Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Bangor School Board Interrupts Meeting With One Hour, 40-Minute Exec Session

As most of my regular readers know, I generally don't do school boards. I'm a product of Catholic schools, so my understanding of the public school system is very limited. On top of that, I am only fluent in English. I get lost when I hear whatever language they're speaking. What I do know is that every school director should have his or her head examined. They run for a job that pays no salary and then get beaten up by parents who want to ban books, teachers who want more money or old farts tired of paying taxes now that their own kids are educated. Often, they get clobbered by all three groups combined. So last night, I was at Bangor School District for one of those meetings. The only thing I can say in my defense is that I did walk out after they had been in executive session for an hour and forty minutes. When they came out, they voted 5 to 4 to keep Pam Colton as their liaison to Northampton Community College. They also voted to leave the Slate Belt Council of Governments (COG). Neither of these subjects qualifies for an executive session, but nobody was there to object. I had already left, and no member of the press had bothered to show up.

I was there because interim school Director Ron Angle had asked me to come, telling me a big story would break. Now I guess I need my head examined.

The meeting started off nicely. Bangor was honored with a major award as one of the elites when it comes to music education. As in top four percent nationwide. That is pretty impressive, but this is hardly the red meat that bottom-feeding bloggers like me crave.

After the music department received its major award, students who had placed very well in a regional spelling bee were also honored. So was a student who participated in and nearly won the National Geo Bee by answering questions like "Narvahls, often called the unicorns of the sea due to their large tusk, can often be found near Svalbard in which ocean?" and "What is the airspeed velocity of a laden swallow?"

No questions about the salmon of Capistrano.

This kid must be a regular Einstein, but when the hell do I ever write nice stories, unless they're about me?

Victoria Swanson, the best and most relaxed student representative I ever heard, gave another inspired student report, so good that I was ready to enroll there myself. But do I write happy news?

Finally, some parents got up to complain that the cheerleading coach refuses to let their kids cheer if they are involved in any other activities, including All Star cheering. School directors started blowin' oil, but President Michael Goffredo said his colleagues should wait to hear from the coach before jumping to any conclusions.

What fun is that? The tar and feathers will have to wait 'till next time.

Right after that,the Board voted to go into executive session. Actually, Goffredo said they were going into executive session, but Ken Brewer reminded them they had to vote on it first. No one bothered saying why.

So where's the big story?

I'd have to wait until they were out, and was told it could be quick So I waited. One hour and 40 minutes later, I was still waiting with my thumb up my ass. So were a number of parents, teachers and old farts who claim their taxes are too high. For awhile, I could hear all kinds of screaming and banging around. Then it suddenly became very still. Unearthly quiet. Two paramedics were waiting.I figured they all killed each other so I left. They weren't going to pin the rap on me.

No sooner did I get home than the phone rang.

"Why the hell did you leave?" asked Angle. "You missed the good stuff."

When they came back into session, they voted 5 to 4 to keep Pam Colton as their liaison to Northampton Community College. Allegations of Colton's alleged misconduct were never discussed publicly even though she is no employee and has no right to confidentiality. Angle, Brewer, Bob Cartwright and Laraine Brands voted to ask her to step down. But the others voted to keep her. Toni Lynch, who is a little bit in love with Pam, was the swing vote.

Why are they worked up about Pam, their former school board President? You'll have to ask them.

They also voted to leave the Slate Belt COG, which was likely less controversial. A lot of the COGs are being disbanded.


  1. So Angle invited you thinking he would be on the prevailing side of the "big story"? You may want to not hang around him so much, Bernie.

  2. The good government transparent Angle didn't mind being in an unannounced executive session for over an hour? Sounds like a real good government hero.

  3. Perhaps maybe it was a test of MORALS,ETHICS and VALUES? Apparently it appears that there was a test of the three?
    It shows 4 passed and 5 failed. Perhaps the Bangor School Board should hang the "Ten Commandments" on the wall.
    To think these 5 are the people we have voted to be "leaders" in our community for our children. As a Bangor graduate and attended school with some of these people, I am saddened and sickened.
    I think at the beginning of the meetings they should recite each one of the Ten Commandments so maybe they will get it?
    "Tradition Never Graduates" and I'd like to tell them neither does your Morals, Ethics and values.

  4. ""What is the airspeed velocity of a laden swallow?""

    i don't know that...

  5. Berger, Marozzi, Goffredo, Bussenger and Lynch can now all wallow and bask in the "pen" of victory with Mrs. Colton.
    "Boys should have learned some country upbringing that if you slip and fall into the pig pen, all the perfume you have "aint gonna get that smell off ya".
    I think the community is owed an explanation from the School Board and answers now. What the heck is going on over there? Dr. D is leaving , the Business Manager has disappeared, the top is abandoning the ship like retiring all with months coming up as if the ship is sinking? And Colton's resignation is demanded and it takes a lot of guts in public to do that. We as a community and tax payers should know the answers as to why was her resignation asked for? Why? What is going on? We want transparency and answers!

  6. Bangor, the land of transparency, and John Brown and Cathy Allen. Somebody better check the water!

  7. Okay? So what is next to come out of Bangor? The Superintendent candidate's have been narrowed down to two? Sodom & Gomorrah? It apparently is a very dark day and time at Bangor.
    No one is talking but it smells nasty and appears shady at the top.
    Thank you Bernie for exposing it like peeling the skin off an onion. I am glad you wrote about what great kids we have. All the accomplishments. If you were not thee we would not have heard what is going on.
    Maybe we should put the students in charge because "The Leader In Me" apparently works at the grade school level but not at the School Board level?

  8. no surprise--circus-like atmosphere at Bangor with the return of Angle...can't deny the coincidence. too bad his love for his name in the media is not equal to his service to this community. hope voters remember this.

  9. The 7 Habits Team from DeFranco also gave a wonderful presentation on the Leader in Me Habits. These student leaders worked for several months writing and preparing their presentation. We have some amazing students in the Bangor Area School District!

  10. Leader in Me is the Mormon church in disguise, a true cult and their slick sales people are selling it as snake oil.

  11. BASD leaving the SB COG is unfortunate. Lynch was their last rep to be seen at a COG meeting and he was only there to ask the COG to do something illegal and they refused him and he never came back. Ken Brewer was their rep for a while and he did a good job and the COG assisted the school in repairing their greenhouse and making it operational and an ongoing eco lab with an assist from Lafayette college. Leaving the COG is just another symptom of the dysfunction of the BASD. Lynch in particular is a disruptive influence and has no business being involved in the education process of the districts children.

  12. Circumventing state law and the bid process is a crime. Gary Asteak as COG solicitor saw thru the scheme Tony pitched. No one from BASD has been at a COG meeting for at least a year now..they keep track of attendance.

  13. The Angle bashers will be Angle bashers, regardless what I write or he does. But i saw nothing from him at the meeting that was out of the ordinary. No yelling. No shots. He's mellowing. But there is no doubt in my mind that there was no reason for that Exec session. Pam Colton is not an employee. She is an appointee to the community college. The reason they went behind closed doors is bc they were embarrassed to discuss the matter publicly. If you can't lay it out there publicly, then don't discuss it at all. Now Colton is subjected to innuendos and stories that may actually be worse than whatever prompted the board to go behind closed doors.

  14. I heard the COG gets $1600.00 for the School to belong (per Mr. Lynch). And what do I get for that for my school tax dollars? Since they moved the COG office to the third seat from the end at a local bar in Wind Gap (accept wing night) with a "director" they pay 10K a year for what? What has Mr. Parsons done for 10 thousand a year? Oh the dog park and dog catcher. And how does that help the school? Spend my dollars please on the children not on the COG or the little mans salary and please move the office to a place without a liquor license.

  15. When you are not at the table for a year..you get nothing. It's called participatory governmental discussion. The COG helped the school under the representation of Ken Brewer. He did a good job and the district was rewarded. Lynch was useless and a no show after he was told to forget his scheme by the COG solicitor.

  16. Obviously this is aimed at Scott..who has done an admirable job for all the participating muni's and townships. Your hatred of him is showing Tony.


  18. Gary Asteak said ..no way! The COG trusted their lawyers opinion over yours Tony..any day of the week. And by the way..ALL CAPS is really childish..don't you think?

  19. 10:29,
    All caps is considered shouting. It is not only rude, but difficult to read. If you have something to say, do it in the proper print format.

  20. Pam Colton's affair with the Business Manager was the issue. No need for an executive session- it was disclosed at a public meeting....

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Please do not anonymously insult the teachers or principals.

  23. It is amazing and it never fails. Whenever Ron Angle shows up on a governmental body, taxes eventually go up and chaos and dysfunction become the norm.
    The guy is a one man disaster zone.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Peoples personal lives are just that, personal. Judge not, least ye be judged.

  26. Actions have consequences. Elected officials cannot hide from the public's questions. It comes with the territory and every board member needs to be vocal about what has transpired in the name of the BASD and the people they represent. If you can't take the heat..get out of the kitchen and let someone else try to do better and be accountable to the taxpayers.

  27. Personal lives are sacred? Really? Ask Gina Riso's family if they agree with your short sighted reasoning. Colton is not even an employee anymore so forget that none of my business crap.

  28. BASD owes Pam Colton nothing! She quit for a reason and we all know why so stop pandering to her. Cut the cord!

  29. "What kind of Man would think its OK for infidelity?" The same "men" that tried to defend Don Spry after Bob Cartwright uncovered that he was over charging the school district hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. In life, its called integrity, and it extends into business and your personal life. Its the foundation of any strong and lasting relationship. The citizens of the Bangor School District need to get involved- there's a cabal that has formed in the district which serves only one purpose- to help each other, or their kids, rather than the entire district Pam Colton is exhibit A- aside from her many personal shortcomings, as soon as she was starting to get exposed, she quit- via an email to the rest of the board. What kind of adult does that? Craig Burger, nice guy, but not a leader. Steve Bussenger, if you have ever attended a meeting- totally useless. The fact that he wasn't considered for board president speaks volumes. Both are "rubber stamp" material. In this years election, vote for candidates with no agenda- not candidates who only want to promote their kids- i.e. scholarships, or family business.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. I am a Slater, former student and athlete graduate. Now married and a parent and I felt compelled to write and say what one person wrote speaks so true for me.

    "Tradition Never Graduates" and "Neither Does Integrity, Ethics, Morals and Values"

  32. Ron Angle blows up another government agency. The guy is a one man disaster area.

  33. I have deleted two comments that refer to a school director's family. They are off limits.

  34. Ron is not running for a school board seat. He has been appointed to fullfill a term of someone else who had to get off the board. Ron is not to blame for this fiasco. He voted correctly as did Brewer and Cowboy Bob and Mrs. Brands. Right is right. You are pointing your finger in the wrong direction as to Angle.

  35. When you turn on the lights..there is nowhere for the vermin to hide. Transparency is the only clarifier of political activity. Sunshine wins..every time. The truth will set you free..words to live by.

  36. I do not believe that the five Board members- Berger, Bussenger, Marozzi, Lynch nor Geoffredo represent the values of the community in allowing Mrs. Colton to remain in light of her most recent performance as a community representative. Her previous stint and embarrassment in her resigning after not getting her way on the school board was enough for me and I was glad that she left.
    I understand that she works in a public funded job with Valley Youth House and the Green Knight/Slater Community Action. What kind of role models are they placing with our troubled youth if they do not have their personal lives in order. she is an appointed Trustee via Bangor Area School District on the Northampton Community College Board of Directors. She is an appointed public official. Due to her personal life being a hot mess she should not be placed in these roles but resign and get her our personal business in order.

    As for the men that voted to not remove her I will not vote them and as for Craig Berger, who is up for re-election I think he should resign along with Mrs. Colton as he does not represent what I consider to be a roll model for the students nor the community in his voting to keep Mrs. Colton.

  37. It now appears that the BASD lawyer told Lynch his scheme was very dubious and told him to drop the pursuit of a deal to use UMBT equipment and manpower to pave the districts parking lots instead of seeking open bids. Correction submitted. Lynch bad mouthing the COG after his scheme blew up in his face just sour grapes.


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