Local Government TV

Monday, May 08, 2017

Fed Ed's Candidates

I support cops, not criminals, in Allentown. So the last person I'd like to see elected next week is Public Official No. 3, aka Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski. We now know who he is pushing, thanks to a little house party last night. City Council candidate Jessica Lee Ortiz, who masqueraded as a grass roots candidate, is a No. So are school board candidates Lisa Conover and Phoebe Harris. These supposed grass roots candidates  are Fed Ed put-ups.


  1. Thank you for sharing this information

    Ortiz for City Council

    Conover and Harris for School Board

    These are all candidates who support the Mayor.

  2. Arrest Fed Ed and his wife already! Put them both in jail!! Crooks!

  3. This made my decision about who to support much easier. No more Fed Ed cronies.

  4. I see one of the names is part of one of fed eds campaign contribitors circus carnival cabal nemmicysts and criminal cohorts that infect the nation not only a local issue incubator. I am just assumming the criminal thing is like a family yet plays as if they are apposing one another in public forums.

  5. The delusional mayor doesn't get it. No more "Fed Ed" puppets! I was surprised to see that he raised $91,000. Rob Bennett's $10,000 contribution and the $5,000 contributions by moronic unions that support a crook, is a slap in the face of all informed voters in Allentown. No more cars from Bennett and I renounce my union membership immediately.

  6. Good Morning Mr. Trotter,
    While I am not speaking in anyone including my own defense including my own. I SUMMONS YOUR FOLLOWERS as well as yourself to fact check and STOP crying. While there was never a house meeting I was invited too and attended at the Cabeche House. This was a Community event ALL were invited to attend. It would have been nice to see you there. Why I enjoyed myself with Robert Walker who attended and perhaps spoke on your behalf? As I told you before in our last conversation on Friday when you forbid me to NOT except my invitation, I would not be controlled by you or anyone. I have not Endorsed any Mayoral Candidate at this time nor have I been endorse to my knowledge. However, I encourage All who belive in me to support me by a vote. VOTE Lisa Conover for Allentown School Board! I am for the people, I can not be coerced, bullied,bought or sold by you or anyone else. With this being said, After my win, I look forward to working with Sara Brace, Robert Walker, Cheryl Johnson-Watts, Pheobe Harris...whichever candidate besides myself that gets in.
    Your decision tactics are old school. Unlesz we are in atime zone, division tactics are no longer working. THE PEOPLE want peaceful working and collaborative solutions. I only ly suggest that you start being a little more positive and not so petty and controlling in terms of telling people where they can show up and who they can talk to or you are going withdraw your $25 and call your supporters and rescind your orders.
    Remind yourself and your followers that their vote belongs to them, Vote Lisa Conover for Allentown, May 16th.

  7. You allowed yourself to be named in the same piece inviting people to attend this gathering with only one Mayoral candidate. It is pretty clear who you endorse and anyone who votes for you is nutz.

  8. Mr. Share,

    I have attended several events. I just want to point out Mrs. Ortiz, Ms. Conover ,Ms Harris have attended almost all mayoral candidates events. They all spoke with David Jones last week at a the the candidate Johns event. They have all been at events for Ray , Charlie as well. Just wanted to point out. They have my vote. Oh did you all forget Roberto Walker?

  9. Lol, you mean I allowed it just like that video that you guys stole, spliced and put up "Josh Singleton for Allentown Mayor and Lisa Conover for Allentown School Board"? Smh��

  10. Who are "you guys?" I had no role in splicing or doing any such thing. The fact that you allowed your name to be included in a promotion for Fed Ed is enough for me, unless you are willing, here and now, to condemn Fed Ed and state he does not have your support.

  11. Bernie, both you and I heard Fed Ed was going to finally be charged last week. Since then I have heard nothing. How about you?

  12. @7:57

    You are running for school board and that's the way you write? Your sentence structure, grammar and punctuation and unnecessary capitalization of letters is alarming and scary for a school board candidate. It's pretty obvious that students in the seventh grade probably have a better handle on how to write a post on a blog than you. Maybe you need to reconsider your priorities in life?

  13. You all have been stating "Eds " indictment forever. Face it its not happening. Move on . Even Dam realized "or was informed" .

  14. Bernie, do you now allow the mayorz grammar police on your blog? It is needed though for one to be on the school board a prerecqwisit is reading and writing skill in the normal arena!

  15. Sometimes you don't have to say or do anything about a candidate, and people reveal themselves by their actions. If you are not a Fed Ed crony it is easy, renounce him. Yet some just can't seem to do it. And actions speak louder than any words. You had your picture taken with a smiling delusional con man who happens to be mayor. Your silence is, despite your cries, an act of complicity

  16. I ask again as it has not been addressed. When will you let it go. It had been months and no indictment. Give up its all in your minds. Mike was the crook and know he'll pay. Face it , Sam with all her connections has already faced it why do you think she emdorces Ed for Senator. Move on.


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