Local Government TV

Friday, September 23, 2016

Pastor Arrested For Child Porn, and He's Not Even Catholic!

News that a Pastor has been arrested for possession of child porn is commonplace news. What's unusual is when that Pastor is Protestant. WNEP reports that a Baptist preacher has been nailed in possession of child porn, both on his computer and cell phone.


The common theory is that Catholic priests are all perverts because they are barred from marriage. I'd say that perverts come in all forms, married and unmarried.

When he was at Penn State, my son dabbled a bit in stand-up comedy, and in some of his gigs, he used to complain that the Catholic Church traumatized hi,m. He did everything right. Went to Catholic school, became an altar boy and even got friendly with a few priests and a Bishop. But none of them ever molested him.

"What's wrong with me?" he'd cry.

He eventually abandoned stand-up and became a chemist.


  1. My name is Pat WallaceSeptember 23, 2016 at 12:21 AM

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  2. While I don't understand the marriage prohibition, I doubt it's a major factor in the molestation cases. And calling it pedophilia is misleading, as the term describes sexual interaction with prepubescent children. The overwhelming majority of victims are post-pubescent boys. The problem is predatory homosexuals. Marriage and pedophilia have little to do with these cases.

  3. "Post pubescent" is still pedophilia intil the child turns 18. I believe it is called hebephilia.

    1. And it has absolutely nothing to do with being gay, rape is about power and abuse, not sex.

  4. Bullshit. Why are the overwhelming majority of victims young boys? Look up Lavender Mafia.

  5. That's a pathetic offensive headline.

  6. Bernie,
    Haven't the gloryhole gathers and clowns done enough for the carnival experience for the children they look at with cheZZburgers in there eyeZ!?

    REpublican redd no party affiliation nor joining or traveling in any circus


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