Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Ben Long: "The People Deserve Better"

Ben Long, who is running against incumbent Mike Schlossberg in the 132d state house district, was interviewed on WAEB yesterday. He's a Republican running in a gerrymandered district designed to keep Democrats in office. On top of that, he's way too young and has no real life experience. But then again, Schlossberg was too young and had no real life experience when he was first elected without opposition. .

"The people deserve better," he said, after ticking off some of his beefs against Schlossberg. Chief among these is Schlossberg's ghost vote in a crucial budget vote that passed by only one vote. When asked to explain, Schlossberg claimed it was "much ado about nothing" and blamed tea party extremists for his moral lapse.

Long had a different view, noting that Schlossberg "undermined democracy." He stated that Schlossberg's cavalier attitude "says a lot about his lack of integrity" and he asks, "If that's acceptable to him, what's not?"

He also took the incumbent to task for forming a PAC with Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski, who is the obvious target of a federal political corruption investigation in which six people have already entered guilty pleas.

He is running on a reform slate that includes campaign finance and gerrymandering. But as a Republican, he believes in  "empowering the private sector, not growing government."
Just 23 years old, Long is a product of Parkland School District, where his Dad sits on the board. He graduated from DeSales in May with a degree in political science. He works part-time for his father's business and spends the rest of his time knocking on doors, even on Sixth Street. His grandfather was an UAW union leader and is probably spinning in his grave.

Though he's obviously a sacrificial lamb in a heavily Democratic district, he claims he's "all in" and is apparently learning from residents as he knocks on doors.

"When you actually look people in the eye who are struggling to pay their school bill, it puts things in perspective," he said. He mentioned a widow he met who has a dilemma between paying her school tax bill or buying medication.

Long was also questioned, in a shot from Lehigh County Comm'r Michael Schware, about his resignation as a committeeman several years ago to support Tom Muller over Scott Ott for Lehigh County Executive. Schware, who is something of a snake, was probably upset when his name was mentioned. His question did exactly what irked him about Long. He's upset that Long supported a Democrat, but Schware is supporting one by trying (unsuccessfully) to attack Long. As far as I'm concerned, Long's support of Tom Muller demonstrates that he is not a blind partisan like Schlossberg. ... Or Schware.

Though he has no prayer, I found Ben Long to be very impressive and hope he stays interested.


  1. Like most new Republicans. They are beneficiaries of their parents or grandparents fighting the good fight as Democrats and now think they are part of the upper-class and must be Republicans. Sad reality is the overlords who their grandparents fought to get them where they are, will knock them back to poverty given half a chance.

    They just forgot where they came from.

  2. Oh stop it Mike. Don't you have an illegal vote to make for someone on vacation, you insipid liar?

  3. You are spot on about the Puppet Schware

  4. Is there still time to move to Allentown and register to vote in the upcoming election so I can cast my vote for Ben Long?

    Schloss is such a loss for the citizens of Allentown!

  5. Schloss doesn't represent the citizens of Allentown. He is in his own universe of arrogance, lies and corruption. I am voting for Ben!

  6. Is it true that Schware is living in ED Pawlowski's basement room?

  7. Is all Schlossberg does is he sits around all day long and solicits funds from any and all types of organizations, it's money is all he cares about. He's simply got issues and should not be voting / ghost voting on anyone's behalf! Rid the money and politicians like Schlossberg will go away, till then:

    Vote Ben Long

  8. Long seems like a good fellow, but has no chance of beating Schloppsburg in the heavily-gerrymandered Democrat bastion of urban Allentown. They are not an educated electorate. They pull the lever (or push the button) for whomever they are told to. Give them a ride to the polls and a rosy story about how Schloppsburg is looking out for them and they vote like cattle being led to the slaughterhouse. No contest.

  9. Apparently the bigoted bi-sexual haters are out in force today.

  10. Just an aside, but who exactly gerrymandered this district?

    Sometimes, you get what you wish for and don't like it.

  11. Bernie I met Mr. Long when I was running for Lehigh County Sheriff. I have since met other members of his family. This young man has been raised with honor and integrity. I voted for Mr. Schlossberg before but I cannot vote for someone who knowingly "Ghost Voted" for something so crucial as the state budget. Peoples lives especially the senior citizens depend on what happens during the budget. Mike obviously had no concern for anyone when he pulled that stunt. How many other "Ghost Votes" were cast by Mr. Schlossberg that are never caught. Yes I agree Ben has an uphill climb but for a person to knock on over 12000 doors is unheard in the political arena. It's time to stand up and vote for hard work, honesty and integrity. Experience is one thing - Honesty is another. Good luck Ben.

    Ed Zucal Allentown PA.

    1. Ed Zucal is the real deal. Darth Voter is a poser who has never held a real job outside of low barrier make believe social media management (things that teens do).

      Ben Long is a much better bet. Darth Voter is a fraud.

  12. RS, Gerrymandering is possible bc of a power structure that includes the leaders of both parties and is designed to keep incumbents in office. It is not just the GOP.

  13. He knocked on my door. I will vote for him in hopes of getting someone new in there.

  14. Ed's a good guy. He did not throw me out of a basketball game so far.

  15. Soon. Very soon, the pot holding all the democratic dirty dirty secrets throughout the state going to explode. LV, Scranton, Philly, Harrisburg are going to be induced. Fleck was the only dem whetting a wire. Don't be surprised if mikey goes down or his teacher J. Mann.

    The Cro

  16. Bernie,

    Your safe. I retired in April. I know no one will believe me but the reason you weren't thrown out of the game is because you were so quiet I forgot you were there.

  17. I knocked on some doors with Ben. He is dedicated and motivaTed to empower our citizens here in Allentown. I was extremely impressed by his maturity, dedication and grasp on the issues here at home. Good luck Ben!

  18. I knocked on some doors with Ben. He is dedicated and motivaTed to empower our citizens here in Allentown. I was extremely impressed by his maturity, dedication and grasp on the issues here at home. Good luck Ben!

  19. Wait haven't I seen this race before? http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/92/925277e6b151350f3612cae9c182b8434c6d66e4ae3f611ada6002dab87c9fa9.jpg


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