Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Bangor's Student Rep is Amazing, Awesome and Super!

Most school boards have one or two student representatives who provide very brief reports from time to time. Bangor High School senior Victoria Swanson has that role, and gave the mother of all student reports at last night's Bangor Area School Board meeting. She talked about everything that's going on at the school, and with such contagious enthusiasm that I almost wanted to repeat high school. For example, "It was so awesome to win the Colonial league title, and the other team was like, 'oh yeah'"). At another point, she mentioned that she is the President of the Ecology Club and picked up her arm to say, "Go green." She is probably the best speaker I have heard in some time and was completely at ease. Though she went on at length, everyone had big smiles when she was done. School Board President Michael Goffredo joked,  "We should keep you around next year so we can hear we are amazing, awesome and super!"

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