Local Government TV

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Opinions Online, 8/13/16

Blogger's Note: Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I sometimes highlight comments from throughout the week and re-publish them here. Please keep your comments brief, if possible.


To Vietnam Veteran re Capt. Kahn. Even though Trump blames his death on Obama and Clinton, Kahn died in 2004, four years before Obama was elected. It's unfortunate that Trump's lies take hold with so little checking.


Bernie sanders run a independent campaign would split the dem vote jst like R. Nader did and Trump would win. Bernie knew that. Really that's politics 101.


It appears that Sen. Browne has again taken action to benefit the city of Allentown and his wife's employer. Is there any hope that the people of the neglected suburbs will vote the bastard out?


The 412 widening project is thankfully within range of completion. However, the timing of the lights at Lynn Ave and Emery Street are awful. Way too frequent and lengthy greens for the traffic coming onto 412. Leads to big backups on northbound 412. Sounds about right since I've never seen a Penndot vehicle on that project. And when are they ( city?) doing to do something with the Lynn Ave bridge? Just let it sit there and rot?


It's become apparent that Express Times/ LVL has upgraded the security of the LVL site after receiving dirt cheap rent from the Savior of Easton, known as Mulligan, the heir to the throne after the Switlyk rennaissance. Numerous attempts with different ISP's, names, email addresses have banished me forever from the LVL kingdom. However, I still abhor Mezzacrazy, manslab, Panto, and people who are still stuckineaston. PS- Ed From Jersey is a homo, ask Roger!

Blogger's Reply: I don't know Ed or Roger, nor do I give a shit about their sexual orientation.


You only get better, you offered sports and now the comics. Keep up the good work.

G. John Bryant, Jr.

Blogger's Reply: John, I am sure many disagree.


The Columbus statute in Easton should come down. Any thoughts?

Blogger's Reply: He was a monster who deserves no respect. Read The People's History of the United States or this HuffPo article. Unfortunately, many Italian Americans will misinterpret an attack at Columbus as an attack on their ethnicity. I would much rather honor the Italian American immigrant than Columbus.


Every single day Hillary and her minions in the media find new krap to throw at trump to distract the voters from Hillary

But then, what else can they do? Shay can't tout any of her accomplishments, and in her "economic speech" she recycled Obama's promises from 2008 as her "economic plan"

Hint Democrats, not everyone is road-worker. We don't all lift shovels doing manual labor and pour concrete.


  1. Thanks for the follow-up article on Columbus. But in Panto's opinion it is not noteworthy snd demeaning to Italians. Tell that to the slaves. After reading it I am ashamed to be a Knight,

  2. "He was a monster who deserves no respect."

    Agree completely re: Columbus. You could also be describing Woodrow Wilson, Democratic Party icon, namesake of a local borough, and guy so resentful of the Civil War's outcome he re-segregated the military and federal government. When his era's black leaders complained, he dismissed them and told them they should have voted more wisely. In a time when confederate flag wavers are rightly disdained and marginalized, it's remarkable that little is said of the historical stain that is Wilson's legacy.

  3. Did you read the article in the Express regarding the college professor that has open charges regarding dealing heroin and her alledged 3rd dui offense. I must say I am extremely disappointed in President Judge Baratta. Last week the allegations that he pushed the Court Administrator out of her position and this week the stupid comments and decision regarding a bail revocation hearing. This heroin allegedly sold by the college professor already got someone killed. Now she has two positive drug tests while out on bail. His logic and remedy for not revoking her bail is absurd. He has had a bad few weeks. I hope this isn't a tread. Am I making this bigger than it is?

  4. Sen. Browne will continue to get away with it until the rest of the Lehigh Valley legislative delegation steps to the plate and protects their districts. I understand that numerous municipalities have passed legislation condemning the hotel tax grab and call for the legislature to remove that section of the recently enacted fiscal code. Browne needs to be stopped!

  5. Were these tax shennaigans part of the recently ammended tax code? What lehigh valley legislators voted for this?

  6. any reason why Dave Ceraul is now working in the District Attorney's office?

  7. Hillary Clinton made her tax return public yesterday, in an attempt to bait Donald Trump into turning over his. They showed that she made over $10 million dollars, primarily for giving speeches. From that $10 million, she gave over $1 million to charity.

    Now that's quite a bit of money for someone running for President to receive for speeches. It kind of looks like she was taking payoffs for future considerations if she wins the election.

    Also, the $1 million she gave to charity, went to the Clinton Foundation. Which is like giving charitable contributions to herself. The Clinton Foundation, by the way, is on a charitable watch list, with very little money being given to people in need. Most of the money it collects either goes to the Clintons or her friends.

  8. She made her tax returns available bc that is what presidential candidates have done since 1976, not to bait anyone. Since Trump has refused to supply his at all, I see no reason why anyone should address your unfair and obviously partisan concerns.

  9. Tax returns of that size and scope have very little meaning to mere mortals reading this blog. Clinton and Trump don't sit down at the kitchen table and prepare any of this. They add a signature.

    Either way, each candidate is ultimately responsible for his/her return. That's the law. I don't put much into these disclosures. We would need to sit hours and hours with a CPA at our side to really evaluate what they truly represent.

  10. "any reason why Dave Ceraul is now working in the District Attorney's office?

    I will find out. My guess is that this is a private prosecution approved by he DA. Dave could not work for the DA and the Executive.

  11. "Agree completely re: Columbus. You could also be describing Woodrow Wilson, Democratic Party icon, namesake of a local borough, and guy so resentful of the Civil War's outcome he re-segregated the military and federal government. When his era's black leaders complained, he dismissed them and told them they should have voted more wisely. In a time when confederate flag wavers are rightly disdained and marginalized, it's remarkable that little is said of the historical stain that is Wilson's legacy."

    There is no comparison between Columbus, who really was a monster, and Wilson, who was a bigot. Your attempt to do so diminishes the severity of what Columbus did.

  12. "Thanks for the follow-up article on Columbus. But in Panto's opinion it is not noteworthy snd demeaning to Italians. Tell that to the slaves. After reading it I am ashamed to be a Knight,"

    That's why it would be good if an Italian American organization led the effort to take down the statue. This is not really a matter of opinion, as Panto stated. It is fact. Columbus very clearly engaged in genocide, slavery, monstrous mistreatment and torture. The statue needs to come down, just like Confederate flags.

  13. Donald Trump was targeted for a tax audit by Lois Leherner's/Barack Obama's IRS. He was advised by his attorneys not to release his tax returns.

    If Trump's taxes are being audited, why aren't Hillary Clintons ?

  14. Now if Hillary Clinton was really being "Transparent", then why doesn't she release the transcripts of the speeches she gives to all of her Wall Street friends.

    You know, the ones she received several hundred thousand dollars for in compensation?

  15. Sen Browne needs to be called on carpet from State Ethics commission for most recent actions to subsidize JB with NIZ hotel tax grab & capping local property taxes on NIZ properties to below market valuations to screw the Allentown school board.

    Sen Boscola should step forward to protest on behalf of Bethlehem businesses & get legislation repealed if she had any backbone.

    Kahn is a Hillary plant as a Muslim immigration Atty that believes in Sharia law & connected to Muslim Brotherhood like Hillary's right hand woman aide. Look him up if you think he is simply a grieving father!!

  16. 1.22
    "The Clinton Foundation, by the way, is on a charitable watch list, with very little money being given to people in need. Most of the money it collects either goes to the Clintons or her friends."

    they get an "A" rating.


    "Daniel Borochoff, president and founder of CharityWatch, told us by phone that its analysis of the finances of the Clinton Foundation and its affiliates found that about 89 percent of the foundation budget is spent on programming (or “charity”), higher than the 75 percent considered the industry standard."

  17. 2.22
    "Donald Trump was targeted for a tax audit"


    "After Newsweek asked for a copy of the IRS audit letter sent to Trump, a campaign spokesperson last week pointed to the campaign’s website and the letter that was released by Trump’s attorneys at the Washington, D.C., firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius. A follow-up query to the campaign asking for a copy of the actual IRS audit letter itself has gone unanswered. Newsweek offered to accept a redaction of any personal information that might be in the letter, such as a Social Security number, although generally audit letters contain just a name and address, which in Trump’s case is well known to be Trump Tower.

    In lieu of producing the audit letter, there’s really no proof that Trump is being audited"

    seems trump can demand a birth certificate but producing the IRS letter is too hard.

  18. Who else other than Hillary Clinton is interested in Donald Trump's taxes ?

  19. What the American people really want to see are the 33,000 emails that explain how Bill and Hillary Made $238 Million After White House

  20. 2.28
    " Look him up "
    yep the guy who started the bs.

    "Shoebat said that he joined the Palestine Liberation Organization in his youth, and also says he was involved in an attack against an Israeli bank. There was no evidence for Shoebat's claims when investigated by journalists"

    "When the Post asked Shoebat whether the Walid Shoebat Foundation is a registered charity, he said that it was registered in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Attorney General's Charitable Trusts and Organizations Section said it had no record of such a charity. When asked again, Shoebat said it was registered under a different name, but that he was not aware of the Foundation's registered name, nor any other details, which were known only to his manager"

    the guy is in alex jones territory

  21. "The 412 widening project is thankfully within range of completion. However, the timing of the lights at Lynn Ave and Emery Street are awful. Way too frequent and lengthy greens for the traffic coming onto 412. Leads to big backups on northbound 412. Sounds about right since I've never seen a Penndot vehicle on that project. And when are they ( city?) doing to do something with the Lynn Ave bridge? Just let it sit there and rot?"

    BINGO, BINGO, BINGO!! Finally someone posting a real issue affecting thousands of people every day. The lack of a sense of urgency on this project is disgraceful! Too little people too little equipment working on that job everyday for years. The 412 project should have been done years ago. I bet if someone would have denied a certificate of occupancy to the casino until the road work was done... I bet a million bucks the project would have been completed. Same goes for the bridge over 33 at Freemansburg Avenue. Its time for those in supervisory roles to start demanding the contractors be accountable and GET THE JOB DONE!!

  22. 5.02
    well one could find out how big a liar trump is.
    like romney, trump will take the political hit on not releasing all of his returns because if he did release them he would look even worse.
    after all if trump has nothing to hide releasing his returns should be no big deal

  23. 5.05
    "explain how Bill and Hillary Made $238 Million After White House"
    not hard to do

    they even have a nice pie chart for you

  24. The Clinton Foundation is the pass thru from foreign governments & the corrupt one that Clinton's use to travel outlandishly & Chelsea makes $3 million salary.
    The other foundation that is Bill, Hillary & Chelsea is their legit one. They are 2 separate foundations so don't get fooled.

  25. Ron Angle is the only guy that goes to a fundraiser, and leaves with more money than what he came with.

  26. Trump should release his 1040, 1 page, that's all anyone is entitled to,

  27. Replies
    1. Bernie,
      I just redd one of the mayors coconspirators of church on the run is going to make a bid to fill the mayors seat?! This will restore public confidence in the political atmosphere in Allentown pa?!
      This just like the national level will be getting my vote of none of the above?!
      RE:publican redd no party affilliation

  28. 5.47
    "The Clinton Foundation

    "The correct number for the Clinton Foundation alone--was just over 80 percent in 2013"

    "To offer some context, spending 88 percent of expenses on charitable programs, as the Clinton foundation says it does, would actually be pretty good by industry standards. Parsons said the average reported across all organizations in the National Center for Charitable Statistics is 81 percent -- equal to the Clinton Foundation’s rate on its own -- and the Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance suggests a minimum of 65 percent. "The foundation exceeds that," Parsons said."

  29. Don't want to stir up a hornets nest but truth be told, just about everyone of any importance and every nation, tribe, horde... were "monsters" in the 15th century. Think the natives Columbus wiped out were any less monstrous to each other than he was to them? Think again and crack a history book to read the truth about slaughter, ritual torture,murder, cannibalism, and genocide that was practiced by the Caraibes(the ruling tribe Columbus encountered). Think the Europeans treated each other any better than they treated the "natives" they found in their various travels? Again; think again and bother to educate yourself on the European man's inhumanity to his fellow European man.
    Terror as a weapon of conquest was routine throughout history. Killing innocents was actually viewed as a "humane way" to shorten conflicts". If you want to get a real understanding of how our ancestors thought and acted read Bernard Bailyn's "The Barbarous Years" . It is depressing but eye opening. You will begin to see people like Columbus as men of their times,monsters yes, but you will be wise enough to understand; aren't we all.

    Scott Armstrong

  30. How did Bill and Hillary make $238 million after leaving the White House ?

  31. For more than a century Allentown's Lehigh Parkway has been called the city's Crown Jewel. No more. Last weekend a large dump truck left an entire load of broken glass and construction debris along one of the park's roadways to result in harm to deer and other wildlife. Parkgoers said it took more than two days of city workers cleaning the debris to clear the road. What is the city's new park director going to do about it? That's what folks want to know.

  32. 7:11, the answer; by caring about the little people. Allentown Democrat Voter

  33. It's the law that foreign nationals and governments are prohibited from making any donations related to our elections. Yet, the Clinton Foundation has accepted hundreds of millions of dollars in donations from foreign sources. Including foreign governments. These foreign sources make up a third of those who have given more than $1 Million dollars to the Clinton foundation since 2001. The Clinton Foundation has accepted tens of millions from a dozen foreign governments around the world.

    However, the Clinton Foundation failed to disclose donations from a number of countries until 2015 when they were pressed on the issue. And in one instance, a $500,000 donation from Algeria in 2010 wasn't properly disclosed to Hillary Clinton's State Department. Even the foundation was forced to admit it should have sought approval for the donation from Algeria. All of this creates great concern of pay-to-play. Something which Mrs. Clinton was harshly criticized about.

    You know, the Clintons are really quite something. And there is every indication in all they've done that they have contrived and attempted to hide that they constructed through their foundation an organization designed for subterfuge.

    It's clear that Hillary Clinton acted to circumvent our laws. And in doing so, she has disqualified herself from high office. This is the belief among those of us who still care about values as integrity, honesty and honor. These are the values that my husband and I teach our fifteen-year-old daughter.

  34. Jamie Kelton, When Trump discloses his tax returns and subjects himself to the same scrutiny you have imposed on Hillary, your rants will then be worth consideration. Until then, it is just more nonsense from people so blinded by hate that Trump can do no wrong. They attempt to justify all of his idiocy and fail to see the hypocrisy in criticizing Clinton's returns when Trump won't produce his.

  35. 7.47
    " $500,000 donation from Algeria in 2010"

    ""As the Clinton Foundation did with all donations it received for earthquake relief, the entire amount of Algeria's contribution was distributed as aid in Haiti," Minassian said. "This was a one-time, specific donation to help Haiti and Algeria had not donated to the Clinton Foundation before and has not since."

    "Candidates for office are prohibited by law from accepting campaign contributions from foreign governments, but foundations have no such restriction."

  36. 8:22, I hate to say this because I am a great believer in the dialectic.But that assumes people are willing to listen and be reasonable. Trumpions are not. There is nothing you can say to them. They have lost all sense of perspective and fail to see their own hypocrisy in going after Clinton for her returns while The Donald refuses to produce his.

  37. If Mr Trump wasn't being audited by the IRS, he said he would release his tax return. When is Mrs Clinton going to release her transcripts her Wall Street speeches ?

  38. See the comment above. You deserve no answer. It would make no difference anyway.

  39. The only people that are interested in Trump's tax return are Hillary Clinton supporters anyway. We all know he's rich, what difference does it make ?

    1. His wealth is not the issue. The fact is he's a narcsasist and dangerous and unfit to be President is the issue.

      His major support is from poorly educated angry white people.

      Just read this blog for proof

  40. @9:05PM You appear woefully ignorant of the significance of what it would mean if Trump paid $0 in taxes. It is true that Trump supporters aren't interested in anything, including tax returns, other than making America White again. That train left the station decades ago, but the angry White Man just woke up to facts.

  41. A statue of Bernie O'Hare should be erected in Easton, in place of the Columbus statue.

  42. Panto would prefer to erect a scaffold for me.

    I'd love to see it replaced with something representing Easton's rich ethnic heritage. It has been a melting pot for the Irish, Italians, Lebanese, blacks and Latinos. (Except for a time on College Hill).

    1. Uh-oh, careful there. The PC police have determined that we can't use"melting pot" anymore; we're all a big "salad" now.

  43. @6:55 Scott Armstrong
    That explanation does not justify celebrating Columbus in modern times.

  44. @11:31 Why is it that Hillary supporters don't care for white males ?

  45. 12:23,

    The victors write the history books. Now with the modern re-evaluation/ self criticism of all things western civ the bad as well as the good is known about the past and its participants. That is good. What is not good is to replace faulty history with a new narrative that is as inaccurate as what it replaces.
    By the way,try to see if you can get the public sector to give up their Columbus Day Holiday. You lead the way on that then get back to us.

    Scott Armstrong

  46. Hillary Clinton is simply a lousy choice to be President. She has built an entire career on having married a guy who went on the be President of the United States. As Barack Obama would say "You didn't build that!"

    Hillary has an extensive list of questionable dealings, her health appears to be declining rapidly. She is a frequent liar, and by many accounts, a vindictive, nasty person to be around.

    If our state run news media would challenge Hillary with the same vigor they call into question every aspect of Trump's private life, she would not be her party's nominee right now. She's protected, kept under wraps. Why? Maybe she know too much about the dark operations of this government.

    Loyal, hardcore Democrats are not so particular when choosing their politicians. If there's a (D) after your name, you're good to go. They are also masters of psychological projection.

    Trump will need some help over the coming 2 months, if he is to penetrate "politics as usual." Someone will have do it SOON, or America is going down hard.

    Fred Windish

  47. A black convict with a criminal record a mile long was shot in Milwaukee last night after the police ordered him to drop his gun. He didn't and was killed. Then the blacks in Milwaukee rioted, burning and looting several businesses.

    Case closed, done deal, reason enough right there for the police to defend themselves. What are they supposed to do? Wait for the perp to fire first? These incidents have common themes, someone resisting the police and almost always breaking the law. The goal is to deter anyone from joining the police force and move to a national law enforcement.

    I'm sure Obama will speak out on this and have Loretta Lynch launch a civil rights investigation

  48. Why are you so sure, if the facts are as you state them, unless you yourself are a bigot?

  49. @8:19 In 2008, the media was picking though John McCain's health records minutely, looking for something in them to say he was not medically qualified to be President.

    In 2016, Hillary's health records are about as politically incorrect to discuss as Obama's birth certificate and college transcripts.

  50. Fred, Don't peddle that Hillary is lousy argument here. We already know that. Your problem is that the candidate you have been trumpeting is a complete piece of shit who actually threatens our Republic. I will vote for neither.

  51. Media bias has reached the point very similar to third world dictatorships. Goebbels was maybe a little more subtle. Most of the media is not much more than the propaganda arm of the DNC.

  52. Watching the news, I see that there is rioting and looting in Milwaukee. Milwaukee used to be a great town. Milwaukee used to be a very nice place. Its time to adopt the policy that arsonists and looters will be shot on sight. It will both end the practice and eliminate the problem in the future.

  53. An Imam was shot and killed in Queens yesterday. Who do the Muslims blame? Who else? Trump

    Queens is a gun free zone, which means the gun was illegal. Using the same logic as the Muslims, this means that the shooter was a Hillary supporter because all the illegal guns are owned by Democrats.

  54. Bernie, you are being much too harsh about Trump. He has no record in politics to analyze. We can only speculate. THAT'S one attribute I hold highest when choosing between Trump, or Hillary. A clean canvas.

    Yes, we can choose to vote a third party candidate, or write someone in, but barring an incredible event, the next President WILL be either Clinton or Trump. With just these two candidates having any real ability to win, I'll choose Trump. No more "business as usual" from Washington, please.

    Fred Windish

  55. I don't understand why Democrats say that Trump is a liar. Hillary Clinton wouldn't know the truth if it stared at her in the face. It did actually when the FBI director stood in front of the cameras for half an hour going though the list of Hillary Clinton's lies and her reckless handling of Classified information, so bad that she let the Russians and the Chinese and whomever else get their hands on it by operating her own email outside of the government's control.

    Now we have Bill Clinton saying the FBI is lying about Hillary.

    Who in the world could vote for that woman? They lie even about themselves !!!

  56. There is a difference between making statements, that turn out to be untrue because of being misinformed, and bold faced lies to cover up lawbreaking, and everyone including the Hillary supporters know the difference. I don't know that Donald Trump has been accused of any lawbreaking. Then we always hear how we need to have a conversation about race, about immigration etc. and if the conversation is not politically correct or the view of the Marxist, socialist elite,then the labels of racist, xenophobic, islamophobic, sexist are brought out to silence differing views. This is never more evident than on college campuses, where the Marxist ideology of the 60's has become the established view. And anything that opposes it is not to be tolerated. Parents should be giving all universities a litmus test of allowing opposing views or don't spend your money there. It is also about time to list the sponsors of the DNC press and those that oppose their bias should refuse to buy their products or services. This is the quickest way to get their attention.

  57. Bernie
    One of the region's worst traffic patterns is the Route 309 South at Center Valley Parkway in Upper Saucon. Some days the south route traffic is so bad it's backed up on 309 to Lehigh Street and still new construction continues.

  58. Again, it's important to be pragmatic about this election. Either Trump or Clinton will be the next President. In reality, this IS the choice.

    If you've been unhappy with what has come out of Washington during the Obama years, and want to see something different . . . . you cast your vote for Trump. Simple decision.

  59. There are choices beyond the binary, vote Lyndon LaRouche this November the only candidate willing to take on her "Majesty" and her diabolical minions in the Bilderberg group.

  60. So, Trump was just 'misinformed' when he claimed Obama and Hillary founded ISIS?

    He claimed he met Putin and then later said he has never met him. Misinformed?

    That letter he said he received from the NFL?

    He misinforms himself?

  61. @11:54 without Obama and Hillary Clinton pulling our troops out of Iraq, and declaring "peace", there would be no ISIS.

    So yes, they did help form ISIS.

  62. @10:28, you're absoultley correct.

    If you want four more years of the same krap we've had to put up with Obama, vote for Hillary Clinton. The speech she made the other day about the economy is the same nonsense we heard from Obama. Except Obama wasted $900 billion dollars on "Shovel Ready" jobs that even Joe Biden said weren't "shovel ready".

    Sorry, we can do better. Plus we're a laughing stock around the world with her "Russian Reset" and the "Red Line". No one respects us any longer. Now we just shelled out over $400 million dollars to the worst terrorists in the world, the Iranian Mullahs. If you think that "treaty" with Iran is worth anything, I've got a bridge to sell you.

    If you want more of this, then vote for Clinton. Im NOT, sorry.

  63. The Saudis are by far the worst terrorists in the world.

    There were 5 Countries involved in the Iran deal, even if the US had voted no, it was still going to go through.

    Even the head of Israeli intelligence said it was a good deal.

    The current reason we are a global 'laughing stock' is Donald Trump.

  64. Yes, Obama did allow the circumstances that allowed Isis to be what it is, he had all the briefings on this and ignored them, whether intentionally or just plain incompetence. He is in effect the founder of Isis.

  65. 12.20 you are correct on this, the same Saudis who are big supporters of the Clintons.

  66. 11.54. Was trump's misspeaking lying to cover up Criminal behavior, no, the Clintons have been lying for 30 years to cover up money laundering, bribery,illicit acts with interns and have been protected by the party and the media and now even you.

  67. Yes.. The, ahem, 'Clintons'.....


  68. Trump has said I'm not running against crooked Hillary, I'm running against the crooked media. He has the knack for focusing on and stating the issue.

    For example, on illegal immigration he said the obvious which is to build a wall on the southern border and to enforce our immigration laws.

    On terrorism, he said we have to temporarily suspend immigration from Muslim countries.

    On the economy, he said we have to cut tax rates and reduce the regulations.

    On “free trade,” he said we have to review each trade deal so that American made goods can compete in our country with foreign made goods.

    On Hillary Clinton he summed up her career and character as “Crooked Hillary.” What else is there to say about Hillary once you say “Crooked Hillary.”

    Now he said that he is running against the media which he termed the Crooked Media. Again, what else is there to say?

  69. 2.43
    if you are going to use someone else's blog to make your point.
    you could at least credit them

  70. 2.43
    even the blog you copied got it wrong
    "On terrorism, he said we have to temporarily suspend immigration from Muslim countries.'


    "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,"

    "“It’s a temporary ban. It hasn’t been called for yet, nobody’s done it,” he says on Fox News Radio. “This is just a suggestion until we find out what’s going on.”

    "“I called for a ban after San Bernardino and was met with great scorn and anger."

    "At one point Trump tells reporters that he’d be fine with Muslims from Scotland or the U.K. coming to the U.S."
    "Trump later takes to Twitter to offer a clarification: “We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in place.”

    so somehow a total ban of all Muslims becomes suspend from regions linked to terrorism.
    from a guy who claims to say what he means?
    or trumps forgets what he said and relies on the poor memory of his supporters.

  71. The only thing more embarrassing for America than Trump is the fact that he actually has supporters.

    What sad, angry, pathetic little losers they must be.

  72. 10.22
    you said"It is also about time to list the sponsors of the DNC press and those that oppose their bias should refuse to buy their products or services. This is the quickest way to get their attention."

    so if a large group of people were to "refuse to buy their products or services" say Chick-fil-a for a comment made by it's CEO---you are ok with that?

    or a company wants to move from a State that still wants to fly a (confederate)traitor's flag?

  73. 3.47, So you point is that we need to have unlimited immigration. without vetting or an ability of the country to assimilate people in an orderly way.

  74. Maybe we should stop the immigration of Catholics until the sexual abuse of children stops.

  75. 10.22 absolutely, Chick-fil-lay has been doing quite well by the way, lets get it on, since the courts deny the right of every voter referendum in the country, that may be the best approach. Lets have every business and corporation let it be known their position, what they support, and lets see how the free market will work. I bet it would not be long till we see how much courage they have.

  76. 4:03

    If that's the poster's point, we only need to look at the destruction open border policies have done in Europe. What a mess those counties find themselves in by trying to create a globalist form of government in their region of the planet.

  77. 4.03

    not at all.
    what trump said in the first statement is NOT what he claims now.
    unless the DNC invented a time machine and managed to force trump to say things on tape.

  78. 4.09
    or how little courage that State's have when faced with a corporation saying we are out of here.

  79. It is very interesting , how everyone wants to criticize Trumps positions. but is unwilling to state their position, and put their name to it. Put a sandwich sign and walk around and state that you want unlimited, unrestricted immigration, That Islamic civilization is equal to or superior to Christian Civilization. It is interesting how the left doesn't really have any ideas that are not part of the failed experiments of the past. Whether it is Communism , socialism, and even 12th century Islamism

  80. All, the different takes on trumps position are the same, he has not changed his position. The language may be a little different but the position is the same. Of course it is interesting how democratic talking points are always identical, when voiced by NBC,CBS,ABC, and all the surrogates, even those on this sight. Not an original idea among them.

  81. It is sad to read the qwords of the Trump fanatics on this blog. They are like Manson family members. Their hatred of Clinton is so intense they would throw the country into the fires of Hell rather than logically examine the man they champion as their savior. Maybe a better example is Jim Jones.

    The Clintons like other former Presidential families have made lots of money out of office. I don't condone it but is it illegal? That said many wish she was not the nominee. Many,many Democrats would have preferred the Clintons just retiring to their private lives. However as most of you say there is only a choice between two people to be President.
    Trump would only have to act sane to have won a huge victory, instead the man is acting like a lunatic. The Press has to do nothing but repeat his words. Rather than focus on Clintons specific issues he is unable to focus on much of anything but his comedy routine.

    Your paranoia and now the suggestion that if he losses the election it was the result of a conspiracy makes the point that Trump and sadly many of his followers are not corrupt but crazy and that is more scary than corrupt.

    Democrats have routinely voted for many Republicans, if they didn't the R's would never get elected, It is also true Republicans will never vote for a Democrat so if you want to scream about lemmings you should note that. We have had crooked politicians for decades we should do better. However, unstable megalomaniacs with rabid followers that threaten civil war if he loses and are spurred on by right wing extremist blogs, websites, radio and TV are a major concern to or Republic.

    You need to sober up and take a reality check on yourselves. Trump has turned out to be a major disappointment. Your own fellow Republican presidential candidates warned you of this in the primary but you are so driven by blind hatred, you have left reason at the door.

  82. "An Imam was shot and killed in Queens yesterday. Who do the Muslims blame? Who else? Trump"

    Gee. Go figure.

  83. ". Its time to adopt the policy that arsonists and looters will be shot on sight. It will both end the practice and eliminate the problem in the future. "

    yeah, forget due process. That's for losers with small hands. Vote Trump.

  84. Trump has certainly mastered the dog whistle of hate and paranoia. In that regard he is a master.

  85. 4.22

    and if you want to support trumps view put on a sandwich sign and walk around and state that you want to ban all Muslims.
    or walk around with a sign claiming Mexicans are rapists or a slightly longer message
    ""When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," he said. "They're sending people that have lots of problems...they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

    let all the trump fans show their true spirit by walking around with his quote.

  86. 4.09
    ""Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,"


    “We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in place.”

    are the same?
    using that logic is like saying a cow has four legs and a dog has four legs so a dog is a cow.

  87. Or is a cow a dog? moof, moof, moof, great analogy if you are a cow, and would rather be a pet than eaten.

  88. Soon to come out, remember when O bama said that he would use a pen and a phone to get things done, it should have been a pen and a private email server. Lets see them spin this one.

  89. Let's look at the historical facts and drop the hyperbole.

    In 2002, Senator Clinton voted for giving President Bush the authority for use of Military force in Iraq

    In 2011, Secretary of State Clinton facilitated the sale of new F-15S fighter/bombers to Saudi Arabia, which were subsequently used to bomb civilian targets in South Yemen.

    In 2011, Secretary of State along with President Obama sided with Libyan rebels against Muammar Gaddafi in the Libyan Civil war, and she subsequently bragged about tilling him. De-stabilizing the country, and it becoming a failed, terrorist state.

    in 2012, against the advise of the Central Intelligence Agency, Secretary of State Clinton pushed for a policy of arming and equipping Syrian "rebels", using stocks of weapons in Libya. However, the weapons flowed to jihadists, later known as ISIS. These same weapons were used to attack our consulate in Benghazi, killing our ambassador along with several members of his staff. Those embassy staff members were possibly operatives of the CIA who were directing the flow of the weapons that Secretary of State Clinton had authorized transfer from Libya to Syria.

    In 2016, Presidential Candidate Clinton blames Donald Trump for ISIS recruitment.

    Although mrs Clinton has health problems, possibly blood clots in the brain which she takes Coumadin (Warfrin) for, something seems very odd about her last statement, given her past actions.

  90. 6:06, What you've posted makes her look tougher than I thought, so you aren't exactly helping your cause. Also, your needless shot about her health does nothing but make normal people more inclined to support her.

  91. @6:06 "Although mrs Clinton has health problems, possibly blood clots in the brain which she takes Coumadin (Warfrin) for,"

    This is something that is never in the media. Donald Trump has released his physical and for a 70-year old man, he is in excellent physical condition. He makes several campaign appearances each day, is on television constantly being interviewed, and is a very active campaigner.

    Hillary Clinton makes a campaign appearance every few days, usually 2 or 3 days between teach other. Bill Clinton appears for her a lot on the campaign trail. Is this because her health is not very well? She has not released any medical records and now we see photos of her in the media of her needing help climbing steps.

    Is Hillary Clinton physically fit and healthy enough for the job as President ? This is important, I remember John McCzin's health records being a campaign issue in 2002. Why are Hillary Clinton's not also scrutinized like McCain's were ?

  92. Bernie. The comments made by 6:06 calls into question her judgement on several issues.

  93. You wing nuts have been doing that for weeks. You have dishonestly used a February photo where Clinton went up ice-covered steps to claim she needs help walking. You folks are just out there in la la land.

  94. The comments at 6:06 call into question your judgment. You made her look a lot tougher than Trump, while you imply she is medically unfit with absolutely no evidence, like a good wingnut would do. Clinton supporters will thank you

  95. Seems to me for the past fifteen years or so, Republicans have been hammered by the Democrats for being "warmongers".

    But Hillary Clinton can be a "warmonger" and supported by Democrats?


  96. Seems to me for the past fifteen years or so, Democrats have been hammered by the Republicans for being weak and appeasers. You set the record straight regarding Clinton, so thanks. It actually makes someone like me, who does not like her, more inclined to vote for her.

  97. Bush lied, people died.

    Clinton lied, people died.

    Did you also vote for President Bush as well ?

  98. poor bill, he will be glad when this is all over, and he can go back to his good life.

  99. The3 "health" issue is the latest straw to be grasped by the huge ring wing conspiracy(just kidding). Any candidate can have his doctor put out a careful report telling you the candidate is in better shape than an 18 year old marathon runner, so what? It means nothing since It may be bullshit. Is it a lie if a physician down plays or doesn't write everything down?

    The entire idea of health is kind of strange since many pol's including FDR, Ike and JFK to name but a few have had health problems. People suspect Reagan already was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in his second term. So what?

    They all did a pretty good job. I am less concerned with physical attributes as I am with someone's "demonstrated" mental health. We all are emotional creatures and we all can be afflicted with various emotional conditions at different times Hell, Lincoln suffered from depression but he still did quite a job.

    So the "warfarin" offense is the latest and again desperate tactic by the whacko wingnuts. Back to the hate media with all of you.

    What happens if Clinton wins? Do we have another statement by Mitch McConnell telling us the main responsibility for Republicans is to make sure she doesn't get a second term. Or will the house waste more millions and try to get articles of impeachment for the next four years. I think the republican establishment needs to consider the backlash by stable citizens if this nonsense starts all over again.

  100. @7:15 Democrats made a huge issue out of McCain's health.

  101. Yes, the house should file articles of impeachment on Jan. 21 if Hillary is elected. start as early as possible, so she cant do anymore damage.

  102. 7:46, not really many Democrats were thinking of voting for McCain due to his vast more experience than Obama. However, they were more concerned with the dingbat he picked as his VP. As an elderly man with some health issue the thought of that loony near the button sealed the deal for Obama.

    The real story!

  103. anon 7:50. Oh great another $40+ million down the tubes. You guys are nutz!!!!

  104. Just thinking about all this bullshit about Columbus, just imagine going in one of those ships 500 years ago with maybe 100 men, not sure where you are going, when you will get there and what will be there if you make it, Real Men, not like the pussy men on this site. Then they land and encounter a lot of armed warriors, they need food, rest , water, they are probably as scared as the natives, but they know they will need to gain respect or they are going to be slaughtered, so they do what they have to do to survive, and now we have a bunch of arm chair historians judging them by a standard that did not exist then and may not even exist now, except in the minds of the out of touch and out of reality. If they were slaughtered who would have written about it. What a bunch of feeble hypocrites.

  105. $40 million is nothing the Clintons make that in a couple of speeches. don't worry about the money , it will all be defaulted on sooner or later.

  106. There is no question that the health of the candidates should be an important campaign issue. It is obvious that Hillary has trouble keeping a rigorous schedule and Trump thrives on it.

    Clinton disappears for hours and days and Trump isn't out of the public eye for more than a few hours at most. Who best to respond to the 3 AM emergency call, a marginally healthy person that takes many medications for day to day living? Or a robust non-drinker who functions on limited sleep?

  107. @6:18 Bernie, the photos were indeed taken in February. They were taken as Clinton was campaigning in South Carolina. Not exactly in the snow and Ice belt.

  108. How severe was the brain injury we all know that Hillary suffered?

    We have three whole months to get to the bottom of this story. Why not start by demanding that Hillary release her medical records?

  109. 8:02, I don't honor sadists who was viewed with revulsion by his contemporaries. He enslaved the Arawaks, had the females sold into sexual slaver, cut off the hands of slaves who did not do their work, cut off noses and ears, refused to baptize them and give them the protection of the church.His men, who were not men as you claim but cowards pulled from the prisons, tested their blades on children.In the end,there were no Arawaks left torture. He wiped out an entire people. He was a monster. He was no man and you are in no position to speak about real men bc you don't even sign your name.

    Just as the Confederate flag is an insult to human rights, so is that Columbus statue. But I would want this move to come from Easton's Italian American community.

  110. "@6:18 Bernie, the photos were indeed taken in February. They were taken as Clinton was campaigning in South Carolina. Not exactly in the snow and Ice belt."

    You people are unreal. The photo is from February, when Clinton campaigned in South Carolina,and yes, it can get cold there, too. Rather than condemn the dishonesty of using that February photo now, you idiotically try to cast doubt on the weather. People like you are simply not rational.

  111. "Clinton disappears for hours and days and Trump isn't out of the public eye for more than a few hours at most."

    Give it a rest already.

  112. Where is the 'dishonesty' in the photo? They're taken by Getty images, a well-known and respected photographic service.

    They show Hillary Clinton struggling to make it up a short fight of outside stairs, either as a result of her fragile body or perhaps because her well-documented brain injuries make it harder for her to transport herself through daily life activities.

    What other disabilities does she have ?

  113. 8.43
    or the simple explanation is that stairs can be slippery in Feb.

  114. It's very clear that Trumpions are using a photograph taken in February, when conditions were slippery, to cast Clinton in a false light and portray her as someone who is unsteady now. It is completely dishonest, just as you are yourself. All you are doing now is helping Hillary.

  115. How do you know it was wet and slippery ?

  116. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2016/08/08/rumor-check-photo-of-clinton-being-helped-up-stairs-goes-viral-but-theres-more-to-the-story/

  117. Read your link. Doesn't say anything about it being wet or slippery. Just that it was in February. No snow in the picture, no ice, no one wearing raincoats, wood doesn't look shiny like it's slippery.

    Where is the dishonesty? Other than you deleting posts.

  118. There is nothing dishonest about deleting anonymous posts from cowards who do not ID themselves and post repetitively. It is a matter of common sense that stepsare wet and slippery in February, even in South Carolina.It is dishonest to take a February pic and post it now, trying to present it as current.

  119. "her well-documented brain injuries"

    Really, where would that be? In the Twilight Zone? You people are too much!

  120. We were never really a "melting pot". It was nice imagery though.

  121. Whatever you say there, 10:55 AM and 5:04 PM! Please enjoy Hillary's Grand Coronation. You, the Little People she cares so much about, deserve to do so.


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