Local Government TV

Friday, March 24, 2017

Attendance Light at Fed Ed Fundraiser

Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski's former Managing Director, Fran Dougherty, entered a guilty plea plea in federal court on Wednesday to bid-rigging a street lights contract at Fed Ed's direction. He's the seventh person to plead guilty in Allentown's political corruption investigation. Even Fed Ed's attorney, Jack McMahon, agrees that Fed Ed is next, and that an indictment is just days away. But what impact does this have on the embattled Mayor's bid for a fourth term? Given the number of candidates running, common wisdom is that he's the front runner. But are people really that gullible? I set to find out last night.

Last night, Fed Ed had a fundraiser at the NB Center for Automotive Heritage, located at 540 Union Boulevard. It's the site of an old drive-in, and I decided to scout it to see how many people were there.

The event ran between 6 and 8 pm, so I arrived around 7 pm. I did not go inside because there was no way I was going to pay the $100 admission fee, even though that's a bargain compared to the $250 that Charlie Thiehl wants from each person at his April fundraiser.

I counted about 20 cars, and sat with fake foxes to watch as a few couples walked in.

This is hardly the kind of grass roots support I expected to see. My guess is that he's in danger of losing the primary,and if there's an indictment, he's toast.

I was told the fake foxes were there to keep geese away.

But they were already inside.


  1. 20 cars? Lets say that's 36 paying customers. $3600 will barely cover his attorney fees the first week after he is indicted. 20 cars???

  2. Fran never went to the political events, it was all part of the well crafted City Hall image of professionalism.
    Mark my words, we're gonna miss these day of glamour, intrigue and big money.
    It was all so big city.
    All so big city.
    And the nightlife was to die for.
    It was The City Without Limits.

  3. He is going to win the primary

  4. Canary_In_CoalmineMarch 24, 2017 at 7:05 AM

    How did he solicit bids for catering this event?

  5. Were Peter and Mike there?

  6. Aren't Peter and Mike backing the other PAC beneficiary?

  7. Let see: Seven people have pleaded guilty, none of them benefitted from them, [except Koval], and "Fed Ed's" campaign was the only recipient of the ill-gotten gains. GUILTY. Even a jury of morons will convict him. As far as the brain dead who support him or believe he is innocent, they show their IQ level is less than the rotund one.

  8. I think Francis will enjoy prison more than
    the mayor, but I could be wrong about that.

  9. Photos from the event our on here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-NB-Center-for-American-Automotive-Heritage/

  10. "Aren't Peter and Mike backing the other PAC beneficiary?"

    Yes, The Mann-Schlossberg-Schweyer_Robinson cabal are behind Thiel, and have helped fund a push poll claiming Thiel is the only candidate with integrity. Not from where I sit.

  11. It's crystal clear that Ray O'Connell is the only good choice.

  12. I have just been informed that the fake foxes are actually fake coyotes. I apologize to fake foxes everywhere.

  13. Uber rich car guys are the hosts appearently.
    Maybe they didn't get the memo about the temporary suspension of pay-to-play?

  14. Didn't Thiel just approve a 12 million dollar expenditure without much notice for ASD? This is the broke school district, right?

  15. anon @ 5:56 YEs he did. Until recently he was a Fed-Ed suck-up. HE got elected to the school board on the Fed-Ed /Schweyer/Schlossberg PAC.

  16. Thiel is Ed-Lite, approved by Ms. Mann.

  17. Thiel is Ed-Lite indeed
    Thiel made his donation to the PAC two months before the City Hall raid and five months before council passed a law prohibiting people or businesses who contribute more than $250 to an elected city official or candidate from getting a no-bid city contract.

  18. Do fake foxes & fake coyotes only read fake news?!


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