Local Government TV

Saturday, July 02, 2016

Opinions Online, 7/2/16

Blogger's Note: Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I sometimes highlight comments from throughout the week and re-publish them here. Please keep your comments brief, if possible.


so it appears that after the Supreme Court ruling today, Mayor Pawlowski will go uncharged!!!!!!!!!!! Hope he runs for another term


Morning Bernie, I would like to share this story on my social media sites, but I will ask you first as it's your original content. I have been in the fight for so very long, and my own home was stolen thru public records manipulation. Since I don't know all the facts, I would tell Ron and I know Ron from LMBT to be very careful. Fannie Mae is behind all this - I have the service guide. And two land mark cases are coming out of California that put this grand scale scam debacle on the front burner, the flame on high. there is alot of collaboration and collusion, and it's being directed by the Fannie Mae charter.


I noticed that the "Nazareth Days" festivities have been cut way back. Reduced from three days to one. No more blood k party. Wonder if Mayor Sneakers could dip into that shoebox under his bed and fund some of these events.


God Bless America on this beautiful Independence Day weekend.

It is a shame that Politics are crushing the fabric of our country, between Hillary and Donald, we are doomed

But worse is all the career politicians in Congress

Sadly we will never have term limits....something the country really needs, noe more than ever.



  1. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable 4th of July weekend.

  2. Bernie
    On Saturdays we are allowed to write on any subject, right? So, I'm writing to ask for advice. I'd like to buy a Sirrus portable radio, subscription of course, and speakers. Is such a product available? Is it easy to put together? Does it really work? Thank you.

  3. You can buy them online. Sirus/XM sells home and mobile units. Most places that specialize in car stereos also both sell and install them. It works very well, and I especially enjoy 60s on 6 and 70s on 7.

  4. You can also get a Sirus/XM subscription and listen online as well

  5. Anyone who receives the print copy of the Lehigh Valley Times know if they print the deed transfers anymore? Online they haven't updated their website in close to months.

    Here is the link for the deed transfers online:


  6. Pawlowski is free? Guess it follows that Strye goes free as well. Damn, a lot of work for nothing. Happy 4th
    Isn't our judicial system just wonderful.

    1. For now my young Ladd?!($
      RE:publican redd no party afilliation

  7. To the Lehigh Valley Human Pus Ball - Bernie O'Hair [sic].


    Al Bernotas said...

    And just to bring this harassment case to a close, I spoke with Marc Scaringi, a Harrisburg attorney, politically connected. My question to him was, "do I have a constitutional right to take photographs in public places?" His answer was, please send a retainer for $5,000.00." Needless to say, I told him that I was not going to spend $5,000.00 on this case, and he said, "ok, well, thank you for the call," That was it. I always thought I could fight this on constitutional grounds, my right to take a picture of anyone or anything in a public place. But that right only takes precedence if you have a ton of money to fight for your rights. It is not worth $5,000.00. We may have a reasonably good judicial system in this country, but it is not justice for all. In this case, we had eight conditions imposed upon Elias, but just try to get them enforced. It is not happening when you have Zoning Officer discretion, and the Zoning Officer favors the unlawful behavior of Elias. Yes, you can take Elias to court and fight it on a personal basis, but that also takes a ton of dough. I am still pissed off, and seething, but the only thing I can do now is just let if fester until it goes away. Someday I would like to see justice done, but for now, it is time to let it go.

    9:40 AM


    Bernie O'Hare said...

    I now all about it. You were convicted of harassment again aftwer a hearing in which you wasted a county judge's time for three hours. And you prove your stupidity. You claim the big mistake you made in elias is not having a lawyer. So you walk into a criminal case without one. Amazing. I understand the DA was ready to have you held in contempt until you started crying like a little girl.

    11:03 AM


    Al Bernotas said...

    You do not know all about it. You are a very large round sack of human pus.

    My big mistake was trusting the legal system and the local (Bethlehem) Zoning Officer and the Zoning Hearing Board. That was a waste of time.

    Appealing a case is not a waste of time. It is a constitutional right.

    And the spin about crying is laughable. there was no crying. There was a long pause while I gathered my thoughts. And the pause was not related to the little ADA threatening contempt, which the Judge did not even react to. The ADA who prosecuted the case should have recused herself. It appears that she had the same ethnicity as the State's witness and the Elias clan. And she does not look as good rolling her eyes as she thinks she does. I had a great time in court. I especially enjoyed issuing subpoenas to the entire Elias clan, including their clan attorney, Joe Pepperoni. He is the one who wrote up the three harassment charges, two of which were dismissed for lack of evidence and total fabrication. After all, Mr. Pepperoni does not understand Arabic. They could have told him anything. He would not have a clue what the truth was. Two of the clan did not show up, after they heard that there might be warrants for their arrest, they miraculously showed up. Wimps.

    Even though I did not and do not agree with the Judge's ruling, he was very professional and quite patient with a Pro se defendant. Always a good feeling in an American court to get railroaded for exercising your constitutional right to take photographs of someone conducting allegedly unlawful activity.

    Interesting that you have to get your last digs in. Keep up the good reporting.

    And by the way, as you get older, and start falling off your bike, I hope it happens in front of me, so I can just watch. You won't catch me being a good samaritan. And on the next fall from your bike, I want you to keep this in mind as you writhe in pain, "Al Bernotas wished this on me, Al Bernotas wished this on me."

    Ok, now go for it. Since you own the blog, you can take the last word.


  8. 10:30 am Thank you Dave.

  9. Dave, Does the Sirrus mobile unit have speakers even if I have to pay extra. I would like to take this unit into an office where there is no radio system at all. Thank you again.

  10. Al Bernotossss needs his meds it appears. this clown has been harassing people in the city of Bethlehem for the past several years and should be serving 30 days in jail instead of writing his nonsense on this blog. Keep running that illegal business out of your zoned RR house Al, the laws do not pertain to you do they?

  11. @10:17 I have mine in the car, came with it built in. Just looked at Amazon and saw this https://www.amazon.com/SiriusXM-TTR1-Tabletop-Internet-Radio/dp/B002Q0W82A

    Looks like there are some small speakers in the unit, although likely there is a small jack for bookshelf speakers, which probably sound better anyway. I suggest you go to the website, get a free trial subscription though the website and try it out through your computer. See what you think before spending any money

  12. I once read that "our ideal leaders are usually dead." Seems to be a lot of truth to that statement, as we often look back with rose-colored glasses. However, as Geo. Washington once wrote, we must "make the best of mankind as they are, since we cannot have them as we wish."

    Enjoy the beautiful weekend, and when reading the paper on Monday, don't just pass over the reprinted Declaration of Independence; read it. Its why we celebrate the 4th, and its actually a pretty radical document even by today's standards.

  13. Dave, Thank you again. I'll check it out. The concept is very exciting as portable talk radio. Thank you again.

  14. Here's wishing the people of Allentown a happy one year anniversary on the FBI raid that will hopefully snare the guilty and punish them.

  15. Anyone know why LV State Reps. Gary Day and Bob Freeman weren't in Harrisburg to vote on the budget this week?

  16. "Anyone know why LV State Reps. Gary Day and Bob Freeman weren't in Harrisburg to vote on the budget this week?"


  17. Good Luck Al. People understand your frustration but keep up the good fight. You have to realize this is a hate blog and O'Hare never lets the facts get in the way of his emotional tirades. He and his fellow haters love to tear people down. Most of the comments attacking you are probably his. he loves to make it look like he has a larger hater army then he does.

  18. FBI Grills Hillary for More Than Three Hours today, Witness Cheryl Mills Seen at Residence. Clinton pleads Fifth Amendment over 1,000 times.

  19. Folks, Al Bernotas is a former Beth City Council candidate who did not like a business expansion going on at Elias market. He opposed it at a zoning hearing and lost on every level, from ZHB to state supreme court. He became bitter along the way and then started making all kinds of complaints about Elias, trying to drive this small business away. He attacked members of the Zoning hearing Board and has launched attacks at zoning official who won't do as he commands. He began following and photographing Elias drivers, and one of them was intimidated and terrified and contacted police. Harassment charges were approved, and Benotas was convicted after a hearing before a magisterial district judge. I wrote about that matter.

    Bernotas appealed that conviction (There is , incidentally, no constitutional right to appeal summary convictions). It was a waste of everyone's time, as the subsequent guilty verdict proves. He had a three hour long brand new hearing in front of a Lehigh County Judge and was convicted again. During that hearing, he was threatened with contempt. I decided not to write about it, and then I got Benrotas' comments, which are fill of the kind of vitriol one expects from someone who is convicted of harassment. The sole comment supporting him, at 2:29, is from another person who has been convicted of harassment.

    Their biggest flaw is that they don't seem to realize how bad they look. Bernotas obviously posted these comments himself (anonymously). Since I hadn't decided whether to post the second and more insulting comments from him, it could only have come from him. If his intention was to make himself look good, he should know it had the opposite effect.

    People like Al Bernotas make people like me look good.

  20. Sources have suggested that Schlossberg has secured a grant for a road project for the Riverfront. Sounds like a worthy project, however, I wonder if this is within the NIZ or outside?

  21. Word is out , no charges for Hillary, probably none for mayor, it does pay to be a democrat.

  22. I don’t know how it can be overlooked or ignored that to indict Hillary Clinton, Obama would be indicting his own administration. She was his Secretary of State, running his State Department. And then, bringing her down when she is on the verge of being the Democrat nominee to the presidency.

    Historically, this would become the mother of all presidential political scandals, surpassing Watergate, and tarnishing Obama’s legacy. And that’s not even getting to the fact that an honest investigation would lead to his doorstep too.

    Obama was supposed to be supervising her. How much did he know, and when did he know it? And so on. Why would he do any of this to himself?

    Obama has more than ample incentives to not indict. I don’t think he will. The real he question is, will Obama issue blanket pardons on the way out?

  23. This Saturday the world seems a little darker as one of humanity's great lights, great spirits has passed. May Elie Wiesel rest in peace it comments like this which have nourished, emboldened, moved so many..."The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of beauty is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, but indifference between life and death."

  24. Bob Freeman's mother passed away this past week.

  25. Very sorry about Bob's mother. I had not heard. She was an exceptional woman.

  26. I want to dispel the notion that the McDonnell case means that Pawlowski won't be indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced. Bernie O'Hare had a detailed blog admirably explaining it all.

    So why did McMahon say he as doubts whether Fed Ed can be indicted under McDonnell? First, he makes an extra $600. Second, he's trying to influence low information voters who might turn out to be jurors at Fed Ed's trial. He wants to have at least one juror have a vague recollection that somebody said he wasn't guilty anymore and thus lean toward acquittal.

  27. The decisions are being discussed this 4th of July weekend over clams, shrimp, lobster, crabs, steaks, burgers, dogs, chips and dip, beer, wine, marijuana, soda, water all while swimming, boating, camping, hunting and fishing. We don't need no stinking courtroom!

  28. Anonymous said...
    Bob Freeman's mother passed away this past week.

    7:54 PM

    Thank you for sharing this sad information. Residents can sent a card. But why Day wasn't there is very unsettling.

  29. Riverfront funding should be public information. Contact one's state rep. and ask he/she to find out.

  30. "Trust is the glue that holds government together"

    Who do you trust in government ?

  31. If the FBI has any proof that US intelligence personnel were exposed as a result of Hillary server issue, she needs to go immediately to jail without passing GO!! She has been caught lying about Benghazi motives & about wanting to use only one device as her reason for one email. She divulged publicly she actually carried 3 separate mobile devices anyway. This woman is evil & too many people have mysteriously died in the wake of the Clinton's.

    If she is elected President, our country is doomed not because of her but the because the people that voted for her demonstrate our bleak future. Happy Independence Day & wake up to corrupt government starting locally in Allentown & Bethlehem!!

  32. In 2008 one could almost justify the willful blindness exercised by the Democrat establishment to propel their dynamic young candidate to the White House.

    Obama's questionable associations – The Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, his shady business dealings with the likes of Tony Rezko. Obama was from Chicago after all and this is just the way things are there… right?

    In 2008 Obama was a candidate with his future ahead of him. In 2016 Hillary Clinton is a candidate with a very checkered past and no small amount of failure behind her. Yet the Democrats continue to defend her. One has to ask, why?

  33. Power is , who has the most dirt on those that may oppose you, the Clintons have been around very long, I am sure they have dirt on anyone that matters.

  34. @9:39 Such as our esteemed Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Which she was thoroughly reminded of at that meeting with Bill in Phoenix last week.

  35. 3:48 claimed...

    "FBI Grills Hillary for More Than Three Hours today, Witness Cheryl Mills Seen at Residence. Clinton pleads Fifth Amendment over 1,000 times."

    Do you have a verifiable source for this information or did it fly out of your butt?

  36. "In 2008 one could almost justify the willful blindness exercised by the Democrat establishment to propel their dynamic young candidate to the White House."

    And the reason for blind allegiance to the egomaniacal madman Trump is justified by what stretch of your superior intellect?

  37. @5:52 He's not Hillary Clinton

  38. 2:01 - wanna try again - no mention of 1000 invocations of the 5th Amendment on CNN - and since Clinton is not talking about the interview and the FBI is not talking about the interview and since nobody else was there, I call butt monkeys at work.

  39. but I did find half of your statement on a Trump site...


    But nothing about the 5th Amendment.

    Does it hurt when those monkeys spring into flight?

  40. @7:53 It was asked that a reference be provided that Hillary Clinton was interrogated by the FBI. I provided such.

    Now, Hillary Clinton has stated so many versions of why she needed her own home-brewed server, why she transferred classified information to it and why she destroyed evidence by deleting the emails on the server, any response other than the Fifth Amendment to the FBI questioning her would lead directly to perjury charges

  41. Oh, here is the CNN reference as you were unable to find it.


  42. The claim was made she asserted the 5th over 1,000 times. That claim appears to be false.

  43. Would you talk to the prosecutor, nowing that you've made 'correctable' statements in the past, and not knowing what others that have made sworn statements to the FBI?

    Only a fool would not take the fifth amendment.

  44. Only a fool believes a liar, and you are a liar.

  45. We shall see. Believing a Clinton is a very dangerous thing to do.

  46. It appears that believing you is a very dangerous thing to do. You falsely claim she took the 5th 1000 times.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.