Local Government TV

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Arnold to Trump: "Let's Terminate Hate!"

My thanks to Jeff Fox, a local conservative, for sending this link.


  1. 7 Days in May?

    The Castle Coup is almost complete,

    Homeland Security, in the form of General Kelly has taken over control of the affairs of the office, and has sent the Donald on a 17 day timeout only to return to Trump Tower.

    The heads of all the branches of the armed services have spoken a calming tone assuring that the helm is steady and on course.

    Republicans are falling in line, the more outraged, the more certain of the advantages of, and opportunities in, a Pence administration, the count is being taken for the 25th Amendment solution.

    When they have the numbers Trump will resign.

  2. Arnold has been very critical of the Donald. That makes sense as Arnold is smart and successful. Trump is not.

  3. Arnold, nor Romney is the Hundredth Monkey, I think we could be hearing from the Hundredth Monkey as early as next week. But I'm just whistling down the alley.

  4. LOL, This from a "family man" who literally screws the minority help for his own pleasure.


    Keep digging Bernie, you'll reach the bottom eventually.

  5. The Sperminator speaks...

  6. Clearly the deranged nuts are going to go after President Trump no matter what he says or does. He says to them what they want and it just doesn't matter.

    The issue of course was the taking down of the Robert E. Lee statue and Trump clearly was stating that there were good people on both sides of that issue. Not once has Trump ever stated or implied that Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, racists or bigots were good.

    But no matter, one has to be extremely stupid or naïve if they believe that these nuts will ever support our President. But in reality, it really isn't Trump that drives them to the brink of insanity with their rage and anger, it's the President's agenda and it is actually the agenda that is the target. It's also no coincidence that they either supported Hillary or Bernie and they always will, no matter what Our President says or does.

  7. I feel much better knowing someone's working for America!! Instead of selling it out

  8. Schwartzberger already proved that he can't run a state any better than he can act.

  9. How far are we from removing all public christian religious symbols from the landscape ?

  10. If Nazis and KKK are Trump's base, how did he win the election?

  11. What all this is, is simply just distraction, much of it orchestrated by anti-Trumpers like Bernie and others who insist that you really can get a different result if you repeat the same experiment enough times.

    They still don't get it because they don't want to get it. They have dug in their heels. That's why I find it funny. Trump is playing them every step of the way.

    The people who get it are the American workers – the ones who watch Dirty Jobs, follow Mike Rowe on Facebook, and are happy to find an extra two hundred dollars at the end of the month. Soon enough, others will, too. It just takes time. Trump is making it happen before our very eyes.

  12. Arnold S., what a person to be proud of. I'll screw my Latino help behind my wife's back and impregnate her, while I'll deny, deny, deny it.

  13. Why is it that we never read anything much about the IT guy that worked for Debbie Wasserman Shults? Apparantley he had access to many people in congress and sold it to foreign governments. Where is the scandal that she outsourced the computer service to this guy and now our congressman can be blackmailed by all kinds of criminals. If you're looking for Russian and computer hackers, here it is. but nary a word about it.

  14. Arnold to Maria, I did not have sex with that woman!! (does that sound familiar).

  15. Arnie was just using a tactic he heard about.
    just grab them by the pussy (sound familiar)

  16. as usual the trumpkins will attack the messenger and ignore the message.

    trump had an opportunity to gain respect and political capital from slamming the nazi supporters and white supremacists.

    he could have shut them down with the truth about their Un-American beliefs.
    donnie "two scoops" should have slammed them and shamed their misguided supremacy bullshit.

    for starters donnie should have stated any of those nazi clowns wearing maga shirts and hats are not part of my vision for America.

    any loss of support from the alt-right would pale in comparison with the support he would have gained from the general public.

    if trump slammed the nazis hard enough the left would have to praise the way he stood against hate.

    instead donnie tried to side step the issue.
    so trump can either fix his problem with the alt-right or suffer the consequences of palling around with nazi supporters.
    Arnie offered some good ideas-the question remains whether donnie is smart enough to take some good advice

  17. It's amazing. Yesterday, the Trumpkins demonstrated a complete inability to comment without engaging in identity politics or anonymous vicious attacks at the messenger. That continues with Arnold, Romney and anyone who dares question the Authoritarian. He is an ugly man, has proved repeatedly that he is an ugly man and it is time for us all to believe him. I thought he was just
    a crass and insensitive New Yorker. But from discrimination against black renters in the '70s to the birther movement to his unwillingness to repudiate David Duke during the campaign, Trump has made very clear that if not racist, he is completely amoral.

  18. " much of it orchestrated by anti-Trumpers like Bernie "

    Just as I had nothing to do with Romney's Facebook message, I had nothing to do with Arnold's video. The fact is that no one is orchestrating anything. This is not a battle between right and left. This is a battle between right and wrong. There are decent Republicans and conservatives who understand you can't remain silent in the face of fascists or authoritarians. Arnold, who grew up in post WWII Austria, knows this very well. He and Romney are both Rs who understand that there are times when you need to speak out.

  19. "If Nazis and KKK are Trump's base, how did he win the election?"

    Electoral college. That tends to give more weight in smaller states. In addition to the admitted small number of admitted racists, there are many racists who would fervently deny their racism and really have themselves convinced they are not, but they are. As a white person in his 60s, not a week goes by that I don't hear remarks that could only be racist. I usually say nothing but I should be speaking out more to these people and intend to do so. I do think younger people are better.

  20. "I feel much better knowing someone's working for America!! Instead of selling it out "

    Are you nutz? Trump is a walking conflict of interest.

  21. Here I am waiting for the statues to start striking back.
    The anger against inanimate objects has replaced the Russia, Russia Russia outrage....

  22. It's not anger at statues. You are being dishonest. It is anger at white supremacy, Nazism and an authoritarian who refuses to reject these people.

  23. Anytime you're desperate for an argument, you call them a Nazi Bernie ?

  24. Excuse me, but they call themselves Nazis. They were he ones prancing around and saying, "heil Trump!" and giving each other the Nazi salute.

  25. You know I never, ever see any articles fawning over Melania Trump or President Trump's beautiful family like when Barack and Michelle Obama were living in the White House.

    Back then, gawd, you’d have thought Jesus, Joseph and Mary Lou were living there. Such “beautiful” people! Michelle … the stunning, walking fashion statement making history every second of every day.

  26. 1:26, Excuse me, but you're nuts or don't do much reading. Just as recently as last week, a fake news site was reporting that an Obama daughter had been arrested with 5 pounds of marijuana, and some of my Facebook friends were spreading this falsehood as though it were gospel truth. There were numerous comments about Michelle, comparing her to apes. They were savaged.

    As for the Trump family, his sons have managed to make idiots of themselves. But Ivanka and Melania are both class acts and i have seen numerous stories depicting them in that way. Trump is close to his children and that is one of the few good things i can say about him.

  27. And just like that (snaps fingers), they stopped talking about Russia.

  28. Whoa are they? That is a very active story and investigation. You are attepting to deflect attention, but can't even do that correctly.

    http://www.thedailybeast.com/did-a-mole-who-must-not-be-named-leak-plot-to-elect-trump (16 hrs ago)





  29. It's also no coincidence that they either supported Hillary or Bernie and they always will, no matter what Our President says or does."

    Does that include all the Republican officeholders and any other republicans?

  30. If Trump is a Nazi for not calling out Nazis, was Obama an islamic terrorist for not calling out islamic terrorists ?

  31. Didn't Obama not only callout the terrorists but bombed the shot out of ISIL?

  32. Do people even realize that the KKK, Nazis and Muslim terrorist are the same thing?

  33. I can understand supporting a cause or belief but I find it hard to understand supporting the Nazis,the KKK or other such group knowing the platforms of these groups.

  34. Loved the sperminator comment, now all we need is Jessie the body ventura's cosnpiriocy theory on the matter. We will have a hole circus venue soon enough!

  35. It is a FACT that Trumps' father was a member of the KKK. He was arrested at a Klan event in 1924 where 3 people died. The arrest record is in black and white for those who will deny it. The donald learned his hate at the dinner table and will not criticize them for this and many reasons. I would look forward to his ouster, but Pence, although somewhat sane, isn't much better.

    A snowflake and proud of it.

  36. You should know by now that Trump is very resilient. We're stuck with him.

  37. 8:33
    Diagnosis: TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) Seek help immediately!

    Even the lefty site Snopes can't make this stick.

  38. Try again. First, Snopes did not give this a false rating. It pointed out that there was noevidence that Trump's father was himself a Klan member. But he was there, and was charged. The Washington Post did its own research. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/02/28/in-1927-donald-trumps-father-was-arrested-after-a-klan-riot-in-queens/?utm_term=.2a8eaf0ad9bd

    Trump has vehemently denied the the person charged was his father, but the Post even produced census records establishing clearly that it was Trump's father. He was charged with failure to disperse. It was a rally against Catholic cops.

    But the sins of the father shall not be visited upon the son.

  39. 8:33 Snowflake:

    "It is a FACT that Trumps' father was a member of the KKK."

    Fred Trump was a member of the KKK.

    Being arrested at a Klan rally means your a Klan member? Guilty until proven innocent? That is totally laughable BS. By that logic anybody arrested in Charlottesville last week, including antifa and BLM are Klan members.

    Ok lets agree he was arrested for fighting or being disruptive at the Klan rally in 1927. Then why is not plausible he was there fighting against the Klan?

  40. Like I said, the sins of the father ...

  41. @6:26am: "The issue of course was the taking down of the Robert E. Lee statue and Trump clearly was stating that there were good people on both sides of that issue. Not once has Trump ever stated or implied that Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, racists or bigots were good."

    Hypothetically, If I were against the taking down of the statue and I heard that there was a march/rally to prevent it happening...and I showed up and my fellow marchers, my brethren in kind, had swastika and seig heil tattoos while others were shouting racist epithets and wearing white supremacist identity markers, I would know that I was on the wrong side and I'd get the hell out of there.
    "That's the issue, of course'.

    No, Dummy, there were not good people on both sides.


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