I told you in
March that Northampton County Human Relations Director Amy Trapp has wasted nearly $30,000 in taxpayer funds for biometric time clocks that may never be used, except on the oxygen-deprived third floor. Remaining floors at the courthouse have holes in the wall, with dangling blue wires.
Either she or her husband has referred to county timeclock opponents as "entitled spoiled brat government employees" who "need to get on board."
Yet as you can see for yourself, Trapp brags about being late herself on her Facebook page.
If she thinks no County employee has noticed, she's wrong.
She's kidding around. You have no sense of humor. You need to get a life.
@ 2:48 AM - You may be right about that one, because she rarely comes in and leaves early. Isn't it discrimination, since she is having only the third floor finger punch and not the other floors?????? May she should take some training on that before she spent $30K of taxpayer money.
yeah.....no. this is a little much. it's a joke
This is the person that enforces policies, terminates employees, etc. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER????? This is equivalent to a correction officers or a judge showing a hanging and saying it is justice. She is also telling her management it is ok to be late. She needs to go!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH BROWN!!!!!!
It's pretty bad when a joke is the big news on the blog.
As expected from the Brown/Allen/Trapp team. Arrogance, non-transparency, and self absorbed. These are the tremendous leaders we have put in to run NC Government. In the public sector these clowns wouldn't last a day. So voters keep up the fine track record of installing and reelecting incompetent people to lead our county. Brown and his cadre, along with his minions on council, got to go!
Your right Trapp is a joke I'd say show her the door but she would have to actually to come to work for that.
You all can call this a joke, but when people are busy in the county and she decides to be late to a meeting to run to the car to get food or down to the vending machine for a soda this is not laughing matter. Being professional or constantly late as you are over booking meetings is one thing, but holding up the works so you can mess around as has happened to several lawyer, cabinet members and county workers while dealing with her is no laughing matter. It's a poorly times joke at best. At worst it shows her disregard for all around her. Kudos to Bernie for saying what we all think. I also love that even her own Facebook "friends" are sending you stuff Bernie.
This is not a joke it is a fact and common knowledge that the administrators of such acts against public sector employees live by other standarts. They impliment strigent requirements to the masses and they themselfs barley follow any rule whatsoever, there 40hr work week becomes 24 hrs at best with there vacations tied into supposid work training travels on a heavily padded expense account that is paid for with public funds.
Criminals one and all, set out on stealing from the ones that employ them which the public as a whole. Not only is this theft of services, when they and there subordanants run the poverty stricken public around in circles never providing service needed nor dirrecting them to the proper entity that leaves funds in the til to be pilphered!
So rather than doing your work are you tracking her? That's called stalking and you should kotnwaste tax payer money and DO YOUR WORK!
A joke?!?!? Cmon, people! She is bragging. B.O. is pointing out what she posted. Why would she post such a thing if there isn't a shred of truth to it? B.O. haters........
If employees are so ignorant of basic language skills no wonder they work in government.
She is awful.
BO how many missteps can someone make before it becomes an inexcusable pattern? I'd also like you to take notice of the names tagged in the instagram post, many HR "all-stars" and an HR wannabe who's an executive secretary at the prison. I'd love for you to put in a right to know request to look at this executive secretary's pay rate. Her only HR expierience is being enrolled in one of AT's classes at Desale's and running cover for the absentee DOC at the prison. How long can you act in a job before the job needs to be posted????
@9:21 AM Maybe you should get to work yourself then you wouldn't be watched and talked about. It just takes commonsense, unlike what you have, to not hear the big mouth around nor the parking space empty nor the "Meeting in Progress" sign not up nor the popcorn smell not there. The mailroom is right by your office or should I say your wife's.
Wasn't the issue with the Queen Bees that they never left their office, yet people never got responses? So now the issue is that the HR director isn't in the office "enough" according to someone/some people? Is it because she's not there, or maybe because she's at another county site? And is she late because she just feels like being late? Or is it because people show up and require assistance? At my job, HR has an "open door" policy. So if you need help, you get help and sometimes that help is necessary immediately. I'd rather get my answers immediately or at least say what I need to say than have someone tell me they don't have time for my issue...
Really, policy enforcement and termination is a manager's job to do. HR shouldn't be "doing" it unless it reaches the level of gross misconduct or requires investigating. Even then, the decision generally falls to the manager.
8:45, I can say that I never see Trapp in individual departments, interacting with county employees. There would be no need for her to do that at Gracedale, which is the whole reason why Courtney was sent there. It is possible she spends time at the jail or Human Services, but i see no evidence of active engagement at the courthouse.
She spends less time at the jail then the director and that's saying something! In all seriousness she is rarely at the jail, maybe one every 3 or 4 months.
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