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Friday, July 29, 2016

The Best Convention Speech

Donald Trump's intemperate mouth and tweets have been is his own worst enemy. But Hillary Clinton's frosty silence has been her handicap She has too often vascillated between saying nothing or speaking in a shout that seems insincere and contrived?  Did Chelsea humanize her mother? I think she did. Did Hillary succeed in opening up about herself? No.

It was a below-average speech. She simply is no orator and is unable to open up the way her husband or Barack Obama does. She tends to shout too much instead of using the mike.

She gave a devastating assessment of The Donald, particularly when she paraphrased Jackie Kennedy's worry about "little men, the ones moved by fear and pride," having access to nuclear weapons

I also believe she did an effective job of portraying herself, not as a Democrat, but as a candidate of democracy.

The best speech in both conventions came from someone who is not running for anything. No, not Michelle Obama, though she was good. No, it was not Chris Christie or Rudy Guliani. In my view, the best speaker was a Muslim, Khizr Khan, whose son died in the service of the United States.
Like many immigrants, we came to this country empty-handed. We believed in American democracy — that with hard work and the goodness of this country, we could share in and contribute to its blessings.

We were blessed to raise our three sons in a nation where they were free to be themselves and follow their dreams.

Our son, Humayun, had dreams of being a military lawyer. But he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save his fellow soldiers.

Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son "the best of America."

If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.

Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.

Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words "liberty" and "equal protection of law."

Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.

You have sacrificed nothing and no one.

We can't solve our problems by building walls and sowing division.

We are Stronger Together.

And we will keep getting stronger when Hillary Clinton becomes our next President.


Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah. No mention of how his religion has been treating women like serfs for generations and that Islamic terrorism is rampant worldwide. So criticise Trump for trying to protect us from radical Islam.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you O'Hare. I listened to this man and was taken aback by his simple eloquence. He lost his son for the defense of the US. He hopefully made everyone think about all this Muslim hating going on and question much of what we hear.

I may be a Christian but I am thankful I live in a nation ruled by the laws of man, not of any one religion.

Anonymous said...

Hell of a convention all around.....A+++++++

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon at 12:07

Head on over to Pornhub and check out how the civilized West treats it's women, the german goo girls will illustrate this most profoundly.

If there is one thing Trump and porn does is illustrate how we ain't any better than anyone else, and some of us are worse, when it comes to the treatment of women.

For believers it was a great speech, for me it just a show with a particularly well cast and authentic character and he delivered the lump in the throat well enough to carry the plot.

I'm in it for the entertainment now that Bernie got burnt. Hill&Bill I seen before so I look forward to Trump getting his small hands on the "Tantalus Field" even though I may be the first to disappear.

Anonymous said...

Very good speech. It should make all the blanket Muslim haters feel ashamed. Trump's campaign of hating your neighbor is sad. It is even sadder so many like it.

Anonymous said...

If only her leaked emails about yoga routines and anti-Semitism hadn't been leaked it would have been perfect. She's wonderful. She's worked so hard for children, at $250K per speech to Wall St. insiders.

Ray Nemeth Sr said...

So the reasoning is because we have good Muslims in the country, we should now allow unlimited immigrants and refuges into the country without being able to vet them, It is obvious that the dems want to have a no border situation like the EU, and give them all citizenship , free education etc. They will do anything to increase their voter base.

Dave said...

Only a Democrat could believe Hillary Clinton's gibberish. I was watching some awe struck delegates who looked as if they witnessed the Second Coming.

Most of them were bold lies. She doesn't really care about children or she would cut taxes, eliminate stifling regulations on businesses and industries, and let the free market create jobs as only they can so that parents can make enough money to take care of their children.

And the last line she spoke was really galling.

America is not great because we are good.

America is great because of our FREEDOMS.

Anonymous said...

Vote Trump and remember White Lives Matter also

Anonymous said...

Let all the radicals in. Will see how brave these Clinton supporters are when they or their family members are killed by a radical muslim. Look at France, Germany, and Belgium, that's the future of the U.S. under that lying piece of ----!

Anonymous said...

Homegrown terrorism is more dangerous.

Anonymous said...

The JV team was "decimated" according to Obama CIA Chief Brennan. Capitulating on the Syrian red line and the failed CIA overthrow plot in Libya turned JVs into blue chip varsity. This is Hillary's foreign policy legacy. And save the crap about homegrown terrorism. It's just workplace violence.

Anonymous said...

11/9/16 Obamas ex Secretary of State is defeated. We the People rule.

Anonymous said...

@7:39AM --- Yeah. We're trying to be 'different' then they are. Get it?

Anonymous said...

Plagiarized from the internet:

"Not taking in Syrian refugees and closing our boarders isn't "mean" or "heartless". Most people lock their doors to their house every night. We don't lock them because we hate the people outside the house. We lock them because we love the people INSIDE the house".

Anonymous said...

Vote Trump!

Anonymous said...

From the speech:

"Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words "liberty" and "equal protection of law."

I've got a clue for him---the US Constitution does NOT even contain the word "immigration".

What it does do is grant Congress the power to regulate naturalization:

Article 1, Section 8: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

It was the Supreme Court who ruled that the power to regulate naturalization, includes the power to regulate immigration by implication.

The power to regulate immigration is clear. Laws exist to do so. What Trump and others who agree with him are saying is that those laws need to be 1) enforced; 2) reviewed and adjusted as required to protect those of use who are already citizens.

No one not even TRUMP if you listen to him beyond the MSM spins and hipes wants to stop LEGAL immigration, what we no longer have a tolerance for is ILLEGAL immigration!

Just like OBama, don't listen to what politicians say, watch what they DO. We have had at least eight years of lawlessness with regard to enforcement of our immigration laws. Enough is enough!

So please spare me calling me racist, bigoted, zenophobic. I and those like me only want to lock the doors at night the same way we do our house.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump: 5 draft deferments. Fortunate son. Feckless charlatan.

Anonymous said...

If only her leaked emails about yoga routines and anti-Semitism hadn't been leaked it would have been perfect. She's wonderful. She's worked so hard for children, at $250K per speech to Wall St. insiders.

You are low energy. Sad!

Anonymous said...

This convention was a Hollywood production. All glitz and glamour, no substance. Presented a false idol in Hillary. She is a career political who has taken advantage of her "public service" to make millions in speaking fees. Just like her pimping husband. She barely worked in the private sector and never created any jobs. Yet she is going to fix our economy and bring jobs back. She is a phony like her Hollywood pals and just as self-absorbed.

Anonymous said...

So the reasoning is because we have good Muslims in the country, we should now allow unlimited immigrants and refuges into the country without being able to vet them, It is obvious that the dems want to have a no border situation like the EU, and give them all citizenship , free education etc. They will do anything to increase their voter base.

Quite the straw man you've built there, Ray. Sad!

Anonymous said...

This convention was a Hollywood production. All glitz and glamour, no substance. Presented a false idol in Hillary. She is a career political who has taken advantage of her "public service" to make millions in speaking fees. Just like her pimping husband. She barely worked in the private sector and never created any jobs. Yet she is going to fix our economy and bring jobs back. She is a phony like her Hollywood pals and just as self-absorbed.

Bill did a pretty good job fixing the economy in 1992. Obama did a pretty good job reversing the collapsed economy left behind by Bush.

However, let's talk about YOU. It speaks volumes to you, as a person, that you would consider jeopardizing our nation's national security with an emotionally stunted con man who knows absolutely nothing, no hyperbole intended, NOTHING about foreign policy. He is a pal to Vladimir Putin. Putin would walk all over him - he has no clue. You sir, are risking my children's future by supporting the least qualified and most dangerous candidate in American history. You do this out of spite because you cannot stand that the Democratic party has always fixed Republican mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump: 5 draft deferments. Fortunate son. Feckless charlatan.

8:48 AM

So a draft deferment disqualifies you to be President?

Brilliant logic and unbiased analysis

In that case we should roll back the Bill Clinton years!

Surprising Trump hasn't reminded the American people yet that Slick Willy, the Queen's husband, only avoided conviction on his impeachment by 50-45 vote!

Like husband like wife!

I am fascinated by the Hillary Clinton followers ability to look the other way when it comes to her many lies and obfuscations about the email business, but how can anyone overlook the obvious treasonable offense of accepting foreign money for their Foundation WHILE Secretary of State, and yet want to call a tongue in cheek remark by Trump as treasonable? Bill & Hillary would put old Joe Kennedy to shame for stealing!

Anonymous said...

8:57 AM

"Bill did a pretty good job fixing the economy in 1992. Obama did a pretty good job reversing the collapsed economy left behind by Bush".

Bill Clinton didn't do a thing except capitulate to Newt Gingrich and the Republican House's ideas on what to do like reforming welfare and more.

Obama hasn't fixed a damn thing except extend the underlying brewing economic crisis foward to the next generation. How is $20 trillion in debt a fix?

All Obama has done has rigged the stats--the BLS unemployment figures are nothing more than result of changing the survey questions and further modifying the definitions.

Get your head out of the ground! Those of you who purport to care about poverty and the underclass are part of the property. Feel all you want, but something has to change.

Is Donald Trump perfect? Heck no! But he's a far cry better than DEEPLY rooted ESTABLISHMENT Hillary.

Einstein said: "Idiocy is defined as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result".

Anonymous said...

I don't believe any Democrat said we should allow "unlimited" immigrants or refugees into our country. No one wants terrorists to have an open door into our country. Any claim that Democrats are lackadaisical on this is an untruth perpetuated by the xeno, ethno & islamo-phobic within the Republican party who are playing to THEIR voting base.

Yes, the Democrats will continue to expand their base and successes will become increasingly difficult for Republicans in presidential and other elections. Republicans can blame themselves for this.

The Pennsylvania "Dutch" spoke Pennsylvania German almost exclusively for generations & had traditions that were different than the English who founded this country. They were discriminated against for those two things alone. Imagine if their skin was something other than white... how would they have been treated then or even today?

Many of the mass killings that have occurred in our country have occurred at the hands of white christian people. What has our country done to prevent this? Laying the blame on immigrants or any specific group religious or otherwise is synonymous with laying the blame on high capacity firearms. The world we live in is just not that simple.

Religious, ethnic or racial tests cannot be part of our immigration vetting policy .. it is completely un-American and antithetical to what our country represents.

Anonymous said...

One candidate's theme is "America First." I'll go with that.

Anonymous said...

Again, I don't LISTEN to what politicians and elected officials SAY. I WATCH what they DO.

The boarders have NOT been enforced. Deportations have been blocked. Democrats can rant about how they didn't "say" anything about "unlimited" immigration, BUT what they SAY and what they DO are two different things entirely.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Khan delivered a powerful message. I was reading a book, and he caught and captivated me with his speech. Amazing. It was probably written by someone, and he personalized it - but I don't care. What he said I agree with 100%. We simply can't let Trump into the White House and put this country on the wrong road.

Anonymous said...

ATTN 6:46.
After you finish washing your sheets, re-read the 4:55 post.
God Bless America, and all of its glorious colors.

Anonymous said...

We have MUCH bigger issues in this country - Economy/Jobs, Infrastructure, Citizens United/Corporate Influence, Energy/Climate.

Anonymous said...

Two more Obama , Black lives matter police killings last night, will Obama, Hillary, or the fbi investigate?

Anonymous said...

LEGAL immigration is a wonderful thing. Trump always says something along those lines. We just don't see him quoted correctly.

Allahu Akbar! said...

I love the German Goo Girls, and they do it because they love it! Buuuuuukake!

Anonymous said...

With regards to Mr Khan's speech at the DNC. He asked Mr Trump if he had read the Constitution of the United States. That's a fair question.

One also has to wonder how many of those delegates who were cheering him in that moment also have read the Constitution?

All of this is really funny7 considering that the DNC didn't bother to put up any American flags the first night and were criticized for it. Then they had to go find a few flags then they put them in inconspicuous areas of the stage.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As a member of the minority community, I want a country that follows the rule of law. Hillary and Obama have circumvented laws by ignoring them! Hillary had four unsecure servers, accepted millions of dollars from middle eastern countries as Sect. of State and didn't come to the aid of Ambassador in Libya, etc... The list of all her corrupt activities is lengthy. The other pea in the same pod, Obama has issued executive orders, in order to push his ideology. Both of these individuals have disregarded the constitution and laws to do , whatever is good for their cause or personal gain. They will say or do anything to stay in power. Maybe, someone should send both of these individuals a copy of the constitution, but I doubt that they would read it.

Anonymous said...

I don't ever remember Trump saying he does not want immigrants. He does say he want them to come in through the proper and legal system. He does say stop them temporarily until we figure out the best way to do it.

Anonymous said...

@1:08 I suppose in 1980 when President Carter stopped Iranians from coming into the United States, it was just fine with the Democrats.

But when Trump proposes to do it today for the Syrians and others from known terrorist regions of the middle east, all we hear from the Democrats is the word "racist".

Anonymous said...

1:52 - crying "racist" is the reply of last resort for Democrats. Used to work.

Anonymous said...

That's because Trump wants to stop people based on their religion, not their country or race.

It takes a truly special kind of stupid to not see that.

Anonymous said...

"Einstein said: "Idiocy is defined as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result"."

Does that include saying the same thing over and over again. You folks need to get out of the Fox echo chamber now and again. Maybe turn off loony Gunther in the AM and breath in some fresh air.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"1:52 - crying "racist" is the reply of last resort for Democrats. Used to work"

Actually, there are so many things about Trump that are wrong, the racism is barely noticeable. It's hardly a last resort.

Anonymous said...

"As a member of the minority community,"

That would be the teabagger community, correct?

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Is Donald Trump perfect? Heck no! But he's a far cry better than DEEPLY rooted ESTABLISHMENT Hillary."

He is a xenophobe, misogynist, bigot, narcissist. I agree. He is not perfect.

Anonymous said...

For Christ's sake people this man lost his son while in war. Who cares what his Faith is? Donald Trump is very clear when he talk. He said most Muslims are against us, he fuels the religious hatred. The same type of hatred we Christians employed for hundreds of years in Europe and the new world. Hell, we even used it as an excuse to kill each other.

Can we not just respect the man for his sacrifice and loss. he made an excellent point and everyone Democrat and Republican alike should stop and think about it for a few minutes.

My grandfather told me about how as a German American during WWI some people were suspicious of him until they heard he served in the Army. Maybe we all need a reality check and shelve the irrational partisan hatred for a few days and just reflect on a few things.

I am very sorry for this man's loss. Let us not make him feel even worse. Terrorists aren't born they are made.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, it did not take very long. This morning Fox News contributor Sandy Rios questioned this man's patriotism and background. She was very suspicious of his story and motives. I guess if you want to grieve for your dead son you must make sure you clear it with Rupert Murdock.

What a pieces of shit some of these people are.

Anonymous said...

Did Trump just tell his supporters that he is the most stable man to be President??


Anonymous said...

As a non Muslim you are forbidden to enter Mecca or Medina. You are stopped by armed troops. Explain.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Your bigoted comment has nothing to do with that speech or religious tolerance here.

Anonymous said...

So hopping that your opinions are so entertaining tonight, much talk about the two isles and there designs?!)$ Yet truth be told the terrorists are firmly planted right here on American soil and winning?!)$ Both sides have not even spoke of this fact in eithier of there speeches, there for this particular American infection is growing to reprehencible designs by both?!)$

This is like and very similar to the epidemic perportions that aremy descriptive designs of the triboro butt like with the gliZITZ and glamm of hollywodd, the darkside never ever makes it to the silver screen?!)$
one of your many shit slingging stories would be a nice ICE breaker
RE:publican redd no party affilliation

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah. No mention of how his religion has been treating women like serfs for generations and that Islamic terrorism is rampant worldwide. So criticise Trump for trying to protect us from radical Islam.

12:07 AM


You know at one point in world history, Christianity was labeled radical Christianity in some form by someone

Anonymous said...

Foolish idiots are constantly used by the left to make their points. That's what this man is and thinks that Hillary actually gives a shit about him and his dead son.

He's nothing but means to an end. Her election. Like Cindy Sheehan. Remember her?

Anonymous said...

@10:16 The Romans. They sent the Radical Christians to the Coliseum to be lion food.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Actually, the Romans pretty much sent everyone to the arena, and religion had little to do with it. There are three periods during the Roman empire in which Christians were persecuted. The rest of the time, they didn't give a shit who you worshipped so long as you paid your tribute.

But 10:34 is still full of shit. This guy was not being used, spoke with quiet passion and dignity and 10:34 demonstrates his/her own insensitivity towards their fallen American who actually served.

Anonymous said...

"Foolish idiots are constantly used by the left to make their points"

What kind of stupid, partisan assholes would call this man a "foolish idiot". You are seriously nuts and that is being kind. Mussolini called you missed your drop off date, shithead.

Anonymous said...

THE..defining moment of the Dem. convention. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on now ... these people are all used...the question is for what are they used.

This man has a belief in an agenda for which he wishes to lend he wonderful story of sacrifice. The same as Scott Baio, or Antonio Sabàto, Jr.

He is using it and is being used, good for him, many of us will never get to use our stories, or be heard, or represented in any way at all, which is the problem with the electoral process, and what is helping to produce the Trump bowl movement.

Bernie O'Hare said...

No responsible person, left or right, would want to use someone like you. Better stay anonymous so the world does not know what an ugly person you are.

Anonymous said...

"No responsible person, left or right, would want to use someone like you."

And the "Left or Right" would be wise to listen to you Bernie. To the Left or Right I am a horribly disfigured monster from my journey out of Plato's cave.

In fact, I and voters like me are poison to that whole Left/Right paradigm.

So, good call.

Anonymous said...

That moron talks about the US Constitution? His son swore to uphold it and gave his life for it. The moron mentions the 4th Amendment without knowing the Constitution applies to US Citizens, not illegal immigrants or terrorist 'refugees' from Syria and Iraq. I can't believe Bernie and others fell for this nonsense.

Bernie O'Hare said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"This man has a belief in an agenda for which he wishes to lend he wonderful story of sacrifice. The same as Scott Baio, or Antonio Sabàto, Jr."

The right wing know nothings' brain-dead compare this man's loss of his son and his heartfelt comments to two washed up actors, Scott Baio and Sabato. You have got to be kidding. What have they lost except their looks? This man loses a son calls out
Trump on his nonsense and you attack the father. You people are a special kind of stupid or maybe just too mean for your own good. Since you claim too love the military, you should blame them for accepting the young man if the constitution does not apply to him. So he should fight for his country, take the oath we all took yet he should be told the constitution does not apply to you??

What the Hell is wrong with you people. Please turn off Fox and Hannity and Limbaugh get out of the echo chamber of hate before you destroy our republic.

Anonymous said...

George Ruth
It say's
"all MEN are created equal" and so-on-and-so-forth.

Which is why "men" get an LLC to get the perks of citizenship with out all the bothersome restraint's put on mere men.

It does not say "all "citizens" are created equal". Some citizens are obviously more equal than others, some citizens aren't even living beings...they're LLC's.

Anonymous said...

Do these constitutional scholars realize that we are ruled by laws of men not laws of God. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

anon at 4:20

Irony and sarcasm, you might want to get familiar with their use and meaning.

Of-freaking-course Baio and Sabato were being compared to this man to show the dichotomy of the two conventions. geeze-o-whiz

"You have got to be kidding" A Yeah! Sherlock Holmes you are not.

Anonymous said...

Trump has responded to the speech by insulting the parents implying that his wife was not allowed to speak. She later explained she was sure she would starting crying uncontrollably. Trump makes fun of everyone who opposes him even the mannerisms of a disabled reporter.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, I still cannot wrap my head around how people can attack a father grieving for his son who was killed in war. The man was in pain. he had every right to go after Trump who has said that Muslims are not welcome in the US.

I mean politics aside. What is with attacking this man. Respect his loss. What is the matter with people?

Bernie O'Hare said...

I deleted my response to George Ruth bc it was intemperate. I was angry at seeing this
man, who lost his son, being called an idiot. I am even more angry because that son lost his life defending this nation. You could disagree with every word he says, but you respect his loss and his son's sacrifice.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"It say's [sic] "all MEN are created equal" and so-on-and-so-forth."

Actually, it goes not. That is the Declaration of Independence. But the Bill of Rights is designed to protect our liberty and equality.

Anonymous said...

Too many assume this is an A/B choice. If you criticize trump you must be a "liberal" and also a Hillary supporter. Both these nominees are the most divisive within their own parties in our nations history. Many republicans I know personally are embarrassed by our ridiculous nominee.

Bernie O'Hare said...

As are many Dems embarrassed by Hillary.

Anonymous said...

U.S. District Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen,
The New York Times,
NBC News.


Yes Bernie you are correct, my uneducated ass got that wrong. I appear to have read rulings an reports, of qualified educated judges and news outlets that got it wrong too, and lead me astray.
Bernie's blog should serve as the paper of record.

Anonymous said...

anon at 7:41

I agree totally, it is getting to the point where you don't need to criticize anyone.

All you have to do is suggest the obvious, that people, their stories and their support, are used to further a particular agenda or candidate... and you're an asshole unworthy of being useful in your own right.

Some of these folks could start a fight in an empty bar.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Yes Bernie you are correct, my uneducated ass got that wrong. I appear to have read rulings an reports, of qualified educated judges and news outlets that got it wrong too, and lead me astray. Bernie's blog should serve as the paper of record."

You don't have to read judicial opinions or newspapers. Just read the frickin' Constitution, or the Declaration of Independence. No need to get sarcastic.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"All you have to do is suggest the obvious, that people, their stories and their support, are used to further a particular agenda or candidate... and you're an asshole unworthy of being useful in your own right."

But that's not what you did. You called him an idiot. A man who lost his son, and whose son died protecting your right to be a jerk. And now you dishonestly pretend that it is something else that got people worked up. That's what I'd expect from an asshole.

Anonymous said...

Bernie you got me mixed up with someone else. I think I understand your wrath now...no foul you're just mistaken.
George Ruth called him a moron at 3:53pm and I disagree with him.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I don't like your anonymous suggestion that he was used. He spoke from his heart and perhaps he may have been using the convention to make his point. Did that cross your mind? Your dismissal of this man and his message, simply bc he is on the wrong team, is ugly.

Anonymous said...

Wrong team? Yea you got me mixed up with someone else.

I too have read two different things and got phrases within them, mixing up, it can happen to anyone.

Ron Beitler said...

Good read here.

Dreher points out that Trump simply doesn't have the instincts that a normal human does. You just do not attack a gold star father or mother in this situation. Why would you? There are dozens of ways Trump could have responded to this in a thoughtful fashion. But he didn't. Instead he lashes out. Cause that's what he does. It's who he is.

Ya know to be frank everyone sees what's going on when both parties parade grieving mothers and fathers on the stage during a convention. It's obvious. Both parties exploit the deaths of heroes. It just doesn't need to be pointed out in a fashion that attacks or berates the parents. This isn't a political correctness thing which is Trumps catch all defense for anytime he says something really stupid. This is about his basic gut instincts and judgement. Can you imagine Trump in the white house? Responding to national crisis with his signature clumsy, thoughtless and instinctual verbal vomit?

I don't like that either party parades mounting parades on the stage at conventions. But my point is of the many ways Trump could have responded only a truly callous soul would have done it in the fashion Trump did. It makes no sense. Again basic instincts and judgement.