Local Government TV

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Allen Appointment Inches Forward for Vote Tonight

Cathy Allen
Northampton County Executive John Brown's nomination of Cathy Allen as Interim Administrator went through Council's Personnel Committee with no discussion yesterday. They voted unanimously "to move it forward for full discussion" tonight. No one spoke against the appointment. But no one spoke in favor of it either.

When Allen started her employment in Northampton County, her salary was originally set at $57,460. Executive John Brown then raised her salary to $65,603 without obtaining approval from Council, which resulted in a bitter dispute whether he had acted legally.

If Allen is approved as Interim Administrator, it will be at a salary of $91,790, substantially more than she is making now.

I have previously told you about her lack of education and experience, as well as her financial difficulties. Yesterday, at 3:30 pm, I checked the records in the Civil Division to make sure that the liens previously reported are still open. They are.

Allen's Bangor home is currently in foreclosure, and she now has her second lawyer, Allentown Attorney Charles Laputka.

In addition to the foreclosure, the following open tax liens remain open:

1) IRS v.Catherine Allen (Klages), 2008-FT-1338, filed 12/22/08, for $51,414.69 in unpaid income taxes (1040) in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.

2) IRS v.Catherine Allen (Klages), 2011-FT-3697, filed 4/25/11, for $6,060.33 in unpaid income taxes (1040) in 2007.

3) Pa. Dept of Revenue v. Catherine Allen-Klages, 2015-J-8690, filed 9/23/15, for $1,551.15, in unpaid personal income tax in 2008.

4) Pa. Dept of Revenue v. Catherine Allen-Klages, 2015-J-11366, filed 12/7/15, for $1,857.99, in unpaid personal income tax in 2010.


  1. How can that clueless boob even be seriously considered for that job? And at $91 K?? Outrageous! That is likely three times the average salary of a Norco taxpayer. She's not worth spit from a cow. If council approves this abomination they should be ashamed of themselves.

  2. Yet you never would write about Ron Angles numerous lawsuit situations and real estate issues. You also have never seemed to bring up the "poor education" issue with you pals Ron Angle and Jerry Seyfried. Is this a case of real outrage or a way to go after John Brown whom you hate and another young woman who is succeeding where you fail?

  3. Ron Angle's lawsuits were all featured on this blog,and in great detail. Ron Angle and Jerry Seyfried, like Ann McHale, were all elected officials, not professional administrators. The voters decide if they are qualified. The administrator position requires education or experience and she has neither. Whether Allen is or is not a young woman is irrelevant. I am certainly not going after Brown and hate no one, although you certainly have a great deal of unhealthy hatred for me. I have recognized that he has made some good appointments. Appointing a high school grad with no experience and deep financial issues to the second highest ranking position in the county is bad government.

  4. Brown and bad government go hand in hand. Nearly everything he touches turns out badly in the end. Allen is a walking,talking conflict of interest. Tax liens are serious personal issues and evidently lawyering up instead of paying her fair share is how she rolls. You want that kind of ethics in charge of your government here? She is already caused irreprable harm to the county in legal fees and worker morale is at an all time low. Enough already with this woman. Show some guts and refuse Brown's appointment of her to Adminstrator.

  5. these campaign adds are almost gonna write themselves

  6. Cigarette Woman is not what leadership looks like. Personal flaws are a sure sign of trouble brewing. How many breaks a day does she take? She is a terrible role model for the entire county workforce. Northampton county deserves better than Cathy Allen. Just say NO!

  7. It is incomprehensible that a tax cheat and a travel expense cheat would even be considered for this important position. What is council smoking that they would even consider approving this appointment? Allen knowingly violated county policy and IRS rules by claiming commuter mileage on he expense accounts. She paid the money back, but was not disciplined, and showed no remorse for her violation. And this person will be responsible for assuring that county policy and procedures are followed? Lord have mercy on us if that crook is ever put in a position of power!

  8. I don't want my tax dollars going to an uneducated second in command person! Council, say NO. Her behavior is a slap in the face to all who work there. This would bring morale down lower than it is now!!!!!

  9. Seems fair enough to me? She owes $60,884.16 in back taxes, she will make $91,790.00 annually, less about 25% in taxes. Her net will only be $68,842 minus whatever she pays for her health care. Poor lady will be working for nothing!

  10. How can council agree to promote a tax cheat? What kind of message does that send to taxpayers of the county? Don't pay your taxes and you will be rewarded? Are they nuts? Brown is delusional by nominating this crook to serve as county administrator.

  11. Again and again and since the start of Brown's political career...he has and will continue to do or say anything to further his career until you push back! Stop enabling this political poser. He is not a leader. He is an egotistical opportunist. JUST SAY NO!

  12. This is awful! She is a train wreck. Always has been. And John brown used to be a stand-up guy. He has really sunk low. And he doesn't even know it. SAD!

  13. "Brown is delusional by nominating this crook to serve as county administrator."

    Not if she's confirmed.

  14. "Cigarette Woman is not what leadership looks like. Personal flaws are a sure sign of trouble brewing. How many breaks a day does she take? She is a terrible role model for the entire county workforce. Northampton county deserves better than Cathy Allen. Just say NO!"

    I see her frequently make her way to the loading dock. She has every right to smoke and I do not hold that against her. But I'm pretty sure that smoking in the loading dock is forbidden.

  15. There are No Smoking signs in the loading dock. Law is that smoking is not permitted within 50 feet of a public building. Visitors and employees violate this all the time. But for a county administrator candidate, who is supposed to be an example and play by the rules, to hang out there puffing away is disgraceful.

  16. Smoking is not a RIGHT. Otherwise it could not be banned. It is a privilege extended to those who respect the wishes of private businesses, and who obey the laws relative to public buildings. Allen flaunts the law by smoking on the loading dock. Pure and simple. No surprise though since she has demonstrated utter disregard for county policies and procedures.

  17. @11:18,
    The PA Clean Indoor Air Act prohibits smoking in a workplace, and within 10 feet of a door to the workplace.

  18. A lot of jealousy going on here. The hate is palpable. This is truly a hate blog.

  19. No this is transparency! Get back to work Cathy and stop polluting the air of the workplace.

  20. This young woman is yet another female victim of this blog. The county executive as voted in along with his council, he should get his pick.

  21. "Young woman"? What have you been smoking?

  22. Tricia...take your medication..please.

  23. WTF! Where was Werner tonite? Why did Kraft vote..present? Hayden and Dietz stood tall tonite and they told Brown to go take a flying leap. The rest are apparently gutless fools. You were right Bernie..Geissinger caved...they now get what they deserve. Idiots.

  24. I am working on my stories now and they should be up soon, answering your questions.


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