Local Government TV

Friday, September 23, 2016

RumorMill: Unreleased NorCo Budget Contains 2.5% Payhike For Nonunion Workers

Though Executive John Brown has yet to release next year's budget, I've already speculated that there will be no tax hike. That would kill his chances of being elected state auditor general. Yesterday, I heard rumors that he will propose a 2.5% payhike for nonunion workers. This would be on top of raises of about 4.5% last year.

We'll know in early October if this rumor is true.


  1. What happened to the RN. at Gracedale, 5 years and no contract or pay raise.

  2. Don't know what pay raise you are talking about of non-union employees last year getting 4.5%. Was that because of frozen wages from the prior year? Any pay increase would be nice. It will help supplement for the 7 payment plans I have with medical providers for me and my family. I also have to arrange for an 8th payment plan. Already paid off 2. Currently putting off 2 medical things because can't afford it. One I may not be able to put off because it'll be like Russian Roulette. Working people everywhere shouldn't have to go through this. It's a sad day when one has to think to leave a job, just to get better health insurance with medicaid.

  3. That's life, if the gravy isnt' good enough sit at a different table right? Welcome to the real world. If he public trough doesn't feed you enough go elsewhere. There is no sentence making you stay at wok at any job.

  4. 6:30. practicing to be a cry baby union puke?

  5. 6:30, I used to be in your boat. Then, I sought more education and improved my skill set. Problem solved.

  6. Maybe one day Non-Union workers will catch up to the Union workers?

  7. I am a union worker. I am paid approximately $6,000 less than the same pay grade of the non-union worker. Thank you union! And no, I didn't want to be part of the union in the first place.

  8. 6:30 I feel ya. Medical expenses are killing me too. And no, this is not normal or acceptable by any means. I'm union (unfortunately) so this won't affect me, but I hope you get your raise.

  9. I did graduate from college and the job I have isn't a job but a career. The comment, "Welcome to the real world" is apparently from someone very bitter with their own life. Years ago when we started at our careers, there were different executives. We accepted less pay for benefits and stayed for years and enjoy what we do. Then along comes a person and his counterparts that on occasions has not increased wages and increases what comes out of our pay for health benefits (a % of our income each pay and this isn't chump change), and decreases benefits. In the private sector people can strike, CEOs get fired, not voted out of office years later. In the private sector, people can file a law suit for breach of contract We know very well about the "real world". Either in the private sector or public, working people no matter where working shouldn't have to be on a lot of payment plans and be thinking medicaid as a choice. And you know if working people are thinking medicaid as a choice, maybe there is more going on. The comment about being a "cry baby", well to that person, may you never open up a mail box, see a stack of medical bills and wonder how you are going to pay one so that one of your children can been seen by their doctor for an upcoming appointment if a prior bill isn't paid.

  10. I'm a non-union employee that did not get a 4.5% raise. Union employees who are a lesser pay grade than me that have worked less years than me are making more. I'd love to know how that's even remotely fair

  11. If you can tell me where you work without giving yourself away, please do. I think I know.


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