Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

God is Apparently Going to Jump Me

Yesterday, for the first time in about a year, I received an anonymous threat. I thought I must be slipping so it was nice to know I had really pissed someone off. "Hey Bernie, watch your back," I was warned. Then the bastard spoiled it my telling me that my future assailant will be God. That's complete bullshit. The Almighty is currently in the can on a DUI. He's a devil for the drink.


  1. Bernie, your a good man making waves in the ridiculous politcal stage that is Nazareth. Thank you for that. I am curious, why no comments on the mess at Vigilance Hose? Seems like they are split down the middle and no leadership is floating to the top to fix it. Really the only fix is for some egos to turn the cheek I think. I do not think it is ALL about Strye. But i dont know.

  2. I have not written on that topic bc I know too little. You are welcome to educate meorput mein touch with someone who will. bohare5948@aol.com

  3. I most likely know less than you, on this subject atleast ;-)

  4. He said, "watch your back". He must think you're a few steps ahead of the Adonai and on the same plane.


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