Local Government TV

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Fed Ed To Host Government Purchasing Summit

Just when you think things couldn't get any weirder for Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski, will host a they do. Get this. On August 18, Fed Ed will be hosting a "summit" on government purchasing. It's free, too. I've sent this email to Alexis Turner, the Senior Program Manager in Pa. for U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance:
Your organization is hosting a sourcing summit in Allentown on August 18, and you incredibly are using Mayor Edwin Pawlowski to help. He is currently under federal investigation for bid rigging and bribery in connection with city contracts. Unless the summit includes lectures on bid-rigging, bribery and the use of burner phones, this is an incredibly stupid idea. Your summit should be somewhere else, and you need to stay miles away from Pawlowski. Five people have already pleaded guilty to bribery and bid-rigging.


  1. Fed Ed must be laughing his ass off. Talk about chutzpah !!!

  2. Bernie, you offering to host the summit???

  3. I'm leaving a voicemail for the US CGPA regional rep asking if there will be any forums regarding corrupt municipal administrators duping 7 bobbing heads into agreeing to drastically reduce the threshold for no-bid contracts. Also, I'll ask her if there will be a session on inflating appraisals for municipal land purchases resulting in campaign donors receiving upwards of triple the real value of properties.

  4. Ed, clearly, has time on his hands with nothing else to do.

  5. I wonder if Mike Fleck will be on the panel?

  6. Thanks for the laugh this morning. Great email.

  7. Just went it couldn't get any more bizarre, you have Pat Browne screw LVEDC, Discover, the counties, etc. and put more cash in JB's pocket AGAIN, and then Pawlowski is doing this?

    Bernie you should write a book, you'd make millions.

    The Banker

    1. Bernie,
      I know my digital print copy is reprehensible butt this goes out to banker?! I proof redd on of my incoherent rants and printed banker and it was suppose to print ganker?!
      This hole episode is hillarious to say the least, the circus juggling ACTS are collectively working together to juggle the MMO itimiZation in the third world nation epicentraliZed and mediasiZed pondering pandering public servants privitiZed?!
      There was once a media man and now the marketing man as a hole that helped in this massive maddoff ponZie scheme that has made my description of the triboro pretty acCUREate to those that speaketh with forked tungue?!
      RE:publican redd no party affiliation

  8. In my youth, I would have paid alot of $$ to have access to the quality weed that Redd smokes....

    The Banker

  9. Government purchasing can be read 2 ways

  10. It seems to me Ed is the perfect guy for the job.

  11. ...and Adolf Hitler is giving sensitivity lessons.


  12. So you are trying to actively hurt the city I love, and my business which benefits from outside visitors.

  13. Sorry, 4:19 PM, Ed P. alreasy beat him to it.

    Alfonso Todd

  14. So when Ed hurts the city, that's bad. But when Bernie hurts the city, we are ok with that?

  15. Insustingon good government does not hurt the city, but helps it.

  16. God forbid the City every have an opportunity to get out from under the cloud that is Ed. Bernie, I would think you of all people would understand that the City is not solely run by Ed P. and there are many people there that are not corrupt. But hey, you just keep sabotaging anything positive that the city tries to do to move on from the corruption scandal and keep portraying the City in a completely negative light. That's a perfect way to make sure progress never occurs.

  17. Yes, there are many good people working for the City, and if Fed Ed had any regard for them, he would resign. They are all working under a cloud of suspicion and distrust, thanks to him. That was the whole point of City Council's unanimous resolution calling on him to resign. To conduct a summit on government purchasing, given that is precisely why he is under investigation, shows he is completely defiant. I'd arrest him in the middle of it.

  18. So because Ed hasn't resigned, it's ok for you to try to sabotage everyone. Is that what you are saying?

  19. No, what I am saying is that he has sabotaged everyone in the City's employ, and continues to do so.

  20. And I'm calling you out on the phone call YOU made. It seems you can't control his actions, but perhaps you can try to control your own. Maybe admit it was impulsive, and not completely thought out.

  21. I made no phone call. I sent an email. It was not impulsive, but well-considered. It is completely idiotic for government purchasing agents to accept advice from a crook implicated in both bid rigging and bribery, unless they want to learn how to be criminals, too. Feed Ed's refusal to resign despite compelling evidence has crippled the city. He has done far more damage to the City's image than I or any other bottom-feeding blogger could do. In fact, since you are so insistent, I will arrange to have a number of his people attend and demand his resignation.

  22. Let me know if there is a bus leaving from Easton.


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