Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Pawlowski Wants To Hire "Quintssential" Criminal Lawyer As Managing Director

Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski is doing poorly in his quest to find someone to replace Managing Director Francis Dougherty. Inside sources tell me he has already hit two foul balls, but his third choice is too amazing to keep to myself. Get this, Fed Ed wants the City to hire a criminal defense lawyer.

His name is Michael Walker, and he humbly describes himself as the "the quintessential advocate and a believer in finding the truth! I am a litigator and a licensed real estate broker."

Uh oh.

Walker is also employed as the CEO at Allentown's Community Services For Children. He describes himself in his LinkedIn profile as "the quintessential senior executive with deep roots in servant leadership."

He sure sounds quintessential.

Jane Ervin was raking in $127,000 there so his salary is probably the same or higher.

Guess where else he worked?

Believe it or not, Chaka Fattah, the Philly Congressman convicted of political corruption just a few months ago. According to LinkedIn, Walker claims he was "Senior Legal Counsel for the Ranking Democrat on House Appropriations Committee." That would be Fattah. Though he listed the Rayburn Building in Washington, D.C. as his workplace, he actually worked in Fattah's Philly office. In fact, Fattah had two criminal defense lawyers working for him in Philly, according to Legistorm.

Walker was a public employee and denied that he was there to provide criminal defense advice.

Lots of red flags here.


  1. Doing favors for his future cellmate? Pawlowski is the quintessential Chicago politician; brazen to the end.

  2. Wouldn't be the first time a lawyer was provided a job in government with the expectation that free representation for an individual was expected as part of that appointment. That's happened in small communities. Until Pawlowski is out Allentown taxpayers will continue paying for their mistake.

  3. Bernie,
    just another multilisting tool, anyone having to do with what banking institutions,wall street and the fopp of Americas issues has issues to say the least?! Vultures desicrating the carcuss of the American institution in a administrational capacity?

    RE:publican redd no party afilliation esspecilly local party favor consessionar campaign contribitors and Fed Ed's slumlordian counterpart campaign contribitors

  4. Based on what I know about Pawlowski's dwindling funds, it makes sense that he would need a defense attorney on the city payroll. Sure, it's a BS position that isn't even necessary in this town (if it had a fully functioning mayor), but Pawlowski's time with McMahon is running out.

    Once again, we see Pawlowski making decisions for himself and no one else. If he truly cared about Allentown, he would simply resign and let someone untainted take the reins.

  5. The soon to be felon is stepping in his Johnson.

  6. ATTN 7:19
    The buffoon's staff is in shambles and he clings to Fox as the water rises,

  7. There's no RED FLAGS......he fits right in.

  8. As an Allentown resident and taxpayer I am mortified that this charlatan is being considered for city manager. Yes, he fits in perfectly with the corrupt mayor, but don't we deserve better? The median income of Allentown residents is one of the lowest in the valley. And yet we are taxed the highest. To pay this boob over $100K of our hard earned tax dollars is disgraceful.

  9. He's a democrat and for the people, this corruption needs to be overlooked because, he will help the common man. And everyone has been ganging up on the poor mayor, because he is trying to do right for the people. The mayor will be reelected easy in this town. He is a smart politician.

  10. The City does not need a managing director at this point in time. Eventually, yes. But right now, until things are sorted out, no. No one would have any confidence in this candidate, so what's the point of wasting the money?

  11. Another City resident here; ALLENTOWN CITY COUNCIL!! Please get involved and do not sit on the sidelines for this one!! We need a competent professional City Manager with the appropriate education and skills for the job. Just because the City has been dysfunctional in every way for so long, don't just accept this! This would amount to the taxpayers funding Pawlowski's criminal defense. You (City Council) need to get involved in this one and assert yourselves. PLEASE!!

  12. Bible studies at work . Do unto others before they do it to you
    Is this a FBI question or. Birds of a feather stick together ?
    How many other birds are still working

    Why is the this person still in office .
    Why does he need help to do nothing .
    When you run out of money ,hire a lawyer to be the director ( good one )
    The people will understand , that the end is near .
    And the help you need
    Will come from your Bible studies .

    ( may the blessings you have bestowed
    on the city of Allentown follow you all through your prison years) .

    Show up at council meeting , with a power point message
    stating I did nothing wrong ! And let the public decide ?

  13. The mayor will prevail, it is a democratic year, the end result is what matters.

  14. Show me a Bible that can pray away the gay and crooked politicians and I'll sell you my beach front property in Nevada!

  15. This could be an excellent choice. There will be many in City Hall who will want to talk with the "new guy."

  16. Mr. Walker could be a win-win for the Mayor and City Council.With City Council approving tax-payer funded lawyers for their defense Mr. Walker will add another layer of defense.

  17. Why do we even call them "criminal" defense lawyers . If someone is a "criminal" then that predisposes they have already been adjudicated. Unless they only handle appeals.
    I can see how it would be beneficial for a prosecutor to call the accused council a "criminal" defense lawyer.

    Anyway, a good third of politician's are lawyers, the rest all have their consigliere.

    Despite what others might infer about association it's probably good advice and the smart move.

  18. I was always told not to hire Your real estate lawyer if You are in a criminal jam.Thats why criminal defense lawyers are called just that

  19. 5:38, Seriously, where the hell did you go to school? The reason that criminal defense lawyers are called criminal defense lawyers is bc that is what they are, just as a patent lawyer is a patent lawyer and an admiralty lawyer is an admiralty lawyer. This does not "predispose" (can't believe the idiocy here, and think you mean "presuppose") anything. At the trial phase, judges and prosecutors don't make a habit of referring to a defendant's counsel as a criminal defense lawyer and generally refer to him as counselor defense counsel. Under your goofy thinking, they would be "predisposing" things because the term carries the implication that the defendant has been accused. In fact, the word defendant would have to be dropped, too. It's silly thinking and illogical.

    Your point about appeals is equally silly. And it is "counsel," not "council." It's "politicians," not "politician's." And if you wish to claim that 1/3 of all politicians are lawyers, you should include a link.

    And really, you should ask someone who is literate to post your comments.

  20. anon @ 8:12

    It appears this guy is both.

    Maybe that's what the quintessential is all about?

  21. Bernie, there is no contest, when you compare my educational opportunities and experience to yours, it's clear who should know better.

  22. Your educational opportunities? Only bullshit artists speak like that, and that is the quintessential you. I would be more than happy to compare and contrast.

  23. Educational opportunities have nothing to do with intelligence. I have waited for years to use that in a blog post .Thank You so much !

  24. Dam you're good! What's my favorite color?

  25. Bernie,
    The LCCC/VATICAN must protect there moody college graduate?! What with all monies invested in moyors conterpart collaborators as well as party favor consessionar campaign contribitors?! Just maybe like Cosby he too can get a sheepwool only to have it RE:cinded
    RE:publican redd no party afilliation

  26. The King has friends with deep pockets. He's not going to get stuck with a Lehigh lacky lawyer. Keep hating ...haters always lose.


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