Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Et Tu, Christie?

Team Trump continues to double and triple down on The Donald's treatment of Gold Star parents who dared criticize him at a DNC rally last week. His campaign manager is now suggesting that Clinton and Obama are responsible for their son's death. In the meantime, the Donald has amazingly booted a crying baby from a campaign rally. He's had his McCarthy moment, and his campaign is beginning to crash and burn.

The list of those criticizing his behavior is getting longer.

Chris Christie (Trump's future AG): “We need to honor their sacrifice for our country and we need to honor their son’s sacrifice for our country. ... And to focus on anything other than that, to me, is missing the point. That’s what we should be doing, and any comments that we’re making publicly or privately should be with that in mind. My view on this is that the Khans have a right to say whatever it is they want regarding the loss of their son and that for all the Gold Star families out there, they have put forward a sacrifice that I cannot fathom as a parent.”

Meg Whitman (GOP fundraiser): "“I will vote for Hillary, I will talk to my Republican friends about helping her, and I will donate to her campaign and try to raise money for her. ... Time and again history has shown that when demagogues have gotten power or come close to getting power, it usually does not end well."

GOP Congressman Richard Hanna: "While I disagree with her on many issues, I will vote for Mrs. Clinton. I will be hopeful and resolute in my belief that being a good American who loves his country is far more important than parties or winning and losing. I trust she can lead. All Republicans may not like the direction, but they can live to win or lose another day with a real candidate. Our response to the public's anger and the need to rebuild requires complex solutions, experience, knowledge and balance. Not bumper sticker slogans that pander to our disappointment, fear and hate."

GOP Congressman Charlie Dent: "I have not endorsed Donald Trump. I am not for Hillary Clinton under any circumstances." Hequestions the "purity police who have imposed "litmus tests" on centrists like him but are all in for a candidate who just a few years ago was contributing to Hillary Clinton and calling her a "great negotiator."


  1. Come on Charlie you only have two possibilities , just like the rest of us. Hold your nose endorse and vote for Hilary like most will.

  2. It is really sad but the last great honest man is being sabotaged from within. The Country Club type of Republicans that have always run the Party are telling the party faithful to surrender. We made Donald Trump the candidate because he is the honest man, not politically correct and playing nice. He tells it like it is and that scares the Hell out of insiders like Dent and others.

    Donald Trump will clean up and clean out Washington. Republicans that desert the Party should all be voted out of office. Supporting Crooked Hillary is out of the question and basically treasonous to the Party.

    The last great honest man in politics is being sacrificed to the Gods of money and power. What will you say when the Lehigh Valley goes solidly for Donald Trump?

    1. Dumbest post of the day maybe the year

  3. He is far from an honest man. August 1 was a banner day. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/08/02/15-hours-of-donald-trump-s-lies.html

  4. Oh get over it Bernie. This dog doesn't wash.

    Especially now that we are learning that Obama paid the Iranians $400,000,000 to get four Americans freed from the Mullahs.

    There is your story. If you're not a Clinton partisan hack.

    And I misspelled my last name yesterday morning before pressing enter. Jeeze

  5. The last great honest man is the master of his OWN demise. It didnt take any campaigns or underhanded tricks. His own words have cost him his candidacy..

    Alfonso Todd

  6. Over at WFMZ, the insignificant Charlie Dent is hinting he will NOT vote for EITHER candidate and leave that line blank. Can you believe the guy? He's doing the Paul Ryan thing, after tagging along behind John Boehner.

  7. Except for Christie, The rest are republican establishment. They're taking their ball home because Donald Trump beat them. Christie, if you read between the lines, is actually trying to do damage control. Corrupt and crooked Hillary deserves these turncoats who abandoned their party. They do not represent change and they will be responsible for 4-more years of Obama policies on the local and world scene. More taxes, more entitlements and absolutely no credible foreign policy against radical Islam! Therefore, if these traitors want to vote for the non-transparent candidate who constantly lies, believes she is above the law and serves special interest groups, give your precious vote to the destitute Hillary. You reap what you sew.

  8. The real story on Mr Kahn is that he is an immigration lawyer with connections to Hillary's Muslim staff sidekick who believes in Sharia law & has Muslim brotherhood connections. So before you castigate Trump perhaps you should investigate the background & motive of Hillary putting him on the DNC agenda. His prior law firm was a major Clinton foundation donor. This is not about a grieving father & mother.

    Dent needs to get with it or he will lose support for not backing the party choice.

  9. Trump is already preparing for his loss. If he loses it will be because the election was rigged, or the media treated him unfairly, according to him. The sad outcome even when he does lose is the a-hole will make more money than ever with speaking engagements and books being sold to his brown shirt followers.
    Meg Whitman was making a comparison to a past leader in history. I don't expect anyone to actually name that person he reminds them of, but the similarities in fear mongering, placing blame certain groups of people, and his demeanor are evident.

  10. Hillary Clinton, was the one who started talks to give 400 million dollars, in cash, to Iran.

  11. Thank you Hillary Clinton, for helping to put a bounty on American's heads when they travel overseas.

  12. kahn is nothing but a clinton side show puppet

  13. We need a few more WikiLeaks nuggets. Assange says they will come and be enough to send Hillary to prison. Unfortunately, he probably doesn't understand how our present Justice Department works. I doubt she'll every be convicted, but will settle for her losing the prize she covets.

    Why, oh why, would any clear-thinking American vote to continue on with government behavior like we have seen?

  14. I'm sure glad we are making such good friends with our enemies that we can send them palletfulls of cash on wooden pallets on unmarked planes in the middle of the night. This is an example of the foreign policy you can expect from Hillary Clinton.

    Clinton Cash.

  15. Setting ones self on fire. Self immolation. Trump wants out and he is trying to force the R party to remove him forcibly or else he will destroy them in November. It is very evident that he is not suited to serve as president of this country. The ego trip is almost over for him. He will never withsdraw. His ego is so big..he can't walk away and he won't. That is why he continues to read and react in more and more inappropriate ways.

  16. 8:06 -

    Correct! This is an AMAZING revelation (paying ransom in secret) that should scare the daylights out of every American citizen. But, rest assured, our Congress will form a few committees to discuss this in 2017.

  17. Don "the rump" Trump is, BY FAR, the worst candidate for office in the history of this great country. he will drive us into the ground worse than George w (for wars) Bush did. he will lose this election but make millions anyway. He is the biggest Liar!!

  18. Charlie needs to get some stones. Repudiate the Phony Trump and refuse NRA support.
    Wishie washie does not fly.

  19. The liberal talking point on Obama's secret transfer of cash is already being formulated. Here it is . . .

    These funds were part of the pre approved deal with Iran over their nuclear program. OK, so why make the transfer under cover and using hard foreign currency that is shuttled in unmarked airplanes, individual bills, banded together sitting on wooden pallets?

    All done in a manner that surprises members of our Congress. This is the guy who says Trump is unfit?

  20. He was presented to the nation as a Constitution-loving (he carries a pocket copy, doncha know!) immigrant who just happens to be from Pakistan, but it turns out that Khizr Khan is a recognized scholar on Sharia law. And in his published writings, he seems to approve of subordinating the Constitution to Allah’s own Sharia

    What if Sharia happens to conflict with the US Constitution?

  21. It should be noted that Iran has taken three more Americans hostage since we paid them the $400 million in January

    I wonder how many more planeloads of Clinton Cash are on their way to Tehran.

  22. The USS Trump is taking a long-awaited nose dive. It's pathetic that 40% of the county supports this tool. Luckily, 40% doesn't cut it.

  23. To those people above claiming that Trump is the "last great honest man," I would ask if it is great to be sexist and racist, and cast a net over an entire religion to catch a few bad actors. I also don't believe someone is great who tosses out rumors he has heard, right and left, and then says "hey, you check it out, all I know is I heard it." A great man (and an honest one) would know what the truth is.

  24. @10:58 How many times did Clinton lie to the FBI ?

  25. While Charlie Dent and other establishment republicans still don't see the handwriting on the wall, their republican party is now gone forever. They are loosing control and their policies are not acceptable to anyone. Just get it over with and re register as the democrats they are. No one will hate you for leaving, You will be accepted with love and open arms by the democrats. Just come out and be yourself.

  26. Obama: We did not pay $400 million in ransom money to Iran.

    Who are you going to believe. Me or your lying eyes ?


  27. I gotta' love all the cRaZy comments attacking everyone, proving my points. There is a serious decline in civility.

  28. @12:14 Not attacking everyone. Just Hillary Clinton and her stooge Muslim lawyer from Pakistan who uses his dead son as a political pawn.

  29. There is not only a decline in civility, but a decline of morality, lying is now acclaimed as an asset for an experienced politician, really great at it, how wonderful to have a candidate who if her lips are moving, she is probably lying. A media who will cover up any wrongdoing by their chosen one, how long will a nation survive without any moral standards at all. It is interesting how many are absorbed with pointing out local corruption which is rampant, but turn a blind eye to corruption at the federal level.

  30. 1:35, I by no means am a Clinton supporter and believe she endangered national security with emails as Sec'y of State, and then lied about it. I will not be supporting her, nor can I support Trump, another liar who now is even attacking babies. And I have been pointing to corruption at all levels - local, state and nstional. In the last week, Trump lost the presidency. He has himself to blame, and supporters like you who turn a blind eye and enable him to be even more outrageous.

  31. "Come on Charlie you only have two possibilities"

    False. Stop being a binar. Like you, he has 7 options when he walks into the voting booth...Clinton D, Trump-R, Johnson-L, Stein-G, Castle-C, a write-in or not casting a vote in that race.

  32. Bernie sez: "I gotta' love all the cRaZy comments attacking everyone, proving my points. There is a serious decline in civility."

    You reap what you sow. Republicans were glad to have the support of all of these losers, as long as they ended up supporting an Establishment hack. Fox news got them riled up to the point where their hatred completely ruined their ability to think. Republicans can no longer control the monster they created. And Bernie himself, who cannot bring himself to support the only sane alternative to Trump, as almost as bad.

  33. 7.01
    "So before you castigate Trump perhaps you should investigate the background"
    yep sure did.
    even read the garbage from the disgraced,cashiered former Army officer allen west.
    so is it time to castigate trump now?

  34. Washington is indeed broken. Why would anyone vote to keep those in office, or very recently resigned (like a Hillary) in play?

  35. 1.58
    one other possibility is that the RNC could use the trump debacle to remove the lunatics from their party.
    it may be the only way that they can kill the monster.
    eventually the sane elements of the republican party will take control back.
    or the republican party will end up being a footnote in a history book.

  36. "one other possibility is that the RNC could use the trump debacle to remove the lunatics from their party."

    They had that opportunity at the convention. They are stuck with him. It's unlikely that Trump would agree to "pull a Toracelli"

  37. 2.38
    however the RNC should plan for the future(it may take another Presidential election loss to weed out those lunatics that cause it.)

  38. 2:38 -

    Our nation doesn't have time to wait another 4 years to break free from the current administration's policies.

  39. 12.10
    so that 400 million belonged to what country?
    it was Iranian money.
    of course the Iranians would want to claim it is payment for releasing spies(their view).
    buying into the Iranian argument just serves them.
    unless it is acceptable to steal funds from the citizens of a foreign country?

  40. 3.12
    well then trump better get his act together(good luck with that)
    so far stepping on his crank is not working for him

  41. Donald Trump represents the real hope and change we were promised. Why do people hate him? He is real that's why. he does not kneel at the alter of the powers. Bernie hates him because Charlie won't support him. Mr. Khan is Bernie's new hero.

  42. We’ve admitted 2 million Muslims just since 9/11 – that’s more than had been admitted before 9/11. If we don’t make it 3 million, we’re monsters?

    May we ask how many Muslims Khan’s mystery Constitution requires — or is that out of bounds unless we had a child who died in Iraq?

  43. Does anyone know what Khan thinks of gays? How about miniskirts? Alcohol? Because I gather we’re going to have to turn all our policies over to him, too.

  44. I say it often, in today's world, the candidate with the best "America First" doctrine is the right candidate.

  45. Gary W. Gorman chimes;

    We have experience and intellectuals on the right. We have experience and intellectuals on the left. And, in the middle, we got us some of them trump supporters.

    Hillary Clinton will be our next President. Get used to it.

  46. @3:16 PM

    This isn't 1816. We can wire money electronically anywhere around the world. Whether it be British Pounds, Eurow, Swiss Francs or any other type of currency.

    Sending palletfulls of currency on unmarked planes in the middle of the night to Iran is a way to avoid transaction records. It's like giving kidnappers bags of money put in trashcans for them to pick up before they release their hostages.

    Even the White House has said that Iran funds terrorists. So we are funding international terrorism so we can free hostages the Iranians held for years. All this does is put a price on any American overseas to be kidnapped.

    Face it, Obama paid money for hostages which is illegal

  47. 5.10
    except under current sanctions Iran does not have full access to electronic transfers.
    if anything the President returned Iranian money to Iran.
    are you saying that those funds are not Iran's money?

  48. Dent is a public servant .....paid to lead...not make mush....make a decision and stick w it...he is the ultimate milque toast rino and the reason why trump is where he is today...

  49. 5:21 So what. We can seize drug dealer's money. You don't believe international terrorism isn't as bad as dealing drugs ?

  50. Bernie, my heart doctor for years is a local Muslim. He is a great doctor and very nice. I cannot imagine him as anything but a decent man. Are you, like me shocked at the level of hate that is being expressed on your blog and elsewhere? What is going on? I get the fact that extremist terrorists' are to be fought but why the hate on Muslims in general?

    Do you think this is an outgrowth of the tea party or what. I still cannot believe how much hate is right here in the Lehigh Valley.

  51. Whether or not the $400 million payment was made as ransom, the optics couldn’t be any worse for American foreign policy or the safety of our citizens abroad. Obama's decision to hide these details from the American people makes it even worse.

    Obama owes the American people an explanation as to why they went to such lengths to accommodate state-sponsors of terrorism and why they chose to hide these details from the public.

  52. @5:37 It has more to deal with the number of terror attacks and killings by terrorists who are Muslim. Not because of your cardiologist.

  53. Lets get this straight, progressive democrats hate Trump, Socialist hate Trump, Progressive Republicans hate Trump, Communists hate Trump, Black lives matter hate Trump, Crony Capitalist like Buffet hate Trump, illegal aliens hate Trump, Jihadists hate Trump, Sound like a good reason to love Trump.

  54. Planes full of cash, just returning them their money, its old news, why does anyone care about this. Vote Hillary, she will make sure everyone gets the money they deserve.

  55. 5.25
    for starters the Iranian money was not from illegal activities.
    so the comparison to drug dealers is bogus.
    the money belongs to Iran.

  56. fuck a bunch of muslims

  57. 6.04
    the problem for trump is the list of people who hate him gets longer.
    but Putin likes him so the donald has one buddy at least

  58. @6:11 I'm glad you enjoy giving Terrorists money. I don't, sorry.

  59. The Khan Con continues. The Trump Haters are unhinged. I'm voting for Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife because she that's what the Lame Stream Media told me to do.

  60. It's not our local cardiologists that concern me. It's the young, uneducated men with fake passports. If our local Muslims are sensing any kind of suspicion of them, it's fellow Muslims who are causing it.

  61. Sort of like Christians in the Middle Ages.

  62. The Christians in the middle ages, were way ahead of the times.

  63. 9.45
    not compared to

  64. James T. Kirk says,


  65. More facts about the REAL Mr. Khan are coming out. But, don't go there, you silly goose!

  66. Obama IS the smartest President in the entire history of the United States. I'm so proud I voted for him twice in both elections. Mmmm Mmmm Mmmmm!

  67. The hate continues the following day. The reality is that the way Trump mishandled Khan was his McCarthy moment. His campaign is over.

  68. Bernie,
    for the trump folks it is never over.
    they are starting to approach-well almost like the knight scene in the Monty Python film-the "none shall pass" scene.
    even trumps spokespeople when they get something about Khans's son absolutely wrong.
    refuse to admit it.
    the claim was that Hillary and Obama changed the rules of engagement that might have led Khan's son to his death.(CNN has the video)
    when it was pointed out that he died in 2004--the response was not to admit the error but to keep attacking.
    the majority of Americans have seen trumps actions and demeanor and will judge his suitability.
    trump could repair the damage but he would have to swallow his ego and grovel for forgiveness.
    otherwise he will be a footnote in a history book

  69. Dent. A back bench do nothing. He is so worried about the minority votes to keep him employed. Worry more about me, in the past I voted for you, no more. Add up Dents accomplishments and Clintons= 0. if sheep could vote Dent would not wear wool. Total suck ass!

  70. O'Hare the next time you travel to Saudi Arabia, take a trip to Mecca or Medina. Try to enter the cities. Only Muslims allowed. Are you OK with this?

  71. I would not be OK with it in America, but our Constitution does not apply to Saudi Arabia last time I checked.

  72. It's Islim you fool not Saudi.

  73. Last time I checked, there is no country called "Islim." Mecca and Medina both happen to be in Saudi Arabia. Do a little reading before you call other people fools.

  74. 11.34
    well you are half correct

    "Similar to Mecca, non-Muslims are forbidden from entering the sacred core of Medina (but not the entire city) or the city center by the national government"

    while you have great concerns for religious freedom is it OK for this to happen in America?


    "Shortly before the opening, members of the neighboring Grace Baptist Church erected 13 white crosses in a field across the road from the mosque "to make a statement to the Muslims about how we felt about our religion, our Christianity. We wanted them to see the crosses and know how we felt about things."

    so much for tolerance.

  75. Name the location in the US. That bans Muslims . Let's ask a Muslim how that works.

  76. Does Christianphobia exsist in Saudi? How many Christian churches exsist in Saudi?

  77. Your question has nothing to do with this thread.

  78. A lecture on hate from a disbarred attorney is something one certainly does not get every day.


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