Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Luis Campos, Administrator or Panto's New Fall Guy?

Luis Campos
When Luis Campos was confirmed as Northampton County's Director of Administration in July 2014, his salary was set at $87,838. Now, just two years later, he'll be making $108,000, about 23% more. He abruptly "resigned" on June 8 amid numerous rumors that it was either that or be fired. Though the reasons for his sudden departure appear murky, Allentown was after him to take over as Managing Director. And now, after a special meeting of Easton City Council yesterday afternoon, The Express Times reports that Campos has been unanimously confirmed as Easton's new city administrator.

He follows the footsteps of Glenn Steckman, who also abruptly resigned in January.

Steckman's resignation was the result of friction with Mayor Sal Panto. That point is driven home by comments posted at by Panto in a kooky conversation with himself at The Express Times comment board, posing under pseudonyms tom18017 and roverfan73.
Panto disguised as Tom18017: "He needs some humility like the mayor and thank everyone and share the credit. No one person turned this city around and as k remember it the mayor worked for over a year without him and many many good things happened in the first year of this administration that kept us out of bankruptcy. The first budget of this new administration that hel taxes was without him. He wasn't even in Easton. Also insiders have told me that it is. Very possible that the resignation of The finance director was due to this guy as well. Too bad heagle left although he did get a better paying position."

Panto disguised as roverfan73: "Yes this is good for Easton. I had several dealings with this guy and he was rude and nasty."

Panto disguised as Tom18017: "I know a lot of the city employees and I am sure they are celebrating tonight. My few dealings with him didn't give me s good feeling about the city or The adminstration. Given the fact that it was a unanimous decision I'd say my feelings were correct. In the article he takes a lot of credit and doesn't seem to share any of the success."

Panto disguised as roverfan73: "The Mayor doesn't get paid anything extra and the still will do both jobs like he did for all of 20018 before Steckman was hired. And I am sure he will do the Administrator's job better."

Panto disguised as roverfan73: "I found out today that one of the things he and the mayor constantly argued about was the parking meters and tickets. Seems the guy was the one that kept lacking up the price and the number of parking officers against the mayor's wishes. I'll try to get more of the reasons and what they disagreed on."

Panto disguised as roverfan73: "Now I learned that the Mayor extended an offer to all city employees to meet yesterday. Two meetings were held and my source said that the meeting was very good and the mayor was very open and honest about the situation. I learned that another bit of difference they had was that Steckman wanted to close both the South Side and College Hill fire stations and that the mayor was vehemently opposed and it was the mayor that wen to the Lafayette president to make the ask for a fire pumper. The college has committed to paying $550,000 for a new pumper. Other things were said but he would not elaborate. He said the mayor also map out goals for 2016 and priorities for the next four years. The employee said it was the best employee meeting he ever attended."
In Northampton County, Campos was the victim of a Deputy Administrator who wanted his job. In Easton, he'll have to deal with a surprisingly thin-skinned and egotistical Mayor who is just not that smart. He would later get mixed up and start posting comments as himself, even though he was still using fake names.


I question whether Campos is being brought on board as Administrator or fall guy.

But Easton is a great city and Panto has done good things when he's not patting himself on the back. The 27,000-person metropolis is mired in poverty, with 22.6% at or below the poverty line. But though the per capita income is just $19,100, it is working poor. Fifty-nine per cent of the City works. The main problem and reason for crime is not those evil immigrants, but people coming to Easton and other parts of the Lehigh Valley from New York City.

Northampton County, incidentally, now has no Directors for DCED, Emergency Management  or Administration. Executive John Brown is working on his second Solicitor, third Human Resources Director and second Public Works Director.

The important EMS position has been vacant for over a year, and Brown is playing a very dangerous game in failing to fill it. The Administrator position is even more critical.


  1. How in the world could this boob be paid six figures? He was an untalented empty suit when working for the county. Easton taxpayers should revolt over paying this lightweight that kind of money. For a guy who really has accomplished nothing in his career, Campos has been rewarded by a public sector of the economy that has no accountability. He failed in the private sector, but has landed nicely next to the government feeding trough. Easton deserves another embarrassment like this appointment.

  2. This Campos guy has insider connections that are easily ascertained if checked. I agree with 12:26, basically an empty suit but he will make a lot of money and will have less scrutiny in Easton where incompetence is the norm.

    By the way who is the second Human Services Director Brown has working for him? Thought he only had one?

  3. Luis is not a boob. He never got a chance at the county because of Kathy Allen. SHE is the boob who has no education

  4. 2nd Human Services Director???

  5. Can he be qualified as an "expert" witness in a court of law in at least one field of municipal government he will manage? If so they might just have a great candidate.

  6. Actually the third human services director, the first got a sense of the new administration and quickly put in her retirement papers, the second was hired, not allowed to do her job by Allen, then was fired/quit and is suing. The third Amy Trapp is going on a year and seems to be a strong enough personality to keep Allen at bay or just ignore her lunacy and JBs running for another office and leaving Allen in charge of the entire county during his extended absences so look for more people to quit

    1. Those are Human Resource Directors. There is only one Human Services Director- Allison Frantz.

  7. Brown is known for not filling vacant positions. He'd rather save money by not filling them than to provide adequate services to the people of Northampton county. Just ask the Prison. I have been told by someone in there that there are numerous vacant positions that haven't been filled for 6 mos or longer. Its a joke. Apparently Director Keen is on board with not filling them either.

  8. I think he meant "Human Resources" not "Human Services"

  9. roverfan73,

    Damn, someone hacked my email again!

    Best regards,


  10. The entire Emergency Management Community knows that Brown and Allen (dumb and dumber) let the most qualified candidate for the EMA Director move to Atlanta. Just ask around ....

  11. Vote these idiots out next time already! Time for change!

  12. ""I think he meant "Human Resources" not "Human Services""

    I did. I'm right here. No reason to refer to me in the third person, vyt when you do, please capitalize.

  13. This hiring spotlights again the odious not-ready-for-prime-time Brown Administration. He and his team are the least prepared, most ignorant Administration in the 2 county history of the Home Rule Charter. I will continue, until he is gone, to state the obvious: If John Callahan had been elected he and his team would have been ready to execute, tp manage and continually improve County government services ON DAY ONE!. ....what is the compelling rationale to elevate Mr. Brown to higher public office?

  14. "Actually the third human services director, the first got a sense of the new administration and quickly put in her retirement papers, the second was hired, not allowed to do her job by Allen, then was fired/quit and is suing. The third Amy Trapp is going on a year and seems to be a strong enough personality to keep Allen at bay or just ignore her lunacy and JBs running for another office and leaving Allen in charge of the entire county during his extended absences so look for more people to quit"

    You are correct. He is on his third HR director and I have corrected my post.

  15. "I have been told by someone in there that there are numerous vacant positions that haven't been filled for 6 mos or longer. Its a joke."

    One thing Brown has done right is to bring in a Director from the outside at the jail. Lots of dead weight over there in the top spots. Does the jail need a warden AND a Director of Corrections? That is nonsense.

  16. "The entire Emergency Management Community knows that Brown and Allen (dumb and dumber) let the most qualified candidate for the EMA Director move to Atlanta. Just ask around ...."

    A shame about Kris Mattson. He'll do well at the CDC.

  17. Allison has done a nice job as HS Director. So has "Butterbean" Keen. And Amy Von Trapp is probably a very competent and conscientious HR Director. The rest of Brown's "high performance team" are a bunch of scrubs. Especially Cathy "Triple W" (Wicked Witch of the West) Allen, who isn't qualified enough to be a Wal-Mart greeter.

  18. as you crap on Panto, Allen Brown and Campos, you ignore the elephant in the living room. No prosecutor in their right mind will criminally charge a politician, unless there is clear evidence of intent. Pawlowski skates as Clinton escapes.

  19. 11:07, I'm not ignoring anything. But I do not think the Trump-Clinton race should permeate every discussion and you are off topic.

  20. He was smart to steer clear of the cesspool known as Allentown

  21. Brown, Allen and his henchmen on bangor Council fired the police chief and didnt hire a new one. that town is still cleaning up the mess left by these 2 boobs!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. I've deleted another OT comment trying to inject the presidential race in a local matter.

  24. Bernie,
    12:33 has got a clue as too as the triboro cause and effex of becomming the waste dumpped into the Hudson?!)$ This is generally out of the light of day, like those professing GOD with there lips when infact there god is worSHIPped in the bowells of hell and in the dark of night?!)$
    RE:publican redd no party affiliation

  25. FYI---Why a warden? Because the Courts insisted. Historically, they have viewed the prison as their fiefdom. After the AG investigation the Department of Corrections was created with a Director and per the Home Rule Charter each Director has an at will position under them. A warden is simply a throwback never changed so as to maintain detente. Ooops cold war ended a long time ago too....as did the need for a "warden" a relic of Northampton County Prison which does not exist. Since 1998 it has been the Dept of Corrections.

  26. Smart moves getting out of Northampton County and rejecting Allentown, however, working for Panto [Pawlowski II] is not much of an improvement.

  27. He needed the money.

  28. Anonymous, Thank you for the pleasant comments.

    Yes I have accepted a transfer with my employer which requires a move for myself and my family to the Atlanta region. The job will not be working for the CDC but I will be remaining active in the Emergency Management field supporting public and private sector clients throughout the Southeastern portion of the country.

    I wish all members of Northampton County the best as they continue to prepare for, respond to, and recovery from the various incidents throughout this county.

    Thank you to all in the Lehigh Valley for providing my family a great place to live for the past decade.

    Kristopher Mattson, MAS, CEM, MEP
    Hanover Township Emergency Management Coordinator


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.