Local Government TV

Monday, June 20, 2016

Ed Disgrace invades Frassetto Trial

Four witnesses, including three school principals, have testified so far in the truancy case against former Allentown charter school teacher Michael Frassetto. Last September, he organized and led s three day walkout that attracted students from two high and four middle schools. Was he enticing truancy, as the schol District contends, or should he be compared to Mandela and Martin Lither King, as Gary Asteak argues?

Judge Karen Devine's tiny courtroom is packed with school district officials and Frassetto supporters, whose numbers include Ed Disgrace, outed by this blog as a troll many years ago. Disgrace seated himself directly behind me and spent much of the morning disparaging me in loud whispers. He continued even as other Frassetto supporters asked him to tone it down. 

He kept his voice low enough so the judge did not hear him. He also whispered insults at each school district witness.


  1. Believe it or not, Ed was a nice guy before he got involved in politics.

  2. Ed is ready for Hilary.

  3. He worries me. I feel like his behavior and rhetoric is just worsening with time, and I believe he may be dangerous. Please be safe.

  4. Interesting...BO behavior and rhetoric is just worsening with time, and I believe he may be dangerous

  5. IMO both Frassetto and Ed are idiots.

  6. Interesting...2:17 PM behavior and rhetoric is just annoying as always, and I believe it is a troll

  7. Typical and expected modus operandi. Isolate, intimidate, marginalize, and so on. It is right out of the playbook. Many union thugs operate the exact same way. Look at some of the recent cases in Philly for examples. That's all they know bc their ideas suck.
    Just wait for the dem national convention . Permits have been issued. One permit will allow 40000 plus people to march through the city. If you think that is going to be peaceful, think again.
    You can bet the DNC and Wolf will avoid calling up the National Guard despite early requests to have them on stand by . They are more worried about optics as opposed to safety.

  8. The behavior at the DNC convention in Filthydelphia will be the final jumpstart needed to catapult Donald J. Trump into the tarnished but still serviceable "White" House. Those who forget the past (i.e., 1968) are doomed to repeat it....

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Can somebody explain how is it that the schools allowed juveniles to just walk out of school. Is the school not charged with the children's safety once they are accounted for upon reporting for school up until they are dismissed for the day? Who would be to blame if one of the children was hurt or worse during this "protest"?

  11. All kidding aside, I'd keep my distance from DeGrace, he scares me a bit. If DeGrace ever acted out on his verbal antics, it could get ugly.

  12. You should delete the message @ 2:58 it's spam and will not let you close the window unless you kill the process.

  13. 2:58, Do not post spam links here, please.

  14. Just wanted to warn you and your readers that it was , indeed, spam.

  15. Well, thanks, bbut when you post the link here, you are just spreading it.

  16. You should have posted your famous Ed Disgrace close-up photo, that one is gold. Almost pee my pants in laughter every time I see it.

  17. Ed is all mouth no guts, he is twice my size and has gotten into my face many times. Got back in his face with matched aggression. He backs off.

    1. Same can be said for you. Your behavior at school board meetings was, to say the least, disturbing. To give it full credit would classify you as a bully....unless a male stood up to you. Then the audience saw you for what you really are.
      Joe P.

  18. I noticed that today. He is a bully, but like all bullies, backs off when someone stands up to him.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. 6:13/anonymous coward,

    A bully by your definition is anyone who stands up for the taxpayers. I am guilty of that. Neither would I allow false statements or smears to remain unchallenged. You guys can dish it out but you sure can't take it. By definition you are the cowards. You prove it by slandering anonymously. Typical and predictable.Why should anyone take you seriously?

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Coward Joe P, Your comments here will continue to have a short shelf life unless you say who you really are.

  23. I dont know much about this case but Karen Devine is a very good Magistrate. Maybe some of the Lehigh County Judges could take some notes on how to be fair and impartial.
    The LC Judges let the prosecutors run there courtroom and give ridiculous sentences out to keep the jail full. Alot of LCP is filled with the homeless and herione addicts. Time for a change

  24. He is a better man than you.


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