Local Government TV

Monday, September 12, 2016

Candidate's Forum Set in State Auditor General Race

A candidates' forum for the state auditor general race will be held Wednesday, October 5, at Northampton Community College, College Center Building, Room 220. The forum, starting at 7 pm, will be preceded by a 6:30 pm Meet 'n Greet.

The four candidates include Democrat Eugene DePasquale (incumbent), Republican John Brown (NorCo County Exec), Green Party John Sweeney (Wyoming County) and Libertarian Roy Minet.

Candidates Forum_Auditor General by BernieOHare on Scribd


  1. I wish I could make it just to watch the John Brown comedy show. He'll probably bring his human puppet "Cathy Allen" with him illustrating all his dog tricks he taught her and follow up with his brilliant business acumen in how he transformed NC government into a trend-sending mess! All this for free!

  2. They will have trouble drawing 10 people to this forum. A bunch of bean counters with no personality. Listening to Brown bloviate using his corporate clichés is bad enough. Watching a carton of milk expiring is more exciting than this.

  3. Will PCN be there? This is something they should cover.

  4. I do not know DePasquale but am told he has an engaging personality.

  5. Are there any forums or debates scheduled for the local state house races? MSM fails to report these things. Thanks Bernie for bringing this to attention.

  6. The contested house races in the LV are Schlossberg v.Long, Emrick v. Mattei, Simmons v. Jackson and Armstrong v. Mako. I will ask the LWV what they are doing. Usually, Simmons has two or three debates.

  7. Schloppsberg, AKA Darth Voter, would beat Santa Claus if he ran in that gerrymandered district. Yet his yard signs are everywhere, making the point that the Democrat sheep in Allentown love their crooked politicians.

  8. The only one really contested is Armstrong vs. mako. That ones close cause the primary was robbed from Grammes on a technicality. Everything else gerrymandered safe. Certainly Schlossberg and Simmons district.


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