Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

John Brown Charging NorCo Residents $200 to See Their own Senator

Rightly or wrongly, US Senator Pat Toomey has been criticized for failing to meet with his own constituents. Facebook group "Tuesdays with Toomey" camps outside Toomey's regional offices office every week. Well, Northampton County Executive knows what it takes to see Toomey. Brown's opponent in the Executive race, Lamont McClure, explains below

Dear Friends,

We have all wondered what it takes to actually get to talk to Senator Pat Toomey. Today, my opponent John Brown shows us it takes a private fundraiser and $200.

Throughout this campaign we have been talking about the Corrupt, Crony Filled and Callous ways my opponent has chosen to lead Northampton County. So today we are dedicating a page on our website to display all of the ways John Brown is Corrupt, Crony Filled and Callous.

The page can be found here:

Corrupt, Crony Filled and Callous

While there, be sure to click on the link to see how Lamont plans to Protect, Preserve and Prosper going forward if elected County Executive.

We also still need donations to make sure we have enough money to compete all the way through November 7th. You can donate online by clicking HERE or mail a check to the address below:

Citizens for McClure
4110 Scherman Blvd.
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Please understand that we are not permitted to accept any corporate contributions.

Thank you in advance for your generous support!  Share this link with your friends and family members when explaining why we need to Elect Lamont McClure County Executive!


Lamont G. McClure
Democrat for Northampton County Executive


  1. Bernie,
    FYI, none of the links in the post work.

  2. I just went over his link of John Brown. In a nutshell, I do agree totally with him and John Brown must go! However, after watching last night's Phoenix's counter-rally/protest, I saw the elements of the far left start the trouble FIRST with Phoenix P.D. McClure's rant on Charlottesville that the KKK and Neo-Nazis were "soley" the culprits, still rings in my ears! His leanings towards the extreme political left might erase my independent support for him. Even in local politics, this partisan approach will hurt his chances in unseating Brown the Clown and his cohorts.

  3. An interesting approach by Mr. McClure. I normally don't attend fundraisers, realizing that they are not normal access events but, rather, well...fundraisers. As for access to Mr. Brown, I see and have the ability to speak with him twice a month at the County Council meetings at no charge. These meetings are open to the public and I encourage everyone, including Mr. McClure (whom I haven’t seen at the meetings this year), to attend and learn what is going on in the county. I also recently spoke with Mr. Brown, as many others did, as he walked the grounds at the recent Bethlehem Township Night Out. I am sure Mr. Brown has many such events where he can be approached and spoken to at no charge. But you do have to be prepared to be assessed an access fee and charge for the dinner if you go to an event advertised as a fundraiser.

  4. There's a real creepy ambulance chaser vibe here. It's Lamont being Lamont. Lamont being Lamont is Brown's chief competitive advantage. Yikes.

  5. Ben, Lamont's point is that Toomey has been inaccessible, except to those with $. But when it comes to Brown, he is the least accessible county Exec I have seen in the history of home rule. Sure, you can exchange pleasantries with him before a meeting or during NNO, when he is shopping for votes. But getting him to respond on a substantive matter is like pulling teeth. In nearly four years as Exec, he has answered only two emails.

  6. McClure has an atrocious attendance record on council and is a boot licker of John Morganelli, who has employed his wife in a no show position.It's no wonder you have contributed to his campaign. Birds of a feather clearly flock together!

  7. District Attorney John Morganelli is a highly regarded prosecutor who ha the respect and admiration of both conservatives and liberals. Sure, there are people who dislike him. Most are behind bars. Your claim that Morganelli would hire McClure's wife for a no-show job is demonstrably false. She is a part-time prosecutor who handles the caseload of a full-time employee. Your accusation is not just a slur at her and McClure, but is an accusation of unethical behavior by the District Attorney. If there were a scintilla of truth to your lie, I would have written about it long ago. But it's a defamatory comment from someone who knows she is lying and therefore refuses to sign her name bc she should know by now that telling bald lies about people can be very costly to her.

  8. So even though Bro2wn raised your taxes by an unnecessary 10%, wants to build an unneeded 130million dollar prison at Gracedale, has hired all kinds of consultants. You will still vote for him?

    The Brown team had to return money to the county, runs for other offices, has exploded county government and you slam McClure?

    I guess the idea of Party purity over competence is high amongst the Republican ranks.

    Jack Lindmon

  9. Im not a big fan of Lamont. he should have attended more committee meetings. But he defended Gracedale and he is more fiscally responsible than most of the other members of CC. BUT, compared to john (the taxpayers leech) he is the 2nd coming of Ronald Reagan! brown sucked in Bangor and he swallows in Northampton.

  10. Bernie, that $200 will go a long way to fund roomy landholdings by said brother that should be recused from such HUD activities!

  11. 6:19, using a first name to post a comment makes you less not more credible

  12. 4:39, What is it that makes nuts lie about DAs?

  13. McClure did go to most county council meetings. It was the other metings he missed?

  14. Toomey is a dope to lend himself to a Brown the Clown fundraiser. I wouldn't pay $2 to see those scumbags together.

  15. Last time I voted for Brown. The only democrats I voted for were Seyfried and Heckman. This time I will not vote for Brown. After the big tax increase I am on the fence with the other republicans on council. Need to hear more from McClure.

  16. This election is like the last presidential election
    No one qualified for the position.

  17. I think McClure knows more about county issues than Brown ever cared to learn. He and his v=county council cohorts raised taxes and want to build a new prison. That is more than enough reason to throw them pout. I want some common sense people. The ones there now are too into Party politics and follow the leader. Bring back the Ron's. I want Heckman and Angle, they aren't afraid of making sense and tough questions.


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