Local Government TV

Friday, March 24, 2017

Bottom-Feeding Blogger Wins Four Keystone Press Awards

Let me apologize in advance. I'm about to pat myself on the back again. As most of you know, I'm a bottom-feeding blogger. A disbarred and disgraced lawyer. A low-life alkie. Perpetually broke. Despised by polite society. Despised by impolite society. Hated by Democrats, Republicans and the LV Tea Party. Fat. Balding. A worse dresser than Ron Angle. But the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association has seen fit to hand me not one, but four major awards in this year's Keystone Press contest. And yes, they are for journalism.

The Bethlehem Press, the weekly newspaper for which I write, won the Professional Keystone Press Sweepstakes Award for the 4th year in a row in our division (under 5,000 circulation). The paper won awards in 16 separate categories.

One of my awards is actually shared with Dana Grubb and Ed Courrier for a special project, but we're unable to remember what it was.

I'm particularly proud that I finally snagged first place in beat reporting for my coverage of Northampton County. Hey, it only took four years. I also won first place in the "news feature" category for a story on the rift in The First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem. Editor George Taylor got an award for his front-page design for that story. My gerrymandering tales took second place in the Series category. First place in that category went to The Bethlehem Press' Dorothy Glew for her disturbing accounts on sex-trafficking in the Lehigh Valley.

Our awards are in the smallest circulation division. The Morning Call, which is in the largest and presumably more competitive division, garnered three awards. Bill White was honored for a second year in a row for his entertaining column. Sam Kennedy received an award in investigative journalism for his story on glass in a vaccine. The entire staff was honored for a series on heroin.

The Express Times, which is in the second largest division, received an award for sports photography.

These awards are based on 3,330 entries from 130 PNA news organization in 27 categories across seven circulation divisions. They were judged by journalists in Oregon and Washington. Winners will be recognized May 20, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Press Conference in Lancaster.


  1. The Express Times won an award for photography? Forgive me in advance for being snide, but isn't that like an honorable mention? Maybe they could shoot for, you know, an award for WRITING? "Best embedded photo gallery unrelated to an article" is not worthy of an award.

  2. Congratulations Bernie - you earned it. Keep up your hard work. It will make a difference with the big guy upstairs when all is said and done. Rewards here? A 6" trophy and/or a 10# paper cettificate.

  3. You may be more poorly dressed than Ron Angle but you are an honest poor dresser, he does as part of his shtick in playing a part in his scam.

  4. Congrats. Without your consistent coverage of NorCo and local governments, we'd be much more in the dark as the dailies don't seem to have the resources to cover as thoroughly as they once did.

  5. Seems this qualifys you for press credetials to a Spicer press conference. I would love to see the pseudo press cover this so-called President. Congrats on your awards.

  6. Canary_In_CoalmineMarch 24, 2017 at 7:02 AM

    Congratulations Bernie! Hope you'll keep on comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable.

  7. Congrats BO.
    Your long term nemesis Msezzapigga must be stewing in her (or some guy's) juices at this great news.

  8. You're a great writer and reporter - I am glad you have received well deserved recognition.

  9. Hokie Joe says;
    Some times you're too hard on yourself. Congratulations for a job well done.We all know how hard you work at keeping us informed and it is appreciated by your loyal readers. Your penchant for accuracy and integrity is what makes your BLOG stand out "head and shoulders" above the rest.Keep up the good work.

  10. Keep up the good work. Just don't get all greedy and try to charge us 99 cents after reading 5 of your articles like the 'Call, and make me have to open up a new "in private" browser window to avoid paying it...

  11. Broken clock theory? Bernie..I bow in respect to you for at least giving the public a peek behind the curtains of the local political scene. You may be biased and all those other glowing accusations but we need you on that wall.

  12. You may be opinionated and I sometimes disagree with your positions you are covering stories that the local rags ignore. Without your blog the public would be in the dark about most of what is happening in the LV area. Congrats!

  13. Congratulations Bernie! As I've told you before, I read you every morning BEFORE I read anything else. You deserve these awards . It would make them better if they came with money. You need payment for all the digging and time you put into your research!

  14. Congrats and thanks! We do have much in common even though we may differ on many things. I have learned much about the local "scene" from your writing. You are very unique.

  15. Sad state of affairs for the Express Times. One award and it's not even for journalism.

    Perhaps a sadder state of affairs for the Morning Call. Only three awards, two of which for talking head columns, one of which focuses on cats, Christmas lights and food on sticks.

    Your awards are well deserved, Bernie. Thank you for your work.

  16. Bernie,
    You may be a bottom feeder blogger. but you are the SMARTEST one around.
    I have respected you for a long time and you are very truthful of your past.
    I have a family member that has the same story and has over come the problems you have dealt with.
    I love that person dearly and I am very proud of him for turning his life around .
    Keep up the great job you do.
    You know who I am .Will be in touch my friend.
    ENJOY the HONORS..............

  17. Well, done and congrats.

  18. Congratulations, seriously. I think you're the best reporter in the Valley by far, and you came along at just the right moment when the local dailies fell apart.

  19. Jeff, I wish you were still out there or using your students to provide coverage. That might be a good college exercise.

  20. Congrats Bernie - you do a necessary service for us in the Lehigh Valley!

  21. Proves anything is possible.

  22. Congratulations Bernie! Keep up the great work :)

  23. My congratulations as well, even through we are sometimes on opposite sides politically on the national level, I think your blog fills a hole left by the mainstream press - thanks for your persistence and unwillingness to let sleeping dogs lie. If there had been more reporters like you, perhaps Allentown would not be in the situation it is in now.

  24. Congratulations Bernie! Thank you for all you do. Without you we would never know what is going on with local government. Thank you and I am glad you're work was recognized.

  25. You do a good job. You are far too biased towards some people you really like and against those you hate. Overall, you are a good source of information as long as people realize you are ruled by your emotions.

  26. Those who claim they are not ruled by emotion are dishonest. I make no secret of my opinions, but tell the truth as I see it and sign my name.

  27. Bernie, sorry I'm late to the game here but congratulations! You've developed over the years into a real force for honest reporting in the Lehigh Valley, and we're all better off with you doing what you do so well.

    For that I thank you.

    The Banker

  28. Bernie, this is much-deserved recognition of your research, writing, and reporting. You have long been a go-to source for regional news. Congratulations. Pam

  29. Banker and Pam., Thanks very much.

  30. Good for you Bernie.

    Is that a picture of Carl Kolchak The Night Stalker? Of that Chicago newspaper? The vampire hunter?

    It would be apropos...

  31. Congrats Bernie! Very well deserved.


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