Local Government TV

Monday, April 03, 2017

LC Exec: Dent Endorses Osborne; Baker and Heydt Pick Eckhart

As the Republican primary for Lehigh County Executive begins to unfold, the endorsement have begun. Glenn Eckhart has picked up endorsements from former Allentown Mayor Bill Heydt and former Lehigh County Exec Jane Baker. Brad Osborne has received a rare primary endorsement from Congressman Charlie Dent.

Bill Heydt on Eckhart: “Glenn has served the taxpayer’s of Lehigh County faithfully. He worked hard to reform pensions in Lehigh County, saving the taxpayers millions of dollars.”

Jane Baker on Eckhart: "[E]xperience matters, we need to be electing people who can make tough decisions when it matters most. I know Glenn is that individual with just the right executive experience.”

Dent's endorsement of Osborne is more detailed.


  1. I am really disappointed that Charlie inserted himself into this race. Brad is such a waffler on so many issues. Charlie has a right to support who he wants, but I respectfully disagree on this one

  2. After the Trump affair, Dent needed to reassure the conservative wing of the local party, as well as the money republicans.

  3. Chris, I beg disagree. Brad tends to look at all options presented to him. He doesn't make decisions quickly, but also doesn't get bogged down by analysis paralysis. Like any good manager/executive he'll make sure his final answer best supports the needs of the county. I've seen him successfully run South Whitehall, Lehigh County, and his previous private industry employer. Your characterization of Brad being a "waffler" is fine. Waffles are complex, with many bumps. Just like when making a decision it's not always smooth going, sometimes one must take a look at bumps ahead prior to moving full speed. Didn't president Trump just feel pain of "full speed ahead" with the ill worded travel ban the poorly developed ACHA?

  4. Am I missing something? Since when are we endorsing a primary race????

  5. Charlie is doing damage control.

  6. I'm surprised he put that endorsement on congressional letterhead. Is that okay? Should it be personal or campaign letterhead?

  7. I would much rather follow mainstream republicans such as Heydt and Baker than that turncoat useless Charlie Dent. Once again the "moderate" Charley has turned conservative for his own political benefit!

  8. 6:0, It would be illegal for Dent to use government stationary for political purposes. My guess is that this was personal stationary.

  9. "Am I missing something? Since when are we endorsing a primary race????"

    It's very unusual for Dent to endorse in a contested primary.

  10. Jane Baker - now that's funny

  11. @6:10 - If you notice at the bottom of the letterhead it indicates "not printed at government expense".

  12. Is Jane Baker the joke or the punch line?

  13. Rare? Oh really, like his primary endorsements of Scheller, Maz., and Ott and ... oh, and Schware. Just to name a few of recent past.

  14. Is Jane Baker even relevant anymore?

  15. 11:04, Dent did endorse Schware in a contested primary, but he was the incumbent. I am unable to recall whether he endorsed Vic Mazziotti or Lisa Scheller in a contested primary. If he did, it is rare.

  16. In a Republican primary in 2017, this endorsement will hurt Osborne. I too am surprised that Dent is getting involved in a local primary like this one, seems a little bit arrogant and conceded for him to think Lehigh County Republican voters care who he endorses for county. controller. Given the number of Democrats who vote for him, he would have been better served to endorse the winner of the primary during the general election.

  17. Eckhart has the endorsement of the architect of infamous 70% tax increase for Lehigh County and a man who lost to FedEd in a mayoral election.

    I'm sufficiently underwhelmed.

  18. Jane Baker passed the 70% tax increase? Thought it was the one after her.

  19. You are correct. It was Jane Ervin.

  20. I stand corrected. It was Jane Ervin, not Jane Baker who increased the tax rate. Jane Baker suffered the multiple physical and brain injuries when she was hit by Judith Fuller.


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