Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Allentown Firefighters Still Besieged by Equipment Breakdowns

Second time in two days. Fourth time in a month. Rescue Engine 9 is back in a pickup truck again tonight. This is absolutely a Crisis. Call the Mayor tell him the Fire Department needs more than one new engine to fix this Crisis. They need a commitment for another engine ASAP and a true Replacement Plan going forward.
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  1. And is this going to change the situation at all ?

    Cry Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf so many times people no longer listen

  2. Amazing that it all breaks at the same time and when a blogger is hungry for anti-Pawlowski stories? Things that make you go Hmmm!

  3. Can anyone document budget requests for these pieces that were denied? Trucks wear down over long periods. It's unlikely nobody saw this coming and there should be a replacement program in place, anyway, at all times. Just ask public works what pieces need to be replaced next. They always know.

    1. Yes the budgetary neglect is well documented. Historical data has been compiled and given to the officials who are trying to solve this Crisis. The Mayor is still just looking for ways to saved his political future.

      As for the Fire Department Replacement Plan. All of the Chiefs through out Pawlowski s tenure have presented him with viable cost savings plans and he has not allowed it to this day.

      Lastly. Of course Public Works get what they want and are allowed to have a replacement plan. The Public Works Director runs the Fleet Vehicle Committee and is the Mayor s last friend. He also is the one who has oversight of the Fleet Maintenance contract and has neglected to demand accountability for the lack of preventative maintenance of emergency vehicles over the years.

      The Public Works Director shares a great deal of the blame in this Crisis along with the Mayor and the Fleet Services Contractor's Manager.The aging fleet and the reactionary style of management has created is the Public Safety Crisis.

  4. 1:49 and 2:11 Again you accuse Bernie of obsessing over Pawlowski but you are the one up at 2 in the morning professing your love for him.

    The amazing part is that Pawlowski is still dragging his feet. You need to cite a different fable. The boy who cried wolf reported on fictitious events. Like it or not this is really happening and has been for years.

    All of the long term evidence has been presented to the people who matter and this Crisis will be solved by the ones who actually care about the citizens of Allentown and your beloved Pawlowski is not one of them.

    Continue to sit on the sidelines and do nothing but comment on blogs at weird times of the morning. The true leaders and caretakers of Allentown will handle this Public Safety Crisis. Seriously though, are you up that late because you are waiting for the indictment to drop? There are Dr.s out there that can help you.

  5. 6:27 I believe that City Council appropriates money, not the Mayor. Now that Ray O'Connell is done campaigning, perhaps he can get back to work and address this with the other coucilmembers.

    1. Yes the money is appropriated the Mayor uses it to fund his projects.

      There is very little Council can do.

      As you know Allentown is a strong Mayor City. At any point the Mayor could have avoided this Crisis. Instead Pawlowski chose to dig in until it spiraled out of control and he was literally forced into purchasing a new engine.

      It shouldn't be about politics. It s about Safety of the citizens and Firefighters.

  6. The firefighters know who is responsible for this and that is why they are asking people to call the Mayor, not Ray O'Connell

  7. Funny this crisis happened just before the election

    1. I m glad you find Public Safety funny. You must be close to Pawlowski and share the same humor. The citizens don't find it funny nor do the Firefighters. You keep laughing the right people are handling this Crisis and the Mayor is not one of them.

  8. If some still under the employ of the city would have done proper investigation instead of collaborating criminally the fix would be simple. Now instead those involved are in over there heads and have signed some sort of gag contracts to keep in house the criminal ties to political people, and are subjected to constant jail house punked treatment by little drummer boy and church on the runs parishinors claiming god as there savior in the daylight. When night falls and darkness is upon us this criminal crew plot and plan Allentowns destruction and demise by going after the very fiber that makes up the city!
    This is very multifaceted infection and and effects all city dwellars daily when there is more involvment than just the downtown figures as actors.

  9. Proof the wicked one, "Fed Ed", doesn't care about the public. Let his rich friends at Bennett's Automotive Group [$10,000], Nimeks [$15,000], Dual Temp [$2,000] and Classic Car Restoration [$500] tell you how he cares for the people of Allentown and their safety or go the five unions [four of them out of town] that contributed to his campaign [$27,500]. The sad thing is that this money speaks louder than the citizens of Allentown!

  10. PS - Easton still without it's ladder as well .

  11. Another post by Bernie about how the city is going to burn down because of Ed. I'm sure he'll post another one in a day or two.

  12. Enough about this already. We get the point, Allentown needs new fire trucks. Let's move on to some more important stories.

  13. Quite frankly, I consider this a very important story with potentially deadly consequences. So I will continue to write about it until Fed Ed does his job and addresses it.It's time for him to drop his grudge against the fire department and start doing what is right for the city.

  14. What's more important than citizens' Safety of a city in the Lehigh Valley. Apparently you don't get it. It is more than just a new fire truck that is needed to fix the Crisis. P.s. it is not just Allentown with this issue. Easton has the same issue. The Mayors refuse to address it.

  15. "PS - Easton still without it's ladder as well ."

    I have reached out to their firefighters.

  16. Bernie. You can bring this up all you want but Ed don't read this and he's not going to listen to you, especially since you don't live in Allentown and can't vote there. You're just a nobody to him.

    He'll suck up to the Morning Call because that's the Allentown newspaper and that goes to those who vote for him.

    Besides, he's not interested in converting people to vote that don't like him. He wants to get the vote out of those who do.

  17. That's completely irrelevant to the question of public safety.

  18. The firefighters union today wrote that they are fearful that the Mayor will simply buy one pumper truck, and ignore the other issues.

    If money is short, maybe the city should at least buy another used truck so they have a reliable reserve pumper.

  19. The tip of the iceberg.
    The city is in full crisis mode papered over by incompetents and criminals.

  20. Ask anyone working there.
    It's quite amazing the city functions as well as it does, which isn't very well.
    It's a slow motion train wreck.

  21. The city works as well as it does because of the dedicated employees. This is despite the dereliction of responsibility from the arrogant, egotistical, incompetent, temporary resident of City Halls' 5th floor.

  22. It's the "City Without Limits".

  23. Easton's only ladder truck has been parked inside the city's municipal complex out of service for almost a week now. Just siting there. I believe it has actually been down for almost 3 weeks. Maybe Mayor Panto can heal it.

  24. https://www.fema.gov/welcome-assistance-firefighters-grant-program


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