Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

NorCo Exec Race: Brown and McClure Have Both Filed

In the Executive race, incumbent John Brown filed a nomination petition yesterday afternoon with 498 signatures.Challenger Lamont McClure filed his nomination petition last week,and intends to supplement it tomorrow. He expects to have about 1,100 signatures.


  1. Now be honest Bernie, do you really think McClure or any of the democrats for that matter have a chance to win countywide? The county has changed and is now solidly red. The republicans run the show and their voters are committed.

    You can't possibly see that trend changing.

  2. I can't see how the democrats can win. They have no message and President Trump won convincingly. Political insiders have said it will be another Republican sweep.

  3. John Brown is no Donald Trump. Mr. Trump won by many votes from Democrats who wanted real change. JB did nothing for NC but destroy the workforce. Don't think he has a chance. Republicans should vote issues not just pull the lever for their party.

  4. Another 4-years of the non-transparent Brown; give me a break!

  5. Send Brownpants and tax-cheat allen back to bangor!

  6. "Now be honest Bernie, do you really think McClure or any of the democrats for that matter have a chance to win countywide? The county has changed and is now solidly red."

    McClure faces an uphill battle, but has a lot going for him. The biggest of these things is Brown, perhaps the least transparent Exec I've ever seen. McClure is fighting to end the cronyism, corruption and callousness in the Brown administration,whose cabinet views the workers as "entitled spoiled brat government employees who need to get with the program." His Director of Admin is a tax cheat whose home is in foreclosure. And thee are more Democrats than Rs. Getting rid of Brown is nothing less than an exercise in good government. Vaughn has to go and so does geissinger, an opportunist who is using public office to benefit himself,not the public good.

  7. Is the County Executive considered a Full Time Position,
    Which does not allow the person to work or hold any other employment or position?

  8. John Brown is a very refined looking man He is slim and erect. I don't know if Mr. McClure cuts the same figure of an executive.


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