Local Government TV

Monday, September 12, 2016

Clinton's Dishonesty Bothers Me, Not her Pneumonia

Over the past few months, I've been disgusted by Trumpions who have tried their level best to portray Hillary Clinton as someone at death's door. But yesterday, when she swooned after getting "overheated" during a 9/11 ceremony at Ground Zero, it was very evident that something is wrong. After stonewalling reporters throughout the day, her campaign finally admitted late in the day that she is suffering from pneumonia.

Although pneumonia is nothing to take lightly, it's completely understandable that either she or Trump could come down with that illness. I've gone through it twice myself. What I find completely unfathomable is that a presidential candidate whose honesty is very much an issue, would keep the public in the dark, even though she was first diagnosed on Friday.

It's not her pneumonia, but her complete lack of transparency that makes it impossible for me to vote for her.

And Trump is just as nontransparent. He refuses to release his tax returns. He's also two years older than Clinton and has failed to provide the medical records that a much younger Obama did when he ran.


  1. There is something amiss. Not just pneumonia. Something neurological. Her fitness for the presidency will be questioned in the days ahead.

  2. You are naive and secretly a Hillary supporter. It is not crazy to consider her health issues to be more significant than pneumonia. Why was she hiding this explanation for two days?

  3. Wow, Bernie. You've lit a fire under the wacko parade. Please explain exactly whom you would consider voting for, if not Clinton. The guy who said "what is Aleppo?"? The guy who gets his information from "the shows" and would be a puppet for those around him? The woman who was caught on video vandalizing private property a few days ago? That's the rest to the prospective field...

  4. I will vote for Frank Flisser. I will NOT vote for the lesser of two evils. I will not vote for the useful idiots propped up by the minor parties. I would have voted for Kasich. I might have voted for Bernie. I will not be voting for the ethical oilslicks seeking the presidency.

  5. A media source that bring sot light hidden news claims this is a serious issue that may be linked to a stroke or concussion related symptoms. If this is a serious mental health issue can we afford this woman to be President?
    This casts an entirely new light on the presidential election. This must not be hidden and brought to light now. A special prosecutor should be appointed by a congressional committee to investigate her health and fitness.

  6. Actually, this incident magnifies both of the subjects you titled this piece about.

    I've had pneumonia in the past, it's not something that you get and still can perform public events as Mrs Clinton did on Sunday morning. It puts you in bed, and you're so ill you can't even get out of it and go to the bathroom.

    Clearly there is some kind of coverup going on, which means, someone is lying about it. Lies, lies lies, that's all we get from the Clinton campaign. She can't discuss her past, she doesn't talk about any of her achievements. No, all we hear from Mrs Clinton is how terrible Donald Trump is and she says that those who support him are all degenerates. Perhaps for the first time in her career, Hillary was saying what she was really thinking, and that might be because she was ill and too sick to lie.

    I'm one of those Deplorables Mrs Clinton, and I'm damn proud of it.

  7. OMG nooooo and John Brown is being running for different elected officer when we need him in Washington

  8. I'm also a deplorable and proud of it.

  9. It is obvious she is physically incapable of being the president. We need the virility of Mr. Trump to lead the nation at this time.

    The Democrats should cut their losses and make Biden their nominee.

  10. Elizabeth Warren should take over for Hillary if she can't campaign because of her medical condition. I hope that she gets well. Health is not a partisan thing. But the country deserves a transparent candidate, not someone who wants to hide everything, including something as important as health.

  11. Pneumonia and the persistent cough are typical symptoms of congestive heart failure. There's no reason to hide pneumonia. There's good reason to hide CHF.

  12. Her Health is a real issue, She has so far been on a light schedule, she will now be forced to step up the pace, She may not be able to do it, This health thing has been an issue for a long time, why has she run for office knowing, she may not have what it takes to be president? If elected who will be the president? Probably a staff made up of Obama's people. They where clear that this was to be a third Obama term. To those that scoff at her health issues. You are in denial. She should have let Bernie have it. I don't like most of his positions, but I did believe he was an honest person.

  13. It seems like everybody associated with the ultimate liar, from Bill "I didn't have sex with that woman" to he her current doctor " she's in very good health" are all liars too. I still can't believe a possible majority of the American public still want to vote for this lying non-transparent POS.

  14. In the past I've had dehydration issues. Because you're dehydrated, your blood pressure goes dangerously low. I've been as low as 50/30. You go by ambulance to the ER where they put an IV in your arm and give you bag or two of saline to re-hydrate you. It can take about an hour. But that doesn't mean you're cured. The doctor will want to run some tests to find out why you became dehydrated in the first place.. and believe me, it's NOT pneumonia. But she goes to Chelsea's apartment into a black box that no one knows what is happening.. then walks out in an our or so for a photo-op.

    This obviously has happened to her before. You don't go to your daughter's house, get an IV stuck in you and have bags of saline that your daughter has stored in her refrigerator. There is likely home medical equipment there and a doctor/nurse on call for her for incidents such as this.

    This woman has a serious health issue. I had Chron's Disease, and it's something I have to live with. I'm not a doctor so I can't say what Hillary has, but it needs hospital treatment or she'll basically die without it.

  15. Hillary should have been arrested when they took the furniture from the White House that belonged to the tax payers . Remember when they left and was broke? II feel sorry for people lie that.

  16. A doctor friend of mine claims that the coughing may be a symptom of some heart medications. Congestive heart failure is an obvious possibility, she will have to address this issue, she should go the VA hospital and get a complete physical and make it public, this is the only way she will put this to rest. It would be for her good and the country.

  17. I will be voting for Hillary Clinton. The worst thing that could happen here is Donald Trump getting elected President. That cannot happen. If Hillary falls ill, President Kaine is still a hell of a lot more sensible than Donald Trump.

  18. "...You know she's talking about white nationalists, white supremacists, anti-semites, and xenophobes, right? .."

    Hate and hypocrisy are products of the left. Progressive Democrats hate most everything honest and decent in America. They hate conservatives, they hate capitalists, they hate corporations, they hate the police, they hate pro-lifers, they hate personal freedoms, they hate Christians and Jews. Blind hatred is all the left has going for it. And they project all of that hatred onto those on the right.

  19. being called deplorable by Hillary is a complement

  20. I had a bout with pneumonia in my 20's that knocked me down for 3 days and was under doctor's care. I give credit to Hillary for going thru this at 68 and trying to maintain Her campaign schedule .I have received the pneumonia vaccine the last 2 years and hope I will be immune .

  21. "Pneumonia and the persistent cough are typical symptoms of congestive heart failure. There's no reason to hide pneumonia. There's good reason to hide CHF."


  22. "A doctor friend of mine claims that the coughing may be a symptom of some heart medications. Congestive heart failure is an obvious possibility"


  23. "This woman has a serious health issue. I had Chron's Disease,"


  24. This could have been written last week:

    Comment - "Her frequent bouts of non-stop coughing could very well indicate some serious underlying medical condition."

    Bernie - "Cuckoo"

    1. Bernie,
      These coughing bouts could cum from not having sexaul relation with the wet noodle like Monica Lewinski?!
      REpublican redd no party affiliation
      My vote will be hand written and be clearly print none of the above

  25. Bernie is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

  26. If anyone on this blog is a loony bird it is BO.

  27. Although I would never vote for her for anything, I do hope that Hillary Clinton gets well and has a long life. Just not as President.

  28. Also Mrs Clinton, my husband and I are very well educated, I went to a college that you could only dream of attending, Bryn Mawr College and my husband went to Penn. We both have Master's Degrees from Penn also. You have some gall to call us "Deplorables". You don't know anything about our lives, how we work hard to support our daughter and bring her up in the best way we can. And that doesn't give you the right to stereotype everyone with the most horrid words possible, smearing anyone who doesn't support you with vile, course rhetoric.

    I've never heard of a Presidential Candidate that insults half the country in public the way you have. But then, I'm sure you really don't give a damn anyway because unless someone can contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars to your phony charity, you look down your nose at them. You hide behind your donors and Wall Street bankers. You want all American's votes, of course, but after that, you really don't give a damnn, do you ?

    Does anyone believe that Hillary hasn't used those very same words describing Trump supporters many times before when no media were present?.

    Remember at most of her fundraisers she allows no media. Those at that fundraiser laughed when she said Trump supporters are "a basket of deplorables", irredeemables, and other nasty things which I will not repeat.

    Those were not comments made off the cuff. That is what she really thinks of Trump supporters and I bet she was totally shocked that she's getting pushback.

  29. "I've never heard of a Presidential Candidate that insults half the country in public the way you have."

    You haven't heard of this guy named Trump??

  30. I read a conspiracy theory this morning regarding Trump operatives exposing Hillary to bacterial pneumonia through a bio agent. I was shocked at the inability of the writer to accept the fact that his candidate has been untruthful time and again. I was not shocked that Trump was blamed. It's the easy path for the intellectually dishonest and lazy.

  31. 1.21
    "I've never heard of a Presidential Candidate that insults half the country in public the way you have"
    did you ever hear of mitt romney?
    47 percent.
    difference was romney took weeks to acknowledge he was wrong.

  32. 9.42
    "They hate conservatives, they hate capitalists, they hate corporations, they hate the police, they hate pro-lifers, they hate personal freedoms, they hate Christians and Jews. "
    and conservatives love?
    corporations that pollute and treat their employees as disposable.
    love police until they want to take over federal land a la bundy
    love the unborn but abandon the kids once out of the womb.
    love personal freedom but will demand to stick a wand into women and get between a woman and her doctor.
    love christians but will demonize any other religion.
    and will actively work to suppress those religions.
    and conservatives like trump refuse to denounce the stormfront loving guys.
    yep the conservatives can really be proud.

  33. Just stop, it is apparent she has a serious medical condition, anyone who is defending this as just politics will be sorely disappointed, she has not been well for several years, they let her out only for short periods of time, and don't allow many questions. How can she perform as president, It is a very demanding job. This is not fair to the country.

  34. Bernie
    "What I find completely unfathomable is that a presidential candidate whose honesty is very much an issue, would keep the public in the dark, even though she was first diagnosed on Friday."

    most likely they wanted to avoid Fox screaming until the election of how Hillary has a terminal disease and no matter what happens you should support trump.
    no matter what level of transparency offered by Clinton she will be attacked.
    so treating her sickness on the quiet was the gamble.

    do you believe that if Hillary paraded her doctor and showed a video of every pill she takes that the right wing would not attack her?

    that is the problem.
    no decency will be shown to Hillary no matter what she does.
    the hatred runs too deep.
    so she gambled and lost.
    expect to see Fox screaming until the sun burns cold

  35. 4.29
    "Just stop, it is apparent she has a serious medical condition"

    gee you should diagnose people for a living.
    no such proof of a serious medical condition exists concerning Hillary.
    besides even if a whole hospital staff came out and said she was healthy would the right wing even consider their views?
    not a chance

  36. "so she gambled and lost"

    Steady hand at the helm.

  37. "Hate and hypocrisy are products of the left. Progressive Democrats hate most everything honest and decent in America. They hate conservatives, they hate capitalists, they hate corporations, they hate the police, they hate pro-lifers, they hate personal freedoms, they hate Christians and Jews. Blind hatred is all the left has going for it. And they project all of that hatred onto those on the right."

    I would probably be considered a progressive Democrat. I don't hate anyone but I do hate that people have to suffer from untreated mental illness. Please get some help.
    God Bless!

  38. "I went to a college that you could only dream of attending, Bryn Mawr College and my husband went to Penn. We both have Master's Degrees from Penn also. You have some gall to call us "Deplorables"."

    Given her academic background , I doubt she is "dreaming" about yours. Also she said half of his supporters are deplorable. You know the KKK, racists, etc. Do you consider yourself in that "basket". If not she was not describing you. You would think your high end education would have allowed you to get that.

    Len Freed

  39. Vote for Hillary and be happy!

  40. I have had pneumonia so have others, big deal. I am more concerned with Kim Jong Trumps mental health.

  41. I just went to Wegmans and picked up a package of Mrs Paul's fish sticks. It says it's the "original recipe" on the box. I didn't know there was a new recipe for Soylent Green.

  42. This is nothing suprising. The first instict of the Clintons is to hide and lie about everything and anything.

    We have a woman who is a serious candidate to become President of the United States. When she was diagnosed with Pneumonia last Friday, why weren't the American people told this? We have a right to know the health of the major candidates. It wasn't until we found out by a single reporter on Sunday that saw her collapse on the sidewalk. And after that report, he was ridiculed by all of the major media outlets until the video shows up on You Tube taken by a person who was at the ceremony. Then the media shuts up and is blocked from knowing what happened to her for nearly two hours.

    This is in line with the emails, the Benghazi "Video", and all the other lies this woman has told the American people. It's just more of the same.

  43. 8.32
    " We have a right to know the health of the major candidates."

    so when will we get a full report on trump?
    a current report no more than one week old.
    nothing less would be acceptable

  44. Vote for Hillary and be happy, 9:41.

  45. Worldwide view of Clinton has suggested that she is suffering from a neurological disorder, she will not be able to hide this for 2 more months, get ready for Biden.

  46. 9:42 - So you don't deny you are in one of those groups (white nationalists, white supremacists, anti-semites, and xenophobes) I would've expected you top but instead responded with an ad hominem attack on "liberals".

  47. I think it is nit-picky. How many people do you tell when you get a cold, the flu, pneumonia? Bernie, when you had pneumonia twice, how many people did you tell while you had it?

    I could see it being an issue only if she were dying of some disease, and even then, if she makes it through campaigning, gets elected and dies, then we move to next in line....

    Meanwhile, her doctor released a statment saying Hillary is in good health. So, she had pneumonia and the issue is what?????

  48. After Trump has lied about Hillary's health, i think you would have kept quiet too rather than put it out for all those far right wingers who would jump all over it saying, "See! Trump is right!"

    It is what it is. She had pneumonia and is taking meds for it. Let's see how first debate goes. That should show everyone that Hillary is the only one qualified and Trump just throws out some meaningless words and rhetoric, not answers on important issues.

  49. To Jamie Kelton, if you fall into any of the groups that follow Trump which have been mentioned quite widely now, then yes, you are Deplorable!

    "Surely no right-thinking American disagrees that racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and Islamophobia are, indeed, deplorable.
    "(Trump) has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people -- now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric."

  50. The new Reuters/Ipsos poll found that while not all Republicans are racist, racists tend more to be Republicans, and the most extremist among them are Donald Trump supporters.


    Josh Kraushaar, National Journal: To understand why elected Republicans are sticking with Donald Trump even as he shows little willingness to be a team player, it pays more to be a psychologist than a political scientist. ... All these Republicans have calculated that the costs of splitting with Trump -- even when he's nastily denouncing them -- are greater than the costs of losing the support of his core voters. This isn't just a primary election problem. It's a recognition that the Trump voters will follow the whims of their leader, no matter what he says, through the general election. And if Republican officeholders aren't sufficiently loyal enough to Trump, his supporters will make them pay a price.

    In essence, the Republican party no longer exists. It should be rightly named the Party of Deplorables, as that is what it has become.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.