Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Who Won the Clinton-Trump Debate?

I suspect that most of you watched last night's spirited debate between presidential contenders Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at Hofstra. Moderator Lester Holt was the clear loser, completely losing control of  Trump several times throughout the night. Nevertheless, for the first third of the debate, when the conversation was focused on jobs, Trump was the winner. But that changed.

I think Clinton baited him, and it worked. As the night wore on, and as he continued to interrupt and make childish faces, he looked pretty bad.

I'd say Clinton did quite well, and Trump did not.

Does it matter? Beats me.

Interesting facts:

1) Trump interrupted Clinton 51 times. She interrupted him 17 times.

2) Trump told ten whoppers.

3) Voters say Clinton won, 51-40.


  1. Hokie joe says:
    Trump won the first 15 minute session and after that Clinton cleaned his clock. He had the sniffles throughout the debate which made it appear he was sniffing something. He rambled too much. He came off at times as incoherent. He didn't finish his sentences. I really didn't care about anything that they discussed in their past, I wanted to hear about what they were going to do for me and the nation in the future. He looked bad tonight, but there is always tomorrow.

  2. Yeah, what is up with the sniffles? Especially from someone who was claiming that Clinton is a walking corpse. Should I start a rumor that it's cocaine?

    I was not going to vote for either, but am now leaning Hillary. I've had enough of his nonsense.

  3. Trump is an unpolished debater. Hillary has had 15 one on one debates v. Trump's first. She is a lawyer and was captain of the debate team in college. She practiced for hours. She was obviously well prepared and rehearsed. She used every trick in the book and baited Trump pretty effectively. Her constant phony smile was annoying. Her blazing red pants suit was enough to burn your retinas. Lester Holt was hardly unbiased. Overall no one's mind was changed. Trump is an anti-politician and Hillary is a master politician. People are generally tired of career politicians and their empty promises. Trump's claim that Hillary is all talk and no action will resonate with swing voters. For his first major debate Trump was awkward. But that will change in rounds two and three.

  4. Holt was terrible..let Trump off the hook way too mayt times but it worked in Clintons favor as he lost it and could not put a coherent thought on the table. Clinton added some support tonite and Trump remains stuck in neutral.

  5. Blah,blah, blah,blah. He won the first third of the debate and could have won outright but couldn't act like an adult, to say nothing of a president.

    What's with the sniffles? You Trumpions claim Hillary has cancer or some serious condition. What's with snortface?

  6. So far I agree with Joe and you, as much as I hate that. I am no fan of Hillary Clinton and actually would love a credible alternative. Tonight Trump proved as a President he makes a very good reality star. Sorry but he blew it. He did seem to hold it together for a short time but then just went off the rails. People can rip on Clinton all they want and often fairly but at the end of the day one of these two knuckleheads will be President and Trump came off as a four year old throwing a tantrum at his nursery school teacher.

    People will blame Lester Holt, the network, etc. However, this was Trump's fault. I am also angry that both these people want the most important job in the world and
    Trump bragged how he didn't prepare and it showed. For me that was a slap in the face. It is an insult to think the guy feels so arrogant that he can wing it against a studied opponent. If he is that lackadaisical with a serious debate for the Presidency of the US, how will he treat the job?

    Sorry but it pains me to say Clinton lit the fuse sat back and smartly let the human bomb blow himself up.

    By the by, if Clinton had sniffled as much as Trump and drank as much water, we would be reading about a hundred now health conspiracy theories. I vote the Don did a line before the debate. Probably was listening to some Clapton and chillin in the backroom.

    Old White Man!

  7. Trump left her off the hook too many times. He had a chance to put her away and got sidetracked. She showed her ability to lie and spin it off as gospel, however, she has no viable plans in economics, foreign affairs, law enforcement, the racial divide and international trade; another words, FOUR more years of the incompetent Obama policies and and administration. That in itself is DEPLORABLE!

    1. You may want to check your facts on the Obama Presidency. A recent credible analysis lists his presidency 18th. Bush II was next to last. Buchanan last.

  8. Coke or adderall, he sure seemed to be tweaked out. Any way we could drug test the candidates seeking to hold one of the most important positions in the country? Or do we just care that the cashiers at Wal-Mart aren't smoking joints on the regular?

  9. 1:35

    If you will go to this link


    you'll be linked up with dozens of proposals covering the areas you mentioned and many more.

  10. I had hoped Trump would surprise me with a presidential-style performance that would quell my fears of him being a egotistical narcissist, as I'm no fan of Clinton.
    He did nothing to allay those fears and I'm now joining the "lesser of two evils" voters.
    Trump has some major mental problems and wtf was all that sniffing about?

  11. Over the past month, we have been subjected to wall-to-wall commercials from Hillary Clinton describing how evil and horrific, and how Donald Trump has horns and a pitchfork this lying, degenerate is and he is not qualified to be President.

    We found out last night he is none of the above.

    1. Wrong just the opposite. The commercials are very accurate

  12. I noticed at the end that when Hillary was trying to bait Trump by calling him a pig and a woman abuser and a racist on national television, Trump didn't take the bait or respond about her treatment of Paula Jones and Bill's other women.

    He chose to be a Gentleman, while Hillary chose to act like a desperate child, resorting to name calling.

  13. also, can't help why Holt didn't ask Hillary about her "Basket of Deplorables", when she insulted over half the country ?

    But could ask Trump about the "Brrther" remark (which Clinton began).

  14. Trump had to not be scary. He was not. She won no new voters and his upward trend will continue. While he interrupted Hillary, Lester Holt continuously interrupted Trump. In a two vs. one debate, he hung in there. That's all he had to do.

  15. Stalemate in my opinion. The answers to the questions were all expected by each debate participant. Nothing new. The Trump you saw was the one everyone expected and many have grown to really like. At the end of the day it frankly doesn't matter.

  16. He calls himself a deal maker, and he obviously couldn't even get any good meth. He was sniffling the impurities out the entire night.

  17. Wow. A week ago Hillary was a physical basket case and last night Trump had the sniffles and is a drug addict. The insane clown posse is spinning away...


  19. Why did Hillary reduce the debate to an Eighth Grade shouting match at the end? Did she run out of opposition research to throw at Trump ?

  20. You were always going to vote for Clinton, 4:40, so just have fabulous day.

  21. Debate was a mostly non-event, Trumps goal to look reasonable, not insult Clinton, was accomplished, Clintons answers too long and mostly read from notes, Trump did not use all his time wisely, Hillary used every minute. Facts about Clintons record are hard to dispute, she did not accomplish much as secretary of state. Economic plan is tax more and redistribute, trumps is tax less and let Americans decide where their money should go. This debate was not really about issues too much, more about personalities and image. Some points to Clinton, some to trump, this debate will not move the needle in either direction.

  22. I can't believe she didn't ask Donald when he was going to bring his business's back to America. How many people could be employed if Trump's companies were here in the USA? Also, what about who is running all his business's if he does get elected. It's not a blind trust when your children run them and don't think for one minute Donald isn't going to be involved. Those are things, I would have like to have heard.

  23. Trump was just defending himself after, the liberal Holt and Clinton tried to defame his reputation. To allege that Trump is hiding something with his tax returns, is a lie. Clinton is a phony. She failed the DC bar exam, has been fired and has failed as sec. of state. It is Hillary that has a lengthy list of corruption, fraud and dirty deals. Trump may had some miss steps, but no one has died. The body count continues with the Clintons.

  24. Trump had the right to interrupt Crooked Hillary. She turned the debate into a personal attack on Trump just like her negative ads. He had the right to defend himself. "Rude"? C'mon. They are both tough customers who can handle interruptions. Are we to mourn Hillary's precious "sensibilities"?

  25. "Over the past month, we have been subjected to wall-to-wall commercials from Hillary Clinton describing how evil and horrific, and how Donald Trump has horns and a pitchfork this lying, degenerate is and he is not qualified to be President."

    His debate performance indicates Hillary has not gone far enough. Those ads are right on the money. What an ugly man!

  26. "Trump had the right to interrupt Crooked Hillary."

    After all, she's just a stupid woman. He had no right,was extremely unpresidential, and looked like the buffoon he is. That's who you support.

  27. "Debate was a mostly non-event,"

    It was a Trump disaster. This will hurt him,and should. He will have a few additional opportunities to continue making an ass out of himself, and will do so. I never liked him as a reality TV star wither. He is an ugly, crass man.

  28. Bernie, it is such a RELIEF to hear that you have announced your support of Hillary! We loyal readers of this blog were on pins and needles awaiting your enlightened decision on this matter. You had us believing that you might actually support Trump, who you rightly call narcissistic and mean-spirited. Although one can suspect that in the end you would commit to a lifelong politician who purposely destroyed confidential e-mails, who is a lifelong politician whose only wealth is related to her influence in government, who lied about Bengazi, who with her husband allowed contributions to their foundation from governments that abuse human rights, who has achieved practically nothing in her 20+ years in government all because you think Trump is "unPresidential." Your endorsement is worth a cup of spit and nothing more. Enjoy the next four years of Clinton and her establishment friends.

  29. "Stalemate in my opinion"


  30. "To allege that Trump is hiding something with his tax returns, is a lie"

    I thin he is, I love his explanation for those years in which a billionaire paid no taxes at all. "Smart." That means the rest of the people are schmucks.

  31. @11:06 She had you before the debate. What a foolish man you are to believe in her.

  32. "Why did Hillary reduce the debate to an Eighth Grade shouting match at the end?"

    She lit the fuse, and he went off like a complete asshole, proving every thing her ads have been saying, and more. He will continue to be ugly because that's who he is.

  33. We all know that you are biased Bernie! It comes across loud and clear. Clinton should of been disqualified from running. She is one corrupt individual that has declared a war on women, just by the very fact that she accepted money from middle eastern countries. The very countries that practice sharia law. But, being the liberal puppet that you are....you will always vote for a lefty, prejudicial and power hungry jerk.

  34. @11:14 The only people that are "schmucks" are those who give up more than they legally have to of their income to the government.

  35. "We all know that you are biased Bernie! It comes across loud and clear."

    Of course I am biased. I never pretended to be anyone who does not call things as i see them. And as I see them, Trump is a dangerous man who will ruin this country.

  36. @11:19 He was maintaining a Gentleman's composure, while Hillary acted like a spoiled brat. He could have easily reminded her of Paula Jones and all the other Bill's Bimbos that Hillary trashed, but he chose not do delve into the mud where she was flailing in.

  37. During the next two debates, Trump just needs to bring up all of Hillary's scandals himself, as the "moderator" likely won't.

    He needs a card with the issues to be addressed, regardless of what the moderator asks and just ignore their bias questions.

  38. He rolled around in the mud for 45 minutes,a nd as soon as the debate was over and behind Hillary's back,did exacrtly what you say. Bill's sins of infidelity have to do with Hillary,and i am astonished that man who has been married three times and cheated on all his wives would make fidelity an issue. He's an ugly man, and you are an ugly person for holding her responsible for her husband's infidelities.

  39. I'm sure Kathleen Willey felt the same way after Bill raped her and Hillary assaulted her in the media afterwards.

  40. the problem for trump is that he believes a debate is similar to a rally.
    trump thinks that by just saying something it makes it true.
    when confronted he just can not accept that.
    after several of his jabs failed he became more and more frustrated.
    trump likes to dish it out but he is too thin skinned to take it.
    the bar for trump was that he refrained from soiling himself.
    he managed not to do that however sarah palin (and this is really sad)had a better presentation and presence than the donald.
    when karl rove (who tried to make dubya look good) states you blew it---you really stepped on your crank.

  41. Wow, just saying it was a wash has erupted like Vesuvius, Bernie, we all knew you were for Clinton since the beginning, it is interesting that you just found out last night. you are correct to state that Trump is dangerous to the corrupt elite career politician, the crony capitalists, and the blood sucking bureaucrats in the federal government.

    1. Whose dicks he has sucked for personal advantage and gain for many years. Now it's his supporters turn in the barrel. Enjoy yourself.

  42. 11.39
    Kathleen Willey

    "The Final Report of the U.S. Office of the Independent Counsel report noted that "Willey and President Clinton are the only direct witnesses to their meeting, and their accounts differ substantially on the crucial facts of what occurred." It also stated "Willey gave false information to the FBI about her sexual relationship with a former boyfriend, and acknowledged having lied about it when the agents confronted her with contradictory evidence"

    "According to Independent Counsel Robert Ray's report, "Willey's Paula Jones deposition testimony differed from her grand jury testimony on material aspects of the alleged incident."

    so it seems that the independent counsel did not find her credible.

  43. Actually, Ray, Trump is dangerous to anyone who believes in democracy.

  44. The Democrats needed to be able to claim that Trump was scary and racist. Hillary in as many words called him a racist. They needed him to look less than Presidential. They failed utterly. he was more controlled than she, more human, more engaging, more honest. He is no longer disqualified as a reality TV star.

    She presented herself as a typical politician, smoothly. She avoided being shrill. Trump made clear where he disagreed with Hillary's insults. He did it decisively without appearing to bully.

    But oh, there were some openings he missed! Listening to a lecture from Hillary about keeping information secure from hackers!! There should have been nothing left of her after his response.

    Hillary was mean and low-down. Sarcastic, but impotent. Hillary was touting her socialism and tax and spending policies. She clearly doesn't understand that you don't tax your way to prosperity, spending someone else's money. Reagan started an economic boom that lasted for nearly 20 years. The last eight have been an economic quicksand, at best. The only people that have profited are the rich because of the billions that the Fed is pumping into Wall Street. And Trump is absolutely right about the massive bubble Wall Street doesn't want to talk about due to the almost zero interest rates from the Fed. Trump would benefit from using more examples. And he did not go far enough making the case that black problems are caused far more by Democrat politics than white racism. He needs to hammer that message.

    Also noticed that at least twice she did a little finger to face stroke. It looked very much like a signal. She wasn't scratching anything; not her nose; just brushing her finger twice to the side of her nose.

    The bottom line is that nothing will change as a result of this debate. I remarked to my husband about 10:00 if he was bored yet, as our daughter went to her room to go surf the web.

  45. As far as Trump being dangerous to democracy, that is why we have a house and senate, while they have been cowards, including the republicans, as far as keeping Obama and Holder in line, I am sure they will become very brave when it comes to a president Trump.

  46. Mind blowing. A Billionaire who has to pay no taxes while people collecting disability do. It also seem to put him on edge when the subject came up of the working class people he stiffed. In conversation with some folks who said Trump was the lesser of two evils: "Someone who really loves this country, a true patriot!" The conversation changed when I pointed out I would love this country too if getting millions with no taxes. Also the fact that this "True Patriot" received 5 deferments from the draft. Sounds like the kind of love a pimp gives to his workers.

  47. @12:09 I'm sure Monica Lewinski wasn't credible until she produced the blue dress.

    It's unfortunate that Ms Willy didn't produce her shredded clothing after her encounter with the Clintons

    I also believe it was Hillary which said that it's a crime not to believe a rape victim.

  48. 11:00 AM
    You might have been swayed to become a new Clintoon voter, but you'll remain a ex-alcoholic asshole...

  49. To me it was like a movie that gets so hyped up , that when you actually see it, you walk away disappointed and feeling unsatisfied... even if it wasn't a "bad" movie itself, but because of the hyped up expectations, you walk out of the theater felling ehhh about it. That's how I felt.

    The build up was hyperbolic, many of the comments on here are, and even the media spin afterwards is ... including the Morning Call's headline about a "ferocious faceoff." Other than the discussion on the economy, it was more style than substance that I hear talked about today. There were so many issues not even broached. In the end pre-debate Trump supporters still support Trump. Pre-debate Clinton supporters still support her. After 48 hours cooling time, will any of the undecideds really have made up their minds yet?

    With neither candidate particularly liked beyond their hard core supporters, I think this election will be more visceral than average, particularly for casual voter--by that I mean those that only "kind of" pay attention and vote in presidential years... kind of like the "Christmas and Easter" crowd at church.

  50. "The bottom line is that nothing will change as a result of this debate. I remarked to my husband about 10:00 if he was bored yet, as our daughter went to her room to go surf the web."

    What a phony you are! Over the weekend, you posted comments here and elsewhere saying it all boiled down to the debates,and that is what your daddy told you.Now that your clown prince managed to make a complete fool of himself, the debates aren't so important.

  51. "As far as Trump being dangerous to democracy, that is why we have a house and senate, while they have been cowards,"

    If elected, Trump will thumb his nose at the House, Senate and courts. He will undermine democracy. He is an authoritarian, like you, and is dangerous.

  52. @ Jamie Kelton:

    Yes, (much to my chagrin), BOH is absolutely right about you. You are a phony and a pathetic one at that.

    I've noticed that you brag about graduating from Bryn Mawr and how "smart" you are for supporting Trump. I also graduated from Bryn Mawr with a Master's degree on a full academic scholarship. I can almost guarantee that most of Bryn Mawr's alumni (probably around 98%) support Secretary Clinton, while the other 2% (minus you) probably support Jill Stein.

    I am embarrassed that we have the same alma mater. Go put on your big pants or go back to daddy.

  53. @1:11pm

    Did you come out of your safe room to tell us that?

  54. If you Clinton people are so proud of what you think is Hillary's success, why the venom , why the hate, why is it intelligent to support the same policies of the last 30 years, that have been a failure by real objective standards. You are mostly Marxist ideologues, and that is all right, just admit that you want the government to control every aspect of everyones life because you fear to make decisions for yourself.

  55. I see Gary Gorman, the elitist with his masters degree, probably now in Academia, so he is still in school and never had a real job. Insulting a women because she does not agree with him. Bryn Mawr must be a hotbed of political correctness if 98% of the graduates have one opinion. It certainly is not a place to send anyone if that is their result. He sounds like dirt bag with a education, which makes him still a dirt bag.

  56. His comment was inappropriate and the only reason it was not deleted is because jamie responded to it before i could get to it. I did delete a subsequent comment from him.

  57. Ray Nemeth, You're the partisan dude who kept insisting that Hillary is dying. You are full of hate and anger and support a bigot because that is what you are yourself. Aside frrom the 30 years remark, pretty much everything else in your comment is cuckoo for Cocoa puffs.

  58. Ray Nemeth, it's not about her success, it's about wanting to move into the 21st century with the rest of the first world, not back to 1861 where you conservatives want to be, just because you pine for the days when you could indiscriminately abuse women and minorities.

    We have seen the enemy of America, and it's the paranoid, education hating, xenophobic, misogynistic racist conservatives.

    Here's some harsh realities you should start trying to prepare for...

    1) You will probably not see another Republican president in your lifetime.

    2) We are finally going to have a SCOTUS where the majority base their opinions on the US Constitution, not personal religious ideology

    3) There will be equal rights for all, including the women, gays and brown people you conservatives hate so much.

    4) The word god will be stricken from our currency and pledge. They never belonged their in the first place and are an affront to our Founders and all they stood for.

    5) Education, the biggest enemy of conservativism will become more important than wars for oil and controlling what women do with their bodies.

    Enjoy your irrelevancy!

  59. "After 48 hours cooling time, will any of the undecideds really have made up their minds yet?"

    I have to disagree on that. Based on polls, even by Fox and other sources quite a few undecided went to Clinton. I do agree hard core Clinton and Trump supporters didn't change their minds. Hell, they never will. They have made their candidates opponents into cartoon villains so that is that. However, voters still on the fence won't be swayed by the ideological nonsense of the two's supporters but will vote based on what they saw and heard. It was that performance that swayed them to Clinton.

  60. Have to give anon 3:30 credit on one of his points and a sore point for me.

    The use of the phrase,"In God we Trust" was never used by our founders and was not printed on anything until the mid 1950's as direct result of fear of communism. I personally don't care if it stays or goes but I am tired of "constitutional scholars" around here telling me that it is what the founding fathers wanted. No, if they had wanted it they would have printed it. They did not.
    They did print things about the "Common Good", maybe as a society we should focus a bit more on that.

  61. 3.10 you are delusional , in that if we continue on this course we will be a third world country ready to be conquered, everyone believes we are entitled to peace forever, we are not, and we are now viewed by our enemies as weak and vulnerable. I am old and can watch it go down, but many more will need to experience the disasters that have befallen other rich and powerful countries who lost touch with reality.

  62. yes, Bernie I am a partisan, but to label me a bigot because I don't accept all the politically correct bull shit is a disappointment from you. I guess you would find the thought police a positive development.

  63. Ray, I wish I could embrace your unbridled paranoia, but, unfortunately, you conservatives have predicted the 'end of days' every time a democrat has been elected for more than half a century, and it ain't happened yet. In fact, our most secure and prosperous times have occurred under democrat administrations, and let me remind you, Bin Laden was thrilled when Bush won the Presidency, because he knew he would be able to pull of the attacks.

    Clinton had special forces looking for him in Pakistan, Yemen and Sudan. Bush recalled them all right after taking office. 9/11 was allowed to happen.

    The reality is that the next time you are right is going to be the first, and as I noted, the true American people have dismissed you and your backwards, bigoted ideals as not being relevant to this great nation.

    Enjoy those socialist entitlements you are taking, even though it makes you a complete hypocrite.

  64. Ray, the reason people consider you a bigot is because you espouse bigotry toward anyone who isn't angry, old and white.

  65. Conservatives routinely try to push the idea that liberals are deadbeats who live off of government handouts, but the statistics over the last half century have consistently shown this to not be true.

    Conservatives take the most in government entitlements.

    "Despite conservatives’ opposition to many poverty programs, there is virtually no difference in the lifetime participation rate of conservatives (40%), liberals (42%) and moderates (42%) in these programs. Also, conservatives are more likely to have gotten Social Security and Medicare (34% vs. 27% for liberals and 25% for moderates)"


    The primary difference is how they frame this....

    My handouts = earned

    Any one else's handouts = unearned

  66. Wow

    So much hate in him. I feel so sorry for him. I doubt if he's from my college, he acts far too immature. This is why I enjoyed being able to attend a women's college, so I wouldn't have to put up with creeps like that. Yes I know there are a few men in the Bryn Mawr grad school, but this guy sounds like he comes out of an eighth grade class somewhere.

    He really does need to mature before going out into the adult world and having to make a living and have a family.

  67. The left always resorts to name calling when they are disagreed with.

  68. And by the way, I never "brag" that I went to the college I did. I'm fortunate enough that I was able to attend it. It was hard work to get the grades to be accepted and it wasn't easy once I was accepted. Am I proud of my accomplishment, of course. Just as anyone who attended college is, no matter where they went. Many people can't attend or couldn't for one reason or another. But what matters is what you do in life with the knowledge you have and make the world better for everyone you meet in some small way.

    Once you learn that, I'm sure you'll be much happier each day. Because you sound very angry about something. You should see a professional before something happens you may regret.

  69. No, 'never'.....

    "Also Mrs Clinton, my husband and I are very well educated, I went to a college that you could only dream of attending, Bryn Mawr College and my husband went to Penn. We both have Master's Degrees from Penn also"

    Look familiar? Of course not, you can't keep track of ALL your BS stories!

  70. The left resorts to name calling when they they are disagreed with" ???

    If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, Ii don't know what is. Trump calls anyone who gets in his way or he wants to criticize a name. Crooked Hillary, Lyin' Ted Cruz, Low Energy, Fat Pig, Little Marco, etc. It's really juvenile and it's what people do when they have no legitimate argument... It's very low bar

  71. Liberals are always pissed off about something, especially if one goes off the reservation they've been put in.

  72. The New Yorker was reporting this morning that Trump will not show up to any additional debates if Hillary is there, because her presence was a distraction that prevented him from conveying his message to the American people. He's such a whiny brat, he always has some BS excuse for his ignorance or poor preparation. I guess he expects to be ushered to a giant jewel & gold encrusted throne, just because his name is Trump. He's never really worked for anything, he was given a "small loan" by his father, the equivalent of millions in today's dollars.
    In today's world with social media & a much more informed public, it's far from a cake walk that he's accustomed to. A less sleazy, hard working person would used that "loan" and would have become a legitimate business man. He's just scammed his way through everything and he's admitted this in the last in his "art of the deal" book as well as countless interviews. He just doesn't make any sense, he has some sort of borderline personality disorder.

  73. I don't think he has borderline personality disorder. I do think he embodies the worst of a New Yorker. He is crass, arrogant, gaudy and represents everything wrong with Gotham City.

  74. @4:37. So what ? I was speaking to Ms Wellesley College, not you. If she would have went to Bryn Mawr and Penn, then maybe she would have been able to pass the bar exam.

  75. anon 4:37, I remember that line as well., She was quite proud of her education and mocked Clintons. I guess selective memory is the conservative way. We see it in their standard bearer.

  76. Ray, don't be offended that I call you a bigot. I consider myself one. The difference is that I recognize it and people like you or Scott Armstrong get upset when I call you out for your fear, if not hatred, of anything different.

  77. Clinton alluded to this last night but you probably were not psying attention.

  78. Can one of you Trumpeters please explain who the 188 dead people that the Clinton's are responsible for? This has become quite popular on the right wing hate websites. I truly am curious?

  79. @5:13 When it comes to "selective memory" no one holds a candle to Hillary Clinton

  80. @5:16 Personally, I stopped counting after Vince Foster.

  81. I agree with 5:16. Lets do a simple fact check. Could someone please name the 188 people that the Clintons supposedly killed? Even half would be OK. Had to listen to "Fox News" today. Wow, now that was fun, I was entranced. The spin was on full blast. From Lester Holt being blackmailed by the Clintons to "mysterious powder" on Trumps lectern to something in his "glass of water" to microphone problems to Clinton Hand signals.

    The best by far and my winning tin foil entry, "was it really Hillary or one of her body doubles". No question that is the winner!!!!

  82. Bernie,
    I knew this would bring a hole lot of the toilet brigaids comments this morning? The shit slinging will continue throughout the entire debate!
    I have redd that your swaying to Clinton, my vote will still be hand written, and say any other than listed above?
    REpublican redd no party affiliation nor joining or traveling with carnival

  83. Sorry to hear you will be backing the loser Bernie. The Trump train rolls on and Pennsylvania will be one of the dominoes to fall. Don't be so angry bro.

  84. Lol. I think we know who's vewy, vewy angwy. They've been posting here all day, finding excuse after excuse while the orange clown is blaming it on everything else, including his mike. Of course, it's on purpose, too.

  85. Bernie,you are being inconsistent. You admire Ron Angle despite his at times crass demeanor. You like him because he is genuine, speaks his mind, and believes in "good government", devoid of lobbyist insiders and "pay to play." Yet now you endorse Clinton, who is the consumate "pay to play" politician! She takes money from every from every special interest group in the Beltway. From big unions to Wall Street bankers. By supporting her you are in the company of local nemeses "Fed Ed" Pawlowski, "Darth Voter" Schlossberg and his evil apprentice Mike "Shakedown" Schwerer. They love Hillary because the Clintons wrote their playbook. Reconsider Trump. He will not owe anyone anything, except the American people.

  86. If Trump was like he was in his first thirty minutes, I'd consider it because that was a change agent. I like that. But the remaining 60 minutes reveled him as narcissistic, a liar, crass, arrogant, thin-skinned,etc. He was stupid enough to allow himself to be baited by the person you claim is so bad, so what does that say about him? I was not going to vote for Clinton, but that debate performance hit me. I would prefer to have her in office dealing with a thug like Putin than someone who fell for a little trick bc he is so thin-skinned.

  87. I'll be proudly voting for our first female President. Hillary Clinton has balls, smarts, and the dignity to be President. Trump has none of those things. I'm actually surprised Wharton graduated someone with such a lack of knowledge or curiosity for knowledge.

  88. also, can't help why Holt didn't ask Hillary about her "Basket of Deplorables", when she insulted over half the country ?

    You're not very bright either, are you? Hillary called HALF of TRUMP supporters "deplorable". Since Trump peters out at 45% of registered voters (150 million) he has a base of 70 million or so. Half of that number are "deplorable" or racist/xenophobic. So if you are insinuating 35 million people are "half the country" you have mathematics issues.

  89. Of course I am biased. I never pretended to be anyone who does not call things as i see them. And as I see them, Trump is a dangerous man who will ruin this country.

    Its a conclusion any thoughtful American should be making by this point. Thank you.

    Any one who votes for Donald Trump for President loses all respect from me. Romney, McCain, Reagan, Bush? OK.. But this guy is unfit and unsafe.

  90. 3.10 you are delusional , in that if we continue on this course we will be a third world country ready to be conquered, everyone believes we are entitled to peace forever, we are not, and we are now viewed by our enemies as weak and vulnerable. I am old and can watch it go down, but many more will need to experience the disasters that have befallen other rich and powerful countries who lost touch with reality.

    No, old people consumed by Fox News believe we are weak and vulnerable. We have the most technologically advanced and greatest fighting force in the world. You people have given up because America doesn't look like it did in the 1950s with the lunch counters and separate water fountains and where Latinos wore sombreros while drunk in movies only. Time to move on - you clearly cannot fathom change.

  91. Bernie, why are you protecting the sock puppet? Isn't it obvious?

  92. Blog Mentor, Don't come on here anonymously and complain about sock puppets. I am more offended at people like you, who attack other readers. Go away.

  93. 9:59, You are not responding to the argument. The point is that our airports suck compared to other countries,and they do. Trump made a great point there. Had he stuck with doing that, he would have won the debate. But Trump became Trump.


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