Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Allentown Firefighters Using Pick-Up Truck Again

From Local 302 Allentown International Association of Firefighters: "This is a glaring indictment of Mayor Ed Pawlowski and his cronies' mismanagement of the City of Allentown.

"We have come full circle. Just 3 short weeks ago Rescue Engine 9 had to run out of a pickup truck do to the lack of a fleet replacement plan. Rescue Engine 9 is out of service again as well as the reserve Engine they changed in to. Once again our center city Rescue Engine is running out of a pickup.

"Mayor Ed Pawlowski said it was a Political Stunt and "Nonsense", he even found it humorous. He has proven he cannot handle the Public Safety Crisis Allentown is in. The citizens and Firefighters are fed up with the Mayor not taking our safety seriously.

"Once again call the Mayor's office and tell him enough is enough!"

My previous stories:

4/14: Fed Ed Has Allentown Firefighters Use Pick-Up as Engine Truck.

4/19: Allentown Ladder Truck Breaks Down Battling Blaze

4/20: O'Connell: Faulty Fire Trucks An Embarrassment to City

4/28: Another Allentown Fire Engine Breaks Down

5/4: Updated: Allentown Fire Dep't Still Running on Fumes


  1. Will we be hearing from the Firefighters union tomorrow after the election is over ?

    1. Yes you will. Ed Pawlowski s mismanagement has left a legacy of broken down fire trucks and a Public Safety Crisis that will plague the City in to the next administration. His lack of a replacement plan has long term effects.

  2. "Don't worry, be happy" the mantra of Ed "Nero" Pawlowski the delusional mayor of Allentown. Show your intelligence voters of Allentown, keep this bonehead in office. You don't have to worry about being shot in Allentown, now you have to worry about burning up!

  3. FBI, arrest this crook already! Jail him!

  4. FED Ed is doing a great job, look at all the business closings in the downtown area and all the non-shows taking place at the PPL Center . Just like he promised. ? I guess his favorite song must be... "Burning down the house" . What an asshole! Public safety not an issue for this clown, just re-development that keeps failing and lining of his pockets.

    1. That is his and some of the notorious Hamilton street gang o thug designs collectiveley!

  5. I love it that the Democrats elected Pawlowski Mayor three times. Three times they supported him, and this time he's as popular as a crab in a whorehouse.

    You get the mayor you voted for. Now you can't get rid of him.

    And you're stuck with him again.

  6. Well, they had another structure fire around 11:30 this morning in the 1700 block of Union Blvd, and no ladder truck dispatched again. 3 engines ( 6,9,13) was all .

  7. 2:11 was it a towering inferno kind of fire ?

  8. 1:47 will you be posting the hook and ladder report after election day as well ?

  9. Apparently you find public safety as amusing as Mayor Pawlowski does. Every fire has the potential to harm citizens or at the very least destroy property. If you have ever witnessed either you would understand that it doesn't have to be a "towering inferno" to destroy people's lives or god forbid, harm someone. Again Ed's legacy will last long after the election unfortunately. Are you the type of person who spits in veterans' faces? I bet you are. Typical Pawlowski supporter.

  10. 6:02 It just seems very odd all of this is being pushed into the public eye just before an election. Makes one wonder of the motive of those pushing the story.

    Where were you four years ago when Ed was running for mayor last time ?

  11. This has been fought time and time again but the Mayor has controlled the media and had his cronies stifle any internal opposition. With the Mayor losing his power over the last 2 years and most of his cronies indicted, he can no longer contain it. Not only that but this has been predicted by multiple​ Fire Administrations and due to the lack of a replacement this Crisis was inevitable. The Mayor only has hiself to blame for the Crisis. Any time you would like to see all of the well documented issues you can contact me directly. This Mayor has had a long standing vendetta against the Fire Department.

  12. Maybe the mayorz impz will be out in force working the heating seasonal toolZ and there implimentations there of because of itz take over by fed ed lite? Than on the other hand we have the imported circus carnival stick that breedz bedbugz and mice and ratz for the impotation as a hostel takeover tictik that has been implimented by itz mentor and co-conspiritor!

  13. Hay Bernie, your buddy Angle dropped faster than a rock in the lake.

  14. Muhhhhahahahahahahahahahahah Ed Won !!!!!!!!!!

  15. Mayor Ed-1, Burpie O'Hare-0


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