Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

NIZ Waterfront Developer Getting $1 MM From State

You'd think that if the state is allowing you to use almost all state tax revenue to fund future development, that would be enough, right? Wrong. The Waterfront Development Co, one of the NIZ developers in Allentown, has sought and is getting another million from the Commonwealth Financing Authority for "Riverside Road and Trail." The money was approved July 1

In a poverty-stricken city like Allentown, these handouts to the rich are obscene.


  1. Is this the same million dollar grant that Schlossberg is bragging about securing for Allentown?

  2. I'm surprised he took the time from his pushing the LBGT agenda in Harrisburg.

  3. Actually, Bernie, a suggested revision to your headline: NIZ Waterfront Developer Gets $1MM from Taxpayers! It's not really the state but the hard working often exhausted taxpayer who funds these give-a-ways.

  4. Keep buying those Jaindel Turkeys people, they need all the tax breaks they can find

  5. Anonymous said...
    I'm surprised he took the time from his pushing the LBGT agenda in Harrisburg.

    4:08 AM

    And, ghost voting.

  6. More taxpayer ripoffs! The NIZ, it's rich developers and Ed Pawlowski, have created a team for the rich to get richer; all at the expense of the taxpayer. Anybody with any sense left in Allentown, [and there are fewer every year], better wake-up quick and oust these maggots from local government and start over!

  7. Correction: The NIZ, it's rich developers and Pat Browne, have created a team for the rich to get richer; all at the expense of the taxpayer.

    While Pawlowski has generated much of the attention, he's really just a distraction, the mastermind of the NIZ was Sen. Browne with an assist from former Rep. Jennifer Mann. Meanwhile the state has passed a spending plan $1 billion short of required revenue necessary to pay for it.

    1. Correction; the sneak that snuk the now infamous Z law in under the skirt is now a Re:presentational tool?!($ Also the writer that writ is not who and what is put to print by you?!($ That thief that theft and left is a Whole other story line, just like the designer OZ behind the curtain?!($
      Bernie, I like the pic of those with gluttonous I'll behaviors well into adulthood, but as this man depicts maggots on a carcus is more fitting with the situation?!($
      The circus snakeoil would be fitting too?!($
      RE:publican redd no party affiliation

  8. "Keep buying those Jaindel Turkeys people, they need all the tax breaks they can find"

    The Jaindle behind the waterfront is NOT the farmer.

  9. Sen Browne is the complete mastermind of corporate giveaways of taxpayer money while standing in the way of expanding gambling to balance the budget to protect his buddies at the Sands. This guy is the biggest snake that is fleecing the taxpayers of Pa to take care of his local cronies including expanding the CRIZ benefits for Bethlehem developers to become more NIZ-like.

  10. Is it now impossible to do any development or improvement without government money.

  11. I'm confused. "The Jaindle behind the waterfront is NOT the farmer."

    Jaindl joins plans to develop Allentown waterfront

    "Jaindl Properties, known for turkeys and land projects, announced Tuesday that it will contribute an undisclosed amount of money to develop The Waterfront, an ambitious project below the Tilghman Street Bridge."

    1. Rich,
      The writer that writ that infamous piece of pa legislation was not the claimer to the fame?!)$ That particular parasite is gone on to the next town, still pontificating on the fermented political pot o blue juice served up allentucyian!($
      RE:publican redd no party affiliation

  12. Mr. Fegley You are not confused at all.I just checked the Jaindl Farms web-site and it is all connected

  13. The Valley works tirelessly to help the Jaindls make money.


    This is the same body that wanted to put a different Jaindl on their board.

  14. @ 8:03

    Lets not give Jenn Mann so much credit. She loves a free ride and, as being a "yes mann," has found herself a home in Allentown's prestigious West End Rose Garden's. Quite a distance from her daddy's pawn shop business. She served nobody but herself.

  15. Hillary is the one in the middle.

    Stop all this nonsense vote for Trump and take America back again.

  16. Vote Trump and end this nonsense.

  17. I have it from Alan Jennings himself that Jenn
    Mann loves the little people.

  18. Patriot,
    This infamous law was written by an undisclosed advertisementliZt!($ That like the wastewater dumping into the Hudson stinktZ to high heaven just like allentownZ political pot o blue juice currently cooking in a pressure cooker?!($ This being ofcourse to render the triboro'Z tripletZ and there cigar surprise?!($
    ItZ all in the numberZ, just ask the head poverty pimp after of course ms mertZ and the rev Browne?!)$
    RE:publican redd no party afilliation


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