Local Government TV

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Would You Like a Free POW License Plate?

My story about the Wounded Warrior parking sign in Hanover Township has been quite a hit, both here and on Facebook. But it reminds me of a story concerning my Dad, who was wounded during WWII and was also a POW.

One day, my father received a visit from a fellow who was involved in one or another veterans' group. I was with him when the guy came. He wanted my Dad to sign up for a POW license plate. He'd never have to pay to register his car again.

My Dad declined.

"Why not?"

"I don't want the entire world to know I was stupid enough to get caught."


  1. The WWII generation were one of a kind. They fought, served their country and then came home and went about their business. They didn't talk about it endlessly, they were embarrassed by fawning recognition. They were a far cry from people today. Today, everyone wears their patriotism on their sleeve and brag non-stop about service while demanding adoration.

    I greatly admire and miss those gallant men who bravely served and humbly lived, not worried about constant attention and recognition. Truly, your father was part of that one generation in a million.

  2. 3:44 am:

    "They were a far cry from people today. Today, everyone wears their patriotism on their sleeve and brag non-stop about service while demanding adoration."

    You've got to be effing kidding me!

    The percentage of people protecting our country today is at one of its lowest figures ever. I believe it's about .5% of the population that's currently serving to protect our freedom. In WWII, I think that figure was 12%.

    The sacrifices of those who served in WWII are well documented and the appreciation for their service is well deserved. But it's not like things got easier post WWII, with Korea, Vietnam, the first Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan and numerous other countries today.

    And serving today isn't a picnic - enemies without uniforms, IED's, endless deployments, etc.

    Nobody's demanding adoration, but we should be exceedingly appreciative of all veterans, whenever they served. If you don't think those currently serving deserve the same respect, go visit a VA hospital to see what many continue to deal with.

  3. I can't believe the comments made by contributor 3:44 AM.
    I gave four years of my life for my Country and I am damn proud of my service. I am a long time member of the American Legion and donate generously to Veterans Organizations. There was a time (sixties and seventies) that American anti-war protesters tried to embarrass us out of our own Country for wearing an American Military Uniform. We served with honor, pride, dedication and commitment to protect and defend our Country and yes, even the assholes who burned, looted, and disgraced us while pretending to be patriotic dissenters. I wear my military hat with pride. I'm willing to bet 3:44 AM never served his Country or laid his life on the line for any patriotic cause. So my message to you 3:44 AM is plain and simple.....go fuck yourself.

  4. Those who serve earned the right to take comfort in their service. Heaping adoration upon those who have served is paramount to thanking those who wrote a blank check payable to our nation.

    I wear the uniform with dignity, it's amazing when someone goes out of their way to say thank you. My generation is fortunate in that our service is thanked. My father's generation was shamed. Had you shamed the WWII generation (at the time) you would have received a much deserved beating.

  5. I read both 3:44 and 8:05 again. I think in 3:44's inarticulate way he mirrored a bit of 8:05. The percentage of people in the service today is minuscule compared to the general population. We seem to been on a permanent war footing. The defense industries are going full blast. Having family and close friends whom have served in wars from WWII to the present, I wonder if economic policy drives our war policy?
    I do believe we may need some sort of national service policy in the future making us all give back something to the enation in or out of the military. I value and respect the service of all our veterans. My father was a WWII combat veteran. Yet even I can't help but wonder if our leaders and the corporate types hype our new very public patriotism in order to keep the every few feeling ok with protecting the many who never serve.

    Rather than get angry, I took it as food for thought. Also realizing that people will always say dumb things but that is no reason not to give thought to viewpoints.

  6. I always enjoy your stories about your father. Where'd all those larger-than-life guys go?

    You should tell the one you told me about your sailing trip sometime...

  7. Your dad and Trump were somewhat kindred spirits. Trump, during the McCain insult, said he preferred heroes who didn't get captured. I can't stand Trump. But I would love to have met your dad.

  8. "Your dad and Trump were somewhat kindred spirits"

    You are being sarcastic right? I mean if not where are all the effing quotes that were thrown at anon 3:44?

    The idea that Bernie's father and Donald Trump are any kind of kindred spirits is sacrilegious. One was a WWII POW the other a smug, self-entitled draft deferment king who never got close to a military uniform until last year. This is the guy who attacked John McCain for being captured. Now I listen to the Trump lemmings all attacking McCain saying he is too old and should quit the senate. Is it because he is not following the big "R" program?

    This is all nonsense. Actually, it is apparent that America is screwed up and a bunch of dummies, that people like Donald Trump need to go from calling John McCain a hero to a bum.

    Idiot nation! I guess the 21st century does belong to China, as we are way to stupid to rule.

  9. Good Lord. Calm down

  10. 3:44am - Unbelievable!
    A. Please let me know where to look on everyone's sleeve so I can identify those who are flaunting their service.
    B. I am proud, pleased, and privileged to thank those who served when I learn of their service (in case it's not on their sleeve).
    C. After 21 years of service, I wear an American flag pin on my jacket lapel. Sorry, it's not on my sleeve. I wear it because I am proud of my service; but, more importantly, I wear it to honor 2 friends who were in the very outer ring office of the Pentagon where the nose of the plane entered on 9/11.

  11. OT comments will be deleted. Don't like it? Start your own blog.


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