flag/badge without intending racial overtones (at least not consciously). However, for much of history, and definitely in Charlottesville, it was purposefully intended to convey the overt hateful racial message.

    Flags are mere cloth. However, they can convey powerful symbolic messages. Ask anyone offended by the burning of an American flag why they feel the offense. To be parading Nazi flags is so repugnant. If you can claim that there were "many fine people" doing so peacefully, and that it should be accepted, try changing the "mere cloth" and message. Instead of Nazi or Confederate flags, lets say a group wants to "peacefully" parade around with an ISIS flag (with its "there is no god but Allah. Mohammed is the messenger of Allah") while peacefully calling for the US to leave the middle east. Is that OK? Would Trump dig in his heals and defend that as the free speech/assembly/religion of "many fine people"? If the president wishes to engage in false equivalencies, is there really a difference? Of course we find the ISIS world view as threatening, but most sane people also find NAZI and Klan world views threatening to our values.

    The logic, and doubling down to justify the values of these "very fine people" brings to mind the old expression, "It is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Just as Trump has done in the past, he has disgracefully changed the "bully" meaning in using the "bully pulpit" of the presidency.

  5. Bannon out. Business Council gone. GOP support crumbling. Even FOX News not so starry-eyed. Approval rating breaking record lows. But, Trump will still hold his rallies to bathe in the adoration of his base supporters - Nazis, KKK, White Supremacists, and the other fools.

  6. Mitt Romney once again makes a fool of himself like he did when he tried to derail Trump during the primary. Mitt Romney is a loser establishment politician who has failed to grasp that the traditional Republican establishment has lost its base of support .

  7. "Instead of Nazi or Confederate flags, lets say a group wants to "peacefully" parade around with an ISIS flag (with its "there is no god but Allah. Mohammed is the messenger of Allah") while peacefully calling for the US to leave the middle east. Is that OK? Would Trump dig in his heals and defend that as the free speech/assembly/religion of "many fine people"? If the president wishes to engage in false equivalencies, is there really a difference?"

    @1:24 The difference is that ISIS is not Trump's political base.

  8. apologize for what Mr.Romney. The President got it right and you are wrong. Both sides are hateful and/or violent in nature. We saw enough of that during the election process last summer. So one side is as guilty as the next. I for one, want to remember our history. People need to learn and not forget so those same mistakes are not repeated. The PC movement will lead this country of ours down the road to communism. Censorship and rewriting history is not part of what made America a great country to where our ancestors wanted to come to. Ask those who are still trying to get here legally.

  9. The "full court press" to damage and remove Trump has started. As expected, charges of racism are involved.

  10. @2:24 "I for one, want to remember our history. People need to learn and not forget..."

    So besides US blood and treasure being spent to defeat it in WWII, just what part of our history is Nazism a part of that we need to remember?

    "Both sides are hateful and/or violent." I will grant that in the big picture there are yahoos across the political spectrum. Idiocy, hate, and violence are not ideological, religious, or racial puritans. But to muddy the water in the specifics of Charlottesville, with its huge Nazi-like torchlight parade, their chantings, and running a car into a crowd, is essentially a form of inversion and avoids admitting that the Nazis and KKK should not be normalized in any fashion. An interesting article in the Express in June: "... a lot of the pro-Trump internet personalities ... have one tactic that keeps working--as far as their followers are concerned --when it comes to dealing with their nemeses. It is, essentially, to invert. If the mainstream media calls them 'fake news,' then the solution is to relentlessly use the term 'fake news' to describe the mainstream media." Basically, that has been what Trump and his faithful are doing here: If they call us racists, we'll invert it and relentlessly level the charge against them. Whats the propaganda expression? If you say it often enough many people will accept it as truth.

  11. I just deleted a comment engaging in identity politics, this time from the left. Comments that make sweeping generalizations about a party are going to be deleted.

  12. Has Mitt Romney apologized or denounced his church for their ex-communication and separatist practices and activities? Or perhaps he just sees the "mote" in Trumps eye.

    Both men seem to have similar contradictions and a shared psychopathy , one with a more polished persona. The fact that they are in same political party is most likely attributed to happenstance rather than shared political identity.

  13. As expected, charges of racism are involved.
    Not difficult to expect something already suspected. Now proved. Not making it clear to racists you don't accept their support, but pandering to them instead, makes you a racist.

  14. 5:51, when you respond to Romneys's warning about racism and prejudice with your own religious intolerance, you prove him right and establish that Authoritarian Donald Trump's base is filled with hate.

  15. 6:18 -

    Once again, Trump DID publicly condemn the white supremacists who gathered in Charlottesville during his press conference in New York. A couple days before, while the incident was ongoing, he also stressed publicly there is NO PLACE for hate, etc. On MANY earlier occasions Trump also condemned David Duke, and those like David Duke, who support him.

    Many of Trump's rallies stressed unity among ALL people, more job opportunities for inner cities where many minorities tend to live.

    Trump's own daughter converted to the Jewish Faith. His grandchildren raised as Jews. I could go on and on.

    Here's the problem, YOU are unable/unwilling to hear his actual words. You are unhappy he won the election and want to bring him down. It is important for you to tell others, "See, I told you so."

    Trump is facing a highly organized effort to stall his plans and be removed from office. He is being accused of all kinds of things. You will likely get what you want, Sir/Madam.


  16. The comment from the person who attacked Romney bc of hid religious faith demonstrates what Temp's base is really like and you are being dishonest. Trump wasted weeks before condemning Duke, just as he waited two days here, only to take back what he had said. He is a disgrace to his office and an embarrassment to this country.

  17. It's your Blog. Use it for whatever purpose you like. No problem. I'll get out of your way. Thank you for the opportunity to take part.

  18. "Trump is facing a highly organized effort to stall his plans and be removed from office"

    What plans? Seriously, other than grossly overstating the nothing he has accomplished so far, what plans?

  19. -6:30

    Only devotion to identity politics could suggest that pointing out Romney's own hypocrisy concerning his religious faith in a form of intolerance.

    Hypocrisy should be pointed out whether it be religious or ideological, both can go to far. For many of us there is little difference between the two. The fact that consistency in the application of facts as it pertains to religious and ideological beliefs, proves and establishes that Authoritarian Donald Trump's base is filled with hate pleases me no end.

    The question is where does this "Base " as you put it reside, where does it find a place in American political discourse? And how do we talk about it without defining their political identity?

  20. Drop it. You've already established what you are.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Romney has been hating Trump ever since Trump won the GOP. (shruggs).

  23. I can't help but notice that this "headline" has been all over the mass media. Another co-ordinated Democratic slam against Trump led by a swamp sweller who lost to Trump during the election cycle who is still pissed off.

  24. The same old faces are criticizing President Trump again because yet again, he didn't act "Presidential" in their eyes. I wonder if Romney still has his binders of women and magic underwear>

  25. 10:14, the assertion of a coordinated attack is actually an attack on those who are informing their readers. That includes me and is highly insulting and a lie.

  26. Does anyone honestly believe Trump is capable of understanding what Romney wrote, regardless of whether he agrees with it or not?

    You have to have empathy for others to get the point. I was happy to see Romney mentioned children. The key point about Charlottesville is not that counter demonstrators got violent, it is that the demonstrators (one of which murdered an innocent resident of that city for simply standing on the street) represent and espouse un-American ideas like white supremacy. This country was stolen from the Indians, so if anything there should be Indian supremacy, but I digress.

    A president's responsibility is to unite us in troubled times. Trump can't do that, both because he's so selfish he puts his interests before Americans', and also because he has no empathy whatsoever. He's a total disgrace as president - as everyone should have predicted. Thanks, voters.

  27. 10:37 Just seems odd I suppose that the exact same headline, "Romney: Authoritarian Donald Trump Needs to Apologize", is used by a dozen or so "news" organizations. But of course, we all know that there has never been a coordinated effort by the Democrats to oust President Trump from office.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. We've never seen this kind of authoritarian. Next thing you know his DOJ will drag the Little Sisters Of The Poor through court all the way to SCOTUS. This kind of authoritarianism must be stopped.

  30. Romney the loser; his words are as useless as he is. I cannot believe that the principle and fundamental rights of freedom of speech and association are being torched by the left and their media. Everybody has a right to form their own opinion, speak it and associate with who they want. This includes both the right and left. Obviously in the instant case, the left doesn't want the white supremacists to gather [associate], spew [speak] their hatred, and view their rights as un-American. To disregard these rights, that is un-American!

  31. I have deleted a few comments that are unable to get past identity politics. I will no longer hist comments making sweeping generalizations about the left or bringing Obamaino everything.

  32. "10:37 Just seems odd I suppose that the exact same headline, "Romney: Authoritarian Donald Trump Needs to Apologize", is used by a dozen or so "news" organizations. But of course, we all know that there has never been a coordinated effort by the Democrats to oust President Trump from office."

    I just googled my headline, which I wrote and came from me entirely. The only person who used the exact same words that you attribute to a dozen or so "news" organizations is me. You have just established yourself as a liar again.

    It certainly is a story that would be picked up by news outlets, and that is bc it is newsworthy,juts as the murder of Heyer Hill was newsworthy. Go and spew your conspiracy theories somewhere else.

    1. Bernie,
      Not only liers also stalkers and terrorists on American soil! The nue breed of breeds? Those types always say its always about politics.
      Its a modern social I'll that infects the human services field, public and private!

  33. so if a group of ISIS supporters chanting "death to America" wanted to march past the 9/11 memorial you would support their right to assemble and speak?

    you have a right to speak and assemble and associate with anyone.
    that does not mean that others can not view you as an asshole.

    so no one is allowed to counter protest?
    the nazis believe they can spew hatred without any consequences.
    when they are confronted by people who call them out on their bull they suddenly are not so tough.

    donnie two scoops really stepped on his crank on this action.
    all he had to do was chastise those idiots that used violence instead of speech.
    instead he tried to defend nazis
    anyone who trully felt that for historical reasons statues should stay would have left as soon as they saw the nazi trappings.

    trump did not act Presidential in any way or form.
    so he should apologize to the American people.
    if donnie did it right he could gain some respect by doing so.
    that would mean he would have to admit he was wrong so he will just suffer the consequences instead of acting like a rational adult

  34. Mittens is guano loco over the fact that he didn't make it to POTUS and the unpolished rube Trump did.

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. It amazes me how many people are simply unable to post without engaging in identity politics.

  38. Are we going to tear down all statues honoring Franklin Roosevelt? How many thousands of Asians did he put into internment camps for just being Americans ?

  39. I'm 63 years old and never gave a statue a second thought. Why are people mad at them now?

  40. FDR was wrong and the left has no problem admitting it.
    if the Americans of Japanese descent want to remove such statues they are free to demand such an act.
    BTW how many FDR statues are in city squares and in front of courthouses?

    one difference that seems to be overlooked is that FDR did NOT rise in rebellion and commit treason against the US government.
    neither did Washington or Jefferson.

    for example a statue was removed in New Orleans.
    one side reads

    "United States troops took over the state government and reinstated the usurpers but the national election of November 1876 recognized white supremacy in the South and gave us our state."

    so what message is that inscription trying to get across?

  41. For being residents of a country, which was bloodied and sacrificed many to fight slavery and for being residents of a country which has made great strides and come a long way in attempting to ensure equal rights for all citizens and for being a nation doing more than most, if not all, others, in the fight against human trafficking and human rights around the globe and for being a nation who believes race should not matter or be our focus in how we treat others; we are sure fixated on it. Love/hate are "heart" issues, not political issues. We cannot legislate love. We can learn from history. We should not focus on the past, but on the future. Perspective. Forward.

  42. August 19, 2017 at 1:36 PM

    What you write reminds me of a story about a woman who was gang raped while having a pink bandana shoved down her throat.

    During the trial supporters of the affluent gang rapists wore pink bandanas in the courtroom, a small carefully targeted "micro-aggression" from a group, that you and most others would walk right by and not even notice, is extremely intimidating to the targeted individual or group.

  43. Isn't it strange that none of these statues seemed to bother people when Obama was President? Where were the BLM people and other liberals then?

  44. And to sum it all up; we all have it wrong:

    The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral,
    begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.
    Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it.
    Through violence you may murder the liar,
    but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth.
    Through violence you may murder the hater,
    but you do not murder hate.
    In fact, violence merely increases hate.
    So it goes.
    Returning violence for violence multiplies violence,
    adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.
    Darkness cannot drive out darkness:
    only light can do that.
    Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    We need a few statuses of this man. He has been forgotten and his words lost forever

  45. Isn't it strange that no one called Donald Trump a racist until he challenged Hillary Clinton for the presidency ?

  46. In homes across the nation, children are asking their parents who is this Mitt Romney

  47. Stop posting lies. Trump's history of racism goes back to 1973, when he and his daddy were sued for discriminating against black people in housing rentals. More recently, he attacked a Mexican judge because of his ethnicity. He's a despicable person, but bigots like you will defend him, even if you have to tell a lie here and there.

  48. Hello Bernie,
    Would you consider gathering statements from our elected officials about the events in charlottesville and about Trump's responses to them? I believe this could the defining moment for Trump as well as for those who don't censure him. Thank you for all you do.

  49. More wisdom from Willard Mitt Romney: "i'm not concerned about the very poor"January 2012. "My wife Ann drives a couple of Cadillacs" February 2012.

  50. Dan, I did get statements from three of the four Exec candidates in Lehigh and Northampton County. John Brown ignored my request. He is a Trump supporter.

  51. 3.16
    "Isn't it strange that none of these statues seemed to bother people when Obama was President?


    "On December 17, 2015, the New Orleans City Council voted to relocate four statues from public display, among them the statue of Robert E. Lee located in Lee Circle.[19][20] Four organizations immediately filed a lawsuit[21] in federal court the day of the decision and the city administration agreed that no monument removals would take place before a court hearing scheduled for January 14, 2016

    President Obama was commander in chief.

  52. President Carter championed the posthumous restoration of Robert E. Lee's U.S. citizenship in '76, and it was restored by a broadly bipartisan act of Congress.

    I'm by no means a fan of President Carter's, but I don't think that any reasonable person of good will could find any rational basis upon which to accuse him of being a racist.

    And so it goes with statues to Lee and other Southern commanders (particularly martial equestrian statues) in the decades following the Civil War.

  53. 6.37


    "On Oct. 2, 1865, the same day that Lee was inaugurated as president of Washington College in Lexington, Va., he signed the required amnesty oath and filed an application through Gen. Ulysses S. Grant.

    Nonetheless, neither was Lee pardoned, nor was his citizenship restored. After receiving it, Secretary of State William Seward gave Lee’s application to a friend as a souvenir. Meanwhile, State Department officials, apparently with Seward’s approval, pigeonholed the oath.

    In 1970, an archivist, examining State Department records at the National Archives, found Lee’s lost oath. That discovery helped set in motion a five-year congressional effort to restore citizenship to the general, who had died stateless in 1870.

    President Gerald Ford signed the congressional resolution on July 24, 1975, correcting what he said was a 110-year oversight.

  54. Why do people wear masks at protests? The only reason to wear them is not to be identified while attacking others who are peacefully demonstrating.

  55. That's President Trump to you Bernie O'Hare!

  56. 7:35

    Here's what appears to be a signing decree from Jimmy Carter, though:

    In any event, I don't think anyone would call President Ford a racist either.

  57. 7:35

    On second look you're right. Ford signed into law Lee's restoration and Carter signed into law Jefferson Davis' restoration.

    I'm sure we can agree neither of them were racists.

  58. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  59. Another person unable to speak without engaging in identity politics.

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. Yet another. An amazjing demonstration of virulent hate but very short on facts.

  62. People are angry and Trump was their way to express themselves. I do get that. I think our collective anger is at a changing world and a desire to put things "right." The problem is change is inevitable and the US is part of that change.

    All of that is understandable and has happened throughout not only our history but that of the world. What I do not understand is this obsessive desire to rationalize the behavior of a man clearly not prepared emotionally, intellectually or organizationally to be the President of the US. I don't blame folks who voted for him.
    He represented a hope at change. He turned out to be onto only a flawed and false messiah.
    Let us hope someone can get him to understand his own limitations.

  63. It ain't over til it's over & Trump will build the wall to insure American sovereignty. Trump will renegotiate bad trade deals that gave away Americans good paying jobs in heartland America, Lehigh Valley, & black inner cities of Chicago, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, & St.Louis. Trump will foster Charter school enrollment to save minority kids from endless failure of public schools controlled by the Teachers Unions to protect mediocrity & sub standard performance. Trump will lead an effort to change the tax laws to bring corporate taxes in line with the rest of the world & repatriate billions of dollars to American soil for infrastructure improvements. Trump will promote tax law changes to close the loophole for wall street hedge fund managers.

    All these things should be bipartisan in support as they benefit the American workers & their families. However, democrats & Elite Romney/Bush Republicans can't bring themselves to the point that they support those very things the American People duly elected Trump to accomplish and are the roadblock to progress. Hate Trump media & alt left refuse to focus on Trump's positive agenda but prefer to focus on Russia & Race as fabrications to divert attention from accomplishments that are meaningful to economic growth & prosperity for all people thru jobs vs handouts to not work.

  64. Patriot2, In your first para, you spoke well, even if I disagree with you. But in your second para, even you slip into the bog of identity politics. Both sides need to stop this or we are going to go in circles.

  65. Not sure I understand what you mean by identity politics. Does that mean you can't identify certain groups of people that work against Trump's agenda by focusing on his personal behavior? On the other hand you can simply post that he is a "piece of shit" instead of dealing with his agenda?


    Donald Trump plays on the worst in people, our fear sand hate. He is intolerant and your typical autocratic leader. It is no wonder most of his businesses failed and the only reas0ons the banks didn't foreclose on his ass was that his name became marketable. As a president he has accomplished nothing. Please tell unemployed people were the millions of jobs are that he is bragging about.

  67. Patriot2, He really is a piece of shit. I have never seen a more ignorant person in such an exalted position. Identity politics is the tendency to make sweeping generalizations based on party or ideology. At best, it's illogical to draw conclusions about someone simply bc of his party or to assume that everyone in the left or right think the same way. I know many on the right who are just as disgusted with Trump as I. I know some Dems who support Trump. We have all (myself included) fallen into the trap of drawing conclusions based on identity. I am trying to end that, at least here.

  68. "it's illogical to draw conclusions about someone simply bc of his party"

    I'm pretty sure that was what Trump said about the Nazi party.

  69. The reference to party is a reference to Democrats or Republicans, not extremist groups like the Nazis or KKK. Their message is hate.

  70. At present, they are all extremist groups and do all manner of violence and crime, which is why identity politics has become a problem.

    Mainstream citizens belong to neither and have expressed that clearly through none participation.

  71. I believe we are truly on the verge of civil war again in America but this time on ideology vs race or slavery. I see many educated black conservatives on Fox News willing to speak out about the opportunity to lift inner city kids from failing schools & drug dealers ruling neighborhoods. They will be on a different side in this civil war vs the Hate filled Black Lives Matter group.

    Civil dialogue is not occurring in America & that is not Trump's fault-has been happening since the peaceful Tea Party rallies that became a basis for ridicule by Obama & others.

    This is a very bad situation when a blogger simply resorts to calling our duly elected President a "piece of shit". That is not constructive dialogue but hate speech.


    "on Fox News"

    No civil war just Fox Faux paranoia that sells to angry folks. Turn off the noise and smell the flowers. African Americans have a history of enslavement, de facto enslavement through systemic institutional racism and Jim Crow, and you hate them because they ask people to understand that Black Lives Matter as well? Wow!

    The peaceful Tea Parties. the ones with the pictures of Obama in a loin cloth with a bone in his nose or hung in effigy??


  73. -3:42

    I'm not sure if those who read Bernie's blog understand when it comes to protesting like tea partiers or whatever, you can order one like a pizza in this country through PR Firms like this one..


    I'm sure there are firms with less obvious names that can be hired to go after a person, opponent or group, with hundreds of micro-aggressions a day.

  74. 3.31 "civil war again in America but this time on ideology"

    well if the nazis and white supremos want to bring it on the "snowflakes" will remove them fairly quickly.

    somehow i just do not imagine "joe six pack" gearing up so corporations can pay less taxes or demand that companies pollute the environment he lives in.
    rewarding the inherited wealth crowd is far from his first priority.

  75. 6:06??????????

    Civil war...you can order what looks like a civil war from the PR firm mentioned...like if you wanted to change the news cycle.

    Like the guy who climbed Trump Tower the day some cop in Florida shot and killed a 70 yo volunteer at a police training exercise. Remember, not much follow up on the guy, and the woman had a quiet funeral.

  76. Funny how 8:46 assumes there are no educated college graduates among the Trump agenda supporters. You are missing the identity profiling by defining us as "Joe six pack" or even worse as neo nazi's.

  77. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

  78. funny how 9.21 assumes college educated people are not "joe six-pack".
    having a college degree does not necessarily mean one is educated.
    donnie two scoops claims to be a man of the people with closer ties to the working man then the inherited wealth crowd.
    if anyone wishes to believe that well they deserve Comrade trump.
    trump's agenda will benefit the inherited wealth crowd to a much greater degree than any working man.
    BTW why does it matter what the color of the conservative is?
    or why conservative?
    liberals are not interested in education?
    sounds like you are treating all liberals alike,
    guess it is ok when the trump agenda supporters use blanket accusations.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.