Local Government TV

Monday, May 08, 2017

NorCo Exec: McClure Way Ahead in Money Race

Lamont McClure at Bethlehem rally
Though the numbers that matter are the ones registered in the voting booth, it's no secret that money helps get the message out. Right now, Democrat Lamont McClure is way ahead in that category in his bid to become the next county executive. He is running unopposed for the Democratic nomination, and used his time to focus on raising money. His second Friday Pre-Primary report shows that he has raised $49.5000 so far. His total warchest now stands at $51,778.56.

Incumbent John Brown, running unopposed for the GOP nod, has made no effort to campaign. He skipped a county party meeting last week and also was a no-show at a pizza party thrown by popular Judge Emil Giordano, a Republican running for the Superior Court. His second Friday Pre-Primary report shows just one contribution, $1,500 from landfill owner Charles Chrin. His warchest  has just $2,137.74.

That's hardly enough for one night in Vegas.

Most of McClure's money comes from unions, including AFSCME, the bargaining unit that represents many of the county's unionized workers. That's no surprise, given that Brown has hardly endeared himself to county workers. But what is a surprise is to see that several Bethlehem Democrats who previously supported Brown are now supporting McClure.        

Brown kept things close in Bethlehem, enabling him to win the race countywide. He appears to have lost his Bethlehem advantage.


  1. Bye bye Mr. Brown! Nice guys finish last, LOL!!!!!?!?! Good riddance!

    1. Hopefully Amy trapped will go with him

  2. Unlike John Callahan, Lamont McClure has not insulted half of Bethlehem's Democratic residents.

  3. Brown/Allen/Trapp and her cabinet need to go!

  4. Back to Bangor! Maybe his so called "expertise" can be used in the school district. Hopefully, we can throw the political morons out of county council!

  5. Drop the name calling and useless insults. The fact of the matter is that last time around, John Callahan was way ahead in the money race. We all know what happened. Brown will raise the money he needs to wage a competitive race, and right now, he wins. Instead of name-calling, you need to get people registered and out in November. Tge turnout should be an all-time low, especially since newspapers have abandoned their responsibility to cover local government. Your shots just turn people off. Try speaking to issues, if you're capable.

  6. "Brown will raise the money he needs to wage a competitive race,"

    he may have already, and we'd never know it. remember last time...they parked money in a PAC, and then dropped it at the end.

  7. So I guess we should be happy to get Lamont who is bought and paid for by the Unions?

  8. Last time I checked, unions represent every day people. Who does Charles Chrin represent?

  9. Unions built the Tatamy interchange. Thank you for the work, Mr. Chrin.

  10. That xtra 0 will be his downfall

  11. JB Reilly will buy the election!

  12. I don't think so. I have heard that JB is so disgusted by what is going on in Allentown that he has sworn off political contributions for now, at least in local races.

  13. With those contributions from AFSCME, how can Northampton County taxpayers trust Mr. McClure to represent them during the collective bargaining process?

  14. A collective bargaining process wouldn't have McClure sitting alone at the table. Any final agreement would have to be approved by the majority on Council, but nice try.

  15. "Who does Charles Chrin represent?"

    He's an developer/investor who put lots of people to work. He could have stuffed his mattress. Instead, he invested in a project that provided good work for good people. But I get it. He's a rich guy and they're to be despised and envied. He should probably be arrested and flogged, right?

  16. Callahan beat Brown by less than 200 votes inn Bethlehem. There isn't a Democrat alive who can win county wide with that piss poor a performance in Bethlehem. Callahan was arrogant and dismissive, he was his own worse enemy. Brown will not have that advantage this time around.

  17. Everything you say about Chrin is true. And what I say about unions is true. Yet you slammed unions.

  18. Fortunately the Demo's don't have the albatross of Callahan. He divided city Dem'[s with his stupid mayoral primary endorsement, his garbage collection mess and his meddling in Allentown policies. He screwed over all the county Dem's due to his arrogance.

  19. He is now part of the private sector and I refuse to allow any more anonymous bashing of him. Sign your name. I would have supported him. In a heartbeat. He is far from arrogant. He is actually self-deprecating. What you don't like is that he is willing to argue for what he believes in. Too bad.

  20. Callahan was certainly aggressive but he was the best Mayor Bethlehem has had in decades. Callahan also cleaned McClure's clock in the primary. Bottom line is Democrats stayed home four years ago. Let's hope they have learned their lesson and come out to support Lamont.

  21. Democrats stayed home and some Bethlehem Democrats went for Brown. John did not help himself when he endorsed Willie Reynolds in the Mayoral contest and infuriated Donchez Democrats. That was a blunder made evident when Donchez Democrats started clapping after hearing on election night that Brown was ahead. John should have kept his nose out of that race and remained neutral.

    Having said that, John Callahan, Willie Reynolds and Bob Donchez are now all on the same page. They all want Bethlehem to be a better place, and all work together to make that happen.

    The problem with Brown is that he viewed a narrow victory as a mandate to govern more like a king than an Executive. He has thumbed his nose at the employees and is detached from the public he supposedly serves. He was even too important to attend an Emil Giordano pizza party. Northampton County needs an Executive who will listen to the people instead of consultants and cronies who use your money to buy $800 popcorn machines and take trips to Vegas and New Orleans.


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